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(11) EP 2 441 670 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: B64C 23/06 (2006.01)
24.07.2019 Bulletin 2019/30

(21) Application number: 11183673.0

(22) Date of filing: 03.10.2011

(54) Forward swept winglet

Nach vorne geneigter Winglet
Ailette entraînée vers l’avant

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors:

GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO San Pedro, CA California 90731 (US)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR • Vassberg, John C
Long Beach, CA California 90803 (US)
(30) Priority: 15.10.2010 US 905382
(74) Representative: Boult Wade Tennant LLP
(43) Date of publication of application: 5th Floor, Salisbury Square House
18.04.2012 Bulletin 2012/16 8, Salisbury Square
London EC4Y 8AP (GB)
(73) Proprietor: The Boeing Company
Chicago, IL 60606-1596 (US) (56) References cited:
EP-A1- 1 493 660 WO-A2-2010/116018
GB-A- 2 130 159 US-A1- 2009 039 204
EP 2 441 670 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 441 670 B1 2

Description wing span. Winglets 104 may also reduce the bending
load on the wing 102 compared to a conventional wing
FIELD having an equivalent L/D ratio, thereby reducing the
weight penalty of a wing with a larger span. However,
[0001] The present disclosure relates to aircraft, and 5 especially for higher aspect ratio wings, aft-swept win-
more particularly to a forward swept winglet for an aircraft glets 104 may result in increased flutter susceptibility.
wing. The aerodynamic benefit of winglets 104 is increased
with increased winglet span, "S," or distance from a root
BACKGROUND 106 of the winglet 104 to a tip 108 of the winglet 104, but
10 the structural and especially flutter susceptibility increas-
[0002] The higher the lift-to-drag ratio (L/D ratio) of the es rapidly with winglet span. Thus flutter concerns tend
wings of an aircraft, the more efficiently the aircraft may to limit winglet span.
fly with less fuel consumption. One method to improve [0006] One factor affecting wing flutter susceptibility is
the L/D ratio of an airplane is to use a wing of greater reduction of the natural twisting frequency of the wing.
span or length and shorter chord or distance from a lead- 15 The wing may be considered to be a torsional pendulum.
ing edge of the wing to a trailing edge of the wing. In other Resistance to torsion is typically provided by the box or
words a wing with greater aspect ratio will have a higher tube-like structure of the wing. Given the torsional rigidity
L/D ratio and will be more efficient. Aspect ratio is defined provided by this structure, the frequency is primarily de-
as the wing span squared divided by the wing area. Sev- termined by the polar distribution of mass about a tor-
eral practical considerations may limit the degree to 20 sional axis 110 of the wing structure as well as a spanwise
which aspect ratio may be increased. One limitation may distribution of this mass. As an analogous example, con-
be airport compatibility. Airports may be designed for air- sider a special clock that uses a torsional pendulum con-
planes with a certain maximum wing span. To operate sisting of a thin vertical rod fixed to the clock at the top
at an airport, each airplane must have a wing span that and free at the bottom. At the bottom of this rod a small
is less than or equal to the maximum for the particular 25 dumbbell is attached. When this dumbbell is rotated
airport. about the axis of the rod, the rod provides torsional re-
[0003] Another possible limitation may be wing weight. sistance. When the dumbbell is released, the dumbbell
The use of a high aspect ratio wing can increase the oscillates at a certain frequency according to its polar
airplane’s L/D ratio but may not result in lower drag and moment of inertia about the rod’s axis and the rigidity of
may not result in less fuel consumption. Because the 30 the rod. An increase in inertia reduces the frequency.
wing is a structural element, increasing its length increas- Moving the dumbbell to a point midway on the rod will
es the bending load the wing must resist. Accordingly the result in an increased frequency because of the higher
wing structure must be stronger or more robust to resist effective rigidity of the rod. Longer winglets tend to have
the bending load. The increased structure increases the greater polar moment of inertia by virtue of their greater
wing’s weight. Thus, a higher aspect ratio may result in 35 weight and greater length.
a heavier airplane. Because drag is equal to airplane [0007] Another factor affecting wing flutter susceptibil-
weight divided by the L/D ratio, a higher airplane weight ity is the rearward offset of the wing’s mass with respect
may result in increased drag even if the L/D ratio is in- to the torsional axis 110 of the wing’s structure. As the
creased. In practice, wing aspect ratios are set to a value wing flies through the air, it makes lift that is proportional
that results in minimum drag, or the aspect ratios are set 40 to its angle of attack. Increased lift tends to drive the wing
to lower values that result in a significantly lighter airplane upward, especially the outer portion of the wing. For in-
with drag that is slightly greater than minimum. stance, flying into an upward gust of air directly increases
[0004] Another limitation to designing an aircraft wing the wing’s angle of attack which increases its lift which
with a higher L/D ratio or a higher aspect ratio may be results in an upward acceleration, resulting in an upward
wing flutter. Wing flutter is a dynamic phenomenon in 45 deflection. If the center of mass of the wing is behind the
which an approximately vertical (flapping) motion of the torsional axis of the wing, then this upward gust will result
wing couples with a torsional mode (wing twist), resulting in the wing twisting to a higher angle of incidence. This
in unacceptable shaking in the wing that can cause struc- increases the angle of attack beyond the additional in-
tural damage. Wings can become more limber at higher crement from the gust, resulting in an increased deflec-
aspect ratios which can lead to greater flutter suscepti- 50 tion. As the wing approaches the top of the stroke, it be-
bility. This relationship sometimes limits the wing aspect gins to decelerate. This tends to twist the wing to a re-
ratio. duced angle of attack, driving it downwards with in-
[0005] One existing method to alleviate the limitations creased force. If the torsional frequency of the wing co-
discussed above is the use of a winglet at each wing tip. incides (or nearly coincides) with the wing bending (flap-
Figure 1 illustrates an aircraft 100 including wings 102 55 ping) frequency, this oscillation can grow to a proportion
and an aft-swept winglet 104 attached to a wing tip of that may result in damage to the wing. In general, as
each wing 102. The winglet 104 may provide the benefit airspeeds increase, wing bending frequencies may tend
of increased wing span without actually increasing the to increase and torsional frequencies may decrease. At

3 EP 2 441 670 B1 4

some speed these frequencies may coincide, leading to with a first, forward sweep angle relative to a pitch axis
flutter. Wing flutter may also be influenced by fore and of the wing. A second feather is fixed relative to, and
aft motions of the wing that are tied to the vertical motions. projects outwardly from, the outboard portion of the wing
This type of motion is more likely in slender, high aspect at least partially aft of the first feather, and has a leading
ratio wings. 5 edge with a second, aft sweep angle relative to the pitch
[0008] Aft-swept winglets, such as winglets 104, may axis.
increase flutter susceptibility because they may increase
the polar moment of inertia of the wing 102 about the SUMMARY
wing’s torsional axis 110 and the winglets 104 do this at
the wing tip, which may be the most undesirable location 10 [0012] Various aspects and embodiments of the
for such forces. Additionally, aft-swept winglets 104 add present invention are set out in the appended claims.
weight behind the wing’s torsional axis 110 and this [0013] In accordance with an example, an aircraft may
weight is also added at the wing tip. Increasing the span include a pair of wings. A forward swept winglet may be
of aft-swept winglets 104 may also increase the polar attached proximate to a wing tip of each wing. The for-
moment of inertia and moves the wing’s center of mass 15 ward swept winglet may include a leading edge and a
aft. Thus, longer winglets may further increase flutter by trailing edge. The leading edge of each winglet may ex-
the two mechanisms described above. tend from the wing at a predetermined forward sweep
[0009] An additional factor that constrains the span of angle relative to a line perpendicular to a chord of the
the winglet pertains to ground clearance. Winglets may wing tip in a direction corresponding to a forward portion
sweep up from the wing tip or may sweep down, or both. 20 of the aircraft.
The aerodynamic benefit is approximately driven by the [0014] In accordance with another example, an aircraft
distance from the top of the upper winglet to the bottom may include a wing and a forward swept winglet attached
of the lower winglet. From a flutter standpoint, the in- proximate to a wing tip of the wing. The forward swept
crease in polar moment of inertia would benefit from the winglet may include an upper winglet portion extending
upper and lower winglets having the same span. This 25 above the wing and a lower winglet portion extending
puts the center of mass of the upper and lower winglets below the wing. A leading edge of at least the upper win-
closer to the wing’s torsional axis 110. Also, the center glet portion may extend from the wing at a predetermined
of mass of the winglets as a system is farther forward forward sweep angle relative to a line perpendicular to a
than if only a single winglet of the same span is used. chord of the wing tip in a direction corresponding to a
Both the reduction in polar moment of inertia and forward 30 forward portion of the aircraft.
offset of the center of mass reduces flutter susceptibility. [0015] In accordance with another example, a method
However, the length of a lower winglet is limited by ground to reduce wing flutter in an aircraft wing designed to pro-
clearance. It is important that the winglet not contact the vide a substantially increased lift-to-drag ratio may in-
ground in any ordinary operation including landing and clude attaching a forward swept winglet proximate to a
takeoff. Roll clearance is usually most critical when the 35 wing tip of each wing of the aircraft. The forward swept
airplane is pitched up for takeoff or landing. In this nose- winglet may include a leading edge and a trailing edge.
up position, a lower aft swept winglet, especially when The leading edge of each winglet may extend at a pre-
mounted on an aft swept wing, is closer to the ground by determined forward sweep angle relative to a line per-
virtue of its more aft location. This means that a lower pendicular to a chord of the wing tip in a direction corre-
aft-swept winglet is relatively more constrained in span 40 sponding to a forward portion of the aircraft.
than an unswept winglet. [0016] In accordance with another example, there is
[0010] Accordingly, there is a need to improve the L/D disclosed an aircraft, comprising: a wing; and a forward
ratio and performance of the wings of aircraft to improve swept winglet attached proximate to a wing tip of the wing,
efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. As described the forward swept winglet comprising an upper winglet
above, one technique to alleviate the limitations associ- 45 portion extending above the wing and a lower winglet
ated with a higher L/D ratio or a higher wing aspect ratio portion extending below the wing, a leading edge of at
is the use of winglets. However, any winglet configura- least the upper winglet portion extending from the wing
tions need to avoid flutter susceptibility and other issues at a predetermined forward sweep angle relative to a line
similar to those described above. perpendicular to a chord of the wing tip in a direction
[0011] In United States Patent Application Publication 50 corresponding to a forward portion of the aircraft.
US 2009/0039204, there is described aircraft wing tip [0017] Wherein the lower winglet portion includes a
feathers, including forward swept wing tip feathers, and leading edge and a trailing edge, the leading edge of the
associated aircraft systems and methods. A system is lower winglet portion extending from the wing at a select-
disclosed as including an aircraft wing having an inboard ed forward sweep angle relative to the line perpendicular
portion, an outboard portion, and a leading edge having 55 to the chord of the wing tip in a direction toward the for-
an aft wing sweep angle at the outboard portion. A first ward portion of the aircraft.
feather is fixed relative to, and projects outwardly from, [0018] Further comprising a mass balance of a chosen
the outboard portion of the wing and has a leading edge weight positioned at a farthest forward position of each

5 EP 2 441 670 B1 6

of the upper winglet portion and the lower winglet portion. bodiment of the present disclosure.
[0019] Other aspects and features of the present dis- Figure 8 is a detailed front elevation view of the for-
closure, as defined solely by the claims, will become ap- ward swept winglet including upper and lower winglet
parent to those ordinarily skilled in the art upon review portions extending substantially perpendicular to the
of the following non-limited detailed description of the 5 wing of the aircraft in accordance with an exemplary
disclosure in conjunction with the accompanying figures. embodiment of the present disclosure.
Figure 9 is a detailed front elevation view of the for-
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF ward swept winglet including upper and lower winglet
THE DRAWINGS portions extending at a predetermined angle relative
10 to the wing of the aircraft in accordance with another
[0020] The following detailed description of embodi- embodiment of the present disclosure.
ments refers to the accompanying drawings, which illus- Figure 10 is a detailed side elevation view of a for-
trate specific embodiments of the disclosure. Other em- ward swept winglet including upper and lower winglet
bodiments having different structures and operations do portions illustrating a comparison of ground clear-
not depart from the scope of the present disclosure. 15 ance for forward and aft swept lower winglet portions
in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the
Figure 1 is an illustration of an example of an aircraft present disclosure.
including prior art aft swept winglets. Figure 11 is a flow chart of an example of a method
Figure 2 is an illustration of an aircraft including upper to reduce wing flutter in an aircraft wing in accord-
forward swept winglets in accordance with an exem- 20 ance with an embodiment of the present disclosure.
plary embodiment of the present disclosure. Figure 12 is an example of an aircraft having a blend-
Figure 3A is a detailed side elevation view of the ed wing body configuration including forward swept
upper forward swept winglet of Figures 2 in accord- winglets in accordance with an embodiment of the
ance with an exemplary embodiment of the present present disclosure.
disclosure. 25 Figure 13 is an example of an aircraft having a flying
Figure 3B is a detailed side elevation view of an up- wing configuration including forward swept winglets
per forward swept winglet in accordance with anoth- in accordance with an embodiment of the present
er exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure. disclosure.
Figure 3C is a detailed side elevation view of an up-
per forward swept winglet in accordance with a fur- 30 DESCRIPTION
ther exemplary embodiment of the present disclo-
sure. [0021] The following detailed description of embodi-
Figure 4 is a detailed front elevation view of the upper ments refers to the accompanying drawings, which illus-
forward swept winglet extending substantially per- trate specific embodiments of the disclosure. Other em-
pendicular to the wing of the aircraft in accordance 35 bodiments having different structures and operations do
with an exemplary embodiment of the present dis- not depart from the scope of the present disclosure.
closure. [0022] Figure 2 is an illustration of an aircraft 200 in-
Figure 5 is a detailed front elevation view of the upper cluding upper forward swept winglets 202 in accordance
forward swept winglet extending at a predetermined with an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure.
angle relative to the wing of the aircraft in accordance 40 In another embodiment, the aircraft 200 may also include
with another exemplary embodiment of the present only lower forward swept winglets which may have similar
disclosure. characteristics to those described herein. In a further em-
Figure 6 is an illustration of an aircraft including for- bodiment, the aircraft 200 may include a forward swept
ward swept winglets including an upper forward winglet including both an upper winglet portion and a low-
swept winglet portion and a lower forward swept win- 45 er winglet portion. An exemplary embodiment of an air-
glet portion in accordance with another exemplary craft including a forward swept winglet including both up-
embodiment of the present disclosure. per and lower winglet portions will be described in more
Figure 7A is a detailed side elevation view of the detail with reference to Figures 6, 7A-7C and 10.
forward swept winglet of Figure 6 including the upper [0023] The aircraft 200 includes an elongate fuselage
and lower winglet portions in accordance with an ex- 50 204. The elongate fuselage 204 includes a nose or for-
emplary embodiment of the present disclosure. ward portion 206 of the fuselage 204 or aircraft 200,
Figure 7B is a detailed side elevation view of a for- where a cockpit 208 is located, and an aft or tail portion
ward swept winglet including upper and lower winglet 210 of the aircraft 200 where a vertical stabilizer and rud-
portions in accordance with another exemplary em- der flight control surface 212 are mounted and a horizon-
bodiment of the present disclosure. 55 tal stabilizer and elevator flight control surface 214 are
Figure 7C is a detailed side elevation view of a for- mounted. The rudder 212 controls right and left motion
ward swept winglet including upper and lower winglet of the aircraft 200 and the elevator 214 controls up and
portions in accordance with a further exemplary em- down or altitude of the aircraft 200.

7 EP 2 441 670 B1 8

[0024] A wing 216 is attached to each side of the fu- which the aircraft may be expected or designed to fly;
selage 204 and extends from the fuselage 204. The ex- any balancing mass or balancing mass weight in the win-
emplary aircraft 200 illustrated in Figure 2 has engines glet 202; and reducing induced drag of the winglet 202
218 mounted under each wing 216; although as known or wing system including the wing 216 and winglet 202.
in the art, the engines 218 may be mounted at other lo- 5 In at least one embodiment, the predetermined forward
cations on the aircraft 200, such as proximate to the tail sweep angle θ of the leading edge 228 of the winglet 202
section 210 above the wing 216 or other locations de- may be greater than about 15 degrees and less than
pending upon the aircraft design. Each wing 216 may be about 50 degrees.
attached to the fuselage 204 at a wing root 220. Each [0029] The forward swept winglet 202 may be built us-
wing 216 includes a leading edge 222 and trailing edge 10 ing conventional methods to be of typically light weight.
224 extending from the wing root 220 to a wing tip 226 The winglet 202 may also include discrete a weight 240
opposite to the wing root 220. for mass balance. The mass balance weight 240 or
[0025] A forward swept winglet 202 is attached proxi- weights may be located at favorable locations in the win-
mate to the wing tip 226 of each wing 216. The forward glet 202 for optimum distribution of mass balance. One
swept winglet 202 may be attached at the wing tip 226 15 potentially favorable location may be proximate the lead-
as illustrated in the exemplary embodiment in Figure 2 ing edge 228 and proximate the tip 234 of the forward
or, in another embodiment, the winglet 202 may be at- swept winglet 202 similar to that illustrated in Figure 3A.
tached at a predetermined distance from the wing tip 226 [0030] The weight of the forward swept winglet 202 is
toward the wing root 220. located ahead or forward of the weight of a similar aft-
[0026] Referring also to Figure 3A, Figure 3A is a de- 20 swept winglet, such as winglet 104 in Figure 1. This more
tailed side elevation view of the upper forward swept win- forward weight may reduce susceptibility to wing flutter
glet 202 of Figure 2 in accordance with an exemplary when compared to a wing with an equivalent aft-swept
embodiment of the present disclosure. The forward winglet or a wing without a winglet. As discussed above,
swept winglet 202 includes a leading edge 228 and a the forward swept winglet 202 may be used to mount a
trailing edge 230. The leading edge 228 and trailing edge 25 mass balance weight 240 at a favorable location such as
230 may extend from a root 232 of the winglet 202 to a near the leading edge 228 and near the tip 234. This
tip 234 of the winglet 202. The leading edge 228 and the mass balance 240 is well ahead or forward of the wing’s
trailing edge 230 may have a selected taper from the torsional axis 242. This mass balance 240 further tends
winglet root 232 to the winglet tip 234. The leading edge to suppress susceptibility to wing flutter. A chord of the
228 of each winglet 202 may extend from the wing 216 30 forward swept winglet 202 may be substantially equal in
or wing tip 226 at a predetermined forward sweep angle length and correspond or align with the chord 236 of the
θ relative to a line 235 perpendicular or normal to a chord wing 216 or wing tip 226.
236 of the wing tip 226 or wing 216 in a direction corre- [0031] Referring also to Figure 3B, Figure 3B is a de-
sponding to the forward portion 206 of the aircraft 200. tailed side elevation view of an upper forward swept win-
The chord 236 may be defined as the distance between 35 glet 300 in accordance with another exemplary embod-
the leading edge 222 and the trailing edge 224 of the iment of the present disclosure. The upper forward win-
wing 216 or wing tip 226. The chord 236 is illustrated by glet 300 may be substantially the same as the upper for-
a broken or chain line in Figure 3A. ward winglet 202 in Figure 3A except that a leading edge
[0027] The trailing edge 230 of the winglet 202 may 228 of the winglet 300 is offset a selected distance "DA"
also extend from the wing 216 or wing tip 226 at a selected 40 from the leading edge 222 of the wing 216 or wing tip
forward sweep angle Φ relative to another line 238 per- 226 in an aft direction. Described another way, a root or
pendicular to the chord 236 of the wing 216 or wing tip root chord 302 of the winglet 300 is attached to the wing
226. The selected forward sweep angle Φ of the trailing tip 226 or wing 216 offset the selected distance "DA"
edge 230 of the winglet 202 may be greater than the relative to the chord 236 of the wing tip 226 or wing 216
predetermined forward sweep angle θ of the leading edge 45 in the aft direction. The remaining chord distribution of
228 of the winglet 202 to provide the selected taper of the winglet 300 may be determined by conventional aer-
the winglet 202. In another embodiment, the selected odynamic considerations.
forward sweep angle Φ of the trailing edge 230 may be [0032] Figure 3C is a detailed side elevation view of
less than the predetermined forward sweep angle θ of an upper forward swept winglet 301 in accordance with
the leading edge 228. The selected sweep angle Φ may 50 a further exemplary embodiment of the present disclo-
even sweep toward an aft or tail portion 210 of the aircraft sure. The upper forward winglet 301 may also be sub-
200 (Figure 2). stantially the same as the upper forward winglet 202 in
[0028] The predetermined forward sweep angle θ of Figure 3A except that a leading edge 228 of the winglet
the leading edge 228 and selected forward sweep angle 301 is offset a selected distance "DF" from the leading
Φ may vary. Considerations or parameters in determining 55 edge 222 of the wing 216 or wing tip 226 in an forward
the forward sweep angles may include but is not neces- direction. Described another way, a root or root chord
sarily limited to a weight of the winglet; a wing span and 303 of the winglet 301 is attached to the wing tip 226 or
area of each wing and winglet; a cruise Mach number at wing 216 offset the selected distance "DF" relative to the

9 EP 2 441 670 B1 10

chord 236 of the wing tip 226 or wing 216 in the forward 640 of the wing tip 630 in a direction corresponding to
direction. The remaining chord distribution of the winglet the forward portion 610 of the aircraft 600.
301 may be determined by conventional aerodynamic [0038] The leading edge 636 of the lower winglet por-
considerations. tion 606 may also extend from the wing 620 or wing tip
[0033] Figure 4 is a detailed front elevation view of the 5 630 at a selected forward angle ω relative to the perpen-
upper forward swept winglet 202 illustrating the winglet dicular line 642 to the chord 640 of the wing 620 in a
extending from the wing tip 226 substantially perpendic- direction toward the forward portion 610 of the aircraft
ular to the wing 216 of the aircraft 200 in accordance with 600. The selected forward sweep angle ω of the leading
an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure. edge 636 of the lower winglet portion 606 may be different
[0034] Figure 5 is a detailed front elevation view of the 10 than the predetermined forward sweep angle θ of the
upper forward swept winglet 202 extending from the wing upper winglet portion 604. While the lower winglet portion
tip 226 at a chosen angle I relative to the wing 216 of the 606 is illustrated in the exemplary embodiment in Figure
aircraft in accordance with another exemplary embodi- 7A as sweeping forward, in another embodiment, the low-
ment of the present disclosure. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate er winglet portion 606 may sweep aft or may not sweep
that the forward swept winglet 202 may extend from wing 15 in either direction.
216 at a chosen angle I in a direction inboard toward the [0039] The trailing edge 634 of the upper winglet por-
fuselage 204 (Figure 1) or outboard away from the fuse- tion 604 may sweep forward at a chosen sweep angle Φ
lage. The chosen angle I may be between about 45 de- relative to another line 643 perpendicular to the chord
grees and about 135 degrees. 630 of the wing 620 or wing tip 630. The chosen sweep
[0035] Figure 6 is an illustration of an aircraft 600 in- 20 angle Φ may be different from the predetermined sweep
cluding a forward swept winglet 602 including an upper angle θ of the leading edge 632 of the upper winglet por-
forward swept winglet portion 604 and a lower forward tion 604 and the selected sweep angle ω the leading
swept winglet portion 606 in accordance with another edge 636 of the lower winglet portion. The chosen sweep
exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure. The angle Φ of the trailing edge 634 may be greater than the
aircraft 600 may be similar to the aircraft 200 in Figure 25 predetermined sweep angle θ of the leading edge 632 of
2. The aircraft 600 includes an elongate fuselage 608. the upper winglet portion 604 so that the upper winglet
The elongate fuselage 608 includes a nose or forward portion tapers toward a tip 644 of the upper winglet por-
portion 610, where a cockpit 612 is located, and an aft tion 604.
or tail portion 614 of the aircraft 600. A vertical stabilizer [0040] In another embodiment, the chosen sweep an-
and rudder flight control surface 616 and a horizontal 30 gle Φ of the trailing edge 634 may be less than the pre-
stabilizers and elevator flight control surface 618 are determined sweep angle θ of the leading edge 632 of the
mounted to the aft or tail portion 614 of the aircraft 600. upper winglet portion 604 so that the upper winglet por-
[0036] A wing 620 is attached to each side of the fu- tion widens toward a tip 644 of the upper winglet portion
selage 608 and extends from the fuselage 608. The ex- 604.
emplary aircraft 600 illustrated in Figure 6 has engines 35 [0041] Similarly, the trailing edge 638 of the lower win-
622 mounted under each wing 220; although as known glet portion 606 may extend from the wing 620 or wing
in the art and as previously described, the engines 622 tip 630 at a predetermined angle m which may be less
may be mounted at other locations on the aircraft 600. than, equal to or greater than the chosen angle ω of the
Each wing 620 may be attached to the fuselage 608 at leading edge 636.
a wing root 624. Each wing 620 includes a leading edge 40 [0042] The upper winglet portion 604 and the lower
626 and trailing edge 628 extending from the wing root winglet portion 606 may each include a mass balance
624 to a wing tip 630 opposite to the wing root 624. The weight 646 and 648 respectively or only one of the winglet
forward swept winglet 602 may be attached to the wing portions may include a mass balance weight. The mass
tip 630 or to the wing 620 proximate to the wing tip 630. balance weight 646 and 648 may be located at predeter-
[0037] Referring also to Figure 7A, Figure 7A is a de- 45 mined favorable locations in each of the upper and lower
tailed side elevation view of the forward swept winglet winglet portions 604 and 606. One potential favorable
602 of Figure 6 including the upper and lower winglet location in each winglet portion 604 and 606 may be prox-
portions 604 and 606 in accordance with an exemplary imate to the leading edge 632 and 636 and proximate to
embodiment of the present disclosure. The upper winglet the tip 644 and 650. Thus, a mass balance of a chosen
portion 604 extends above the wing 620 or wing tip 630 50 weight may be positioned at a farthest forward position
and the lower winglet portion 606 extends below the wing of each of the upper and lower winglet portions 604 and
620 or wing tip 630. The upper winglet portion 604 in- 606. The optimum amount of mass balance 646 and 648
cludes a leading edge 632 and a trailing edge 634. The in each winglet portion 604 and 606 may be different.
lower winglet portion 606 includes a leading edge 636 [0043] Figure 7B is a detailed side elevation view of a
and a trailing edge 638. The leading edge 632 of at least 55 forward swept winglet 700 including upper and lower win-
the upper winglet portion 604 may extend from the wing glet portions 702 and 704 in accordance with another
620 or wing tip 630 at a predetermined forward sweep exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure. The
angle θ relative to a line 642 perpendicular to the chord forward winglet 700 may be substantially the same as

11 EP 2 441 670 B1 12

the forward winglet 702 in Figure 7A except that a leading shown by a dotted line and ground clearance is repre-
edge 632 of the upper winglet portion 702 and the leading sented in Figure 10 by the chain line 1002. The ground
edge 636 of the lower winglet portion 704 are offset a clearance 1002 is illustrated at an angle A relative to hor-
selected distance "DA" from the leading edge 626 of the izontal to represent the orientation of the winglet 602 and
wing 620 or wing tip 630 in an aft direction. Described 5 the aft-swept winglet 1000 when the aircraft 600 rotates
another way, a root or root chord 706 of the winglet 700 into a nose up position for take off or landing. As illustrated
is attached to the wing tip 630 or wing 620 offset the in Figure 10, a forward swept lower winglet portion 606
selected distance "DA" relative to the chord 640 of the may have a much longer span compared to the aft-swept
wing tip 630 or wing 620 in the aft direction. The remaining winglet 1000.
chord distribution of the winglet 700 may be determined 10 [0048] The structure of the forward swept winglet 202
by conventional aerodynamic considerations. While the and 602 as illustrated in Figures 3A and 7A function to
leading edges 632 and 634 are illustrated in Figure 7B increase the aerodynamic efficiency of the wing 216 (Fig-
as being offset by the same distance "DA" from the lead- ure 2) and 620 (Figure 6). The winglet 202 and 602 in-
ing edge of the wing 620, the leading edges 632 and 634 fluences a greater mass of air flowing over the wing 216
may be offset by different distances. One or the other of 15 and 620. This reduces the downwash angle and induced
the leading edges 632 and 636 may even be forward of drag of the wing. This benefit is sensitive primarily to the
the leading edge 626 of the wing 620 similar to that illus- ratio of the height of the winglet (upper tip to lower tip) to
trated in Figure 7C. the wing span.
[0044] Figure 7C is a detailed side elevation view of a [0049] The forward swept winglets 202 and 602 also
forward swept winglet 701 including upper and lower win- 20 serve to move the center of mass of the outer portion of
glet portions 703 and 705 in accordance with a further the wing forward. Moving the center of mass of the wing
exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure. The forward is intended to reduce the wings susceptibility to
forward swept winglet 701 may also be substantially the flutter as previously described. The winglets 202 and 602
same as the forward swept winglet 602 in Figure 7A ex- add mass to the wing tip that is forward of the torsional
cept that the leading edges 632 and 636 of the upper and 25 axis 242 (Figure 3A) and 650 (Figure 7A) of the wing 216
lower winglet portions 703 and 705 are offset a selected and 620. This may be accomplished by the weight of the
distance "DF" from the leading edge 626 of the wing 620 winglet itself being forward of the torsional axis 242 and
or wing tip 630 in an forward direction. Described another 650 and a mass balance may be located in the winglet
way, a root or root chord 706 of the winglet 701 is attached 202 and 602 as described herein to add additional mass
to the wing tip 630 or wing 620 offset the selected distance 30 as far forward as possible from the wing torsional axis
"DF" relative to the chord 640 of the wing tip 630 or wing 242 and 650.
620 in the forward direction. The remaining chord distri- [0050] A center of gravity of the winglet 202 may be
bution of the winglet 701 may be determined by conven- adjusted or a center of gravity of each of the upper winglet
tional aerodynamic considerations. portion 604 and lower winglet portion 606 may be adjust-
[0045] Figure 8 is a detailed front elevation view of the 35 ed vertically. In this way, the response of the wing may
forward swept winglet 602 including upper and lower win- be tuned to fore and aft motion of the wing and to reduce
glet portions 604 and 606 extending substantially per- susceptibility to wing flutter. The tuning may involve var-
pendicular to the wing 620 of the aircraft 600 in accord- ying the span of the upper and lower winglet portions. A
ance with an exemplary embodiment of the present dis- longer upper winglet portion span with a shorter lower
closure. 40 winglet span tends to move the entire winglet center of
[0046] Figure 9 is a detailed front elevation view of the gravity upwards. Tuning may also involve adjusting the
forward swept winglet 602 including upper and lower win- mass balance in the upper and lower winglet portions.
glet portions 604 and 606 extending at predetermined For example increasing the mass balance in the upper
angles I and ϑ relative to the wing 620 of the aircraft 620 winglet while reducing the mass balance in the lower win-
in accordance with another embodiment of the present 45 glet portion may move the entire winglet’s center of mass
disclosure. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate that each of the win- upward.
glet portions 604 and 606 of the winglet 602 may extend [0051] In accordance with different embodiments, dif-
from wing 620 at the same or a different predetermined ferent combinations of forward swept and aft-swept up-
angles I and ϑ in a direction inboard toward the fuselage per and lower winglet portions similar to those described
608 (Figure 6) or outboard away from the fuselage 608. 50 herein may achieve different results. For example, only
The predetermined angles I and ϑ may be between about a lower forward swept winglet may achieve the ground
45 degrees and about 135 degrees. clearance illustrated in Figure 10 along with the other
[0047] Figure 10 is a detailed side elevation view of features describe herein. A forward swept lower winglet
the forward swept winglet 602 including upper and lower could be used with an aft swept upper winglet to achieve
winglet portions 604 and 606 illustrating a comparison of 55 a larger winglet span. A forward swept upper winglet
ground clearance for forward and aft swept lower winglet could be combined with an aft swept lower winglet, es-
portions in accordance with an exemplary embodiment pecially when the upper winglet contains a mass balance
of the present disclosure. An aft-swept winglet 1000 is weight to provide some benefits of a forward swept win-

13 EP 2 441 670 B1 14

glet with reduced yaw torque on the outer wing box or that may be joined to form a single wing structure similar
structure resulting from an airplane side slip in flight. to that illustrated in Figure 13. The winglets 1304 are
[0052] Figure 11 is a flow chart of an example of a illustrated in Figure 13 as including both an upper winglet
method 1100 to reduce wing flutter in an aircraft wing in portion 1310 and a lower winglet portion 1312. In other
accordance with an embodiment of the present disclo- 5 embodiments, the winglets 1304 may only have an upper
sure. In block 1102, a forward swept winglet may be at- winglet portion 1310 or only a lower winglet portion 1312.
tached to each wing of an aircraft proximate to a wing tip [0057] The terminology used herein is for the purpose
of each wing. The winglet may include a forward swept of describing particular embodiments only and is not in-
upper winglet portion only, a forward swept lower winglet tended to be limiting of the disclosure. As used herein,
portion only or a combination of a lower and upper winglet 10 the singular forms "a", "an" and "the" are intended to in-
portion. The combination of upper and lower winglet por- clude the plural forms as well, unless the context clearly
tions may also include both portions being swept forward indicates otherwise. It will be further understood that the
or any one of the upper and lower portions being swept terms "comprises" and/or "comprising," when used in this
forward and the other portion swept aft. Any of the winglet specification, specify the presence of stated features, in-
portions may be offset either forward or aft relative to a 15 tegers, steps, operations, elements, and/or components,
chord of the wing tip or wing similar to that previously but do not preclude the presence or addition of one or
described herein to provide desired operating character- more other features, integers, steps, operations, ele-
istics, such as reduced wing flutter and increased ground ments, components, and/or groups thereof.
clearance. [0058] Although specific embodiments have been il-
[0053] In block 1104, the winglet or each winglet por- 20 lustrated and described herein, those of ordinary skill in
tion may extend at a predetermined sweep angle relative the art appreciate that any arrangement which is calcu-
to the chord of the wing tip or wing. The winglet portion lated to achieve the same purpose may be substituted
may also extend at a selected angle in an inboard or for the specific embodiments shown and that the embod-
outboard direction relative to a fuselage of the aircraft iments herein have other applications in other environ-
similar to that previously described herein. 25 ments. This application is intended to cover any adapta-
[0054] In block 1106, a mass balance may be adjusted tions or variations of the present disclosure. The following
in the winglet to substantially reduce wing flutter. The claims are in no way intended to limit the scope of the
mass balance may be adjusted in either an upper winglet disclosure to the specific embodiments described herein.
portion, lower winglet portion or both. The sweep angle
of the winglet or sweep angles of the winglet portions 30
may be adjusted along with the mass balance to deter- Claims
mine the optimum configuration for substantially reduc-
ing wing flutter and improving aerodynamic operation of 1. An aircraft (200), comprising:
the wing to reduce fuel consumption.
[0055] While the present disclosure has described ex- 35 a pair of wings (216); and
amples of forward swept winglets in association with an for each wing, a forward swept winglet (202) at-
aircraft including an elongate fuselage configuration or tached proximate to a wing tip (226) of said wing,
tube and wing configuration, the forward swept winglets said forward swept winglet including a leading
may also be applicable to other type aircraft configura- edge (222) and a trailing edge (224), the leading
tions. For example, Figure 12 is an example of an aircraft 40 edge of said winglet extending from said wing
1200 having a blended wing body configuration 1202 in- at a predetermined forward sweep angle relative
cluding forward swept winglets 1204 in accordance with to a line (235) perpendicular to a chord (236) of
an embodiment of the present disclosure. The blended said wing tip in a direction corresponding to a
wing body configuration 1202 may include a fuselage or forward portion (206) of the aircraft; the aircraft
body 1206 that basically forms an inner portion of the 45 characterised by further comprising, for said
wing and gradually transitions to a wing portion 1208. each wing, at least one mass balance (240) in
The forward swept winglets 1204 may be similar to those said winglet forward of the torsional axis (242)
previously disclosed. While the forward swept winglet of said wing.
1204 is illustrated as extending upward from the wing
1208, in other embodiments, the winglet 1204 could ex- 50 2. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, the
tend downward or could include both upper winglet por- predetermined forward sweep angle of said winglet
tions and lower winglet portions similar to that previously is determined by a group of parameters comprising
described. a weight of said winglet, a wing span and area of
[0056] Figure 13 is an example of another aircraft 1300 said wing, a cruise Mach number of the aircraft, bal-
having a flying wing type configuration 1302 including 55 ancing mass in said winglet and reducing induced
forward swept winglets 1304 in accordance with an em- drag.
bodiment of the present disclosure. The flying wing type
configuration may include a pair of wings 1306 and 1308 3. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said

15 EP 2 441 670 B1 16

forward swept winglet comprises a root chord that is one of an elongated fuselage to which the wings are
one of: substantially equal in length to the chord of attached, a blended wing body configuration and a
said wing tip, shorter than the chord of said wing tip, flying wing configuration wherein the pair of wings
or longer than the chord of said wing tip. are joined to form a single wing structure.
4. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said 14. A method to reduce wing flutter in an aircraft wing
forward swept winglet comprises a root that is at- designed to provide a substantially increased lift-to-
tached to said wing tip offset a selected distance in drag ratio, the method comprising, for each wing of
either a forward or aft direction relative to the chord the aircraft, attaching a forward swept winglet prox-
of said wing tip. 10 imate to a wing tip of said wing, said forward swept
winglet including a leading edge and a trailing edge,
5. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, the the leading edge of said winglet extending at a pre-
trailing edge of the forward swept winglet extends determined forward sweep angle relative to a line
from said wing at a selected forward sweep angle perpendicular to a chord of said wing tip in a direction
relative to the line perpendicular to the chord of said 15 corresponding to a forward portion of the aircraft;
wing tip. and, for said winglet, providing at least one mass
balance in the winglet forward of the torsional axis
6. The aircraft of claim 5, wherein, for each wing, the of said wing.
selected forward sweep angle of the trailing edge of
said winglet is greater than the predetermined for- 20 15. The method of claim 14, wherein attaching the for-
ward sweep angle of the leading edge of said winglet. ward swept winglet comprises:

7. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said attaching an upper winglet portion extending
forward swept winglet extends above said wing. above said wing at the predetermined forward
25 sweep angle of said winglet; and
8. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said attaching a lower winglet portion extending be-
forward swept winglet comprises a lower forward low said wing.
swept winglet portion extending below said wing.

9. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said 30 Patentansprüche

forward swept winglet comprises:
1. Flugzeug (200) mit
an upper winglet portion extending above said
wing at the predetermined forward sweep angle einem Paar Flügel (216); und
of said winglet; and 35 für jeden Flügel einem nach vorne gekehrten
a lower portion extending below said wing. Winglet (202), das in der Nähe einer Flügelspit-
ze (226) des Flügels befestigt ist, wobei das
10. The aircraft of claim 9, wherein the at least one mass nach vorne gekehrte Winglet eine Vorderkante
balance comprises at least one mass balance of a (222) und eine Hinterkante (224) aufweist, wo-
chosen weight positioned at a selected location in at 40 bei sich die Vorderkante des Winglets von dem
least one of said upper winglet portion and said lower Flügel in einem vorgegebenen Vorwärts-
winglet portion. Schwenkwinkel in Bezug auf eine zu einem Seh-
nenabschnitt (236) der Flügelspitze senkrech-
11. The aircraft of claim 9, wherein the at least one mass ten Linie (235) in einer Richtung erstreckt, die
balance comprises a mass balance of a chosen 45 einem vorderen Abschnitt (206) des Flugzeugs
weight positioned at a farthest forward position of entspricht;
each of said upper winglet portion and said lower wobei das Flugzeug dadurch gekennzeichnet
winglet portion. ist, dass es ferner für jeden Flügel mindestens
einen Masseausgleich (240) in dem Winglet vor
12. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein, for each wing, said 50 der Torsionsachse (242) des Flügels umfasst.
forward swept winglet extends from said wing at a
chosen angle in a direction inboard toward the fuse- 2. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, wobei für jeden Flügel
lage or outboard away from the fuselage, the chosen der vorgegebene Vorwärts-Schwenkwinkel des
angle being between substantially vertical to an ex- Winglets durch eine Gruppe von Parametern be-
tent of the wing and about 45 degrees from substan- 55 stimmt ist, die ein Gewicht des Winglets, eine Spann-
tially vertical. weite und Fläche des Flügels, eine Reisegeschwin-
digkeits-Machzahl des Flugzeugs, eine Ausgleichs-
13. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein the aircraft comprises masse in dem Winglet und eine Verringerung des

17 EP 2 441 670 B1 18

induzierten Luftwiderstands umfassen. 12. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem sich das nach
vorne gekehrte Winglet für jeden Flügel von dem Flü-
3. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, worin das nach vorne gel unter einem ausgewählten Winkel in einer Ein-
gekehrte Winglet für jeden Flügel eine Wurzelsehne wärtsrichtung in Richtung des Rumpfes oder einer
umfasst, der eines der folgenden ist: im Wesentli- 5 Auswärtsrichtung vom Rumpf weg erstreckt, wobei
chen gleich lang wie die Sehne der Flügelspitze, kür- der gewählte Winkel zwischen im Wesentlichen ver-
zer als die Sehne der Flügelspitze oder länger als tikal zu einer Ausdehnung des Flügels und etwa 45
die Sehne der Flügelspitze. Grad von im Wesentlichen vertikal liegt.

4. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem das nach vorne 10 13. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem das Flugzeug
gekehrte Winglet für jeden Flügel eine Wurzel um- einen langgestreckten Rumpf, an dem die Flügel be-
fasst, die an der Flügelspitze befestigt und um einen festigt sind, eine Blended Wing Body-Konfiguration
ausgewählten Abstand in Bezug auf die Sehne der oder eine Nurflügel-Konfiguration aufweist, bei der
Flügelspitze nach vorn oder nach hinten versetzt ist. das Flügelpaar zu einer einzigen Flügelstruktur ver-
15 bunden ist.
5. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem sich für jeden
Flügel die Hinterkante des nach vorne gekehrten 14. Verfahren zum Reduzieren von Flügelflattern in ei-
Winglet von dem Flügel in einem ausgewählten Vor- nem Flugzeugflügel, der ausgelegt ist, um eine deut-
wärts-Schwenkwinkel in Bezug auf die Linie senk- lich erhöhte Gleitzahl zu erreichen, wobei das Ver-
recht zur Sehne der Flügelspitze erstreckt. 20 fahren für jeden Flügel des Flugzeugs das Anbringen
eines nach vorne gekehrten Winglets in der Nähe
6. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 5, bei dem für jeden Flügel einer Flügelspitze des Flügels umfasst, wobei das
der ausgewählte Vorwärts-Schwenkwinkel der Hin- nach vorne gekehrte Winglet eine Vorderkante und
terkante des Winglets größer ist als der vorgegebene eine Hinterkante umfasst, wobei sich die Vorderkan-
Vorwärts-Schwenkwinkel der Vorderkante des Win- 25 te des Winglets unter einem vorgegebenen nach
glets. Vorwärts-Schwenkwinkel relativ zu einer zu einer
Sehne der Flügelspitze senkrechten Linie in einer
7. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem sich das nach Richtung erstreckt, die einem vorderen Abschnitt
vorne gekehrte Winglet für jeden Flügel über dem des Flugzeugs entspricht; und, für das Winglet, das
Flügel erstreckt. 30 Bereitstellen mindestens eines Masseausgleichs in
dem Winglet vor der Torsionsachse des Flügels um-
8. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem für jeden Flügel fasst.
das nach vorne gekehrte Winglet einen unteren nach
vorne gekehrten Wingletabschnitt umfasst, der sich 15. Verfahren nach Anspruch 14, bei dem das Anbrin-
unter dem Flügel erstreckt. 35 gen des nach vorne gekehrten Winglet umfasst:

9. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 1, bei dem für jeden Flügel Anbringen eines oberen Winglet-Abschnitts, der
das nach vorne gekehrte Winglet umfasst: sich unter dem vorgegebenen Vorwärts-
Schwenkwinkel des Winglets über dem Flügel
einen oberen Winglet-Abschnitt, der sich unter 40 erstreckt; und
dem vorgegebenen Vorwärts-Schwenkwinkel Anbringen eines unteren Winglet-Abschnitts,
des Winglets über dem Flügel erstreckt; und der sich unter dem Flügel erstreckt.
einen unteren Abschnitt, der sich unter dem Flü-
gel erstreckt.
45 Revendications
10. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 9, bei dem der mindestens
eine Masseausgleich mindestens einen Masseaus- 1. Aéronef (200), comprenant :
gleich eines ausgewählten Gewichts umfasst, der
an einer ausgewählten Stelle in dem oberen Win- une paire d’ailes (216) ; et
gletabschnitt und/oder dem unteren Wingletab- 50 pour chaque aile, une ailette en flèche négative
schnitt angeordnet ist. (202) fixée à proximité d’un bout d’aile (226) de
ladite aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative com-
11. Flugzeug nach Anspruch 9, bei dem der mindestens prenant un bord d’attaque (222) et un bord de
eine Masseausgleich einen Masseausgleich eines fuite (224), le bord d’attaque de ladite ailette
ausgewählten Gewichts umfasst, der an einer vor- 55 s’étendant depuis ladite aile selon un angle de
dersten Position des oberen Wingletabschnitts und flèche négative prédéterminé par rapport à une
des unteren Wingletabschnitts positioniert ist. ligne (235) perpendiculaire à une corde (236)
dudit bout d’aile dans une direction correspon-

19 EP 2 441 670 B1 20

dant à une partie avant (206) de l’aéronef ; l’aé- une partie inférieure s’étendant au-dessous de
ronef étant caractérisé en ce qu’il comprend ladite aile.
en outre, pour chacune desdites ailes, au moins
un équilibrage de masse (240) dans ladite ailette 10. Aéronef selon la revendication 9, dans lequel le au
en avant de l’axe de torsion (242) de ladite aile. 5 moins un équilibrage de masse comprend au moins
un équilibrage de masse d’un poids choisi positionné
2. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour au niveau d’un emplacement sélectionné dans au
chaque aile, l’angle de flèche négative prédéterminé moins une de ladite partie d’ailette supérieure et de
de ladite ailette est déterminé par un groupe de pa- ladite partie d’ailette inférieure.
ramètres comprenant un poids de ladite ailette, une 10
envergure d’aile et une surface de ladite aile, un 11. Aéronef selon la revendication 9, dans lequel le au
nombre de Mach de croisière de l’aéronef, en équi- moins un équilibrage de masse comprend un équi-
librant la masse dans ladite ailette et en réduisant la librage de masse d’un poids choisi positionné au ni-
traînée induite. veau d’une position avant la plus éloignée de cha-
15 cune de ladite partie d’ailette supérieure et de ladite
3. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour partie d’ailette inférieure.
chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative com-
prend une corde d’emplanture qui est une parmi : 12. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour
d’une longueur sensiblement égale à la corde dudit chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative s’étend
bout d’aile, plus courte que la corde dudit bout d’aile 20 à partir de ladite aile selon un angle choisi dans une
ou plus longue que la corde dudit bout d’aile. direction intérieure vers le fuselage ou extérieure loin
du fuselage, l’angle choisi étant entre sensiblement
4. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour vertical par rapport à une étendue de l’aile et environ
chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative com- 45 degrés par rapport à sensiblement vertical.
prend une emplanture qui est fixée audit bout d’aile 25
décalée d’une distance choisie dans une direction 13. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel l’aé-
vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière par rapport à la corde ronef comprend un fuselage allongé auquel les ailes
dudit bout d’aile. sont fixées, une configuration de corps d’aile mélan-
gée et une configuration d’aile volante, dans lequel
5. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour 30 la paire d’ailes est jointe pour former une structure
chaque aile, le bord de fuite de l’ailette en flèche d’aile unique.
négative s’étend à partir de ladite aile selon un angle
de flèche négative choisi par rapport à la ligne per- 14. Procédé pour réduire des battements d’aile dans une
pendiculaire à la corde dudit bout d’aile. aile d’aéronef conçu pour fournir un rapport portan-
35 ce/traînée sensiblement accru, le procédé compre-
6. Aéronef selon la revendication 5, dans lequel, pour nant, pour chaque aile de l’aéronef, les étapes con-
chaque aile, l’angle de flèche négative sélectionné sistant à fixer une ailette en flèche négative à proxi-
du bord de fuite de ladite ailette est supérieur à l’an- mité de l’extrémité de l’aile de ladite aile, ladite ailette
gle de flèche négative prédéterminé du bord d’atta- en flèche négative comprenant un bord avant et un
que de ladite ailette. 40 bord de fuite, le bord d’attaque de ladite ailette
s’étendant selon un angle de flèche négative prédé-
7. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour terminé par rapport à une ligne perpendiculaire à
chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative s’étend une corde dudit bout d’aile dans une direction cor-
au-dessus de ladite aile. respondant à une partie avant de l’aéronef ; et, pour
45 ladite ailette, prévoir au moins un équilibrage de
8. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour masse dans l’ailette en avant de l’axe de torsion de
chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative com- ladite aile.
prend une partie d’ailette en flèche négative inférieu-
re s’étendant au-dessous de ladite aile. 15. Procédé selon la revendication 14, dans lequel la
50 fixation de l’ailette en flèche négative comprend les
9. Aéronef selon la revendication 1, dans lequel, pour étapes consistant à :
chaque aile, ladite ailette en flèche négative
comprend : fixer une partie d’ailette supérieure s’étendant
au-dessus de ladite aile selon l’angle de flèche
une partie d’ailette supérieure s’étendant au- 55 négative prédéterminé de ladite ailette ; et
dessus de ladite aile au niveau de l’angle de fixer une partie d’ailette inférieure s’étendant au-
flèche négative prédéterminé de ladite ailette ; dessous de ladite aile.

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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 20090039204 A [0011]


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