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ADVANCED 01 Antonella Lizbeth Medina Núñez

Technology is the coordinated application of a set of knowledge and skills to

create a solution that allows human beings to satisfy their needs or solve their
problems. Technology has brought great benefits to humanity, its main role is to
create the improvement of tools and accessories that have been useful to simplify
the saving of time and labor effort, on the other hand it also influenced health, for
example thanks to the invention of vaccines today we can have a healthier life.
Well-used technology can improve people's quality of life, such as the
development of cleaner production methods. However, misused, it can cause
great harm to people and society.

Actually, technology is no longer important, it is necessary. The world became

dependent on her, but worse than that, addicted. Everything that surrounds us is
technology, from a watch, a calculator to cars, planes, the famous computers, etc.
Technology, with its pros and cons, has developed in a wonderful way and has
allowed life to be prolonged, the health system to be improved, and the methods
of production and distribution of different things such as the harvest of food,
clothing, etc. It has undoubtedly become a fundamental part of the functional
development of the country.

In addition to having positive aspects, technology has negative aspects such as

coming to depend on technological devices, which generates psychological
dependence, that is, evasion of problems, change of mood and loss of control. In
recent years, many accidents are caused by the indiscriminate use of technology
because people, especially adolescents and young people, violate current
regulations for the use of technological means. Likewise, technology is also
affecting the environment, polluting natural resources. uniquely these problems
are: the contamination of soil, water and the atmosphere; global warming,
depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain among others.

Finally, we have that technology is a great support in our day-to-day life and a
great indicator of progress for a society. However, this phenomenon, which is
developing more and more, encourages us to fall into abuse and excess, thus
putting our mental health at risk. Above all, we must not abuse the wonders of
technology and, above all, always preserve our integrity and our quality as human
beings, creators of a tool that, if not handled well, certainly harms us by creating a
negative impact. therefore, we must bear in mind that for technology not to harm
society, efforts must be made to prevent advances from being used to the
detriment of humanity.

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