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A life at our planet

The Netflix documentary ,,a life on our planet is about a man named David Attenborough who alerts
us of the destruction of habitats and the climate change caused by humans.
David Attenborough is a 93 years old man who has lived an very exiting life. He went to different
countries all over the world to explore the wildlife, culture and especially the nature while he
produced a lot of documentations for which he received different awards. That’s why he said about
himself, that he has had the most extraordinary life. Now he is committed to the environment and
gives speeches at climate conferences.
First when the documentary starts I thought it’s about Tschernobyl, because they first talked about
it. David says that this was an human fault. He also says that this is only one single event. The real
tragecy is happening all over the world when we lose all the wild places. The documentary shows his
career from the mid 50s when he started his career until now. While he is telling about the things he
has experienced when he visited different places all over the world he talked about the damage
caused by destroying the habitats from animals, clearing of the rainforest and high carbon levels.
Trough his traveling he had seen it with his own eyes. If we don’t change anything there will be a
nature disaster in about 100 years. The ice from the Arctic is going to melt and a lot of places will be
uninhabitable. But according to David we can prevent this. We should learn to live with the nature.
That means we shouldn’t clearing the forests to receive the diversity of species. The documentary
finishes with an appeal to us. We have the opportunity to restore our world again. All we need to do
is to do it.
The conclusion after watching this documentary is that our planet will be a hostile place when we
don’t change our lifestyle. I was very scared when I saw that it would only take a few years until our
planet will be uninhabitable at many places. The documentary showed me the reality and it made me
to change my awareness to the environment.

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