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1.1 Background
► The SADC Farming Project is proposed to be undertaken in South Africa; Botswana; DRC; Eswatini, Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi;
Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Seychelles; Zambia & Zimbabwe. However, entry or investing into either of these countries
shall not be a given, but will be determined on a case by case bases and willingness or flexibility of either of the countries to be
guided by proper corporate standards and ethics acceptable world wide.
► The aim is to operate a mega-agriculture business anywhere possible throughout SADC region & generate income & create
sustainable jobs to alleviate poverty at every stage of the value chain, from crop production to branding & packaging of the
produce for the local, regional & oversees markets.
► The lack of resources is a stumbling block for Africa & SADC region in particular who has the most arable land in the entire
continent & possibly world over, that’s capable of supporting many livelihoods who depend on agriculture activities. Moreover,
the growing concern of food scarcity in the entire world continues to put strain on the economies of most countries that depend
largely on agriculture activities who happen to be majority in SADC region of Africa, so lack of funding or inadequate capital &
inefficient equipment & application of knowledge are some major causes of food shortages in the region.
► The success of this project, shall result in reduction of poverty and unemployment, which in many cases leads to instability of
many countries across the region. Therefore, the idea is based on an element of sustainable skilling of communities, as all
surrounding or neighboring farming communities shall benefit from skills, inputs & draft power to be offered by every
establishment of the proposed farming venture, which also includes establishment of produce processing centers or factories on
the farms or nearby centers.
► The major idea in having these farms doted around the region is to engage in value addition of farming produce best suited for
each area or geographic location where these farming establishment shall exist. However, will endeavor for our skilled farming
stuff especially the agronomists to work on a commercial structure, but rendering a hand to local agriculture extension officers
of their respective areas so that can empower the local farming communities in the process, with the assistance of their
authorities within each area in form of policy & leadership hierarchal structures.
1.2 Proposition

► The directors seek for funding to undertake a growers scheme farming initiative
within SADC, both on leased and own land starting with 2 or 3 countries &
growing gradually into other SADC countries, even as structured joint ventures on
existing farms & branded packaging facilities.

► The funding of farming operations should be from the upcoming 2022/2023

season, starting with summer crops under dry land then winter crops under
irrigation, with a few short season varieties in autumn as well as spring i.e.
sugarbeans under irrigation.

► The funding of farming operations to include irrigation and mechanical

equipment as well as work operations and for establishment of produce
processing facilities or factories within the farms or close by centers for value
addition to create more income and employment for local communities.
1.3 Proposition
Table 1. Proposed Cropping Program

groundnuts, sorghum, sugarbeans, sunflower - summer crops

sugarbean - winter crop

sugarbeans - autumn crop

garlic and onion - winter crops

Production Plan 2022/ 23 Season:

- Sunflower to be produced as a summer crop for production of addeable oil and the yield can potentially increase to 4 tonnes per hectare, if protected
from birds and other pesticides including 200mm per season of rainfall or irrigation.
- Sugarbeans to be produced both as a summer and off winter crop with some under irrigation and the yield can potentially increase to 3 tonnes per
hectare if protected against round warms, affids and average of 150mm per season of rainfall or irrigation.
- Groundnuts to be produced mainly as a summer crop for production of cooking oil and peanuts, with potential for 3 tonnes per hectare if managed
against typhoons and other diseases.
- Garlic and Onions are best planted in winter and are both high earning crop as uses increase due to illnesses such as covid, high blood pressure etc.

Note: further agronomic & technical details shall be added to this draft slide, just as any other slides making up this entire project proposal presentaion
1.4 Equipment Required
► Irrigation pivots the fixed & towable range with potential to irrigate 50%+ total land area, all to be installed in
phases to manage capital outlay from summer; autumn; winter and spring as shall be described in the
irrigational engineer’s reports.
► Tractors sizes to range from 50hp - 75 hp - 90hp - 110hp - 150hp - 200hp - 260hp - 300hp - 350hp -400 hp, but
not withstanding hiring other sasonal tilage equipment for bulk work to limit borrowing exposure & focus on the
core business of farming & branded packing of produce.
► NB! Other key drawn equipment:-
► Roams pneumatic operated.
► Rippers pneumatic operated .
► Planters pneumatic operated.
► Seed Drills pneumatic operated.
► Boom Sprays pneumatic operated .
1.5 Opportunities
► Agriculture is the back bone of most SADC economies & if funded well can improve standards of living for many &
as a with such a viable model to encompass the greater part of agriculture value chain.
► The farming sector contributes immensely to most countries' gross domestic product (GDP) and we welcome the
partnership between EU & AU by engaging in trade of certain African agricultural produces.

► There’re vast untapped markets locally and regionally and if farming, by given it the treatment it deserves just like
like any other business, then positive results can be achieved.
► The downside risks to the business outlook include erratic power supplies, rising utility costs, adverse weather
conditions & shift in agricultural commodity prices.
► The upside potential is through proper planning & timeous action & complimented by use of efficient modern
equipment backed by technology.

► NB!
► Our view, which is supported by research: is by investing in irrigation & securing of water sources & equipping
through well designed irrigation systems. As witnessed in countries like South Africa, Israel to mention just a few
that are known for water scarcity but have turned around their agricultural fortunes through maticulus adoption of
modern irrigation methods & ways of harvesting the little water available. Such efforts have resulted in improving
agriculture outlook in main countries as the answer to most of the challenges mentioned above. Therefore, such
makes it possible to provide required water to both summer & winter cropping programs, especially when crops
experience a dry spell due to erratic rainfall within the growth stages (for summer crops), thus minimizing yield
1.5 Funding Requirements

► The total funding required is determined upon factoring cost all inputs, tractor, tilling & irrigation equipment (

indicated by the overall report by engineers.

► The irrigation & agronomy sections are both intergral in harnessing the full potential of both farming and brand

of the produce, for supply to local and external markets.

► The funding of the required inputs, operational & working expenditure in relation to purchasing of equipment.

► The whole range of our produce shall be in branded packaging in relation to expansion of the value chain by a
through the very contract farming initiative, which should grow from season to season per export market requi
likes of Pink n’ Pay & Shoprite/ Checkers among others.
1.6 Team
► Founding Directors:
The current 4 directors namely Abel Muvuti, Samuel Binduko, Lee Nyarota & Steward Dzimiri, shall discuss
setup of the holistic plan & implementation of the proposed farming venture. Also on that date of the 3rd of
October 2022 the necessary credentials of a 5th director could be touched on or deferred to a later date as
seen fit be & decided by the current directors, as the possible member could come in as an expert in the field
of agriculture. The proposed set up of coordinating farming with packaging & distribution shall require expects
to coordinate those different activities, for effective outcome. However, below are summarized credentials of
Steward Dzimiri, having worked in different sections of the grain and associated foods trading company based
in South Africa with makerts in certain SADC countries within the food processing and retail industries.
Stewart has earned experience in the food chain industries working in commodity distribution within Botswana,
Namibia, South Africa, Zambia & Zimbabwe. The same knowledge has proved that contract farming is integral
to penetrate the food distribution chain. Such passion was natured from been born of farming parents and
grandparants and living on a farm from childhood. With expertise in Business Studies (HND) Marketing from
Harare Polytechnic and professional business leadership courses attained from the business school in South

► Comment: To develop viable faming & branded packing venture the directors shall have to engage
qualified management teams, comprising of seasonal consultants, permanent managers, experienced
assistants & supervisors. These very teams will have to compliment the team of directors at almost
every point of operation. Moreso, during land preparation, planting, spraying and harvesting periods
to insure accuracy and accountability. Overoll, there has to be a technical term of experts who shall
be engaged on a consultancy basis to train, monitor and evaluate the farm management & branded
packing teams on the ground, in order to meet set targets.

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