Đề Kiểm Tra Reading Writing

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Lưu ý: SV không được SDTL, từ điển, điện thoại và NỘP LẠI ĐỀ


Time allotted: 50 minutes

Name: ___________________________________ Class: _______________ Code: _______

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are
encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

1. ____ recent developments, we will not be hiring a new head of Human Resources.
(A) So much so (B) Nonetheless (C) In addition to (D) In light of
2. The company is thinking of creating private parking spaces for executives, as there are often no
____ spots in the parking lot.
(A) empty (B) emptiness (C) emptily (D) emptier
3. We could enhance our ____ if we clarified who does what in each department, thereby
preventing situations where the same task is done twice by two different people.
(A) carefulness (B) efficiency (C) accountability (D) decision
4. While we have accomplished considerable sales tractions in the east of the country, we have not
been as successful ____ the west.
(A) at (B) into (C) in (D) than
5. Staff are required ____ helmets at all times within the warehouse and surrounding facilities.
(A) putting on (B) to put on (C) put on (D) to have put on
6. Resourcing for the project has been scaled up, with both Mr. Morrill ____ Ms. Webb being
made responsible for working on it.
(A) either (B) or (C) neither (D) and
7. Let me know ____ you have completed the report, as I want to take a look at it before it's
(A) as long as (B) as soon as (C) as well as (D) as far as
8. New recruits are advised to read the company induction manual ____ and to follow up on
anything that they find unclear with their managers.
(A) helpfully. (B) carefully (C) excessively (D) badly
9. The Human Resources Department is now receiving ____ from managers for staff promotions.
(A) proposals. (B) information (C) sources (D) approvals
10. Sadly, many current members of staff have neither the ____ nor the aptitude necessary to
perform well in their roles.
(A) qualify (B) qualified (C) qualifiers (D) qualifications
11. We will invest over $500,000 ____ marketing next quarter.
(A) from (B) in (C) to (D) for
12. Mr. Karanoff's efforts went ____ unnoticed by the manager until he launched a new project.
(A) principally. (B) largely (C) consequently (D) sufficiently
13. Mr. Blake has lived here ____ he was 18 years old.
(A) when (B) since (C) until (D) from
14. Jose's Kitchen has received ____ acclaim for its homemade Mexican dishes as well as its use of
the healthiest ingredients.
(A) critique. (B) critical (C) critic (D) criticize
15. Please make sure that you ____ any errors in the essay before sending the final version.
(A) correct (B) correction (C) correctly (D) corrected
16. Sales over the winter were considerable but, ____ , annual profits are likely to go down.
(A) in spite of (B) although (C) even so (D) despite
17. ____ the Director and the most senior manager announced their resignation.
(A) Either (B) Neither (C) Both (D) As well as
18. Mr. Collinson ____ his investors by bringing the business back into profit.
(A) silence (B) silenced (C) silent (D) silently
19. We have recruited some of the best hardware ____ from all over the country.
(A) engineer (B) engineering (C) engineered (D) engineers
20. Sales revenues are rising more ____ now, but the outlook remains negative.
(A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicken (D) quickened
21. We gave the product special features ____ differentiate it from competitor products.
(A) because of (B) rather than (C) in order to (D) as opposed to
22. It's the same woman ____ gave a lecture at last year's conference.
(A) who (B) which (C) what (D) how
23. I'm going to be unavailable ____ meetings for at least the next week while I set up the new
(A) for (B) to (C) with (D) of
25. Please see the file ____ for a detailed itinerary of the tour.
(A) attachment (B) attach (C) attached (D) attaching


Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 26-28 refer to the following letter.

October 6
Patricia Damon
Dallus Pharma
108 London Street
Dear Ms. Damon,

Many thanks for your letter offering me the ___________ of Sales Director at Dallus Pharma.

26. (A) position (B) recommendation (C) place (D) spot

I regret to inform you that after much deliberation I have decided ___________ your offer.
27. (A) to decline (B) decline (C) declined (D) declining

I greatly enjoyed meeting you and your team, and found the position extremely attractive.
However, I felt that another offer that was subsequently made to me, from a global manufacturer
of surgical equipment, was better suited to my expertise and background.

I want to wish you and your company the best of __________ in future endeavours, and thank
you once again for considering my application.
28. (A) luck (B) well (C) best (D) regardless

Yours sincerely,
George Shepherd

Questions 29-31 refer to the following email.

From: stacey.tan@interiorarts.net
To: sonia@mailme.us
Date: Friday, July 9 11 :OS a.m.
Subject: Renovation plan

Dear Sonia,
It was very nice to meet you yesterday. I am now pleased to _________ you my plan for your
house renovation.
29. (A) sent (B) send (C) sending (D) to send

As you requested, I have tried to include both old and new elements in the design, achieving, I
hope, a contemporary yet also traditional feel. I have also attempted to make_________ use of
space, producing multi-purpose areas that can be used for a variety of functions.
30. (A) versatile (B) different (C) stylish (D) particular

Along with the design, I have __________ attached a listing of suppliers from which you can
select the required materials and furnishings.
31. (A) however (B) yet (C) often (D) also
Please give me a call at 555-3821 if you have any suggestions or questions about the design.
Otherwise, please confirm your acceptance of the design, and I can then start scheduling the
renovation project with you.

Best regards,
Stacey Tan
Head Designer
Interior Arts
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best
answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 32-35 refer to the following email.

To: Sue Barnett suebarnett84@mail22u.com

From: Frank Paul paulf@dlf.uk.com
Subject: Assessment day

Dear Ms. Barnett,

Thank you for taking part in this morning's telephone interview for a trainee position at
Dasbrough Lasatti Foster. The managers were very impressed with your performance in the
interview, and would like you to attend an assessment day from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March
17. The assessment day will involve mathematical and verbal reasoning tests, in addition to a
face-to-face interview with one of our senior partners.
The event will be held at our offices in London, directions to which are provided below.
Please keep any receipts for travel costs, which we will be happy to reimburse you for.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you could call my assistant, Jonathan Summers, at 623-555-9233 to
confirm your attendance.

We look forward to seeing you on March 17.

Kind regards,
Frank Paul
Human Resources Administrator

Directions to Dasbrough Lasatti Foster London: take Northern Line 1 or 2 to Fenchurch

Station. Take Exit 3 from the station and turn right onto Horningsey Road. Walk three blocks,
then turn left onto Kewes Avenue. When you reach the Royal Museum of Art, turn right. Walk
two more blocks along Fenchurch Street, past the Court of Justice and Health ministries, and
you will see our offices on your right, next to the London University administration block.
Please notify reception on arrival.

32. What is the purpose of this e-mail?

(A) To invite a candidate for another interview (B) To arrange a business trip
(C) To explain the reasons for promotion (D) To help organize a vacation
33. What does the e-mail indicate about Ms. Barnett?
(A) She has met Mr. Paul before. (B) She lacks mathematical skills.
(C) She always travels by train. (D) She is inexperienced.
34. The word "taking" part in in paragraph 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) following (B) going
(C) participating (D) taking care of
35. What will Ms. Barnett see on Fenchurch Street before she reaches the destination?
(A) A library (B) A bus stop
(C) University laboratories (D) Government buildings
Questions 36-40 refer to the following business card and e-mail.

Hudson Financial

Jake Yung
Partner, Actuaries

Hudson Financial , Inc., 29th floor Tower Building , Baltimore, MD, USA
E-mail: j.yung@hudson-financial.com
Office phone: + 1 956-555-0192
Cell phone: 238-555-4448

To: Jake Yung j.yung@hudson-financial.com

From: Heather Hwang hhwang@correofirst.com
Subject: Actuarial position
Date: July 20

Dear Mr. Yung,

It was my pleasure to meet you at the Actuaries Colloquium in Canada two weeks ago.
I hope you had a nice journey home. I was very interested to hear about the opening you
mentioned you currently have for a Senior Actuarial Consultant. As we discussed briefly at
the conference, I believe that I have the required background for the role.

In my current job at Jenkins, UK, I have been involved in a variety of projects, such
as monthly and quarterly reporting based on relationship database analysis, financial
studies on investment simulation and asset allocation, and revenue and expense
forecasting. Also from this role, and from my previous position at Cyrus Inc., Australia,
I have extensive experience in claims and risk adjustment analysis, using a variety of
industry-specific software packages.

Aside from my actuarial skills, I am also multilingual. In addition to an accounting degree,

I have a degree in modern European languages. I am fluent in Spanish and French, and
also have a working knowledge of Italian. These languages have been extremely useful
to me in my career so far, and I am certain that they would also be a great bonus to me
within the international environment of your company. Moreover, I am a team player,
and also good at leading others.

I have enclosed my resume for your reference. Please contact me if you need any
further information. I would be delighted to attend any meeting or interview at your
offices upon your request.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Heather Hwang

36. What is indicated about Mr. Yung?

(A) He doesn't know Ms. Hwang. (B) He has been at his company for a long time.
(C) He ran a seminar. (D) He recently went to Canada.
37. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(A) To request an address (B) To follow up on a previous discussion
(C) To arrange a conference presentation (D) To suggest someone for a job
38. What does Ms. Hwang want to do?
(A) Take part in a simulation (B) Get a job at Hudson Financial
(C) Present at a conference (D) Master a foreign language
39. What is NOT stated as one of Ms. Hwang's abilities?
(A) Leadership (B) Working in a team
(C) Risk taking (D) Speaking more than one language
40. Where does Ms. Hwang suggest meeting Mr. Yung?
(A) In Canada (B) In the UK
(C) In Australia (D) In the USA

Directions: In this part you will write two sentences about a photograph in the test. Below each
photograph are four words that you must use in your sentences about the photograph. You
can change the forms and the order of the words in your sentences.
Write your answers in the answer sheet.

41. the mother, dog
42. the father, blue

Questions 43-44 refer to the following picture.

43. the family, the tree

44. the boy, his knees
Questions 45-46 refer to the following picture.

45. the girl, shoulders

46. the man, hair

Questions 47-48 refer to the following picture.

47. the students, workshop

48. the teacher, instruction

Questions 49-50 refer to the following picture

49. the couple, screen

50. the man, white & red

_______________________THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST ______________________

Ministry of Industry and Trade MIDTERM READING TEST
College of Foreign Economic Relations TIẾNG ANH TỔNG HỢP
Department of Foreign Languages Time allotted: 50 minutes
Date of testing: ___/___/

Name: _______________________________ Class:_______________ Student’s Order No:______

Proctor 1 Proctor 2



Mark Examiner 1 Examiner 2

Mark the letter A, B, C or D

No. No. No.

1 A B C D 16 A B C D 31 A B C D
2 A B C D 17 A B C D 32 A B C D
3 A B C D 18 A B C D 33 A B C D
4 A B C D 19 A B C D 34 A B C D
5 A B C D 20 A B C D 35 A B C D
6 A B C D 21 A B C D 36 A B C D
7 A B C D 22 A B C D 37 A B C D
8 A B C D 23 A B C D 38 A B C D
9 A B C D 24 A B C D 39 A B C D
10 A B C D 25 A B C D 40 A B C D
11 A B C D 26 A B C D Instructions for
12 A B C D 27 A B C D
Choose A
13 A B C D 28 A B C D Undo choosing A A
14 A B C D 29 A B C D Redo choosing A A

15 A B C D 30 A B C D



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