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¿What is wellbeing?

¿What we can do if we don´t ¿How have a wellbeing

have wellbeing? helps me in my daily life?
Well-being is something
sought by just about There are a lot of ways to Past experiences, attitudes
everyone, because it includes controle our problems and how and outlook can all impact
so many positive things — they make us feel but we just wellbeing as can physical or
feeling happy, healthy, socially need to identify which activities emotional trauma following
connected, and purposeful. It help and which ones don´t. specific incidents. Children
includes all the physical and with learning and
One activity could be do
phsicological aspects (it mean developmental disorders may
exercise or keep moving our
show you feel with your body, experience considerably more
body, that helps us to feel
with your feelings and how you stress than typically
better and distract us of the
show them). developing children and this
things that make us fell
can impact both their health
If we are always worried and stressed.
and wellbeing. The same can
stressed, we will also affect
If you feel bad about you body be said for the parents and
everyone around us with our
I recomend you tou check your carers of such children, who
agresive way of talk or
alimentation and see how you have to try and help them
epxress, for that we need to
can make it better. You can go overcome their daily issues as
research how we can controle
to a doctor or just stop eating well as enable them to prepare
and make it positive our
things that you think that are for what is coming in the
bad for your body like sodas, future. A child’s wellbeing will
candies, fast food, etc. be affected by the wellbeing of
their parents so it is essential
that parents take time for
themselves in this respect.

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