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Kate Chopin, (1850 – 1904) was an American

author, best known for her short stories and
novels, with women as the central characters. She
wrote short stories for both children and adults.
Her works have been published in noted
magazines such as 'The Century Magazine' ,
'Atlantic Monthly' and 'Vogue'. She was from
Louisiana and hence, the characters in her stories
are usually residents of Louisiana.
➢ Students to discuss in pairs about the first party attended
by them. Use following prompts:

For example:
a. At what age did you attend your first party?
b. What did you wear to your first party?
c. Were you excited, nervous or both?
d. Who accompanied you to the party?
e. Did you give/receive gifts?
f. How was the experience?
‘Her First Party’ is a story of a
teenage girl's excitement about
attending her first party. The story
whisks off the readers from the
protagonist, Millie's infectious
excitement at the outset to her
repentance at the end when her
selfish interest proves trivial. It
leaves a life long impact on her soul
as the damage done is irreparable.

talented, selfish, fun loving,
guilty friendly, proud
(of his sister)

loving, caring,
❑ Millie had never been to a party before.

❑ She looked forward to the party at College Hall with rapture and blissful

❑ She is sickened at the thought of not being able to make it to the party due to
some unavoidable circumstances.

❑ The letter from Aunt Jane reminded her of her sick Aunt Mildred. She was
worried that the news of her aunt’s sickness might prevent her from going to
the party.

❑ Millie did not realise the gravity of the situation and hid Aunt Jane’s letter in
her pocket. She convinced herself that a day’s delay in delivering the letter
would not matter much.
❑ The next day, when the postman handed her the scanty mail, Millie added Aunt
Jane’s letter to the pile .

❑ When Millie’s mother read the letter, it saddened her because Aunt Mildred
was dying, and she might not be able to reach her in time.

❑ Millie’s joy and frivolous excitement from the day before, evaporated upon
seeing her mother so distressed.

❑ The telegram from Aunt Jane bearing the news of Aunt Mildred’s death made
Millie realise the consequences of her foolishness.

❑ The frivolous Millie changed into a grave and mature woman. She gained an
insight into the shallow pursuit of pleasure which she had thoughtlessly
succumbed to.
Word Meanings:

❖ chandelier – a large, decorative hanging light with branches for several light bulbs
or candles

❖ charades – a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from
the actions of another player who may not speak

❖ tableaus – scenes where events and people from history are presented by a group of
actors who do not move or speak

❖ declaimed – spoke in a way as if talking to an audience

❖ Terpsichore – Greek muse of lyrical poetry and dance prosaic - ordinary

❖ prognostications – the action of predicting future events

❖ reiteration – repetition
Word Meanings:

❖ paroxysm – a sudden and strong feeling of emotions, one that cannot be controlled

❖ solicitude – care for other people’s safety and comfort or emotions

❖ abject contrition – the state of feeling very sorry or guilty for something you have

❖ imploring – anxiously showing or asking that you need something from someone

❖ amiable – friendly

❖ chaperon – an older person who accompanies younger people on social or public


❖ lorgnette –an old-fashioned pair of glasses that you need hold in front of your eyes
A. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow :

She darted forward, and with an encircling arm drew her mother’s head against
her throbbing heart. “What is it mother dear? What makes you cry?”

Q1. Who is the speaker in the above lines?

Q2. What made mother cry?

Q3. Is the speaker concerned about her mother? Why?

B. All her acquaintances were going; everybody that was anybody between
sixteen and twenty was going. But surely none looked forward to it with such
rapture, such blissful anticipation, such expectancy as did Millie.

i) Who is ‘her’ a reference to?

a) Aunt Mildred
b) Aunt Jane
c) Kitty
d) Millie

ii) Where were her acquaintances going?

a) to the college
b) to the cultural fest
c) to the party
d) to Bob’s house
iii) Who else was going to this event?
a) Kitty
b) Bob
c) her mother
d) Aunt Jane

iv) Assertion (A) – All her acquaintances were going; everybody that was anybody
between sixteen and twenty was going.
Reasoning (R) – Millie looked forward to meet her relatives at the party.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
C. Answer the following questions in 30 -40 words each:

Q1.Why were Millie and Bob looking forward to the party?

Q2. What made Millie change her mind when she hid the letter?

Q3. If you were Millie in the story, what would you have done in a similar situation?

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