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YouI Partner for success

Quant Assessment:4
MaxTime:40 min Max Marks:40 Date:
Name: Branch:

Simple Interest:

Q 1. What will be the simple interest on Rs. 80,000 atL6(2/gl% per annum for 9 months?
d. 11,000
Q 2, Find the simple interest on Rs. 5000 at 6% per annum for the period from Sth Feb to 19th April,
a. Rs.40
b. Rs.50
c. Rs. 60
d. Rs.70
Q 3. Suresh borrows Rs. 10,000 for 2 years at 4 o/o p.a. simple interest. He lends it to Ramesh at 6 % p.a.
for 2 years. Find his gain in this transaction per year.

a. Rs. 150
b. Rs.200
c. Rs.400
d. Rs.450
Q4. At what rate percent per annum will sum of money double in 20 years?
Q 5. John took a loan of Rs. 1500 with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. lf he paid
Rs. 540 as interest at the end of loan period, what was the rate of interest?
a.2% .

d.6 0/o

lg.rra111< t$l 1 l(te,


Q 6' A sum of Rs' 12,000 amounts to Rs. 15,000 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. Find the rate of
d.5 o/o

Q 7' Nikh'l borrowed some money at the rate of interest 5

% p.a.for first 2 years, g % p.a.for next 5
years and 10 % p.a. for a period beyond
7 years. lf he pays total interest of Rs. ggg0 at the end of 10
years, then find the money Nikhil
a. Rs.40,000
b. Rs.35,000
c. Rs.25,000
d. Rs. 10,000
Q 8' A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate
for 2 years. Had it been put at 2 o/o higherrate, it
would have fetched Rs. 40O more. Find the sum.
c. 10000
Q 9' The s'l' on a certain sum of money for 4 years at 75 % per annum
is Rs. 1g0 more than s.l. on same
sum for 5 years atlO% per annum. Find the
a. 1000
b. 1200
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n of a city increases 5 % annually but decreasesby %% due to emigration. Find the

in 3 years.
c. L3,25%

q Find the compound interest on Rs. 5000 for 9 months at 5% per annum, if the interest is reckoned

a. 218.98
b. Rs 228.39
c. 250.69
d. Rs 3s6.50
q Find the compound interest on Rs. 20,000 in 2 years at 4 % per annum, the interest
bei compounded half-yea rly.
a. 1648.64
b. 1596.32
c. 74826.56
d. Rs 11563.99
Ql4. nd compound interest on Rs. 8500 at 4% per annum for 2 years, compounded annually.
a. 752.6
b. 693.6
c. 553.6
d. 593.6
a A amount of Rs. 500 amounts to Rs. 583.20 in two years if compounded annually. Find the rate of
fer annum.
a. 5.
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Q 15. A certain sum amounts to Rs. 7000 in 2 years and to Rs. 8000 in 3 years. Find the sum. \
a. Rs. 6959.37
b. Rs.6459.37
c. Rs. 5359.3 7
d. Rs.5759.37
q 17. A sum of money doubles itself at compound interest in 10 years.
ln how many years will it be eight
' times?
a. 30 years
b. 28 years I

c. 25 years
d. 22.5 years

Q 18. The difference between C.l. and S.l. on a certain sum at ta% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 530. Find
the sum.
Q 19. The difference between C.l. and S.l. accrued on an amount of Rs. 20,000 in 2 years was Rs.
Find the rate of interest per annum.

c. L4o/o


Q20. The compound interest on a certain sum at 5O/3o/ofor 3 years is Rs. 127. Find simple interest on
same sum for same period and rate.

a. Rs.205

b. Rs. 175

c. Rs. 152

d. Rs. 108
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Ases Problems:
Q 21. What is John's present age, if after 10 years his age will be 5 times his age 5 years back.
a. 6.2 years
b. 7.7 years
c. 8.7 years
d. 10 years
Q 22. Rahul is 15 years elder than Rohan. lf 5 years ago, Rahul was 3 times as old as Rohan, then find
Rahul's present age.
a. 32.5 years
b. 27.5 years
c. 25 years
d. 24.9 years
Q 23. One year agq ratio of Harry and Peter age's was 5 : 6 respectively. After 4 years, this ratio
becomes 6 : 7. How old is peter?
a. 25 years
b. 26 years
c. 31 years
d. 35 years
Q 24. Age of mother 10 years ago was 3 times the age of her son. After 10 years, mothe/s age will be
twice that of his son. Find the ratio of their present ages.
b.9 :5
c.7 :4
Q25. Sharad is 60 years old and Santosh is 80 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages
a. 10 years
b. 15 years
c. 20 years
d. 25 years

Q 26. The ratio of Rohan's age 4 years ago and Rahul's age after 4 years is 1 : 1. lf at present, the ratio of
their agls is 5 : 3, then find the ratio between Rohan's age 4 years hence and Rahul's age 4 years ago.
c.4 :3
q 27' 5 years ago'
siste/s age was 5 times the age
of her brother and the sum of present
and brother is 34 years. ages of sister
what wi, be the age of her brother
after 6 years?
a. 12 years
b. 13.5 years
c. 15 years
d. 20 years

Q 28' Father is 3 times more aged

than his daughter. rf after 5 years,
he wourd be 3 times of daughter,s
age' then further after years,
5 how many times he would be
of his daughter,s age?
a. 1(%) times
b. 2 times
' c. 2.5 times

d. 3 times

Problems on Trains:

q 29' A train of length 250 rn

runs at a speed of 70 km/hr. what wiil be the time
stationary object standing taken to cross any
at the railway station?
a. 20 sec

b. 17.23 sec

c. 12.8G sec

d. 9.5 sec

Q 30' A train takes 10 sec to pass a signal post and covers

a distance of 10 km in rs min. Find the rength
of train?

a. 100.1m

b. 223.1m

c. 111.1m

d. 120.3 m

Q 31' Chandigarh express of

100 m runs at a speed of
60 km/hr. what will be the time taken to
platform of cross a
$0 meters tong?
a. 11.00 sec

b. 12.50 sec

c. 15.00 sec

d. 15.23 sec
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q 32. A train running at 50 km/hr, passes a man walking on the platform at7 km/hr in same direction as
that oftrain in 15 sec' lfthis train takes 30 seconds to cross the platform then find the
length oftrain (11)
and length of platform (12)?

a. Lr =179.1 lTl, L2 = 237,3 m

b. L, = 150.5 m, Lz = 300 m
c. L1 = 117.3 tr], L2 = t79.L m
d. L, = 300 m, Lz = 150.5 m
Q33' The Chennai Express of 200 m runs at a speed of 52 km/hr and a person runs on the platform
at a
speed of 20 km/hr in the direction opposite to that of train. Find the
time taken by the train to cross the
running person?
a. 8.77 sec

b. 9.77 sec

c. L2.77 sec

d. 13.00 sec
q 34' A boy runs opposite to that of train at a speed of 20 km/hr. lf the relative speed between train a nd
the boy running in opposite direction is 50 km/hr. What is the length of train, if it takes 20 seconds to
cross the boy, when he is at rest?

a. 159.1m

b.160.23 m
c. 166.6 m

d. 154.12 m

Q 35' A boy runs on the platform of 180 m at a speed of 10 kmlhr in the same direction of the train. Find
the time taken by the train to cross the running boy if speed of the train is 71 km/hr? (Length
of train =
Length of platform)

a. 10 sec

b. 10.61 sec

c. 11.23 sec

d. 12 s6c
Your Pqrtner for success

q 36' A person is watking at a speed

of 5 km/hr along a railway track. tf he is 200 m ahead
of the train
which is 100 m long and runs at a speed
of 60 km/hr in same direction, then what is the time required
pass the person?

a. 19.64 sec

b. 15.19 sec

c.3.2 min
d.5 min
Q 37' Two trains A and B of 150 m and 300 m, run
at speed of 65 km/hr and g0 km/hr respectively, in
the direction opposite direction to each other.
Find the time required to cross each other after
moment they met?
a. 10 sec

b. 11.17 sec
,:' c. 12.30 sec

d. 13.t1sec
q 38' A passenger train of 200
m runs at a speed of 55 km/hr. A person traveling in
it observes that the
goods train moving in opposite
direction takes 10 seconds to cross him. Find the speed
of the goods
train, if it is 250 m long.
a.30.23 km/hr
b.29.73 km/hr
c.42.7! km/hr
d. 55 km/hr

Q 39' Two trains P and Q move in same direction

with a speed of g5 km/hr and 70 km/hr respectively. lf
train P is 120 m long and train Q is 240 m, then
find taken by train p to cross the train e?
a. 24 sec

b. 48 sec

c. 84.5 sec

d. 86.5 sec


Q 40' Two trains moving in same direction run at

a speed of 50 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively. lf a
man sitting in slow train is passed by the fast
train in 10 seconds, then what is the length of the faster
. train?
a.53.2 m
b.55.6 m
c. 150 m

d.200 m

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