Quick Cleanse Protocol - 3.28.2022

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Quick Cleanse & Immune Reset Protocol

Most sickness is a build-up of toxins, poisons, mucous, & waste incapacitating & clogging up
organs, and accumulating faster than the body can get rid of them. This happens due to inactivity,
cold, low blood pressure or constipating diet. When there’s a slowdown of the circulatory, digestive
and lymph system, it allows bad bacteria, mold and other parasites to proliferate. Symptoms are
congestion, sneezing, swollen lymph nodes, ache, itch, or maybe fever, depending on where the
waste build-up is. (3.28.2022.23:05)

Immune system correction steps:

1. Start eliminating waste through digestive tract.
2. Induce perspiration to eliminate through skin.
3. Stimulate circulation of blood & lymph system.
4. Restore digestive tract.

Steps in detail:

1. Start eliminating waste through digestive tract

a) Feel sickness coming on: fast from mucus forming foods, get warmer, and skip to step 3.
b) Mildly sick: Use a laxative or do the Salt Water flush1 to induce diarrhea quickly.
c) Very sick: Take 1-2 tsp (3-6 capsules) activated charcoal to absorb toxins, then take a laxative,
or do Salt Water flush (1.5 hours) or Vitamin C flush2 (several hours).
c) If extremely sick due to constipation or colon enlarged with build-up – can do enema at home, or
have colon irrigation done by professional, until feeling better.

2. Induce perspiration per Samuel Thomson’s method

a) Put feet in hot bath and increase temp of water to 100-110°F or 38-43°C until pulse is about 95-
100 beats/minute.
b) For other specific area, use heat packs, damp hot towel, other method.
c) Cool down - Pour room temperature water on whole head & body. 

d) Let patient step out of bath & be rubbed with a coarse towel til circulation “looks lively”.
e) Let patient go into a warm bed, with a hot pack or hot water bottle at his feet.
After 3-6 hours, repeat, letting patient stay hot 10-15 minutes. Do cool down, rub, & bed rest.

3. Stimulate circulation of blood & lymph system

a) Drink warm or hot fluid - preferably with cloves, ginger & cayenne pepper, like chai.
b) Take oregano and mint oil internally; eucalyptus oil and others externally.
c) Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, kombucha, and aloe juice aid detoxification & healing.
d) Good herbal teas are mint, nettle, milk thistle, lemon grass, red raspberry leaf, red clover.
e) Do whatever vigorous exercise is possible.

4. Restore digestive tract

a) Eliminate bad bacteria, fungi, molds and maybe other parasites by taking one clove of raw
garlic, minced with some milk, bread or honey to protect the stomach. Take separate from
food, at least 30 minutes before a meal, for about a day, 3x per day, to let it work at full
strength. Oregano oil held in the mouth for a while helps reduce head congestion quickly.
b) Eliminate refined carbohydrates. Following an anti-candida diet helps. Example:
c) After the day of garlic, take probiotics frequently, 3x per day or more until feeling normal.
d) Maintain high fiber, nutrient-rich diet with lots of fresh raw & fermented foods as ancient
cultures did. Look up Weston A. Price Foundation, westonaprice.org.
e) Get lots of chlorophyll to build healthy blood. Make green smoothies, salads, etc.
f) Keep away from harmful chemicals, preservatives, etc., and do the Dr. Klinghardt or other
detox for neurotoxins, heavy metals, mold, and other environmental toxins.
g) Can follow Dr. Hulda Clark’s famous cleanses, found online and at drclarkstore.com:

Salt Water Flush: Do first in morning on empty stomach, or at least one hour after eating.
1. Dissolve 2 tsps of sea or Himalayan salt in 1 liter of warm, filtered water.
2. Drink all within 5 minutes.
3. Optional: lie on your right side for about 30 minutes.
4. Go to the toilet when you feel the urge. Bowel movements may happen over 1-2 hours, the first
being the most substantial. Repeat next morning if still congested.
For more details: https://themastercleanse.org/salt-water-flush/

Vitamin C Flush: Least expensive option – use 2 parts pure powdered ascorbic acid & add 1 part
food grade baking soda to buffer. Mix in water in large glass with plenty of room for bubbling as
they react. Can sweeten with stevia. Write down your schedule - here’s an example:
8 am take 1 gram ✓ (= approx. 1/4 tsp of ascorbic acid)
8:30 take 1 gram ✓
9 am take 1 gram ✓
9:30 take 1 gram…and so on. If you miss a dose, make up for it as soon as possible and keep
going until your tummy rumbles. Then get ready to go to the bathroom.
Most people will reach bowel tolerance at around 10-15 grams but, if the same person is acutely ill
with a mild cold for example, that tolerance may increase to approximately 50 grams per 24 hours.

Cleansing Reactions, aka Herxheimer reaction: When the rate of pathogen die-off is faster than
the body is eliminating it through the digestive system, you may experience nausea, rashes, or even
constipation. Ease up on the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal substances until symptoms have subsided.

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