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You’re Name:

Father’s Name: Father’s Education:

Mother’s Name: Mother’s Education:

Sibling 1 Name: Sibling’s Education:

Sibling 2 Name: Sibling”s Education:

Any Medical Condition:

Your Birthday and how do you like to celebrate -

Activities you like to do (why?)-

Activities you like to avoid (why?)-

What would you like to become when you grow up? Why? -

Your Strengths -

What skills would you like to develop this year –

Who is your favourite Teacher and why? -

What, according to you, are the important qualities in a teacher? (Rank

them from 1 to 6)



Subject Knowledge

Method of teaching

Motivating qualities

What Goals have you set for yourself? -

Which are your favourite subjects? Why? -

Which subject do you usually want to avoid? Why? –

How do you understand the chapters best : By reading visually
By listening from someone else

By seeing and listening

By doing and applying the


By discussing with someone

Who are your good friends in class? -

What qualities do like your friends to have -
Tell me about the Values you believe in -
Is it important to have goals for ourselves? (Why/ Why Not)
What according to you are good qualities of a student? -
what do they aspire to be in life?

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