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Name- Somya Kathuria

Roll no. 208
Section - A

1. Give some examples of logos that elicit positive associations in your mind and those
that elicit negative associations for you. Discuss the reasons and their influence on your
purchase intentions.

Positive Association
The colors are bright which catches attention.
The girl is shown to have a happy go lucky
personality which makes one associate the
brand with positive feelings.
The positive association and the clear brand
image makes the brand memorable and it
stays on my top of the mind while making
diary purchase

Positive Association
The minimal use of colors, the subtlety in the
message is what makes me associate it with
positive feelings. It’s very clear that they want
to convey action as suggested by the tagline
It influences my purchase because the brange
image is great, everyone has a good
perception about the brand and it appeals to
my self esteem needs.

Negative Association
Monster is an energy drink brand, the logo is
slightly scary because of the kind of colors
and fonts used. I have attached a negative
connotation to it because of my own
reluctance to buy energy drinks. Hence, I
don’t buy this product unless I am in dire need
of energy drink, I buy because of the purpose
it solves, not because of affinity or desire

Negative Association
Bing is the Microsoft search engine. It’s an
old logo, but the font is bad, the colors
don’t suit the purpose and often it gets
directly compared to the “google search”
logo which has a better font and logo.
2. Based on the hierarchy of needs and the theory of motivation, what level(s) do the
following brands appeal to? Select any two.

a. Nike: “Just do it”

ESTEEM NEEDS - Nike focuses on motivating people to get into action. It appeals to
people’s self esteem needs. Its brand ambassadors are also generally sports players which
further pushes the idea of prestige, accomplishments and winning.

b. Gillette: “The best a man can”

acceptance that a man will get by using Gillette’s product since it’s the best out there. The
feeling of prestige is also associated with the brand because of its brand image and hence, it
also appeals to the esteem needs.
3. Identify and discuss products/services you have purchased where the dominant
socio-cultural influence was one of the following for each of your purchase:


NESCAFE COFFEE Nescafe coffee is generally associated with

energetic mornings and a fast paced lifestyle.
My young age and fast-paced MBA lifestyle
are some the personal influences that drive my
consumer behavior to buy coffee


HALDIRAMS Coming from north India and belonging to a

vegetarian punjabi family, my culture and
beliefs are major drivers of my purchases
from Haldirams


PATANJALI TOOTHPASTE My family got really influenced by the

Patanjali advertisement because of the
national sentiments that it aroused and being
Ayurveda doctors, my parents also liked the
condiments of the product.
It was a influence on my purchase
4. A - Stages in the Consumer Decision-Making Process

Buying a laptop -
I felt the need because I had to give online interviews for MBA and then further the MBA
course requires a laptop. I decided to search for the requirements like I needed a webcam,
microphone, MS office and RAM and ROM specifications. I chose some models that were
my alternatives. Based on price and specifications, I made a purchase decision. Now, since
I use it daily, there is constant post-purchase evaluation that I will keep in mind for my
next purchase.

B - Relevant Internal Psychological Processes.

Motivation - The need for laptop

Perception- I bought a lenovo laptop because it is cost friendly as compared to Mac and Dell
and the after sales services and warranty was good.
Attitude Formation - Lenovo advertisements and past purchases were the reason for
favorable attitude
Integration- Belonging to middle class family and having a affinity to low costs and value
for money
Learning - Through past purchases and reviews by family and friends

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