Daily Lesson LOG

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LOG Teaching
2:01-3:00/ 6-25-2019 Quarter

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number
A. Content Standards system.
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real
B. Performance Standards numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies The learner performs fundamental operations on integers. (M7NS-Ic-d-1)
D. Objectives The learner
a. Distinguish the rules on different operation of integers.
b. Construct a mathematical equation using the four (4) operations of integers.
c. Recognize the importance of using integers in real life.
II. CONTENT Numbers & Number Sense
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages Page 19-23
3.Textbook pages 21st Century Mathematics page 88-100.
4.Additional materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Leaning Resources Manila paper, cartolina, colored paper, marker, bond paper, ICT tools.
A. Review previous lesson or Activity 1: Math Trick
presenting the new lesson The teacher will ask the students to get any piece of paper and pen.
Write the month number of your birthday. For example, if your birthday is
June then your month number is 6.
Then, multiply by 5.
Next, add 6.
Multiply the total by 4.
Add 9.
Multiply by 5 again.
Then, add your birth date. If you were born on the 14th, then add 14.
Lastly, subtract 165. You will be surprise because you will have the month
and day you were born.
Are you done with computation?
What have you notice in the trick?
I hope it energized everyone.

Who among you still remember our last topic?
What do you mean by integers?
How will you define the absolute value of a number?
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity 2: Watch Me!
the lesson Before the teacher formally start the lesson he will show a video clip entitled
Application of Integers in Real Life. While watching the video, students will
take note of what they have noticed in the video.
C. Presenting examples/ Activity 3: Graphic Organizer
instances of new lesson The teacher will divide the students into four (4) groups. Representative from
each group will pick a topic from the box. Each group will be given points
according to the following criteria:
Criteria Points
CONTENT 5 Points
TOTAL 10 Points
Show an example of graphic organizer.
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the four operations of integers and give examples.
and practicing new skills #1 -The four operations on integers are addition, subtraction, multiplication and
Rules in Adding Integers
a. Find their absolute value;
b. Add the numbers obtained in step a; and
c. Attach the common sign of the integers to the answer in step b.

Rules in Subtracting Integers

-subtracting a number (n) from another number is the same as adding to the
other number.

Rules in Multiplying Integers

a.To multiply two integers having unlike signs, find the product of their
absolute values. Attach the negative sign to the result.
b.To multiply integers with like signs, find the product of their absolute values.
The product will always positive.

Rules in Dividing Integers

a.To divide two integers having unlike signs, find the quotient of their absolute
values. Attach the negative sign to the result.
b.To divide integers with like signs, find the quotient of their absolute values.
The product will always positive.
E. Discussing new concepts Activity 4: BoardWork
and practicing new skills #2 Perform the following operations.
1. 6 + (-3) 4. 9 x (-6)
2. 9 – ( - 5) 5. -12 ÷ 4
3. (-5) x (-8)
Activity 5: Show your own Example
To measure students’ creativity, the teacher will instruct the group to
F. Developing Mastery construct a 3 examples of integer with solution. Each group will pick their
(Leads to Formative Assessment) operations inside the briefcase and also they will prepare their yell. Before the
presentation of the output of every group they need to shout their yell first.
(3minutes for the task and 2 minutes for the output and yell)
G. Finding Practical The teacher will ask the students to pick a piece of strips with questions
applications of concepts and under their chairs and let them read the questions and answer it.
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Ask: What are the rules in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
abstractions about a lesson integers?
Activity 6: QuizMaster
DIRECTION: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on the space provided before each number.
_____1. If we are going to add -67 to 69, what will be the answer?
a. 138 c. 2
b. -2 d. -138
______2. Which of the following equation is true?
a . -12 – 7 = -5 c. -13 x 5 = 65
b. 12 x 3 = 39 d. none of this
______3. Which of the following equation is not true?
a. -24(3) = -72 c. -17 – (6) = -23
b. -12 + (-5) = -17 d. none of this
I. Evaluating Learner ______4. Which do not belong to the group?
a. Division of Integers c. Multiplication of Integers
b. Subtraction of Integers d. Addition of Integers
______5. Which of the following statement is true?
a. In Addition of Integers if the equation has unlike sign we subtract
larger number from the smaller number.
b. In Multiplication of Integers if the equation has unlike sign. The sign
of the answer are always positive.
c. The Four Operations of Integers are the following; Addition of
Integers, Substraction of Integers, Multiplication of Integers and
Division of Integers.
d. none of this
J. Additional Activities for
For your assignment, make your own five examples of each operation on
application or integers. Write it in 1 whole sheet of paper.
A. No of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No of
learners who have caught up with the new
D.no. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked Strategies used that work well:
well? Why did these work? ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Group Collaboration ___ Diffrentiated Instruction
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Lecture Method ____ Carousel
___ Discovery Method ___ Answering Preliminary ____ Games
___ Role Playing/Drama activties/exercises ____ Diads
___ Complete Ims  
___ Availability of Materials  
___ Learners' earnerness to
learn ___ Group member's cooperation in doing their tasks
F.What difficullties did I encountered __ Bullying among learners __ learners' behavior/attitude  
which my principal/supervisor can help me __ Colorful Ims __ Science/Computer/internet Lab
solve? ___ Additional Clerical works __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
Planned Innovations
__ Localized Videos __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
___ Local poetical composition
G. What innovation or localized materials The lesson have successfully delivered due to:    
did which I use/discover which I wish to __ Learners' eargerness to
share with my other teachers? learn __ Complete/varied Ims __ worksheets
__ Uncomplicated lesson __ varied activity sheets  
Strategies used that work well:
___ Group Collaboration ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ____ Carousel
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diffrentiated Instruction ____ Games
___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ____ Diads
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Answering Preliminary activties/exercises  
___ Complete Ims ___ Availability of Materials  
___ Learners' earnerness to
learn ___ Group member's cooperation in doing their tasks
Checked by:  
Head Teacher III
Why is an integer important to our life?
Why is an integer important to our life?
Why is an integer important to our life?
Why is an integer important to our life?
Why is an integer important to our life?
Give a specific scenario in which integers are being used. Expand
your answer.
Give a specific scenario in which integers are being used. Expand
your answer.
Give a specific scenario in which integers are being used. Expand
your answer.

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