Proportions of Other Structures And, Afterwards, Is Very: Important To Do A Concrete

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Experience of advanced countries proved many times he can not get out of crisis and can not remove

effects of the economic crisis, without major technological changes, no improvements to the production, without upgrading products and systems and marketing, in general, without adjustment of economic structures to the requirements of new markets and raw materials markets. If we consider the gap Romania from other eveloped countries, regarding the development and technology, it is obvious that the task on the change and modernization of the structures is larger and more difficult for our country, but fully achievable. But should be a prerequisite: to accompany the material and human effort required in its development of a greater concern and support on the promotion of the new economic mechanism, to accompany and support the policy of adjusting economic structures, based on the criterion of economic efficiency and evaluated according to the real possibilities of the national economy and developments in the global economy. For economy of our country, stand, today, the problem of profound structural changes and high tension: faster development of agriculture, in order to increase production of agricultural raw materials for industry, improving the structure of industries, especially through the development of industries with low energy consumption, with products of high value, etc.., introduction of new technologies and new products with superior performance, to reduce consumption of energy resources and raw materials, poor, to contribute to raising labor productivity and have greater reliability of operation.Changing certain structures will lead, necessarily, to the change in different proportions of other structures and, afterwards, is very important to do a concrete and correlated analysis of structures, all elements componnte of change and transformation, to taking into account the whole complex in their decision on the acts of economic structures. Evolution of the Romanian economy in the period 1989-1991 was dominated by the existence of a pronounced economic decline, which will originate in the fundamental imbalances from the period of extensiv development, in adverse effects generated, inevitably,by the change of ownership relations in the economy and the impact of international situation on domestic factors.Thus, early transition, the two basic branches of national economy, industry and agriculture, were struggling between the need for survival on the one hand, and special requirements involved in a market economy, on the other. General economic structure is characterized by a heavy industry in large proportions, with a high degree of concentration and high energy consumption technologies , while agriculture and services were poorly developed. In Romania, privatization restrictions affected more than the privatization process in comparison with other countries in transition, so gradualismul led to low efficiency. Poor internal capitalization, lack of experts and specific infrastructure, the creation and management of institutions to manage that process, insufficient support from the company and reduced external financial assistance were still so many brakes to boost the transfer of state property in private ownership. The concept of privatization should not be understood as a simple administrative act,political but as a base for the formation of a free market economy through the establishment of a property in which private property share to grow, while reducing the share of state property.

Privatization process is important from at least three reasons: stimulate the restructuring process, the disciplines of firms (countries impose constraints on the firms, there may be transfer of know-how, etc..), require the precise determination of property rights and corporate governance efficiently. From a political point of view,

privatization is to create a new capitalist class and entrepreneurs. The goal is to repair and morals to those who were behind the damage process of nationalization of property by transferring the assets in the state law. Another aspect of privatization is in fact the money obtained from the implementation of property to be used in the form of investment to produce value added. At the same time, the total elimination of property in the case
of state enterprises that function normally, is not a rescue solution for developing a balanced economy. In this case, is important that corporate management of state property to be more effective. Most sectors of economic and social life have recorded significant changes whose effects are not fully known and controlled. Agriculture has been completely transformed in terms of ownership structure on earth, but were recorded in the small progress on the modernization of productive activities and training of new farmers. Another key issue of agricultural development is to increase labor productivity. Romania is the only country from the ex-socialist in employment in agriculture has increased after 1989, reaching 40% of total employment in 1990, and labor productuivitatea has decreased substantially. Only since 2001 we witnesse a slight reduction in the number of population employed in agriculture; this trend was going on and reached 29.6% in 2006. In addition to employment of Romanian agriculture is characterized by an aging emphasis on the background of significant migration of young people and women from rural to urban or even outside the country, despite attempts by various government policies to encourage establishment of young farmers in rural areas. In addition, for a period long enough agriculture played the role of an "social sponge" who absorbs the surplus of labor from industries uncompetitive. The industrial sector has decreased rapidly in the early years of the past decade, after which followed a short time to return to the interval, reaching the highest level in 1996. After that time, the industrial sector decreased continuously until the end of 2000, when began a new period of slight increase, feature of the last years. Heavy industry, mostly developed during the communist period, based on Western technologies obsolete and a high rate of exploitation of raw materials or even on expensive imports of raw materials, was the first who suffered after 1989. In the light of considerations outlined above, in order to appreciate the productive potential recovery in the national economy up until now and overcome adverse situations, it would be useful structuring industrial strategy on four major parts: selective restructuring and specialization of the Romanian industry (now focused after some feedback, in proportion of over 80% of the production of goods that are low and medium processeeed) on comparative advantage criteria; realizing a high index of structural changes, specific to other countries like Romania in terms of available resources, which would lead to adaptation of national industry to the demands of a free market economy, allowing them reintegration in terms of increased efficiency in the international division of labor; development of industries with significant share in the economy on the recovery of useful substances from the polluting waste and

manufacturing residues ; reassessment of economic behavior and driving adoption of an asset, to capitalize on both opportunities created by structural adjustment policies promoted in the branch, as well as your own. Data provided by the Institute of Statistics reveals dramatic changes in the population structure. This has decreased continuously since 1991. The main factors which led to decrease population was negative population growth, a result of a low birth rate, but also external migration. The number of population in age registered a constant growth, in the rural regions the aging phenomenon beeing impressive. Strengthening the capacity of the Romanian service sector to generate foreign flows through the development of patterns of specialization in those branches of services in which Romania has comparative advantage and, respectively, which may create these benefits in perspective, can not be conceived without a conscious and sustained process of modernizing the entire infrastructure services as indispensable prerequisite to creating an efficient economy. In an immediate perspective, the relative endowment with factors that Romania has offer a potential base for the development of categories and subcategories of competitive internationally services . Geographical and geopolitical situation favorably, near Western Europe, the Danube and Black Sea, with the endowment of natural riches and a labor relatively cheap and relatively well qualified represents the comparative advantages for development of transport (sea, river, road) and tourism . Romania could specialize, also, in providing services to consumers, for example: health care services, services related to education and training, services related to spending free time, services for pensioners. Comparative advantages in providing services to consumers derives from the following factors: close physical proximity to Western Europe and default easy access of Western consumer to service providers in Romania; existence of a considerable demand from Western Europe for this category of services; lower level of wages and life cost compared with countries from this region. Also, Romania could specialize, whereas she has the staff able to provide intensive inputs of knowledge and information from the life of business such as software, data processing, industrial design services, services related to research in industry and engineering services. Many business services involve lower investments of capital, and modern recipes of communications allow these services to be marketable. Choosing solutions for economic development of different areas, including of the most convenient types of economic structure, are conditioned on the one hand by the available amount and investment efficiency, on the other hand, deal with the territorial structure of the labor resources available to the economy. It was developed a "Green Paper" of regional development that identifies the situation, establishes objectives, proposes a series of tools for implementation and outlines a sequence of future development of this policy. There is a law on regional development, with all its little imperfections now provide the legal framework for a concrete approching on regional development policy. In terms of sectoral structure of value added, Romania has followed a similar trend with the CEE countries - the share of industry and agriculture in GDP declined, while the service sector has become the most important source of income. Structural convergence of the savings of the new EU members is positively influenced by increasing the share of services sector and negative by an contribution relatively large of the industry, commerce and transport; agriculture by reducing the contribution to GDP in these countries, support the structural adjustment. Structural changes in the economy are accompanied by a

reduction of employment in agriculture and increase in the services sector; this trend remains after EU accession, beliving that in the next ten years the number of those who will move to tertiary sector will be 10% of the employed population. Although Romania is far from the last stadium of economic development, namely that based on innovation, though its not insignificant the germs analysis of such economy. This because studies confirm the high importance of activity of research and development who leads to innovation, up against capital accumulation or labor force. Economic science shows that sustainable growth can not be achieved only through investment and ensuring macroeconomic stability in the environment if they are coupled with technical progress, which increase the amount of capital and labor. Therefore, the change from resources exploitation to exploitation of knowledge represents the testing stone of the jump from competition based on the cost to one based on final value. Stimulating innovation, research activities and development, is therefore, a tool of the jump to other trajectories of growth of the Romanian economy. The glabale competitiveness index for Romania increased to 3.85 in 2004, fell to 3.67 in 2005, increasing to 3.97 in 2007. Position in the ranking of competitiveness (place 67 in 2005, place 68 in 2006 and place 74 in 2007) is explained mainly by the precarious quality of institutions (business environment, the perception of corruption), the relatively low access to technology and low innovation capacity of the economy. Position in the ranking of competitiveness (place 67 in 2005, place 68 in 2006 and place 74 in 2007) is explained mainly by the precarious quality of institutions (business environment, the perception of corruption), the relatively low access to technology and low innovation capacity of the economy. Globally, all the economies of South Eastern Europe, except Croatia and Turkey in particular, have become less competitive compared with 2006, announces the global competitiveness report 2007-2008. It does not necessarily tell us that in absolute terms there was a worsening of competitiveness, but in a relatively way, in comparison with other countries; finding clearly shows in the evaluations way in terms of evolution of competitiveness - that of the place that a country has in relation to others. Or, in this regard, improving quicker the competitiveness for others may lead to the loss, for Romania, of another places in the hierarchy. Structural indicators analysis corresponding the Lisbon Structure shows that Romania occupies the penultimate place among the EU-27. Strategy objective - creating a knowledge-based society - could be considered one total unsuitability for Romanian realities, because it has certain structural differences which make it to still be in the phase of the economy based on accumulation of factors. Thus, reduced capital stock, the quality of physical infrastructure, high share of population employed in agriculture and so on will affect the implementation of its goals particularly in less developed regions. Economic growth made by Romania in the transition, besides the transformations of the political system, economically and socially it has assumed and also it has generated, in present, faces with a number of possible vulnerabilities of structural background whose consequences are materialized in: the continuous trade deficit and the existence of some weak performance on economic efficiency, eco-efficiency, productivity, level of competitiveness. Romania can achieve a sustainable process of real convergence with the European model if it will be able to promote structural reforms that to generate growth potential of the economy (aggregate supply in the long term). One of the opportunities offered by the

statute of EU membership is access to structural funds. They should contribute to overcoming the structural disparities of the Romanian economy and to adapt faster to the demands of a knowledge-based economy (through the training of labor, infrastructure development information). In response to fluctuations of external and internal factors of economic system, the economy should be promoted in some appropriate elements, to ensure rapid adaptation to the new changes, so not only adjustments for survival or self, but adaptations and structural selections, that to satisfy the prospect requirements and are related by economic strategy contained in forecasts, development programs and concrete decisions, on the basis of observations, studies on the consequences of adopting decisions, evaluation of alternative solutions inputs and outputs, risk assessment on all classes of solutions, etc..

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