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Compiled by Rob Alexander and Sándor Gebei

he Zweihander core book is long of text, full of atmosphere and detail and tuition and advice. At the table, however,
you need speed. This rules reference captures the core Zweihander rules in a minimum of words, giving you fluidity
at the table and possibly joy.

Text: Rob Alexander, Sándor Gebei
Border Artwork: Dejan Mandic
Publisher: Medium Quality Products

This game product is powered by ZWEIHANDER Grim & Perilous RPG ™, a trademark of Grim & Perilous Studios LLC, in the USA and
other countries. Used with permission. Original text content of ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. ZWEIHÄNDER Logo, content and original artwork are
copyright © 2009–2018, Grim & Perilous Studios, LLC unless otherwise specified.
This page is deliberately left blank for the benefit of spreads. You may make notes here, if you wish, or perhaps a sketch.


SKILL TESTS Gain Fortune Points thus:
o +1 for Critical Success on a Social
Tactic Test during a Complex
Dice and target number
o +1 for Critical Success on a Resolve
Test against Stress, Fear, or Terror
• Peril Condition track may reduce your effective
o +[number of surviving characters] at the
Skill Rank
end of a Perilous Journey
o Unless have relevant Focus
o +1 for employing Order/Chaos
• Base Chance = Attribute + 10 per Skill Rank, Alignment in a dramatic moment
plus any modifiers from Talents or Traits.
• End of session — discard all points
Capped at +-30 of Attribute value.
• Difficulty set by GM; player can lobby for:
o Taking extra time (GM call)
o Skill synergy (+10)
• Total Chance = Base Chance + Difficulty
• If assisted (must have ranks in the same skill), Using your alignment
take an Assist Die
• If a special skill you don’t have, set flip to fail • Use your alignment poles to guide your
character’s actions. GM may award Fortune if

Dice results
you do this at critical moments.

• If have an Assist Die, pick best Changing your alignment

o Unless your die leads to Critical Failure
• If flip to X applies, and you didn’t get X, swap • During a session —
dice order o Get Corruption for doing things that are
• Match means a Critical “morally questionable, reprehensible, or
violent”. GM’s judgement of when and
• Opposed test — winner is highest Degree of how much. Some examples —
Success (tens die roll + attribute bonus) or ▪ Bullying the innocent — 1–3
whoever is better on CS-S-F-CF axis ▪ Murdering another in a crime of
passion — 4–6
▪ Premeditated murder — 7–9
NON-TEST DICE o GM should always warn of Corruption
• Fury Dice (most damage dice) explode on 6 and its amount before the PC acts
• Chaos Dice cause terrible things on 6
• At the end of a session —

o First
▪ No Corruption → gain 1 Order
▪ <11 Corruption → roll d10. If
MISFORTUNE exceeds corruption, gain 1 Order,
• Start of session — [number of players]+1 else gain 1 Chaos
Fortune Points ▪ >=11 Corruption → gain 1 Chaos
• Players can spend for benefit: per 10, then roll against
o Reroll a failed Skill Test (but not a remainder (can’t get Order)
Critical Failure) o Then
o Gain 1 Action Point (in combat) ▪ 10 Order ranks → 1 Fate Point,
o Swap a Chaos or Fury Die to a 6 erase all Alignment ranks
• Spent Fortune Points → Misfortune Points ▪ 10 Chaos ranks → gain a
• GM can spend Misfortune Points for same Disorder, erase all Alignment
benefits (discard spent points) ranks.
o Finally, discard all Corruption points



Turns Taking
• A Turn is ten seconds, and 3 AP per character • Damage vs Damage Threshold (BB + armor)
• Can start with a Surprise Turn: o D > DT → 1 step on track
o Surprising side get +20 to attacks and o D > DT+6 → 2 steps on track
stunts, and +d6 Fury on melee and o D > DT+12 → 3 steps on track
ranged damage o D > DT+18 → killed (or Fate Point)
o Surprised side can’t act, not even to use • Damage Condition Track — may have to roll
Reactions Chaos dice for Injury
• Participants roll 1d10 + Initiative; act in o Unharmed
descending order o Lightly Wounded
o Ties are broken by PB o Moderately Wounded — 1d6 moderate
o Special events roll 2D10+2 o Seriously Wounded — 2d6 serious
• On your turn, reset AP to 3, then spend right o Grievously Wounded — 3d6 grievous
away or save for defense o Slain! — killed (or Fate Point)
o Max 1 Attack action • Injuries are assigned by the GM (roll on tables
o Max 1 Stunt action p367–368, choose if makes no sense)
o Any number of other actions o Burn 1 Fate to avoid
o Some Reactions are zero-AP o Get 3/6/9 Corruption by level of injury
▪ Resist a Stunt o No armor → Bleeding (can’t heal
▪ Opportunity Attack Damage or Peril, die after BB turns)
o Movement out of Engagement

provokes opportunity attack unless
spend 2 AP to Maneuver
• Stopping Bleeding
Attack Actions o Can stop with 1 Fate
o Can Stem Bleeding (3 AP, no test)
• Test weapon skill ▪ Consume 1 Bandage
• CS → target Defenseless for this attack ▪ or cauterize (drop 3 Peril
• CF → attacker takes 2d10+2 Peril Condition)
• Target can defend as a Reaction for 1 AP
o Melee can be Parried (roll weapon skill) • Getting back up the damage track
o Ranged can be Dodged (roll o Can’t do if untreated Injuries
Coordination), or Parried (with shield or o Can Bind Wounds —
Protective weapon) ▪ Once per target per day
o Gunpowder can’t be defended against ▪ Need 1 rank in Heal
o Difficulty = inverse of attack difficulty ▪ Costs 10 minutes and a bandage
• Damage is d6 Fury + CB or ▪ Difficulty by track position
o Pummeling = BB (auto, +10, 0, -10)
o Finesse = AB ▪ Results
▪ CS — 2 steps
▪ S — 1 step
▪ CF → Infected
o Can use Laudanum (recover 1 step and
gain 1 Corruption; only once per day)

• Recovering from Injuries PERIL
o Tincture → ignore for 24 hours (1

o Treat each injury + Recuperate →
permanent heal
o Treatment is a Heal test, modified by # • Check Peril against Peril Threshold (WB + 3)
o D > DT → 1 step on track
current injuries (+10/0/-10)
▪ Must have Heal skill o D > DT+6 → 2 steps on track
o D > DT+12 → 3 steps on track
o Moderate and Serious Injuries —
▪ One try a day o D > DT+18 → incapacitated
▪ 10 minutes, 1 Opium • Peril Condition Track — applies penalties
▪ CS — recuperation -3 days o Unhindered
▪ CF — Infected o Imperiled
o Grievous Injuries — o Ignore 1 Skill Rank
▪ Must be within BB hours o Ignore 2 Skill Ranks
▪ Need surgical tools o Ignore 3 Skill Ranks
▪ 1 hour, 1 Opium, 1 Bandage o Incapacitated! — cannot succeed at
▪ CS — recuperation -3 days Skill Tests, gain 6 Corruption
▪ F — permanent
▪ CF — permanent, Infected
o Recuperation days by severity —
▪ 1D10+1 for Moderate • Sleep six hours
▪ 2D10+2 for Serious o in safe place (recover to Unhindered)
▪ 3D10+3 for Grievous Injuries o in unsafe place (recover to Imperiled)
▪ Days in bed count double • Use smelling salts (recover 1 step; only once per
▪ Multiple injuries in parallel day)
• Having an Infection
o Cannot recover Damage or Peril MADNESS
o Cannot recuperate • Risk of Stress, Fear, or Terror when a trait causes it
o Each 24 hours → Lose 1 permanent or character encounters...
Brawn • Stress — serious risk that things could go
horribly awry
• Treat infection by Bloodletting • Fear — terrible danger, sickening horror, or
o Must have Heal, surgical tools “things that should not be”
o 1 hour, 1 leeches, 1 bandage • Terror — violations of basic assumptions of
o One try a day reality, or revelations that fundamental aspects of
o Heal test with difficulty: such are far worse than imagined
▪ +20 for Unharmed
• (see examples p422-423)
▪ +10 for Lightly Wounded
• if and only if character perceives situation as a
▪ 0 for Moderately Wounded
▪ -10 for Seriously Wounded
▪ -20 for Grievously Wounded
▪ CS — recover 1 Damage • Resolve test at (+20, 0, -20 by S,F,T)
▪ CF — lose 6 Brawn • CS — Fortune Point
• F—
o 1D10+1, 2d10+2 or 3d10+3 Peril
o 3, 6 or 9 Corruption
• CF — Incapacitated by Peril + Corruption as F


MAGICK Sustaining
• Concentrate while casting, or to sustain (one)
Learning spell that requires it
• Test Resolve if Damage, Peril, Resist,
1. Check limit — IB spells of each level, 9 total Counterspell, Dodge or Parry
2. Access new spell • Unfetter a spell to increase its duration by the
3. Commit to learning it (only one spell at a time) same again — 1 Peril Track level per spell level
4. Create a sacred scroll (1 hour per level, must not
be interrupted)
5. Practice (1 day per level, each day must not be Counterspells
6. Finalize research; test Incantations (+10 Petty, 1. Must
−10 Greater, bonuses possible for good study a. Be the spell’s target
environment) b. Know Dispel Magic
7. Must have Tome to write in c. Be eligible to perform a Reaction
o CS — learn for zero RP d. Have free hand, eye, voice
o S — learn for 100 RP/level e. Have Incantation equal to spell level
o F — start process again f. Not be Defenseless or Helpless
o CF — may never learn it g. Not be an Instantaneous spell
h. Not be a CS on casting roll
2. Spend a 1 AP Reaction
Casting 3. Roll Incantation Test at inverse of casting
1. Check armor — can’t be Heavy 4. CS → Keep that 1 AP
2. If in combat, 1 AP per level 5. F → Can still Resist as normal
o Can cast over multiple turns
6. CF → Can’t Resist, 2d10+2 mental Peril
3. Check you’ve got the Reagents
4. Can Channel Power for 1 extra AP
o Must have Tome in hand
o Each +10 to Difficulty costs Chaos Die SOCIAL INTRIGUE
for Chaos Manifestation and 1
Corruption (max +30)
5. Test Incantation (+10 Petty, -10 Greater, GM is Simple Exchanges
invited to make up some situation factors)
o CS, CF — see spell description • GM chooses skill
o CS also — can’t Resist or Counterspell • NPC alignment and social class → Difficulty
6. If Resist allowed, test skill as spell desc says
(Difficulty = inverse of casting difficulty, GM NPC IS ORDER- SAME SOCIAL DIFFERENT
invited to adjust by situation) ALIGNED CLASS SOCIAL CLASS
o Can’t resist if Defenseless or Helpless PC’s Order Ranks Higher +20 +10
o Can’t change your mind now if it’s a CF PC’s Ranks Are Equal +10 0
for a friend’s spell PC’s Chaos Ranks Higher 0 -20
7. Spell takes effect
8. If Channeled Power, roll Chaos Dice now, GM NPC IS CHAOS- SAME SOCIAL DIFFERENT
consults table p398-400 (by level) ALIGNED CLASS SOCIAL CLASS
PC’s Order Ranks Higher +0 -20
PC’s Ranks Are Equal +10 0
PC’s Chaos Ranks Higher +20 +10

Complex Exchanges Running Each Stretch
1. Players & GM agree 1. Set Terrain Difficulty by terrain type vs list
a. Participants p385
b. Upside Objectives of each PC 2. Set Threat Level — No/Mild/Moderate/High
c. Downside Stakes Danger
2. GM picks 3. Each character picks a Role, or agrees to assist
a. Favorable skill another in theirs
b. Unfavorable skill ▪ Guide (Navigation)
c. NPC’s Disposition (Helpful–Hostile) ▪ Survivalist (Survival)
3. Each PC chooses a Social Tactic (skill) ▪ Scout (Stealth)
4. Players make Social Tactic test 4. Make Role Checks in order
a. Difficulty as Simple Exchange ▪ Guide (Navigation)
b. Burn 1 Reputation for an Assist Die ▪ CS → +10 Terrain Difficulty
c. Result: ▪ F → Double provision costs
i. CS, or S at Favorable skill — 1 ▪ CF → F, and -10 Terrain Difficulty
Fortune Point, NPC Disposition ▪ Survivalist (Survival)
→ Helpful ▪ CS → -1 Toughness Test
ii. CF, or F at Unfavorable skill — ▪ F → Strike Camp will only restore
1 Corruption, NPC Disposition to Imperiled
→ Hostile ▪ CF → F, and +1 Toughness Test
d. GM derives NPC’s Temperaments ▪ Scout (Stealth)
i. Look up on table p418 ▪ CS → -1 Threat Level; Surprise
5. Everyone roleplays the exchange Turn in any encounter
a. GM uses Temperaments as guide ▪ S → -1 Threat Level
b. If player is inconsistent with tactic, GM ▪ F → +1 Threat Level (can take to
warns, then resets NPC Temperament as Very High)
if had failed Social Tactic test ▪ CF → F, and enemies get Surprise
c. Players can use perception-type tests Turn in any encounter
assess honesty & similar 5. Each PC makes a Toughness Test with terrain
Overall, GM freeform adjudicates the result modifier
▪ Short/Medium/Long → 1/2/3 tests
WILDERNESS TRAVEL ▪ In narration, spread over stretch
Use when travelling more than a day. ▪ CS → Can recover to Unhindered if they
Strike Camp
▪ F → 2D10+2 Peril
Running a Journey ▪ CF → 3D10+3 Peri
6. If temperature is extreme and a character is
1. Players plan route
Incapacitated by the Toughness Test, GM may
2. GM divides route into Stretches
inflict Frostbite or Heatstroke (p262-263)
a. Short — up to a week, 1 Leg
7. GM rolls for a Wilderness Encounter
b. Medium — 1 or 2 weeks, 2 Legs
▪ Roll Chaos Dice by Threat Level
c. Long — 3 weeks+, 3 Legs
3. Run each Stretch in turn
▪ No 6s → no encounter
4. PCs may not, at any time
▪ 6 → when they break camp
a. Improve Peril Condition
▪ 6,6 → afternoon
b. Improve Damage Condition
▪ 6,6,6 → dead of night
c. Recuperate from Injuries
8. If Medium or Long stretch, each PC makes
5. .... unless they Strike Camp
remaining Toughness Tests
a. Spend 1 or more days (provisions etc)
b. Perform tasks like healing, hunting
c. Sleep → Imperiled
6. At end of journey, if particularly difficult
a. Award 1 Fortune Point per surviving PC


1. Pick a distance unit e.g. Yards, Furlongs, or Miles
2. Pick a corresponding time unit e.g. Combat
Turns, Minutes, or Hours
3. GM secretly sets Escape Condition in Rounds
▪ 3–9 for 5+—2 players involved
4. Establish Initiative Ladder
▪ Escapees go at top, ranked by AB
▪ Pursuers follow, by Initiative Roll
5. Escape or Pursuit per character → zero
6. GM may award some 3 point head starts
7. Each Round, initiative order:
a. If duration is over BB rounds, roll
Toughness Test at -10
▪ F → 2d10+2 Peril
▪ CF → 3d10+3 Peril
b. Gain 1d10+Movement Rate
c. If Pursuer and ahead of an Escapee, can try
to Capture
▪ Coordination Test, difficulties as
▪ Resist with Coordination test of
inverse difficulty
▪ CS → S, can’t resist
▪ S → captured, both drop from
▪ F → Pursuer’s score = Escapee’s -1
▪ CF → Pursuer’s score = Escapee’s
d. Roll Chaos die for Complication
▪ Roll on tables p666-667
▪ Affects character(s) with fewest
8. If we’ve had the Escape Condition’s worth of
Rounds, Escapee(s) get away

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