Irais Maganda - Smart Goal Template

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S. M. A. R. T.

Goal Template
Use the template below to outline two S.M.A.R.T goals for your internship.Be detailed in your
descriptions of your goals, this will help you achieve your goals. The information you complete
here, will be used in your goals and objects development with your internship host.

Goal 1:
To help create beneficial programs/activities

Specific: What are the specific aspects of the goal you want to accomplish? Clearly define the outcome
you desire from achieving this goal.

The outcome from this goal is to help my community by assisting with a variety of tasks, most
notably events that benefit them.

Measurable: What form of measurement will you use to determine your daily progress? What
measurement will you use to determine your ultimate outcome? Examples are: Numbers, target dates,
number of users, clients, areas finished, installations completed, items uploaded, units sold, pages

This will be measured by the number of people that attend an event/activity and take away or
learn something which would be documented by a small survey

Achievable: In order to achieve 100% on a daily basis, your goal should push you to do more, but at a
level sustainable on a daily basis. A goal you can maintain for life!

My internship is at a community center and I will help my supervisor create projects so my

goal is pretty achievable. Planning will be a big part of creating the projects and events.

Relevant (Realistic or Reasonable): Is your goal something you can do something about? Do you
believe strongly in your goal? Will it have a significant impact on your life? List reasons, keywords or
catch phrases describing why you would love to achieve this goal.

I would love to achieve this goal because I will feel fulfilled and useful and it is something
attainable within the timeframe of the summer internship.

Timely: Your goal should have a deadline, along with milestones reached along the way.
The deadline is the end of my internship but most likely by the last 50 hours.

Other information about your goal: Outline any additional information you need to keep track of for
your goal. What do you need to be successful, reminders you need to keep on track, etc.

I should attend and advocate

Goal 2:
The second goal is to learn and expand my knowledge on community services

Specific: What are the specific aspects of the goal you want to accomplish? Clearly define the outcome
you desire from achieving this goal.

The specific aspect of the goal that I want to accomplish is to be familiar with community
services and help with my social skills.

Measurable: What form of measurement will you use to determine your daily progress? What
measurement will you use to determine your ultimate outcome? Examples are: Numbers, target dates,
number of users, clients, areas finished, installations completed, items uploaded, units sold, pages

I will measure this by documenting the amount of people.

Achievable: In order to achieve 100% on a daily basis, your goal should push you to do more, but at a
level sustainable on a daily basis. A goal you can maintain for life!

It is achievable because I will help people. I will become familiar with community services with
the experience and learning from my peers who have been working in community services

Relevant (Realistic or Reasonable): Is your goal something you can do something about? Do you
believe strongly in your goal? Will it have a significant impact on your life? List reasons, keywords or
catch phrases describing why you would love to achieve this goal.

I would love to achieve this goal because a lot of people have complained about some
workers and how their service is bad but I would like to be the difference. It is important to
take criticism and improve on it.

Timely: Your goal should have a deadline, along with milestones reached along the way.
The deadline is the end of my internship but around the first 50 hours.

Other information about your goal: Outline any additional information you need to keep track of for
your goal. What do you need to be successful, reminders you need to keep on track, etc.

Be nice

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