Practical Final AE-402 (Section A)

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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the Controller of Examinations
Final Exam (Practical)/ Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 12 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: AE-402…Course Title.:…Introduction to Communication in Agri. Extension…..

Morning/Evening……Morning… Total Marks: …20… Year …2021… Date of Exam … 09/07/2021...

Degree: …B.Sc (Hons.) - Agriculture… Semester: 4th … Section: …A…

Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Obtained/Total Marks

Total Marks in Words:

Name of the teacher :(Who taught the course): Dr. Faheem Khan
Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No: 19-Arid-4869 Name: Swaira Nisar

Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. Explain the following Communication Model with a suitable example. (Marks: 07)

The Shannon-Weaver model is the first to emphasise the significance of ‘noise' in
communication, which can interrupt or alter a message sent from one sender to another.
Communication is divided into five parts in the Shannon-Weaver model: sender, encoder, channel,
decoder, and receiver. It underlines the need of message encoding and decoding in order to send them
(e.g. turning them into written words, morse code, etc.). Noise happens during the encoding,
transmission, and decoding processes, which can disrupt or cloud a message. This might be as simple as
static on a radio broadcast or as complex as mishearing a conversation or misspelling an email. The role
of noise in the communication process was first introduced in this model.
Q.No.2. Discuss the dynamic of Communication in Agriculture and challenges to agricultural
extension in Pakistan. (Marks: 07)

 A dynamic process or system is one that is constantly changing, active, or progressing.
 A dynamic individual is someone who has a good attitude and is full of energy and new ideas.
 A factor that stimulates change or progress within a system or process is called dynamic.
Challenges to Agricultural Extension:
 Food production and security in the face of an expanding human population and limited rural
land and resources.
 Agricultural development to alleviate poverty.
 Multifunctional agriculture and environmentally friendly farming systems
 Market access and livelihoods are impacted by globalization and economic competitiveness.
 On a nationwide basis, agrarian reform is being implemented.
 Consumers are worried about food safety.
 In the knowledge society, there is an intensification and rapid development of knowledge.
Improving food production and fostering economic development is more about changing
interdependencies and coordinating the various actor roles than it is about individuals getting
messages and adopting the "correct" technologies. The need for extension, communication, or
innovation to develop new patterns of coordinated responses between different sets of people in
dynamic environmental settings arises from multiple localities and at various points in time as a result
of societal issues arising from multiple locations and at various points in time. Agricultural extension is
presented as a form of intervention known as "Communication for Innovation." It is one of the most
important characteristics of this new frame.
 Maintain Agricultural Extension as a Professional Activity:
With the transition away from schooling and toward an emphasis on learning, this book largely relies
on communication tactics to drive cognitive and practise change.Make extension a continuous process
rather than a one-time occurrence. Is not a stand-alone process; it occurs in the context of other
interactions (ie. A broder context) Has a variety of motivations, intentions, and goals that aren't all
related to extension. It is often involved designing new innovations or redesigning of existing ones. Is a
balanced mixture of social, technical and natural elements and processes, and Is legitimized by
attending to a multi-actor problematized situations (i.e. solving such situations usually depends on the
activates of several interconnected actors who may have different ideas about what the problem is,
and what criteria the situations should meet.
The practise of "communication for innovation" encompasses a variety of communication services and
tactics. Consultant, counsellor, facilitator, supporter, mediator, organiser, and trainer are all roles
played by communication workers (extension professionals). The ‘clients' play a variety of roles,
including active problem solvers, active learners, active participants, stakeholder participants, and
unexpected recipients.

Q.No.3. Practical Assignment + Practical Copy + Class performance (Marks: 06)

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