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Hall Ticket No. [| | Question Paper Code: A1503 CMR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) B.Tech Ill Semester Regular Examinations November & December- 2015 (Regulation: CMRCET-R14) Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (CSE) > Date:30.11.2015, Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:70 PART-A Answer all TEN questions (Compulsory) Each question carries TWO marks. 1. Write an equivalent formula for P(Q¢R)V(R@P) which does not contain the bi conditional Determine whether the conclusion ‘C’ follows logically from the premises HI and H2 Hi:P>Q H2: ~(P*Q) c 3. Show that Every Distributive lattice is modular. 4, Prove that every element in a group is its own inverse, then the group is an abelian group. 5. How many ways are there to place 20 identical balls into 6 different boxes in which exactly Two boxes are empty 6. Prove that 2npy=2"[1.3.5. 2n-1)] 7. Find a recurrence relation and give initial conditions for the number of bit strings of length ‘n” that do not contain the pattern 11 8. Find the generating function of the sequence 3,-3, 9. Suppose all vertices in a graph have odd degree *K’ a multiple of *K* 10, Show that K3.3 Bipartite graph is non-planar. (P.7.0) PART-B Answer any FIVE questions. One question from each unit either A or B (Compulsory) Each question carries TEN Marks. 5x10=50M 11.A) Prove the following compound proposition using i) With truth tables ii) Without truth table ~P2QHUP-Q)V(-P*Q) (OR) q B) Show by indirect method of proof that the premises P>Q.Q>R,S>~R and P'S are inconsistent. 12.A)i, IFEAB and g:B>C are invertible(inversible) functions, then Prove that gof:A>C is also inversible (gofy'=f'og™. {6M} ~ ii, Show that lattice(z' <) is distributive. [4M] (OR) ; oo. B) Show that (M, -) is an abelian group where M= { A.A’,A’,A") with A= and is group a ordinary matrix multiplication. Also prove that (M.) is isomorphic to the abelian group (G,-) where G={1-Li-i} 13.A) Find the number of integers between 1 and 10,000 inclusive, which are divisible by none of 5.6 or 8. (OR) B) State and prove Pascal’ identity and give its logical reason. ~ 14.A) Solve the RR aq2-8aqs1+16a,= 8(5") + 6(4") where n20, ag=12, ay=5 (OR) B) Derive the formula for the sum of the cubes of the first 'n' natural numbers using a recurrence relation. 15.A) i. State and prove Euler's Theorem in Planar graphs [5M] ii, Prove that a connected graph 'G' is a Eulerian iff each vertex of'G’ has even degree.[5M] (OR) B) Find the spanning tree using BFS, DFS to the following graph.

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