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Tense-Practice: All Conjugations, Including Deponents

1. accipere 6. capere 11. culpâre

they accept they seize they blame

they will accept they will seize they will blame

let them accept let them seize let them blame

they have accepted they have seized they have blamed

2. alere 7. coercêre 12. cupere

they nourish they confine they desire

they will nourish they will confine they will desire

let them nourish let them confine let them desire

they have nourished they have confined they have desired

3. amâre 8. cônârî 13. custôdîre

they love they try they guard

they will love they will try they will guard

let them love let them try let them guard

they have loved they have tried they have guarded

4. arbitrârî 9. cônspicere 14. dêbêre

they judge they notice they owe

they will judge they will notice they will owe

let them judge let them notice let them owe

they have judged they have noticed they have owed

5. audîre 10. creâre 15. dêfendere

they hear they create they defend

they will hear they will create they will defend

let them hear let them create let them defend

they have heard they have created they have defended

16. dêfînîre 21. êrudîre 26. hortârî

they limit they educate they encourage

they will limit they will educate they will encourage

let them limit let them educate let them encourage

they have limited they have educated they have encouraged

17. dêlêre 22. exercêre 27. iacere

they destroy they exercise they throw

they will destroy they will exercise they will throw

let them destroy let them exercise let them throw

they have destroyed they have exercised they have thrown

18. dîligere 23. exspectâre 28. impedîre

they esteem they await they impede

they will esteem they will await they will impede

let them esteem let them await let them impede

they have esteemed they have awaited they have impeded

19. docêre 24. fatêrî 29. incipere

they teach they confess they begin

they will teach they will confess they will begin

let them teach let them confess let them begin

they have taught they have confessed they have begun

20. êgredî 25. habêre 30. interficere

they step out they regard they kill

they will step out they will regard they will kill

let them step out let them regard let them kill

they have stepped they have regarded they have killed

31. invenîre 36. iuvâre 41. loquî

they find they help they speak

they will find they will help they will speak

let them find let them help let them speak

they have found they have helped they have spoken

32. irrîdêre 37. laudâre 42. minuere

they ridicule they praise they diminish

they will ridicule they will praise they will diminish

let them ridicule let them praise let them diminish

they have ridiculed they have praised they have diminished

33. iubêre 38. legere 43. miscêre

they order they gather they mix

they will order they will gather they will mix

let them order let them gather let them mix

they have ordered they have gathered they have mixed

34. iûdicâre 39. levâre 44. mittere

they judge they lift they send

they will judge they will lift they will send

let them judge let them lift let them send

they have judged they have lifted they have sent

35. iungere 40. lîberâre 45. môlîrî

they join they free they work at

they will join they will free they will work at

let them join let them free let them work at

they have joined they have freed they have worked at

46. monêre 51. nâscî 56. ôrâre

they warn they be born they beg

they will warn they will be born they will beg

let them warn let them be born let them beg

they have warned they have been born they have begged

47. morî 52. nôminâre 57. ostendere

they die they name they show

they will die they will name they will show

let them die let them name let them show

they have died they have named they have shown

48. movêre 53. nûntiâre 58. parâre

they move they announce they ready

they will move they will announce they will ready

let them move let them announce let them ready

they have moved they have announced they have readied

49. mûnîre 54. obsidêre 59. patî

they strengthen they besiege they suffer

they will strengthen they will besiege they will suffer

let them strengthen let them besiege let them suffer

they have strengthened they have besieged they have suffered

50. mûtâre 55. oppugnâre 60. pellere

they change they attack they strike

they will change they will attack they will strike

let them change let them attack let them strike

they have changed they have attacked they have struck

61. petere 66. praecipere 71. regere

they seek they instruct they rule

they will seek they will instruct they will rule

let them seek let them instruct let them rule

they have sought they have instructed they have ruled

62. pônere 67. premere 72. relinquere

they place they press they leave

they will place they will press they will leave

let them place let them press let them leave

they have placed they have pressed they have left

63. portâre 68. proficîscî 73. reperîre

they carry they set out they discover

they will carry they will set out they will discover

let them carry let them set out let them discover

they have carried they have set out they have discovered

64. possidêre 69. prohibêre 74. retinêre

they possess they hinder they restrain

they will possess they will hinder they will restrain

let them possess let them hinder let them restrain

they have possessed they have hindered they have restrained

65. praebêre 70. rapere 75. rogâre

they supply they snatch they ask

they will supply they will snatch they will ask

let them supply let them snatch let them ask

they have supplied they have snatched they have asked

76. salûtâre 81. tangere 86. trâdere

they greet they touch they deliver

they will greet they will touch they will deliver

let them greet let them touch let them deliver

they have greeted they have touched they have delivered

77. scrîbere 82. tenêre 87. trahere

they write they hold they drag

they will write they will hold they will drag

let them write let them hold let them drag

they have written they have held they have dragged

78. sentîre 83. terrêre 88. ûtî

they perceive they frighten they use

they will perceive they will frighten they will use

let them perceive let them frighten let them use

they have perceived they have frightened they have used

79. sequî 84. tollere 89. vidêre

they follow they raise they see

they will follow they will raise they will see

let them follow let them raise let them see

they have followed they have raised they have seen

80. suscipere 85. torquêre 90. vincere

they undertake they twist they conquer

they will undertake they will twist they will conquer

let them undertake let them twist let them conquer

they have undertaken they have twisted they have conquered

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