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What kind of a Woman or Mother are you?

Oyelami B O
Christ must above all things become our own and we become His, before we can do good works.
Martin Luther

I was born into a family of eleven with nine children and in those days people give birth to plenty children. I grow up to know my mother to be a woman who loved God and her children so much. She cannot afford not to go to church in a day except if she is sick. Whenever she cooks food she will not eat until all her children and husband eat and satisfied. Most mothers of today will eat and satisfied before remembering their husband or children. Other women cannot spare time to go to Church to serve God during weekdays except on Sundays because of their businesses. Today, the world has turned upside down; the civilization story had it that man started his sojourn on earth nicked and later started to the use animal skins as cloths. He graduated from the use of skins to the use of leaves and cloths to cover his nakedness. In those days ladies used to wear what was then called magzy-a kind of long skirt which often sweep the ground as they move around. This kind of cloth was also called Keep Lagos clean. It is sad to note that these days our young ladies have reinvented the civilization. They wear all kind of cloths from semi-nudity to fully-nudity. There is cloth evolution (transition) move from magzies to skirts that cover the knees to micro-skirts that can only cover the most sensitive part of a woman if there is no breeze. Some even wear what I will call paint exposing God given treasure in women for all to see. Some ladies even use braziers in which only the nipples are covered and remaining ninety percent of their breasts exposed without shame. Furthermore, another vogue of the day among ladies is wearing of trousers like western women forgetting the fact that their physiques are completely different from western women. Some ladies have recreated themselves completely different from the way God created them. God created black ladies with short hairs and ebony black skins but some ladies had attached donkey hairs to hairs. Some bleached their skins so much that they smell like open sewage pipe or open grave. To be honest, these days, morality seems not have a place in our society among most ladies both married and singles. What kind of mothers will our modern ladies become? This a million naira question every woman needs to ask herself. The Bible said in Genesis 1:31: God saw all that He had made, and it was very good From this every human beings including ladies who considered they are not beautiful enough were created by God to be beautiful and good looking .But why are they recreating themselves? The purpose of creating a woman was to be a helper to man in raising Godly and God-fearing children so that the population of kingdom of darkness would be reduce to zero. Moreover, make impartation in the lives of their children to make them to be useful and responsible citizens and to profit the kingdom of God.,Feb. 2009
Most great men in life including great men of God were great by inducement from their mothers. The psychologies said greatness is induced at the early stage of life and children at this stage are found of their mothers than their fathers. Let us look at the scripture to see some women of favour and faith whose maternity have affected many generations: Mary the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ We start with Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. A woman the Bible described to be a virgin and full of valour and God choose her to be the earthly mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. She played a major role for her son the Lord Jesus Christ to realize his Ministry and that of His half-brother James. Apostles James and John we will recall were nicknamed Sons of Thunder because they attached importance to things of kingdom so much. The Bible did not say much on Joseph the earthly father of our Lord Jesus after His Ministry started but much was said about Mary even after the resurrection of Christ. This mother, I belief played major part in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ to be established. Hannah the mother of Prophet Samuel and the Judge in the land of Israel Hannah who was barren prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore (1 Samuel 1:10) and even in verse 11 of the same chapter vowed a vow, and said O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid and give me a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life ,and there shall no razor come upon his head God answered her prayer and she conceived and gave birth to Samuel. Hannah was a woman of promise she indeed gave Samuel back to Lord with heart full of praises. In 1Samuel 2:2 she sang as song which is a popular chorus There is none holy as Lord: For there is none beside thee; neither is there any rock like our GodMany women today would vowed to the Lord and never redeem it but rather make excuses. The Bible said Samuel grew up in the house of Eli the high priest to be incorruptible person unlike the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas.To confirm that he was an honest priest and judge here are some questions the Samuel asked the people Behold, here I am; witness against me before the Lord, and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass has I have taken? Or whom have I defrauded or oppressed? Or whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith? And I will restore it to you in verse 4 the congregation said thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken ought of any mans handKJV. There are many mothers who would encourage their children to be corrupt so as to have money. If only God can bless Nigerian women with children like Prophet Samuel then the nation will be the greatest nation on earth. There are mothers in scripture whose lives are worthy of emulation by modern time mothers further example are: Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist who had great influence on her sons life and his Ministry. Rehab and Mary Magdalene were prostitutes and demon possessed but repented of,Feb. 2009
their sins and had contributed to Christianity Faith. Most ladies today are not better than Rehab and Magdalene but attached little importance to things of kingdom of God. The Samsons mother is another spectacular mother who was barren too but the angel of God brought message of good tidings to her that she would give birth to a son. No razor may be used on his head, because the boy is to be a Nazirite, set apart by God from birth, and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hand of philistines (Judges 13:5) .But the birth will be on the conditions that she must not drink wine or alcohols or eat unclean food (Judges 13:13).This woman obeyed the word of God and Samson was given birth to. Some women are careless and cannot control what eat and drink and would disobey Gods commandment by drinking wine or perhaps eat what God called unclean food. Fanny Crosby is a woman of this modern time who has ever lived on earth. She was blind and composed several songs many of which are in the Christian hymns book. She wrote over 8000 hymns amongst is the Blessed Assurance. She said about her blindness, "The first face ever to gladden my sight will be when I get to heaven and behold the face of the One who died for me. . . . I verily believe that God intended that I should live my days in physical darkness so that I might be better prepared to sing His praise and lead others from spiritual darkness into eternal light. With sight I would have been too distracted to have written thousands of hymns." There are many sisters in the world today with two eyes that are only good in gossiping and some of them have succeeded to spread more two million gossips! They are never tired of spreading more! Our mother of Faith Sarah is a woman modern mothers need to emulate. Sarah called her husband, Abraham My lord. Many mothers called their husbands by names and some of them are even disrespectful to them especially whenever there is no money in the husband hand. Some believed in Ephesians 5:22 that a husband is the head of wife. But said a wife is the neck of the husband. Some necks overturned the heads so much that the heads are uncomfortable that heads are regretting why God joined them to the necks. Some women especially highly placed ones in the Church displayed Holier -Than Thou attitude to their husbands and children and as a result their homes are uncomfortable for their husband and children. If you are a woman who falls into this category you better repent and God will have mercy upon your soul. We can go and on to mention some things that soil good motherhood and examples of good mothers in scripture the list is inexhaustible. Our prayer is that God will help our women to be good mothers who will raise Godly children and maintain Godly homes and society. We recommend that our women should read and meditate on 1 Timothy 2:9-10: I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive cloths, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God NIV. May the Lord help us to obey His words in Jesus might name, Amen. For more messages visit:

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