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TERM-1 9


Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Maximurn Marks 40

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Sample Paper 1,


(Section A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section.

The first attempted 20 questions would be evaluated)

What change in the colour of iron nails and

1. Barium chloride solution is mixed with 4 observed ofter
copper sulphate solution and a white copper sulphate solution is
keeping the iron nails dipped in copper
precipitate is obtained. Select the correct
sulphate solution for about 30 minutes?
(a) lt is a displacement reaction.
(a) Iron nails becomes brown in colour
(b) The white precipitate obtained is BaCO3. (b) Solution becomes Orange in colour
()The question representing the chemical
(c)Blue colour of solution dissappear
reaction is: () Both (a) and (e)

BaClz(ag) + CuSO4(0) BaSO4() 5. A reactive metal (M) is treated with dilute

CuClaaa) acid, H2S04 The gas evolved is collected
(d) It is a displacement and Precipitation over the water as shown in the

2. Why is hydrogen peroxide kept in coloured

() Because it vapourise in transparent
(b) Because it deconmpose into water and
oxygen in the light
C) Because it is toxic and keep it safe from
Which of the following statement
(d) Because it reacts with sunlight.
3. The surfaces of which of the (o) the gas is SO, and is lighter than air
metals are covered with a thin
layer of oxide (b) the gas is lighter than air
at ordinary temperature (C) the gas is hydrogen
0 Magnesium 01) Aluminium )Both(b) and (¢)
0I1) Zinc (IV) Sodium 6. Which of the following are not the
(o) Both () and (1) (b) Both (1) and (1I) of combination reactions?
0,0) and (U) (d) Only (V
() 2FeSO4 Fe0+So2+S03
00 Mgo H0 Mg(OH)2
Qi)4Al+ 302+2Al,0O3 ) Bacteria Saprophytic
OV)Zn+ HS04- ZnSO4+ Ha () Bread Mould Parasitic
()) and (ID (6) 0) and (U)
0 ) and (VM () Bread Mould Saprophytic
d) and )
7. On what basis is 12. The table below lists the organs or glands
a chemical equation of human digestive system in column l and
considered as balanced?
its function in column . Match the part
(a) Law of conservation of energy mentioned in columnl and correlate with its
(b) Law of conservation of atomic number function in column ll.
(Law of conservation of mass
ColumnI Column l
() Law of equilibrium
8. Consider the following statements about an ) Gastric gland (A)Secretes enzym-
es trypsin and
element X with number of protons 13:
() t forms amphoteric oxide
(I1) Liver (B) Site for complete
0) lts valency is three
(I) The formula of its chloride is XCl digestion
The correct statements (s) is/ are:
CU1) Pancreas C)Creates acidic
(a) only (0) (b) only (D medium
() ) and (I) () ),0) and (11)
(IV) Small intestines (D) Creates alkaline
Select the incorrect statement: When medium
Hydrochloric acid or acetic acid of same (a) ()-(C); () - (D); (I) - (B); (V) -(A)
concentration are taken,
(6) ()- (C): () - (B); (I) - (D); (V) -(A)
() pH of Hydrochloric acid =
pH of acetic
() 0 - (D): 0) - (©); (l) - (A); (V) -(B)
(d) 0)-(A); (0) - (P);(Ul) - (C: (V) - (B)
of acetic
() pH of Hydrochloric acid> pH
13. In the respiratory system, an extensive
1I1) pH of Hydrochloric acid < pH of acetic network of blood vessels is present in:
acid (a) Bronchioles (b) Alveoli
(IV)pH is not related to concentration of acid.
(b) Both () and (V)
) Trachea (d) Pharynx
(a) Only (U)
() Both (1) and (V) () 0, 0) and (V) 14. Select the incorrect statement:
(a) The arteries have thick, elastic walls
10. In the reaction, BeC + xH20 > yBe(OH); +
(b) The veins have thin walls
CH4 what will be the values of x and y.
() Veins have valves to ensure that blood
(a) x= 4, y =1
1, y = 2 flows in one direction only.
)X=2, y=1 (d)x= 4, y =2
(d) Arteries have valves to ensure that blood
11. Amit observed some greyish black spots on flows in one direction only.
a slice of stale bread as shown in figure.
15. The figure below shows the schematic
sectional view of the human heart with
labels () to (iv).
Grey spots Identify the correct labels with its functions.

Vena Cave
from upper
Based on the above observation, identify the Right Left
cause of the grey spots and their mode of atrium atrium
nutrition and select the correct combinations Vena Cave
from the table below: (from Lower

Cause of grey Mode of

body) Right
Option ventricle -Left
spots nutrition
(I)- ventricle
(a) Yeast Parasitic
(o) ()Pulmonary arteries
genated blood from heart Corries dea
to the ungs () OV)
(b)(1) Aorta Corries oxygenated blood
from the lungs to the the refroctive index of a transparent
20. nedium
heart is 1.2, then the speed of ight in that
(C) (01) Pulmonary veins- Carries oy medium will be
genated blood from the heat to vorioue
body parts (o) 0.5 X 10 m/s b) 1.2 X 10 m/s
(d) (V) Septa Valve present between the (c) 2.5 X 10 m/s (d) 3.6 X 10 m/s
four chombers of the heart 21. The sky oppear red instead of blue when
16. The (o) atmospheric portides scotter blue light
deoxygenated blood from the
parts comes to which chamber of the heart? more than red ight
(a) Left atrium (b) atmospheric particdes scotter all colour
(b) Right otrium equaliy
(C) Left ventricle (c) atmospheric particles scotter red light
() Right ventricle more tharn blue light
(d) the sun wos much hotter
17. A concave mirror forms a real
image equol
in size to the object. The position of object 22. tn order to find out the focal length of
and magnification will be auncove mirror, a student plotted the
following graph between the object distonce
Position of object Magrification (u) ard the inoge distance (v)
Grah between u and v
(a) C

(b) 4

18. Which of the following always produces a
virtual and diminished imoge of an object v (om)
for all positions of the object?
Concove Mirror
Convex Mirror
) Concave Lens
OVConvesx Lene
(a) Boch 0 and G)
Both 0 and 01)
(Bodh (00 and (1) After analysing the graph a student writes
( Bodh (0) and ( the following statements.
19, The roy dagram showe dhe refroction of 0 The image distonce decreases as the
ight as light paseea from air frefroctive indest object is brought closer to the principal
1.0003) to tarpentins (refiractive index 147) focus from infinity.
and then to water (refroctve index 1.33). ) The image distance increases as the
Four roys have been drawn labelled as , object is brought closer to the principal
00. O and ( ) focus from infinity.
(UD The image distance is equal to the object
distonce when object distance is 2f,
where f is the focal length of the mirror.
(V)The image distunce is equal to the object
furpentn distanct when object distance is f, where
fis the focal length of the mirror.
Choose from the following which of
Woter the following would be the correct
Solect the corroat path of ray os ligh (o) 0 and D (b) ) and )
through theve rmadie ()and0 () 00 and ()
ABC is placed in () (V)
23. A prism A narrow
orientation. Consider BC at base. flatterned s
near the
horizon appear
the prism as
of white ight is incident on 24. The sun
sunrise due t
shown in figure. In which of the
following the sunset and
cases, after dispersion,
the sixth colour from (a) Refraction
of the sun?
the top corresponds to the colour (b) Difraction

( ) Polarisation

7 (d) Total internal



from this section
20 questions
24 questions (S. No. 25 to 48) Attempt any
(Section B consists of would be evaluated)
first attempted 20 questions
25. Digestion of food represents:
(b) Decomposition reaction
(c) Combustion reaction
(d) Combination reaction
)CaSO,2H20 caso.o
below shows the
following in (d) CasouH0 Caso2,
26. The table Saliva
pH values
increasing order of their Milk of Magnesia,
Lemon juice, in NaO a r e
(before meal), 30. The ions present
Tap water. substances Anion
which has the Cation
Select the row
arranged in
Lemon juice ) 2Na
Saliva(before meal)<
(a) Tap water
<Milk of Magnesia< )
Saliva (before mea
(b) Lemon juice
water <
Milk of Magnesia C) 2pNa
< Tap
(before meal)
< Tap water
d) (Na1
(c) juice< Mik of Magnesia belaw
< Lemon
Saliva Two statements are given in the question
water < Read the
(d) Lemon juice
as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R)
Cbefore mea)<
Mik of Magnesia statements and choose the appropriate aptian
true, and R is the
metals will be (a) Both A and R are
Which of the following
solution of its salts by
27. explanation of A.
displaced from Ris not the carect
other three metals? (b) Both A and R are true, but
(b) Ag explanation of A.
(a) Mg
n (d) Cu (c)A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
28. Aqua regia is:
() conc. HCl and conc. HNO, (3: 1) 31. Assertion (A): The acid must always be
) conc. HNOg and conc. Hdl (3:1) added to water with constant
(c) HCl and HNO, (3:1) stiring
) Aqueous solution of HCl and HNOg
Reason (R Mixing of an acid with water
29. A compound X on heating at 373 K gives increases the concentration a
Y which is used for making chalk and for H ions per unit volume
plastering fractured bones. Y on mixing9
with water changes to X. 32. Assertion (A): Brown fumes are produced
Select the row containing the correct when lead nitrate is heated.
identification of Xand Y Reason (R Nitrogen dioide gas
is produced due to the
decomposition of lead niorate
as a by-product
Caso42H20o CoSO4 H0
33. Assertion (A): Bile is essential for
digestion The above diagram
of lipids.
(a) scattering of light in true solution
Reason (R Bile juice contains enzymes.
(b) scattering of light in colloidal solution
34. Assertion (A): A ray of light, incident () Tyndall effect
obliquely on a face of a (d) Both (b) and (c)
rectanguar glass slab placed
in air, emerges from the 40. An object AB is placed in front of a lens L
opposite face parallel to the as shown in the figure below:
incident ray.
Reason (R: Lateral displacement depends
on the angle of incidence,
thickness ofslab, and refractive F1 A
index of the material.
Select the row containing the correct nature
35. lonic compounds are solids and hard because
of lens, position of image and magnification
(a) of the strong force of attraction between
the positiveand negative ions produced
formed between metals and
(b) they are
Nature of Position of
non-metals Magnification
Lens image
(c) due to sharing of electrons
due to formation of strong hydrogen (a) Concave On the same 1
bonds between the compounds. lens side as lens

enzyme to mix with food in (b) Concave Between O<-1

36. Which is the first
the digestive system? lens and F1
(a) Trypsin (b) Pepsin (c) Convex lens Between O<+1
(c) Salivary amylase (d) HCL and F1
37. The carbohydrates which are not used
(d) Convex lens On the same +1
immediately by the organism are stored in side as lens
which form by plants and animals?
41. The figure below shows two stomatal pores
Plants Animals
labelled as A and B.
(a) Glycogen Glycogen
b) Glycerol Glycerol
Starch Glycerol
(d) Starch Glycogen
38. The most common chemical means to
break down molecules needed for various
molecular movements in organisms is:
(a) Combination reactions
6) Decomposition reactions
c) Oxidising-reducing reactions Guard cells
(d) Combustion reactions
39. Study the given diagram.

Stomatal pore

B edso
A Reason

Open Stomatal pore Guard cells swell Closed Stomatal pore Guard cells shrink
Guard cells swell
Open Stomatal pore Guard cells shrink Closed Stomatal pore
Guard cells swell
Guard cells shrink Open Stomatal pore
() Closed Stomatal pore
Guard cells shrink
(d) Closed Stomatal pore Guard cells swell Open Stomatal pore

42. Which of the following statements regarding Power of Focal length of

small intestines are not true? combination combination

() Length of small intestines is different in

+10 cm
different organisms. (a) +10D
() Small intestines is the site for complete (b) - 10D - 10 cm
digestion of proteins and fats only.
- 20 cm
1U) Herbivores have smaller small intestines.
- 10 cm
(IV)Herbivores have longer small intestines. (d) -5D
(a) Both () and ()
45. An object is placed atthe 35 cm distance
(b) Both () and (I)
from a concave mirror of local length 15 cm.
(c)0, a) and (IV)
What is the nature of the image formed??
(d) (0), (u) and (V)
(a) real, inverted, enlarged
in length which is
43. Consider an object 7.0 cm
(b) real, inverted, diminished
at a distance of 20 cm in front of a
convex mirror of radius of curvature 30 cm.
(c)virtual, erect, diminished
formed is: (d) Virtual, erect, same size
The size and position of image
of -3 cm, position of image
(a) size =
46. Which of the following represent the
60 relationship between object distance ()
c image distance () and focal length (), for a
(b) size of image = +3 cm, position of image concave lens?
= cm (a)
( V 1 =1-1
(c) size of image = +3 cm, position of image

(d)size ofimage = -3 cm, position of image 47. Study the following diagram showing
refraction of light by a glass prism
44. Two lenses Ly and La having focal length 20
cm and -10 cm respectively are placed in
contact as shown in the figure.
Whkch of the engles hne o t

ted futtl (otgth f tie

the mewer
48. Metal oxides of Mg,
Al, Cu and
reacted with the following metals. Ca were
Oxide Mg Al Cu Ca
Select the incorrect
observations: (U) Cuo
Oxide of CaO XX
Metal Mg Al Cu Ca (V)
(a) Both () and ()
() Mgo X x (6) Both (0 and (l)
(1) AlO3 X X (c) Both () and (1)
(d) Both (1) and (V)

consists of three Cases followed by questions. There are a total of
guestions this
in section. Attempt any 10 questions from this section
The first attempted 10 questions would be evaluated)

Q. 49 to 52 are based on Case Study-1 (o) HClaa) (b) CO2(a)

Case 1: The acids are sour in taste while bases
are bitter in taste. () KOHag) (d) H2$O4(0q)
However, tasting a substance is
not a good way of 52. Which of the following statement(s) is
finding out if it is an acid or a
base. Acids and bases are incorrect w.rt. the litmus paper?
distinguished with the
help of indicators, Indicators are the substances () In acidic solution, blue litmus paper
that undergo a change of colour with a
change turnedred.
of nature of solution, ie, acidic, neutral or basic (b) In neutral solution, no colour change is
medium. Most of these indicators are derived from
natural substances such as extracts is from flower
petals. Some indicators are prepared artificially. For (c) It is a most commonly used indicator
example, methyl orange and phenolphthalein. ()Litmus solution is a yellow dye, which is
extracted from the plant.
Indicator Colour at pH = 7
Q.53 to 56 are based on Case Study-2
Red cabbage purple
Case 2: During the process of nutrition food
Red onion water violet obtained is used in cells to provide energy for
Turmeric water various life processes Diverse organisms perform
different processes some use oxygen to break-
Phenolphthalein colourless down the food material completely, some use other
pathways that do not involve oxygen. In all cases,
Bromothymol blue green the first step is the break-down offood material
Red litmus red takes places in the cytoplasm further, the
of breakdown food may be converted
Blue litmus blue into ethanol
and carbon dioxide. Breakdown of food
Universal indicator green product
using oxygen takes places in the mitochondria.
49. When methyl orange is added to an acid the 53. Study the given graph
colour changes to
representing the
blood test reports of a racer
just before and
(a) pinkish red (b) blue after a Match.
(d) yellow 124
50. Which solution will change blue litmus to

(o) NaOHo (b) NH,OHa
(c) KCla) () HsO4o
51. Which of the following solution will turn 30
phenolphthalein pink? imesin seconds 60
Choose the correct combination of plots 1001 KCosbohydr aas + lortou productor)
Trgymiden (no loctute produchor)
provided in the following table.

Section of Concentration Type of

race of lactic acid respiration
(a) A-B Changing
(spirit high to low
start) anaerobic
to aerobic
(b) B-C High to low Anaerobic 60 100
main 0s mesured vio %VO, moy
speed) During sleeping intensity of exercise.
(a)the anaerobic consumption of sugar
(c)C-D High Aerobic increases
(sprint (b) the aerobíc consumption of sugar
finish) increases
(d) D-E Low Aerobic (c) the anaerobic consumption of sugars
just decreases
after (4)no consumption of sugars takes place
56. Which of the following statement are true
finishing) about energy released during cellular
54. Swimmers suffers from muscle cramps due respiration?
to: (D tis used immediately to synthesise ADP.
() conversion of pyruvate to ethanol (1) t is used to fuel all other activities in the
(b) conversion of pyruvate to glucose (1) ADP is the energy currency for most
(C) non-conversion of glucose to pyruvate cellular processes.
(d) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid. (V)An ADP molecule is formed
from ATP
and inorganic phosphate.
55. The given graph represent the effect (a) () and (1) only
of exercise intensity on carbohydrate (b) () only
consumption. ) . 1) and (I) only
Q. 57 to 60 are based on Case Study-3 (d) 0, () and (V) only
Case 3: An an example, the first row of table
shows a completed set of data
S. No. Type of Radius of
Focal Object
curvature length Image
distance Distance Real Magnification
- 45 cm Inverted
50.0 cm - 5.0 cm
Concave - 20.0 cm
57. What is radius +40.0 cm +0.84
of curvature for
mirror in row ll: a concave
(a) - 40 cm (a) Convex lens
(b) 20 cm (c) Concave lens (b) Concave mirror
() + 10 cm d) both (a) and
58. Which (d) +40 cm 60. Which (b)
type of mirror is in row
type of mirror
during shaving beard? is used by
sed barber
(a) Plane by barber
(b) Concave (o) Convex
C)Convex (d) Spherical b) Concave
59. Which of (c)Plane
the (d) both (a) and
images? following produces a virtual (c)

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