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Hall Ticket No. eee! Question Paper Code: A1503 CMR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (AUTONOMOUS) B.Tech Ill Semester Supplementary Examinations NOV/DEC- 2016 (Regulation: CMRCET-R14) MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (CSE) Date:23.11.2016 AN Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:70 PART-A Answer all TEN questions (Compulsory) Each question carries TWO marks. 10x2=20M 1. Show that the formula Q V (P*~Q) v (-P *~Q) is a tautology 2, Show that 3x M(x) follows logically from the premises Vx( H(x) >M(x)) and 3x H(x). 3. Show that the multiplication function * given by f(x,y)=x * y is primitive recursive. 4, Prove that the intersection of two sub monoids of a monoid is a monoid. 5. How many numbers greater than a million can be formed with the digits 1,7,1,0,7,3,72 6. Show that at least 2 people out of 13 must have their birthday in the same month when they are assembled in a room. 7. Solve ay=ay.1*+ap.2, N>2 with initial conditions ag 8. Determine the discrete numeric function of the generating function G(x) = x/(1-x)(1-2x), 9, Define bipartite graph, planar graph, complete graph, regular graph with examples. 10. If 'G’ is a plane graph, then show that sum of degrees of the regions determined by G is 2|E|, where |E| is the no.of edges of PART-B ‘Answer any FIVE questions. One question from each unit either A or 8 (Compulsory) Each question carries TEN Marks. 5x10=50M 11) A. Find the principle disjunction normal form of P v (~P >(Q v (-Q R))) by constructing its truth table and without constructing truth table. (OR) B. i, Prove that premises P>R, QR, (P v Q) > R are consistent. [5M] ii, Prove that premises P v Q, ((P v Q) 2R),-R are inconsistent. [5M] (P.T.0) 12) A. Find all sub lattices of D2, that contains at least five elements. Give examples of posets which are not sub lattices with respect to Das (oR) B. Let v= 1+V3i/ 2 and Ag= {1,v,v4,v',v4.v°} then [5M+3M+2M] i) Show that (Ag) is a group ii) is (Ag, is cyclic. If so name each generator of G. iii) is (Ag) is abelian. 13) A. State and prove Pigeonhole principle with example. (OR) B. i) If Np,= 240 and Ne=120 then find the value of ‘n’ and ‘r’. ii) If 2n+ 1Pp.1: 2n-1P,= 3:5 find the value of n 14) A. The population of Mumbai city is 6,000,000 at the end of the year 2000. The number of immigrants is 20,000n at the end of year n, The population of the city increases at the rate of 5% per year. Use recurrence relation to determine the population of the city at the end of 2010, (OR) B. Solve the recurrence relation ps2 @ys1-28 15) A. i) Draw the geometrical representation of the dual of the following graph. [6M+4M] vy x2. v6 vs v4. ii) Prove that a graph with more than two odd degree vertices is not traversable. (OR) B. i) Give an example of two non-isomorphie graph of order “6” and size “6” with degree sequence(2,2,2,2,2,2) [5M] ii) Prove that Cs is the only cycle graph isomorphic to its complement, [5M]

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