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Chart 2

The line graph compares the monthly proceeds of four

cafes in New York during the prior year.

Overall, the income of The Tea Room significantly went

down, whereas the earnings of the other three cafés
witnessed considerable ascending trends.

Despite having the top revenue of almost 160000 dollars

in January, The Tea Room peaked at 180000 dollars in March and consistently fluctuated throughout the
following months prior to a sudden plunge in December at under 60000 dollars. This caused a tremendous
gap at approximately 130000 dollars, and consequently changed The Tea Room rank to the bottom.

By contrast, the sales of the remaining cafés soared by dissimilar degrees. Initially, Wi-fi Café leapt from
50000 dollars to nearly 200000 dollars throughout the year, meanwhile, Internet Express only had a slight
increase of seven out of five, 140000 dollars and 100000 dollars in turn. Secondly, Café Cool obviously
varied the most when its earning sharply continually went upwards and downwards, created out a
considerable gap at 90000 dollars, while the Internet Express had a flat tendency with an insignificant gap
at 40000 dollars.

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