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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS, ENGINEERING COURSE PLAN - PARTI Name of the B.Tech- Electrical & Electronics Engineering Course Title POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS a B No. of Course Code [EePEIO eens Course Code of Pre- y requisite subject(s) I Section Session July-2022 (it, 24 year A&B ie applicable) Name of Faculty Koll Jnaneawar Department | EEE : 407120007@nittedu | Telephone | 8341415609 Official Email | No. 6207779360 Ni fC © oueaa [DeAnKuisogh Rana (if, applicable) ernie allel AQnvie Cyril ce] Telephone No. | 99/0¢72 1/1 Course Type (please = tick appropriately) Elective course (Eeass SEE — ‘Syllabus (approved in BoS) Hydro-electric power plants — selection of site, elements of power plant, classification, water turbines, governer action, hydro-electric generator, plant layout, pumped storage plants. Thermal steam power plants ~ selection of sites, elements and operatonal circuits of the power plant, turbo-alternators, plant layout, steam turbines, controls and auxiliaries. Nuclear power plants ~ selection of site, nuclear reaction, fission process and chain reaction, constituents of power plant and layout, nuclear reactor- working, classification, control, shielding and ‘waste disposal Renewable power plants — Solar power generation ~ photovoltaic and solar thermal generation —solar concentators, wind power generation — types of wind mills, wind generation, tidal, biomass, geothermal and magneto-hydro dynamic power generation, micro-hydel power plants, fuel cells and diesel and gas power plants, Combined operation of power plants ~ plant selection, choice of size and number of generator units, interconnected systems, real and reactive power exchange among interconnected systems. Major electrical equipment in power plnats, DC systems in power plants, station conrol ~ switch yard and control room, Economic considerations ~ types of costs, tariff and consumers. COURSE OBJECTIVES To understand the working of different types of power generation systems and fo realize the necessity for interconnected operation of different power stations, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI MAPPING OF COs with Pos Programme Outcomes Course Outcomes (PO) 7 Co Too 7 wa pa 1. Appreciate the different types of tariff, consumers and different | [® esl a aa types of power generation plants . i apt tet 2. Determine the significance of various components of the power | [~s—[~w—[-#—[ “WJ generation plants. em ese aL 3. Correlate the importance of interconnected operation of different | [~s~[w—[—n—[ wr power generation systems. oj 4, Plan an appropriate scheduling of electric power to satisfy the | [-#_[ 1 [wf Ww demand constraint ia tn tn a a COURSE PLAN ~ PART Il COURSE OVERVIEW Energy is vital for al living beings on earth. Modern lifestyle has increased its importance because of its faster transport, faster communication and faster manufacuring processes. All these lead to an increase in energy demand for all those modern systems. There have been significant developments and advances in the field of power generation systems, computer applications on energy audit and management, enevironment audit and management and human development. This course is for benefit of students of engineering because upon completion of the course, they get acquinted with different types of power generation systems. Students will be taught about the working principle of different types of power ‘generation systems. Students will realize the necessity for interconnected operation of different power stations. ‘8COURSE TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES | ‘S.No WeekiContact | Topic Mode of Delivery Hours Week 1 L 10-12 Aug 2022 Tntrodction ip fhe chutes: basic Chalk & Talk/PPT (coe structure of power system Week 2 Sources of Blectric Energy and basic 2. | 15 Aug~19 Aug 2022 | priciples, Hydro-clectric power plants | __ Chalk & Talk/PPT (2 Contact hours) ~ selection of site, elements Week 3 oe 3. eve z ey hee 2020) ©) | lemma tn eg Chalk & Talk/PPT (3 Contact hours) y Week 4 Governer action hydro-electric 4. | 29 Aug-2 Sep 2022 Chalk & Talk/PPT orca generator, Pumped storage plants Problems on hydro-electric plant, ‘Thermal steam power plants — Week 5 : 5-9 Sep 2022 introduction, selection of sites, plant layout, elements of plant, ‘Chalk & Talk (3 Contact hours) ryout, plant, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Week 6 Operatonal circuits of the power 6. 12-16 Sep 2022 plant,turbo-alternators, steam Chalk & Talk/PPT G Contact hours) turbines, Week 7 Controls and auxiliaries of thermal 7. 19-23 Sep 2022 plant, Problems on Thermal steam Chalk & Talk/PPT. G Contact hours) power plant wan Nuclear power plants ~ selection of site, adverse effects of fossil fuels, Chalk & Talk/PPT 8 26 - 30 Sep 2022 ‘Nuclear reaction, fission process and (G Contact hour) i chain reaction, Week 9 Constituents of power plant and % 3-7 Oct 2022 layout, Nuclear reactor - working, Chalk & Talk/FPT (2 Contact hours) classification, |e 10. 10 - 14 Oct 2022 Peeeeen if 2 UehOe.2022 | "Renewable powerplants Solar’ | Chik TaliPPT power generation photovoltaic and solar thermal | een eter cettas . | Melia eae | ecemteed retaeomsten= | = Cue A TaEPET types of wind mills, : ‘wind generation, Tidal generation, Week 12 ~ biomass generation, Geothermal and 12. 24 - 28 Oct 2022 i Chalk & Talk/PPT Comme) ‘magneto-hydro dynamic power generation Week 13 Micro-hydel power plants, Fuel cells, bi 31 Oct - 04 Nov 2022 Diesel and Gas power plants Chalk & Talk/PPT (1 Contact hours) | Week 13 ‘Combined operation of power plants — 14. 31 Oct - 04 Nov 2022 plant selection, choice of size and Chalk & Talk/PPT (2 Contact hours) number of generator units Week 14 Interconnected systems, real and 15, 07-11 Nov 2022 reactive power exchange among, Chalk & Talk/PPT (2. Contact hours) interconnected systems ‘Numericals on real and reactive Week 15 power exchange among 16. 14 - 18 Nov 2022 interconnected systems, major Chalk & Talk/PPT (Contact hours) | electrical equipment in power plnats DC systems in power plants Week 16 Station contol, switch yard and 17. 21-25 Nov 2022 control room. Economic Chalk & Talk/PPT G Contact hours) considerations types of costs, | Week 17 ste 18, | 28Nov-30 Nov 2022 | Tatiffand consumers, problems based | Chay. & Talk/PPT (2 Contact hours) on tariff, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Week 17 19, | 28Nov-30Nov 2022 | Compensation Assessment (CPA) (1 Contact hours) 01 Dec ~ 16 Dec 2022 End Semester Examination (2 hours) (Final Assessment) COURSE ASSESSMENT METHODS = : S.No | Mode of Assessment Week Duration | % Weightage rae ee Week 7 P 1 F*Class Test “19-25 Sep 2022 60 minutes 20 Week 11 ml minut 2 11> Class Test ee 60 minutes 20 + Seminars: Presentation on topics related to power system generation 3 Seminar: 01 + Surprise-est Out of 2, the best | wil be eh Surprise-test: 02 considered for evaluation of marks Note: No compensation for surprise-test : Week 17 CPA | Compensation Assessment | 55 yoy 39 Nov 2022 | 60 minutes 20 x Week 18/19) 4 Final Assessment 01 Dee — 16 Dee 2022 120 minutes | 40 ESSENTIAL READINGS: Textbooks, Refernce books, website address, journals,etc Text Books: 1) Chakrabarti A., Soni M.L., Gupta P.V., and Bhatnagar U.S., “A Textbook on Power Systems Engg”, Dhanpati Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2 Revised Edition, 2010. 2) J.B. Gupta, “A Course in Power Systems”, S. K. Kataria and Sons, Reprint 2010-2011 3) B.R. Gupta, “Generation of Electrical Energy”, S. Chand Limited, 2009. Reference Books: 1) C.L. Wadhwa, “Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy”, New Age Intemational Publishers, 3° Edition, 2010. 2) M. V. Deshpande, “Elements of Electrical Power Systems Design”, Pitman, New Delhi, PHI Learning Private Limited, 1* Edition, 2009. COURSE EXIT SURVEY ‘© Feedback from the students during class committee meetings © Anonymous feedback through questionnaire (Mid of the semester & End of the semester) © End semester feedback on course outcomes COURSE POLICY (including compensation assessment to be specified) 1. Attending all the assessments mandatory for every student 2, One compensation assessment will be conducted for those students who are being physically absent for the assessnent 1 and/or 2, only for the valid reason, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI 3. Atany case CPA will not be considered as an improvement test, 4. Absolute/Relative grading will be adopted for the course. ATTENDANCE POLICY (A uniform attendance policy as specified below shall be followed) ® Atleast 75% attendance in each course is mandatory. > Amaximum of 10% shall be allowed under On Duty (OD) category. Students with less than 65% of attendance shall be prevented from writing the final assessment and shall be awarded 'V' grade. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY & PLAGIARISM > Possessing a mobile phone, carrying bits of paper, talking to other students, copying from others during an assessment will be treated as punishable dishonesty. > Zero mark to be awarded for the offenders. For copying from another student, both students get the same penalty of zero mark. > The departmental disciplinary committee including the course faculty member, PAC chairperson and the HoD, as members shall verify the facts of the malpractice and award the punishment if the student is found guilty. The report shall be submitted to the Academic office. The above policy against academic dishonesty shall be applicable for all the programs. ‘ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY FOR APPROVAL, KTromesuor. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Guidelines a) The number of assessments for any theory course shall range from 4 to 6. b) Every theory course shall have a final assessment on the entire syllabus with at least 30% weightage. c) One compensation assessment for absentees in assessments (other than final assessment) is mandatory. Only genuine cases of absence shall be considered. d) The passing minimum shall be as per the regulations. B.Tech. Admitted in Pe. 2018 2017 2016 2015, 35% or (Class average/2) _| (Peak/3) or (Class Average/2)| 40% whichever is greater. whichever is lower e) Attendance policy and the policy on academic dishonesty & plagiarism by students are uniform for all the courses. f) Absolute grading policy shall be incorporated if the number of students per course is less than 10. g) Necessary care shall be taken to ensure that the course plan is reasonable and is objective.

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