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CLASS-VIII (21-22)
Instructions :

Q 1. Identify the device attached to the tractor and state its use :


Uses : 1) It provides aeration to the roots

2) Roots can grow deep into soil

3) weeding is easier in loose soil and helps in growth of earthworms and microbes in soil

4) it becomes easier for farmer to apply fertilizers

Q 2. A young girl went to visit her grandparents living in the nearby village. She saw the way the
farmers tilted the land before sowing seeds. After returning home, she decided to grow few tomato or
pea plants in her kitchen garden. Write a few points the girl should remember about seeds in order to
get a good crop.

Ans: 1) Seeds should be viable with high percentage of germination

2) High yielding varieties free from insects and pests should be selected
3) Seeds should be treated with fungicides before sowing

Q 3. Identify the following devices and state their use :


Use : Harvesting with a sickle is very slow, but because of its simplicity and
low cost, it is still widely used all over the world, especially to reap cereals
such as wheat and rice and also as a gardening tool.

Use : This is combine, It is used for ploughing,and farming.

Use : This is a threshing machine which is used to thresh wheat.

Q 4. Identify the following agricultural implements and label the parts :

Ans. a) Iron Plough b)Wooden Plough

Iron Plough parts are Wooden Plough parts are
i) plough shaft,

ii) ploughshare i)Handle

iii)Plough Shaft


Q 5. There are animals that destroy the crop before it is harvested. Farmers find it difficult to
protect the crops from these animals, insects and microorganisms. Provide information to
your classmates by answering the questions.

(a) What are these animals/insects called? Name a few that ruin the standing crops. Ans: The animals
that destroys our crops are known as pests,ex: rats,rodent

(b) What methods do the farmers employ to protect their crops?

Ans. 1) Fencing of the field can be done to protect crops from stray animals.

2) Using a scarecrow and beating drums is an effective method to protect the crops from

3) Crop plants are always prone to fungal,bacterial and viral disease.

4) Rodents,birds and insects causing damage to the crops are known as pests.

5) Pets can be controlled by sparing diluted pesticides.(c) Name some common insecticides
used to protect crops.
Ans. BHC,malathion,polythion,etc

(d) Write the difference between insecticide, pesticide, fungicide and rodenticide.
Ans. i) Insecticides: these are the substance used to kill insects
ii) Pesticides: these are the substance used to kill pests
iii) Fungicide: these are the substance used to kill fungus
iv) Rodenticides: these are the substances used to kill rodents.

Q 6. “Farmers are advised by experts to use more manure than fertilizers. However,
sometimes fertilizers are added by farmers for a reason.”

(a) Write about manure, compost and fertilizer. (Two points each)
Ans. Manure: i) it is an organic substance obtained from the decomposition of animal
and plant wastes.

ii) There are two types of manure: compost and farmyard manure.

2. Compost: i) manure obtained by decomposition of dead plant and animal matter is

known as compost.
ii) The dead matter is put in a compost pit, decomposed by microbes and turned into
3. Fertilizers: i) They are inorganic chemicals produced in factories that are rich in a
particular nutrient and are applied in small quantities.

(b) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of using manure and fertilizer.
Ans. Advantage: manures enhance water holding capacity of soil
Disadvantage: fertilizers make the soil less fertile

(c) What precaution must the farmer take during application of fertilizers and weedicides in the field?
1. The farmers should be careful while handling weedicides because it can be toxic to
their health
2. Weeds should be removed either by pulling them out manually or with the help of a
harrow or trowel.
3. Weeding should always be done before the weeds produce flowers.

1. It should be applied in small quantities.
2.Not to excessive use because it makes soil acidic
3. To enhance water holding capacity of soil using manures over fertilizers


Q 1. Identify the following microorganisms and name the group to which they belong:
a) Bacterium b) Paramecium c) Saprophytic d) Penicillium

e) T4 bacteriophage f) Spirogyra
Q 2. Look at the picture of bacteria given and answer the following questions :

(a) Name the three different forms of bacteria based on shapes.

ANS.Rod shaped , Comma shapedand Spirical shaped
(b) How many bacteria live in one gram of soil?
Ans: 10 billions.
(c) Name the most useful and the most harmful bacteria.
Ans: The most useful bacteria is lactobacillus and the most harmful bacteria is clostridium
(d) Name one bacteria that is useful to the farmers.
Ans:The bacteria which is useful for farmers is rhizobium.

Q 3. Answer the following question about AIDS :

a)Write the full form of AIDS.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom.
(b) Name the causal organism
Ans: The causal organism of AIDS is human.
(c) How does AIDS affect the human body?
ANS: AIDS reduces the immunity of a human body.
(d) What is the treatment of AIDS?
ans: there is no treatment of aids

Q 4. Give two examples for each of the following :

(a) Chemical preservation/preservatives
(b) Food preservation by adding common salt
(c)Food preserved by adding sugar
(d) Food preserved by adding oil or vinegar

Q 5. Match the following two columns ‘A’ and ‘B’. In column ‘A’ are name of scientists who discovered the
microorganisms or have made vaccination as given in Column ‘B’ :

Column ‘A’ ANSWER Column ‘B’

(a) Louis Pasteur (FERMENTATION) (i) Penicillin

(b) Robert Koch (ANTHRAX BACTERIUM) (ii) Fermentation

(c) Edward Jenner (SMALLPOX VACCINE) (iii) Anthrax bacterium

(d) Alexander Fleming (PENICILLIN) (iv) Smallpox vaccine

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