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REVELATION you a lot of information: where I was born,

"It pleased God, in his goodness and where I went to school, how old I am, whether I
wisdom, to reveal himself and to make known play hockey or basketball, and any number of
the mystery of his will. His will was that men other trivial factors. But I really only reveal
should have access to the Father, through myself to you when I disclose (either by words
Christ, the Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, or by the way I act) what kind of person I am,
and thus become sharers in the divine nature." what are my true human qualities. Thus, am I
(CCC 51; Dei verbum 2) kind and considerate? truthful? just? forgiving?
caring? hardworking? generous? loving? Or,
After this quote, which opens the on the other hand, am I mean? prone to
section on Revelation, the Catechism anger? hypercritical? untrustworthy? and so
continues, "God, who 'dwells in on. In a relationship between two people, the
unapproachable light,' wants to communicate relationship grows deeper, more personal and
his own divine life to the men [and women] he more intense as each person penetrates the
freely created, in order to adopt them as his human qualities of the other.
sons [and daughters] in his only-begotten Son"
(CCC 52). God, indeed, "dwells in And so it is with God. God does not
unapproachable light." God is a mystery. simply reveal facts and information: that is not
Nevertheless our faith tells us that God has the major focus of revelation. It is true that God
entered our lives, God calls to us, God reaches reveals several things about himself and his
out to us. The only way we can come into activity in the world that we could never have
contact with this mystery is if God initiates that known but for his revelation. Nevertheless, such
contact. God must communicate with us in facts and information as God reveals come to
some way and make himself available to us. us concomitantly with God's self-revelation.
God's communication with us we call Principally, God reveals what is: loving, caring,
revelation. This word comes from the Latin concerned and compassionate, forgiving, just
re-velare, which means to lift the veil, to but merciful, a saving God. because It is these
disclose, to uncover. God discloses himself, personal qualities that are important, they are
partially uncovers the mystery. the basis of our personal relationship to which
God calls each one of us.
What Is Revealed?
What God reveals is nothing less than Why does God reveal? Because God
himself. God reveals himself as personal, as has created us for himself, God loves us and
possessing personal qualities, after the analogy begs for our love in return. By revealing himself
of human personal qualities. In order to better God wishes to make [us] capable of
understand God's revelation, it is helpful for us responding to him, and of knowing him, and of
to take a look at how human persons reveal loving him beyond [our] own natural capacity"
themselves to one another. For example, I can (CCC.52).
tell you a lot of facts about myself. can give
- We experience God’s revelation ourselves, or God made into our own image.
in diff ways, time But experience is not purely subjective. for we
are always confronted with something real
Experience and Revelation and objective, something that exists
How, we may well ask, does God independently of our appreciation of it. In the
communicate with us? The story is told of a course of the experience we assimilate the
certain rabbi in Cracow who dreamt three object we perceive into our consciousness
times that an angel told him to go to Livovna, according to our personal perceptual
where he would find a certain treasure. "In apparatus.
front of the palace there,' the angel said, "you
will learn where a treasure is hidden." The rabbi Our language. our culture, our personal
went to Livovna and when he arrived at the history, our mindset. our prejudices and
palace he found a guard near the bridge, so preferences. and in the case of religion, most
he told him the dream. The guard replied, "It is importantly our faith. shape the way we
strange, but I too have had a dream. The perceive things and integrate them into our
angel told me to go to a rabbi's house in consciousness. We forge, and mold, and
Cracow, where a treasure is buried in front of configure the object of perception according
the fireplace." Upon hearing this, the rabbi, all to our mental "baggage" as it is being
excited, returned home and dug in front of his integrated into our consciousness. Thus, any
fireplace. There he found the treasure. experience is both objective and subjective; it
is not wholly determined and shaped by the
God, who is our treasure, is to be found person who experiences, nor is it fully
within us, in our own home, in the depth of our determined by the object. In the words of John
personal consciousness. That immediately Welch, "The experience of God occurs within
leads us to the question of how we experience ordinary human experience. God is so intimate
God's presence. That question of experience to the experience that God is not a third thing,
will constantly crop up in our discussions and is so we do not have the self, a sunset, and then
at the root of the theological enterprise. Many God. In the interactive experience of the self
have pointed out that theology is a journey of and the sunset, God is co-experienced,
reflecting on our experiences, a search to co-present, co-known”
discover God. It is, as St. Anselm says, faith
seeking understanding. Perhaps an example may help LO make
it clearer. We believe that God is revealed to
Once we speak of experience, we must avoid us in Scripture. When we read Scripture, the
certain pitfalls. We must avoid inking of objective aspect of revelation is God's act of
experience as something purely subjective, self-communication recorded there. As we
created entirely by a person experiencing, read, and pray over our reading, that act of
equivalent to feeling. If this is so, then our self-communication is then filtered through our
experience of God is entirely created by perceptual apparatus (of which faith is an
important part). Thus emerges the experience Dermot A. Lane makes the helpful distinction
through which God's self- communication is between ordinary experiences, depth
integrated into our consciousness. Therefore, experiences and religious experiences.
the presence of God, the grace of God, Ordinary experiences are concerned
shapes and molds our experience in such with the visible empirical world of objects "out
fashion that we come to appreciate it as a there." Depth experiences bring us into the
revelation from God. invisible but real world mediated by meaning:
truth, beauty, love. Religious experiences are
Robert: How do you mean voices? those moments in life when we perceive the
Joan: I hear voices telling me what to do. They world of meaning as grounded in that
come from God. immanent and transcendent reality we call
Robert: They come from your imagination. God.
Joan: Of course. That is how the messages of
God come to us. As we have already pointed out, for the
believer, faith forms an intrinsic part of the
We must in no way imagine that revelation is perceptual apparatus. To perceive the world
like some sort of divine dictation. Joan could of meaning as grounded in God requires faith:
only hear her “voices” through what she called the ability to "see beyond" the merely human,
her “imagination” as St. Joan did. It is faith that makes us see, for
example, that this particular human
To repeat, revelation takes place in and manifestation of truth or goodness or love or
through human experience, in which God is forgiveness is in fact the reality of God
known and experienced simultaneously with reaching out to us. Without faith, we cannot
something else. This point is of capital come into contact with God in the depth of
importance and we shall have occasion to our experience. At the same time, faith is a
return to it in other places. Theologians express grace and a gift from God. Consequently, we
this by saying that all experience of God is should be able to see that a fundamental unity
mediated: we apprehend God through the exists between revelation and faith; the two go
created universe, persons, places. events, hand in hand. We do not really receive a
nature, but most especially through the revelation from God until we respond in faith: a
humanity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. There Is no faith that is active, a faith that is a believing,
direct divine dictation. God does not hit us with trusting and doing faith, working itself into daily
some sort of supernatural “zap” life.

There is another aspect of our

Faith and Revelation faith-response to revelation that is worth
To say that revelation takes place within considering. This is well illustrated by the story of
and through human experience does not Moses before the burning bush. An angel of
mean that all human experience is revelation. the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire
out of a bush that was not consumed in the who calls to us from the depth of our
flames. Moses was curious; he was determined experience.
to see why the bush was not being burned up.
As he approached, God called to him from
the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I Avenues of Communication
am." Then God said, Come no closer! Remove God's revelation comes to us in many
the sandals from your feet, for the place on and diverse ways. Not all of these ways are
which you’re standing is holy ground." He said dealt with here, but we have attempted to
further, "I am the God of your father, the god point out the principal avenues of
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of communication so we can become aware of
Jacob" (Ex 3:2-6). the presence of God in our lives.

God calls Moses by name; he 1. Revelation through Creation

approaches Moses in a personal and intimate Chapter 3 noted that we can come to
way. God reveals to Moses his great know God by contemplating the created
compassion and concern for the people of universe. Most of us, at one time or another,
Israel enslaved in Egypt. But Moses must have had our religious sense awakened by the
approach God in reverence (take off is shoes); beauty of nature, the stillness of the forest, the
confronted with God he stands on holy pounding of the waves, the reflection on the
ground. Perhaps none of us will ever have the surface of a lake, the beauty of the aurora
startling experience of a revelation before a borealis. We believe that God is the creator
burning bush. But, perhaps, if we took off our and the giver of all. In the very heart of
shoes," if we approached our experience of creation God's goodness and God's self-gift
the world and events of our own lives with a are revealed. Thus, through applying our faith
sense of reverence, we might see the whole to our experience of nature the experience
world as revealing God. becomes revelatory. "The heavens are telling
the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims
Earth's crammed with heaven And every his handiwork" (Ps 19:1).
common bush afire with God; And only he
who sees takes off his shoes - The rest sit round So many experiences open up to us the
it and pluck blackberries. possibility of discovering the presence of God.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning For example, as we take a look at creation, we
see how marvelously balanced and ordered it
Yes, reverence, an attitude of is. We begin to understand how all things in the
reverence for the whole of creation and for our universe are related, how we ourselves are
part in it: such an attitude of reverence for part of an ecosystem, linked in the deepest
human life and human relationships, coupled way to the environment. The balance and
with faith, will help open our eyes to the God order in nature could only have come from a
supremely intelligent and loving being. That
very fact tells us something about who God is. God speaking to them, God intervening in their
Even the most prosaic soul can be moved by life, God -aling. The question for us is this: can
poetry such as that of Gerard Manley Hopkins: we adopt this faith view of history? we discern
what God is saying to us in what might be
The world is charged with the grandeur of considered purely ular events?
God. It will flame out like shining from shook foil;
Gathered to greatness like the ooze of oil The people of Israel have given an
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his account of how they understood God as
rod? evening in their lives and history. This account
we call the Hebrew Script, the first part of the
2. Revelation through History Bible. Their faith story has become our faith
That God should be revealed in the story, for against the background and in the
sweep of history follows naturally from r context of Jewish history and faith that Christ
understanding that God is revealed in entered the world, Jesus who is the ultimate
creation. God does not simply create the and complete statement of God's revelation.
universe and leave it unattended in much the The story of God's revelation through history is
same way that we might construct a building further ten down in the Christian Scriptures, the
which can then stand on its own. No, God's second part of the Bible, the story of the life of
creation is going. Should God cease to create Jesus and of the early Christian communities.
continuously, the universe would cease to exist,
for everything depends on his sustaining From the story of world history we come
power. God is intimately connected with the to our own personal history. There be no
whole evolution of the universe and with our question that God's loving communication
part in it (CCC). comes to us through the nary events of our life.
In other words it comes to us through the daily
In order for the events of history to grind ving: the happiness, the joys, the
become revelatory we must take a faith in suffering, the boredom, the drudgery and ness,
them. It is part of the religious genius of the the moments of triumph and the moments of
Jewish people that they understood God as failure, the illness and the inty of death. It takes
intimately concerned with the ordinary events the genius of faith to see God in all this and to
of their life, aloof from them. They applied this interpret what God is saying to us. In particular
faith to their understanding of their own ory, it takes faith to interpret God's message as one
national as well as personal. They understood of care and compassion, nearness and
their history as meaning as giving evidence of forgiveness, a message of love.
a divine plan with a promise for the future. God
was the ding principle for their history. Thus In order to help us understand God's
what for us might be a purely secular notion in personal message to us, we turn for inspiration
history (such as a battle, or a plague, or a and insight to the Bible. We draw on the
drought, or a plentiful harvest) interpreted as revelation story of the Jewish people and the
early Christian communities, helped in our different from a secular historian's account of
interpretation by the teaching of the church. the same event.
The Jewish people and the early Christian
communities wrote down their The Bible is insistent that God has spoken
faith-interpretation of their experiences; can to us through the prophets. In many places in
we do the same thing with our lives? It is a very the Christian Scriptures we are told that the life
useful exercise for us to write an account of our of Jesus is a fulfillment of the ancient
own faith-journey. We need such a reflection prophecies. The Letter to the Hebrews begins
to enable us to better understand our present as follows: "Long ago God spoke to our
relationship with God and also to see where ancestors in many and various ways by the
we must go and how we can improve that prophets, but in these last days he has spoken
relationship. Teachers of religion can use the to us by a Son..." (Heb 1:1). The prophets
strategy of writing down one's faith journey referred to are the ancient Jewish prophets
with students to help them clarify their own whose works are recorded in the Hebrew
faith development. Scriptures and whose names are familiar to us -
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, Daniel and
3. Revelation through the Prophets others. Are these the only prophets that we
To understand what God is saying to us must pay attention to who have given us the
in history and in the events of our life, we need message of God? Has God stopped speaking
prophets. A common misunderstanding of the to us through the prophets? Is what is recorded
role of a prophet is that a prophet is someone in the Bible God's final say-so? The answer to
who predicts the future. Prophets may predict that is partly "Yes" and partly "No." The "Yes"
the future, but this is incidental to prophecy part we shall deal with presently, let us first deal
and not its main focus. with the "No" part.

Prophet* comes from the Greek 5.Prophecy must be clear enough to be

prophetes (pro - for, on behalf of, and phetes understood by the majority of people, not so
-speaker): thus, "to speak on behalf of esoteric as to be available only to a few.
someone." The prophets speak on behalf of
God, they tell us God's message. They interpret 4. Revelation through Jesus Christ
the signs of the times so that we may The greatest of all the prophets, the
understand what God is saying to us in these perfect revelation of God to us, the letinitive
events. Thus, simply telling the story of a Word of God spoken to us in history, is Our Lord
historical event does not constitute revelation; Jesus Christ. Jesus speaks God's word to us in a
some prophetic interpretation is necessary in language we can understand, a human
order to understand the message that God is language. The gospels show him as growing up
giving through that historical event. It is for this in a human way and as a human being, aming
reason that the Jewish account of some event more and more the meaning of human
in history recorded in the Bible might well be existence and sharing that vision ind
knowledge with his associates and followers. By life of the community. We believe that we are
reading the Scriptures, with help from the a church. continue Jesus' preaching and
teaching church to interpret them, we too can mission to the world
share in this Vision and knowledge and learn When the earliest disciples of Jesus passed on
how to live in union with him. his message. it was not passed on as a
detailed theology. A theology of Jesus and his
5. Revelation through the Church message, a codification of what is called
Jesus' chosen apostles, the twelve, together "revealed truth." came later after much
with some others. Lived conantly in his reflection and prayer. What was first passed on
company. They reflected on his words, they then was not dogma. not theological
came to appreciate and copy his way of life assessment and theological statements, but a
as meaningful for them, and thus they way of life learned from Jesus and rooted in
received his revelation. The preaching of the the helsef that God had raised Jesus from the
apostles was, in fact, a prophetic interpretation dead. Each succeeding generation in the
- the life and words of Jesus. After the church must strive to do the same. The word of
resurrection the early group of Jesus followers God is not static. The word of God lives and
formed themselves into a community, a grows as we constantly struggle to live the life
community which was the beginning of what that we learned from Jesus within the
we now call the church. This early community changing times and circumstances of our
in time generated other communities and so, world. What this means is that revelation is not
finally, the church as we know it today. a once-and-forever thing, but is ongoing. It
might be compared to a conversation that is
In the church today we have a life, a always going on between God and us, with
culture and traditions based on the life of Jesus as the center of that conversation. He is
Jesus, and an interpretation of that life by always present in the church to be revelation,
succeeding generations. We have Statements opening us up to new ways of understanding
of belief (creeds, we have prayers and ways of and acting on God's message to us.
praying leg.. liturgical ceremonies, we have
sacraments, and we have a code of moral The Transmission of God's Revelation
behavior. All of these take part in revelation. The Catechism deals with the question of
God speaks to us in and through the whole life precisely how God's revelation is transmitted
of the church. God speaks to us through the from generation to generation (CCC 74-79). It
lives of holy people who have evidently taken points out that after the death of Jesus, this
Jesus' message to heart and serve as an task fell first to the apostles, who lived with
example to all. Jesus and heard his message first hand. The
As we participate in the life of the church we Pope and bishops, who are the successors of
participate in revelation. We believe that Jesus the apostles, now carry on that task. The whole
is still speaking and acting through the church, church, by living the life that Jesus taught, also
through us and through our participation in the transmits revelation from generation to
generation. The gospel message was handed in the Bible (facts, sayings, recordings of history,
on orally, and in writing. "This living transmission, obiter dicta) that tell us absolutely nothing
accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called about the kind of person God is. For example,
Tradition" (CCC 78). (Tradition will be dealt with in the book of Tobit, twice there is mention of a
in detail in the next chapter.) dog that seems to have been Tobias's pet:
"And," the Bible says, "the dog came out with
The Bible and Revelation him and went along with them" (Tob 6:2, and
Christians believe that the Bible is the again in 11:4). Scripture commentators think
inspired word of God. The Bible, therefore, that the dog is a survival from the folk tale from
contains God's revelation. Because that which this story is taken. In the original folk tale
revelation is written down, it is clearer and the dog may have had a specific role. In any
more pointed than revelation that may come case, in the biblical tale mention of the dog
to us from other sources. It follows that one of serves no revelatory purpose at all. The dog
the most significant places where God's tells us nothing about the kind of person God is;
revelation is to be found is in the Bible. mention of the dog is not revelatory.

Earlier we asked if revelation had been 2. Not All of Revelation Is Contained in the Bible
completed. As we pointed out, the answer is God, as we have pointed out above,
partly "No." Revelation, we said, is ongoing, a does communicate with us in other ways.
continuing conversation, as it were, between Nevertheless - and this is important - since the
God and ourselves. But principally, the answer Bible is certainly the most Significant place
must be "Yes." Jesus Christ, or what we might where revelation is to be found, and since it is
call the Christ-event," is God's final and the inspired word of God, the Bible, and
definitive word to us, there will be no other particularly the Christian Scriptures, is normative
(CCC 65, 66). The authentic source of the life for understanding and interpreting all of
and message of Jesus, that definitive word, is revelation. Normative? What does that mean?
the Bible. True enough, that message may It means that no subsequent revelation of God
undergo further explanation and adaptation can contradict the biblical revelation. The Bible
to changing circumstances in human life, but is the norm, the rule and the measure by which
its authentic heart, its core, is the Bible. we assess and interpret all revelation. In the
Christian scheme of things, the Bible has pride
Let us now make two statements about of place in our efforts to develop a personal
revelation and the Bible. relationship of faith with God.

1. Not Everything in the Bible Is Revelation Private Revelation

We pointed out earlier on that the The Catechism notes that "Throughout the
essence of revelation is that God reveals ages, there have been so-called 'private'
himself. God is personal. While it is true that the revelations, some of which have been
whole Bible is the word of God, here are things recognized by the authority of the Church.
They do not belong, however, to the deposit of yet been approved by the church (such as at
faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Medjugorje in Croatia).
Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live
more fully by it in a certain period of history" Since revelation occurs in and through
(CCC 67). human experience, even with the very best of
intentions there is the strong possibility of
By definition, private revelation is given mistaking what is in fact a very human
first to an individual or small group and experience for one of God. Consequently, we
therefore is not immediately available to the cannot rule out the possibility of delusion,
public in general or to the church in particular. distortion and misunderstanding, even when
It comes after the revelation of the whole of the private revelation is genuine. It pays to be
the Christevent. All that we need to know extremely cautious in dealing with private
about God is already there. Nothing revelation; indeed, caution is the watchword
completely new can or will be added to this of the church's approach. Before any private
revelation. But, as we pointed out, revelation is revelation receives church approval, there is a
ongoing; God continues to speak to us prolonged and thorough investigation by a
whether as individuals, or as groups (such as church-appointed commission.
the church), or to the world in the ways we
have outlined above. Down through the Thus, while many private revelations are of
centuries many have claimed to have had importance to the church, everyone is not
special and personal revelations from God: bound to have faith in them. All that we need
charismatics (such as St. Joan of Arc, who for our personal salvation is already there.
always referred to her "voices"); leaders of Private revelations may indeed focus our
groups that subsequently developed into sects: attention on some aspect of God's revelation
mystics (such as St. Catherine of Genoa, St. that needs to be emphasized, but they do not
Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross). Perhaps add anything new to this revelation.
the private revelations most prominent in the Finally, when the church gives approval
minds of many today are the "apparitions of to some private revelation, this approval
the Mother of God and the accompanying means a) the revelations are consistent with
messages that she has given at these Sacred Scripture and with he official teaching
apparitions. Some of these are the Miraculous of the church; b) there is no fraud or deception
Medal revelations to St. Catherine Labouré on the part of the visionaries; c) the revelations
(Paris, 1830); revelations to St. Bernadette may be published for the benefit of the faithful;
Soubirous (Lourdes, 1858), revelations to three 1) the church's liturgy may be celebrated in
Portuguese children (Fatima, 1917); revelations honor of the event. Church approval
to a group of children at Beauraing in emphatically does not mean that there is an
Germany (1932-1933); and many others, obligation on every one of the faithful to
including some very recent ones that have not believe the revelation.
SALVATION HISTORY Eve. God placed them in the Garden of Eden
and surrounded them with abundant
God created us because He loves us! goodness. God loved them and gave them
everything they needed. God promised
And God hopes we will all love Him!
happiness if they loved and obeyed God.
- 1 Tim 2:4, John 1
Things were good until the devil called Satan
disguised as a serpent entered the garden. He
Sin is when we freely choose to say or talks to Eve with Adam and they doubt God's
do or think something that disobeys God's laws love and disobey God and sin. They are
and when we sin we turn away from God's love immediately ashamed and afraid.
either partially or fully.
Because of this first sin, death, pain and
Salvation = ultimate salvation is being in suffering entered the world and Adam and Eve
heaven were expelled from the garden. But because
of love, God promised that there was still hope.
Salvation means being freed from sin. In Genesis 3:15 “Woman and Her Seed”, God
This ultimately and eternally happens once we says that in the future, there would be a
enter Heaven but in this life we constantly woman and her child, and the child would
struggle with sin. When we sin, our sin separates conquer Satan and sin. From that moment on
us from God but even though we sin, God humanity awaited God's promised Messiah
never stops loving us and continues to reach and Savior.
out to help us with his gift of grace to try to help
us avoid sin. Adam and Eve have many children,
their first son Cain killed his brother Abel out of
When we talk about salvation history, jealousy and Cain was exiled. Adam and Eve
this is looking back throughout history at all the have many other children and we are told of
ways God has been trying to save humanity one son in particular his name is Seth and he is
trying to help us all get to heaven. very good and righteous and from him come
generations of holy and righteous people.
I'm going to summarize salvation history Unfortunately, from Cain come many wicked
by looking at key events from the Bible when and evil generations that become numerous.
God made covenants and promises to men to The Bible tells us that from the line of Seth,
show how much God loves us because even some do remain good and righteous but sadly,
though men often turn away from God, God some of the good men marry daughters of
reaches out to us and wants us to be with him wicked men and they too become wicked
in heaven. because of bad influences. The wickedness in
the world increases until we are told there are
Overview: Key Events from the Bible eight people who are good, Noah and his
family. God is upset with all the wickedness in
Genesis 1&2 the world, but because of love God tells Noah
In the beginning, God created the to build an ark to save his righteous family and
heavens and the earth out of nothing and the creatures of the world because God is
created all things good. God created the going to send a worldwide flood to destroy the
pinnacle of material creation man and woman wickedness. Noah obeys God and everything
and they were given the names Adam and happens as God said it would.
After the flood Noah gives thanks and famine, the Jewish people all move to Egypt;
praise to God. God promises no way he would they are there for over 400 years. Eventually a
never flood the world again. Noah has three wicked Pharaoh enslaves all of the Jewish
sons, Shem, Japheth and Ham. people and they are held captive. Because of
love, God sends a man named Moses to free
Shem remains good and righteous, but God's people. With God's help, Moses is
Ham becomes disobedient. We again see two eventually allowed to lead God's people out
lines form one of righteousness and goodness of Egypt towards the promised land. Moses
from Shem and wickedness and evil from Ham. takes them across the Red Sea into the desert
wilderness. Moses then takes them to Mount
Genesis 22 Sinai where God makes a covenant and
Many generations later, we see a promised with the Jewish people. God gives
descendent of Shem called by God, his name them the Ten Commandments and if the
was Abram. God promises Abram that he will people obey they will remain in God's chosen
give him a great Kingdom, a great name and family (Exodus 19-24).
the world would be blessed through Abram's
son (Genesis 22). Abram obeys God and takes However, soon after this the people lose
his wife Sarah and nephew lot and they leave trust in God and sin by worshiping a golden
their homeland and go to God's promised land calf as a god. The people turned away from
called Canaan. Abram does lose trust and God but Moses intercedes and because of this
disobey God several times including having a and because of God's love, God forgives them
son Ishmael with the servant Hagar but and renews the Covenant and promises. God
because of love God forgives Abram and gives them even more laws to follow to help
renews his covenant. God changes his name them. Moses and the Israelites travel 40 years
to Abraham, requires all men to be to the promised land, the people are unfaithful
circumcised as a sign of the Covenant and and disobey God many times and even have
asks for love and obedience. God later gives to wait an additional 40 years before they can
Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac. God does enter the promised land as punishment for their
test Abraham's faith, trust and obedience by sin, but God never stops loving them. Moses
asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. dies and Joshua becomes the leader and
Abraham obeys and takes Isaac to the top of leads the people through Jericho into the
Mount Moriah. Before Abraham can act, God Promised Land. For the next several hundred
sends an angel to stop Abraham from killing years, the people struggle to remain faithful to
Isaac because God sees Abraham's faith in his God. They continue to sin/disobey God, then
actions. God promises to multiply Abraham's they suffer as a consequence, then they are
descendants and all of the world will be sorrowful and repent and then God forgives
blessed through Abraham. them. This happens time and time again.

Abraham's son, Isaac has two sons God gives them leaders but eventually
Jacob and Esau. Jacob is blessed by God and the people want a king to be like the other
his name has eventually changed to Israel. nations. God is their true king but God permits
Israel has 12 sons and these sons have many them to have a human king as they wish. Saul
children. Each son becomes the head of a is the first King, the next king is David.
tribe and we have the 12 tribes of Israel. This
forms the Jewish nation. Eventually because of
David is the son of Jesse who was from son of man. This Savior would suffer and die,
a town called Bethlehem. He was a shepherd but he would destroy sin, death and Satan.
and was good and righteous. David was a Through the promised Messiah, God would
man after God's own heart. To help keep God form a new and everlasting covenant with all
at the center of their lives as King, David puts people. Then in the fullness of time because of
the Ark of the Covenant which was God's God's love, God sends his only Son Jesus. In the
dwelling place on earth in the capital city beginning of the Gospel of Matthew, we are
Jerusalem to emphasize to the people God's given a genealogy.
importance. Because of love, God makes a
covenant with David and promises that David's
descendants will have an everlasting Kingdom
and he will have a son who will be a king

David's son, Solomon, will build a temple

in Jerusalem around the Ark of the Covenant
to show the people that God is the center of
life. The temple becomes the most important
place to the Jewish people. Here at the This is Jesus's family tree. Jesus is a
temple, priests offered sacrifices to God as descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah,
God required and the Jews would travel to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David.
Jerusalem to worship at the temple throughout Matthew and the Gospels will show us Jesus is
the year. Solomon at first is good and righteous the promised Messiah God sent out of love.
but he becomes corrupted and we see the Jesus is born to the Virgin Mary and as such is
kingdom of David decline. The twelve tribes of the child of the woman we see in Genesis 3:15.
Israel become divided and largely turn away He was a great teacher, prophet and healer.
from God. Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity,
he is true God and true man. At the Last
In 587 BC, the Babylonians invade Supper, we see Jesus establishing the new and
Jerusalem, burned the city, destroy the temple everlasting covenant God had promised to
and take the Jewish people into exile. While David and he does this in the Eucharist.
captured and in exile, the Jews were
saddened but this happened as punishment Jesus is the son of David who God
for their unfaithfulness and disobedience. God made an everlasting king with an everlasting
loved them, but they continued to turn away. Kingdom.

But out of love God sent them prophets Jesus is the son of Abraham who blesses
to remind the people of God's love and to give the whole world when he dies on the cross
them hope that God will end the Exile soon. making grace and heaven possible to all men.
The prophets also call God's people to
repentance God's prophets also tell the Jewish Jesus is the son of the woman who has
people that the Messiah, the Saviour they have conquered sin, death and Satan, by dying on
been waiting for, that God promised in the the cross and then rising from the dead three
beginning in Genesis 3:15, would soon come. days later.
The Messiah would be the son of God and the
Salvation history shows us that God
loves us and has been working throughout
history to help us. God continues to work in our
own lives today, offering us his gift of grace
and grace enables us to have faith, be
obedient to God and to love and it is through
grace we can enter Heaven be saved and be
with God forever.

Salvation - in the Catholic perspective as

ultimate salvation in heaven and salvation as
a process on earth starting with baptism and
our earthly life.
- In terms of history as a story of the
events, so the history of salvation is a
story of God all throughout time to help
us get to heaven.

Salvation history all of the stories put together,

stories of conversion, and when God touches
our lives, almost all the humanities stories are
put together in the one great story of God and
his unconditional love for us, giving us the free
will of choosing to love Him in return or to reject
His love.

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