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Monopolistic Competition
- Monopolistic competition is that type of market structure “where there
Market structure is a classification system for the key traits of a market, including number of are large number of sellers that produce similar products, but the products
firms, the similarity of the products they sell, and the ease of entry into and exit from the are perceived by buyers as different”
market structure. - Under this market structure, the products of many sellers are identical and
even interchangeable like rice and tomatoes.
- The firms are actually in competition. The individual firms, however, make
1. Pure Competition – the market situation characterized by the following: it appear that their products are different from one another.
- the product of firms in the industry under consideration are standardized. - Sellers differentiate identical products through advertising, branding,
This means that they are identical or at least so much alike that buyers packaging, or other non price means.
don’t mind buying from any firm. However, buyers will not buy from a firm - Products that are sold under conditions of monopolistic competition
whose price is higher than the rival firms. include wristwatches, milk, shoes, clothes, steel, and fast food.
- The buyer and the seller are without power to change the going market 4. Oligopoly
price of product. Therefore, the buyers cannot ask for a reduced price from - Oligopoly is that market structure in which there are a limited number of
seller because of the existence of many other alternative buyers. firms competing for a given industry.
- The absence or restraints of any kind is an important feature. No artificial - The products of oligopolists are homogenous or identical. Examples of
obstacles bar the entry and exit of firms. Obstacles like permits and these products are gasoline, cement, steel, automobiles, and cigarettes.
licenses required by the government. - Firms that would want to compete in the oligopolistic market are barred
- Buyers, sellers, and resource owners have perfect knowledge of market by high initial investment. This is one of the reasons why there are only
conditions. Business firms have knowledge of their revenues. few sellers in the oligopolistic market. Other obstacles in the market entry
2. Pure or Perfect Monopoly includes technical know-how, patent rights and the like
- Pure monopoly is characterized by only one producer of a product. - When an oligopolist sets his price, he must consider the reaction of the
Examples of monopolies include firms that supply electricity and water. other seller or buyer. He cannot lower price and reap the benefit of higher
- In terms of price determination alone, the price of the commodity is set by sales volume. If he does it, competitors retaliate with lower prices also.
the competing firms and buyers in the perfect competition market. In pure
monopoly, the price is set by the sole seller or the monopolist
- Since there is no competing seller, the buyer has no choice but to buy the
product of the monopolist. Example, candles no matter how inconvenient
they are, is still used as substitutes for electrical lighting.
- A monopolist is a “price maker” and profit maximize since s/he has the
power over market prices.
Type Sellers Product Entry of New Firms Example

Pure Competition Many Homogenous Free Sugar

Monopoly One One No Meralco

Oligopoly Few Differentiated Restricted Oil/Fuel

Monopolistic Many Differentiated Free Shampoo




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