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Bahir Dar University

PG program in Hydraulic Engineering

Sediment Transport Mechanics

Assignment 1: Computation of velocity profiles (to be submitted exactly in

ONE week of time before noon).

Note that delayed assignments will not be corrected.

1. The following data shows measurements of flow velocity at different verticals across
a section and at different depths along a vertical made at Megech River, near
Gondar. Measurements were carried out close to the gauging station near the bridge
leading from Bahir Dar to Gondar and it was done during the lean flow period
(March) prior to the summer of 2004. For the description of the site see the
topographic map and digital elevation model shown below. The main objective of
this assignment is twofold:
A) Confirm whether the Megech River data follows the theoretical logarithmic velocity
profile. Plot each data set in a single graph, showing the fitting statistics using linear
regression analysis.
B) Compute the bed shear stress using, at least, two approaches: namely using the
reach averaged bed shear stress equation (sometimes called the depth-slope
product) and the logarithmic approach by computing the shear velocity and relating
it with the bed shear stress. While using the logarithmic approach, you can use two
different methods for computing the average flow velocity (although these two
estimates should be equal if Megech River data follows logarithmic velocity profile).
The average flow velocity can be computed as the mean of all measured velocities
along the vertical or it can be taken as the velocity measured at 0.6 of the flow
depth. If data is missed or not provided, either interpolate from the list or make a
reasonable guess.
C) Compare the results of different estimates of bed shear stress; plot both values in a
single graph (use appropriate type of graph). Comment the results by referring
recent literature (you can use published articles provided together with the lecture

Use D84 = 11cm. D84 value was obtained from a previous feasibility study of Megech Dam
and the value was refined by visual inspection at the river bed.
Bed Elev (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Longitudinal Distance (m)

Figure: Longitudinal Profile of the Surveyed reach

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