Economics and The New Economy: The Invisible Hand Meets Creative Destruction

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Economics and the New Economy: The Invisible Hand Meets Creative

Article  in  Business review (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) · February 2000

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1 author:

Leonard Nakamura
Federal Reserve Bank Of Philadelphia


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Financial Modernization: Vastly Different or Fundamentally the Same? Edward G. Boehne

Economics and the New Economy:

The Invisible Hand
Meets Creative Destruction
Leonard I. Nakamura*

A s the third millennium begins, the

buzzwords “new economy” and “new
paradigm” are invoked repeatedly to explain the
like Blur (Davis and Meyer) and Faster: The Accel-
eration of Just About Everything (Gleick).
Unsurprisingly, economists by no means agree
U.S. economy. In general, these words refer to a that there is a new economy or that there is a
view that high-tech innovations and the global- need for a new paradigm.
ization of world markets have changed our One sign that there has been a fundamental
economy enough that we need to think about it shift is that direct production of goods and ser-
and operate within it differently. Perhaps what vices no longer absorbs the preponderance of
we notice most is a new Zeitgeist of accelerating workers’ time. In 1975, production of goods and
change in the worlds of work and knowledge, services ceased being the occupation of the ma-
change that’s emphasized in books with titles jority of U.S. workers. Never before had a society
been so productive that it could afford to assign
most of its workers to white-collar tasks such as
*Leonard Nakamura is an economic advisor in the management, paperwork, sales, and creativity.
Research Department of the Philadelphia Fed. As recently as 1900, production workers in


goods and services accounted for 82 percent of workforce in 1900 to 17 percent in 1950, to 33
the U.S. workforce (Figure).1 Over the course of percent in 1999.2
the century, that number declined by large steps, In 1999 the U.S. economy employed 7.6 mil-
to 64 percent in 1950, and to 41 percent in 1999. lion professional creative workers — 2.3 million
Managers, professionals, and technical work- engineers and architects, 2.9 million scientists,
ers, who are increasingly involved in creative and 2.4 million writers, designers, artists, and
activities, have risen from 10 percent of the entertainers. At the start of the 20th century, this

The Decline of Production Work 1
The 1998 occupational data
Major occupational categories as proportions used here are from the Current
of total employment Population Survey of the U.S. Bu-
reau of Labor Statistics, published
in Employment and Earnings, and
the data for years before 1972 are
from the decennial U.S. Censuses
of Population as recorded in the
Historical Statistics of the United
States. Production occupations are
defined here to include farming,
forestry, and fishing; precision
production, craft, and repair; op-
erators, fabricators, and laborers;
and private household and other
service workers.

Managers, professionals, and
technical (MPT) occupations in-
clude executive, administrative,
and managerial workers; profes-
sional specialty positions; and
technicians and related support.
The residual category of occupa-
tions is composed of sales and
administrative support, includ-
ing clerical. This sales and clerical
category rose from 8 percent of
the workforce in 1900 to 19.5 per-
cent in 1950 and grew more rap-
idly than MPT during that time.
It continued to grow more rap-
Source: 1900-70 Historical Statistics of the United States. 1980, Census of
idly than MPT until it reached 25
Population. 1990 and 1999, Employment and Earnings, January 1991 and
percent in 1970. Since then, how-
January 2000. Production occupations are defined here to include farm-
ever, the proportion of clerical and
ing, forestry, and fishing; precision production, craft, and repair; opera-
sales workers has been relatively
tors, fabricators, and laborers; private household and other service work-
stable; it amounted to 26 percent
ers. Sales and clerical workers include sales workers and administrative
in 1999. Much of the function of
support, including clerical workers. Managers, professionals, and tech-
these workers involves paper-
nical workers include executive, administrative, and managerial work-
work, the processing of which has
ers, professional specialty workers, and technical and related support
been greatly automated in the
past 30 years.


Financial Modernization:
and the New Economy:
Vastly Different
The Invisible
or Fundamentally
Hand Meets the
Same?Destruction Leonard
EdwardI. Nakamura
G. Boehne

group numbered 200,000 workers — less than 1 such as designing, inventing, and marketing new
percent of the 29.3 million workers then em- products; and more and more economic activity
ployed. By 1950, the count had risen more than is devoted to creating technical progress?
five times to 1.1 million—almost 2 percent of the In light of the changes summarized above,
total of 59 million workers. There are now more perhaps the theory set forth by Joseph
than six times as many creative professionals as Schumpeter and often referred to as creative de-
in 1950, representing 5.7 percent of the workforce struction is a better paradigm for the current U.S.
(Table). economy. Paul Romer (1998), a Stanford profes-
These professional creative workers are paid sor of economics and one of the new
for their efforts primarily through property rights Schumpeterian theorists, uses the metaphor of
to their creations: they (and the corporations that cooking to describe direct production as follow-
employ them) are granted copyrights, patents, ing existing recipes while creativity is seen as
brand names, or trademarks. These property creating new recipes. The new recipes that result
rights in turn create temporary exclusivity, tem- from creative endeavors allow a higher standard
porary monopoly power that negates the unfet- of living. But creative efforts are risky: while some
tered access to markets so prized in economic efforts will fail and yield little, if any, payoff, ef-
theory. forts that yield successful new products are richly
The clash between creativity and
traditional economics runs deep.
Perfect competition is the central TABLE
paradigm economists have relied on Professional Creative Workers
to describe capitalist economies. This
paradigm, which underlies Adam Year Millions of professional Proportion
Smith’s “Invisible Hand” theorem, creative workers of all employment
focuses on production processes and
abstracts from the informational 1999 7.6 5.7
tasks that managers, professionals, 1990 5.6 4.7
clerks, and sales workers perform. 1980 3.7 3.8
1970 2.6 3.3
The paradigm of perfect competition
1960 1.6 2.3
was formulated by William S. Jevons,
1950 1.1 1.9
Leon Walras, and Carl Menger in the 1900 0.2 0.7
late 19th century, a time when direct
production of goods and services
dominated work.3 Is this paradigm
Sources: 1900-1980, Censuses of Population. 1990 and 1999,
still appropriate in an age in which
Employment and Earnings, January 1991 and January 2000.
innovation is such an important eco-
nomic activity; millions of workers Professional creative workers consist of architects, engineers,
are employed in creative activities, mathematical and computer scientists, natural scientists, so-
cial scientists and urban planners, writers, artists, entertainers,
and athletes.
American economist Frank Knight is
Minor multiplicative adjustments have been made to exclude
generally credited with formalizing the
teachers of dance, music, and art from the artists and entertain-
paradigm of perfect competition in the first
ers category in earlier years; teachers of all types are now sepa-
years of the 20th century. His book Risk,
rated from artists and entertainers in the occupational statis-
Uncertainty, and Profit dates from his 1916
doctoral thesis.


rewarded. Firms and workers whose products Guided by the invisible hand of the marketplace,
are outmoded by the new products are harmed. firms are led by self-interest to behave in a way
The unevenness of reward implies that an that maximizes each consumer’s well being —
economy that devotes a lot of its resources to so long as there is vigorous competition among
creative efforts may have greater inequality, as firms. This is the Law of the Invisible Hand.
well as a higher average standard of living, than In general, Smith’s Law of the Invisible Hand
one that is less creative. And if creativity contin- implies that government interference in the per-
ues to increase in importance, inequality may fectly competitive economy is unnecessary ex-
continue to rise in the long run, or at least may cept for ensuring that monopoly does not arise.
not decline. If a firm can exclude other firms from its market,
thereby monopolizing a good, it will maximize
FOLLOWING EXISTING RECIPES: profits by restricting supply and charging more
THE WORLD OF THE INVISIBLE HAND than the cost of production. When that happens,
Ever since Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Na- consumers buy less of the monopolized good
tions (1776), most economists have espoused the than they would at the lower price that competi-
view that a specific aspect of competition called tion would force firms to charge. The result is
perfect competition is the main spur to economic that the economy will operate inefficiently: too
efficiency. In terms of the metaphor of recipes, little of the monopolized good will be produced
this type of competition requires that all firms in and consumers will be worse off than they
an industry have access to the same set of reci- would be if the good were produced competi-
pes. Let’s explore this idea to gain insight into tively. In this theory, monopoly is a primary threat
the standard demonstration of the Law of the to the efficiency of a capitalist economy.
Invisible Hand. In some cases, however, a single producer may
A recipe for producing a good or a service has yield the lowest cost way of producing a good or
a list of ingredients: quantities of inputs, includ- service, perhaps because the cost of making an
ing the services of labor and capital, that go into additional unit of the good keeps falling as more
making the final product. The desire to maxi- units are produced by a producer (economists
mize profits induces each firm to produce the refer to this as scale economies). In such cases,
product at the lowest possible cost — that is, to the government’s role is to regulate the mo-
use the recipe that allows the firm to produce the nopoly so that it does not artificially restrict sup-
good or service at minimum cost — given the ply.
prices of ingredients. If many firms compete, Smith’s theory also implies that governments
and all of them can use the same recipes, no firm can assist the invisible hand by abolishing arti-
can charge more than the lowest cost at which ficial barriers to trade. This can force into com-
all competing firms can make the product. If it petition firms that otherwise might have mo-
did, a competitor would offer the product at a nopolized small markets. At the same time, larger
lower price and make a profit doing so. If prices markets encourage individuals to specialize in
of inputs change, firms may adopt a different different parts of the production process and
recipe, but they will still seek to produce at low- coordinate their labor. In turn, specialization —
est cost, and competition will still force firms to the division of labor — is the chief engine of in-
charge no more than the new lowest cost. Thus, creased productivity. Division of labor, accord-
a consumer buys from firms that, in their own ing to Smith, owes its power to increase produc-
self-interest, produce products as efficiently as tivity to three sources: “first, to the increase of
the consumer could wish and charge prices that dexterity in every particular workman; secondly,
reflect the lowest possible production cost. to the saving of the time which is commonly lost


Financial Modernization:
Economics Vastly Different
and the New Economy: or Fundamentally
The Invisible Hand Meets the Same?Destruction
Creative Edward
Leonard G. Boehne
I. Nakamura

in passing from one species of work to another, since economic development required imple-
and lastly, to the invention of a great number of menting creativity, overcoming this inertia was
machines which facilitate and abridge labor, and crucial.
enable one man to do the work of many” (p. 7). In his masterwork, Capitalism, Socialism, and
Smith saw the inventive activity that improved Democracy (1942), Schumpeter constructed a
production techniques as being a byproduct of paradigm for economic theory in which creativ-
the division of labor, since, when a worker con- ity was the prime mover in a modern economy,
centrated attention on one activity, time-saving and profits were the fuel. He argued that what is
inventions often came to mind. Of course, even most important about a capitalist market system
in the 18th century, when Smith was writing, is precisely that it rewards change by allowing
the activity of inventors and other creative work- those who create new products and processes to
ers was evident in the economy, but the flow of capture some of the benefits of their creations in
payments to creative work was minuscule com- the form of short-term monopoly profits.7 Com-
pared with those that flowed to the labor, land, petition, if too vigorous, would deny these re-
and capital that directly produced products.4 wards to creators and instead pass them on to
Smith saw progress in economic activity as consumers, in which case firms would have scant
flowing naturally, almost magically, from wider reason to create new products. These monopoly
markets. The theory of the invisible hand, as it profits provide entrepreneurs with the means to
has evolved within modern economic growth (1) fund creative activities in response to per-
theory, treats both economies of scale and cre- ceived opportunities; (2) override the natural
ative activity as exogenous, that is, outside the conservatism of other parties who must cooper-
scope of economic theory, and therefore “magi- ate with the new product’s launch as well as the
cal.”5 But an alternative perspective is to describe opposition of those whose markets may be
economies of scale and technical progress as harmed by the new products; and (3) widen and
endogenous to the economy, viewing creativity as deepen their sales networks so that new prod-
an economic activity. This perspective on eco- ucts are quickly made known to a large number
nomics found its foremost advocate in a Harvard of customers.8
professor named Joseph Schumpeter, who wrote
in the first half of the 20th century, during the
years when formal corporate research and de- 6
Good academic introductions to this point of view
velopment first emerged on a substantial scale. are in the articles by Paul Romer (1986, 1990) and the
book by Joseph Stiglitz. Romer (1998) is a good busi-
ness-oriented popular discussion. The book by Gene
CREATING NEW RECIPES: THE NEW Grossman and Elhanan Helpman is an advanced text.
Schumpeter argued that what really made 7
Schumpeter ignores the theoretical possibility that
capitalism powerful was profits derived from new recipes can be developed and paid for using perfect
creativity.6 He believed that the force of habit contracts, where the inventors are paid for their labor
and the recipes are then made available freely to all firms.
was extremely powerful in work life and that It appears that new consumer products cannot be readily
specified in advance, as such a perfect contract would
require. The book by Stiglitz discusses evidence that
Smith ascribes this inventive activity to workers in creative destruction is difficult to assimilate into a per-
industries that make capital equipment. fect contract world.

5 8
In his book Krugman uses the term magic to de- Opposition to new products can arise from consumer
scribe the exogenous sources of economic growth in a and political groups, from workers who make rival prod-
nice exposition of this point of view. ucts within or outside the firm, or from potential dis-


The drive to temporarily capture monopoly industrial economies, suggesting that this re-
profits promotes, in Schumpeter’s memorable ward system is indeed valuable in promoting
phrase, “creative destruction,” as old goods and economic growth. To this extent, modern econo-
livelihoods are replaced by new ones.9 Thus, mies have not obeyed the law of the invisible
while Adam Smith saw monopoly profits as an hand. We have made monopoly, albeit tempo-
indication of economic inefficiency, Joseph rary, an important instrument of national devel-
Schumpeter saw them as evidence of valuable opment policy.12
entrepreneurial activity in a healthy, dynamic On the other hand, the temporary monopoly
economy. protections of intellectual property law are not
Indeed, Schumpeter’s view was that new the only way modern societies reward innova-
products and processes are so valuable to con- tors. For example, much scientific research is
sumers that governments of countries should generated by grants made by public agencies or
encourage entrepreneurs by granting temporary private foundations. Development of military
monopolies over intellectual property and other products is often done for a fixed payment, which
fruits of creative effort. Thus, in contrast to Adam is determined by a bidding process, or on the
Smith, Schumpeter argued that government ac- basis of the incurred and audited costs of the
tion to prevent or dismantle monopolies might developer. However, these alternative reward
harm growth and the consumer in the long systems are employed only where a normal mar-
run. 10,11 In practice, temporary intellectual prop- ket does not exist for the product. For consumer
erty protection has been adopted by all advanced products, it appears that, in general, the market-
place is the best measure of the value of an in-
vention. The more valuable the product, the
tributors. This opposition may be formal or informal,
greater the reward to its creator should be. And
legal or illegal. Consider the recent worldwide opposi- that’s exactly what a patent or copyright does —
tion to genetically modified agricultural products or the gives the creator a reward that rises with con-
protests at the Seattle meeting of the World Trade Orga- sumer value, because the greater a product’s con-
nization. sumer value, the more profit a monopolist can
The monopoly is only temporary; it lasts until a bet-
realize from its sales, since the monopolist can
ter product comes along that drives out the old or until charge more for it.13 At the same time, it remains
the patent or copyright expires and others are able to true that the temporary monopoly itself deprives
copy the idea or process and compete with the origina- society of the full value of the creation, since to
tor. If the grant of monopoly were long-lived, the mo-
nopolist would have less incentive to create innovations
and might have the power to prevent potential competi- textile industry in India, to prevent the adoption of new,
tors from introducing innovations. superior technology when entrants have limited ability
to profit from the new technology.
Schumpeter’s book gloomily prophesied that capi-
talism itself would succumb to socialism because of the 12
Mark Rose’s study of the development of English
intellectual disrepute into which economic theory had copyright law illustrates the explicit balancing of the
plunged monopoly and monopolists, when these very property rights of the creator against the desirability of
monopolists were the heroes of capitalism, properly un- limiting monopoly power.
The theoretical basis for this, as well as modern
Schumpeter may have gone too far; entrenched mo- views of the underlying complexities, is laid out in the
nopolies can become the enemy of progress. The theoreti- article by Suzanne Scotchmer and the one by Francesca
cal model in the article by Stephen Parente and Edward Cornelli and Mark Schankerman. One important limita-
Prescott shows that it is possible for entrenched existing tion to the theoretical result is that it assumes away
monopolies, such as state-protected employment in the patent races.


Financial Modernization:
Economics Vastly Different
and the New Economy: or Fundamentally
The Invisible Hand Meets the Same?Destruction
Creative Edward
Leonard G. Boehne
I. Nakamura

secure their monopoly profits, firms limit sup- Creativity Puts Existing Products At Risk.
ply. Thus, the full value of the creation is real- One aspect of competition within the creative
ized only when the monopoly ends.14 While destruction paradigm is what might be called
Schumpeterian theories tell us some form of in- leapfrogging competition, but which economists
tellectual property protection for creators is de- call a “quality ladder.”16 In this form of competi-
sirable, they do not yet tell us how much protec- tion — which can be observed in video game
tion to award, for instance, how long patents machines, personal microprocessors, computer
should last. software, pharmaceuticals, cell phones, and
There are two important drawbacks to an color televisions — companies try to create new
economy of creative destruction. First, an generations of the same product so that the bang
economy of creative destruction knows only one for the buck (in economic terms, quality-adjusted
pace — hectic. There is no way to know who value per dollar) rises. A clear example is the
created something except for priority — who- personal computer (PC), whose power and speed
ever says or does it first. Once something is dis- have been rising at rapid rates for over 20 years.
covered, it is easy to copy. Someone who inde- In the competition to supply components of
pendently creates something, but does so belat- the PC such as modems or memory, any firm
edly, does not get credit and does not share in that wants to play the game has to invest in cre-
the reward. The rewards of creativity go to the ating new, faster, and smaller versions of the com-
swiftest. It is thus no accident that long hours ponent. To earn profits to justify this investment
are a frequent correlate of creative activity. and its uncertainties, the resulting innovation
Second, creative destruction, as its name im- must leapfrog the competition by creating a new
plies, involves risk and change. Those whose generation. The first firm to market with the new
products are outmoded by a new product lose generation can often grab the bulk of the entire
their livelihoods. Even those who create a new market and, with it, almost all the profits to be
product can predict but a small part of its conse- had. Of course, this typically wipes out the prof-
quences. The forces that oppose creativity are itability of the previous generation and sets the
not irrational; they are the natural concerns of stage for the next leapfrogger, who will then de-
economic participants as to how they will be stroy the profits of the current leader.
affected by creativity. Another aspect of creative destruction is com-
petition across different types of products. The
WHY ARE THE FORCES OPPOSING creation of a new type of product will, first and
CREATIVITY SO STRONG? foremost, increase the variety of products avail-
Why oppose change and growth in the able to consumers.17 Beyond that, it will enhance
economy? Because of the riskiness of creating,
making, competing against, and buying new
products.15 All activities are at risk in an envi- The pioneering article is the one by Philippe Aghion
ronment of creative destruction. and Peter Howitt. Grossman and Helpman’s book is a
nice exposition, albeit at an advanced level. The compe-
tition being described is not easy to model mathemati-
cally because the firms engaged in this competition have
Robert Hunt’s article is a good summary of theo- to worry about both the past and the future—the quali-
retical and empirical evidence about the uncertainties of ties of existing products and the future products that
optimal patent protection. will be discovered—in calculating the likely profitability
of their investments.
Discussions of the impact of increasing risk and
inequality in the U.S. are found in the book by Robert The seminal paper is the one by Avinash Dixit and
Frank and Philip Cook and the book by Michael Mandel. Stiglitz.


the desirability of some kinds of products and is no longer expected to be a blockbuster drug.
lower that of others, just as the automobile in- Similarly, among movies, the remake of Godzilla
creased the demand for rubber tires and gaso- was expected to be the summer blockbuster of
line and reduced the demand for horseshoes and 1998. Instead, its sales were very disappoint-
buggy whips. ing.
More generally, new products encompass Careers and Sequels. For individual scien-
both aspects — they can be seen both as quality tists and artists, past success is no guarantee of
improvements and as different products that future success. If we could pick winners, we
widen the market. Consider new drugs like would give those who are going to be produc-
Celebrex and Vioxx, improved versions of aspi- tive the resources they need, but often we recog-
rin that minimize the gastrointestinal side ef- nize talent only after the fact. After he published
fects of long-term use of aspirin and aspirin sub- his Principia, Newton’s scientific output essen-
stitutes. These products have modestly reduced tially disappeared. Computer laser typesetting
the demand for aspirin, but because of their cur- pioneer Wang Xuan, of Beijing University, was
rent high price, their main effect has been to ex- quoted in Science magazine as lamenting, “When
pand the market to those who have had adverse I was in my prime, doing the most advanced
reactions to aspirin and other aspirin substitutes. research, I was not recognized. [N]ow that my
Being Creative Is Inherently Risky. You don’t creative peak has long fame grows
know what will work until you try it. While suc- while I’m making fewer and fewer contribu-
cessful new products may earn immense returns, tions.”20 This riskiness extends to those who
others inevitably fail and cause losses to their work with creators, because their continued
creators and their supporters. Every new prod- employment may depend on the success of the
uct is a step into the unknown.18 Recent ex- creators. Some kinds of downsizing can be
amples of products that were expected to fare viewed as the natural consequence of failed cre-
well in the marketplace, but did not, include the ativity, of the inability of a group to maintain a
antibiotic Trovan and the 1998 remake of the stream of innovation. Of course, in a world of
movie Godzilla. Trovan was expected to be a creative destruction, those who don’t even at-
multibillion dollar antibiotic. Its launch in 1998 tempt to innovate also get downsized. Workers
was a tremendous success: two million prescrip- whose employment is attached to outmoded
tions were written in a year. But of these users, methods of production or outmoded goods suf-
14 suffered severe liver damage as a side effect, fer large penalties if they are unable to adapt to
and several died.19 As a result, Trovan’s distri- change.
bution was limited to use in supervised settings Networks and Risk. Another aspect of the
(that is, hospitals) in the United States, and the risk of creative destruction is the fact that con-
European Union banned it outright. Now Trovan sumers also invest in a product or system.21 If
the product or system becomes outmoded, con-
sumers suffer along with the producer. Hence,
The first economist to focus on the fundamental
uncertainties of creativity was Frank Knight, and in his
honor, this aspect of uncertainty is often called Knightian 19
In clinical trials, 7000 patients were exposed to
risk. Because we cannot rely on new creativity to be like Trovan and no cases of acute liver failure were reported.
past creativity, an empirical analysis of Knightian risk (“Questions and Answers about TROVAN Advisory,”
will likely always be at least somewhat unsatisfactory. FDA Medwatch, June 9, 1999.)
It also implies that the confidence of investors (which
Keynes called their animal spirits) may be an important 20
Quoted in the section “Random Samples,” Science
determinant of the rate of investment. 285, September 10, 1999, p. 1663.


Financial Modernization:
Economics and the New Economy:
Vastly Different
The Invisible
or Fundamentally
Hand Meets the
Same?Destruction Leonard
EdwardI. Nakamura
G. Boehne

consumers also must try to pick winners. This across the entire family of IBM computers. The
effect becomes sharper when the number of con- difficulty of creating such a system proved much
sumers investing in a given system influences greater than expected, and IBM nearly failed
its value for each consumer, for example, the waiting for its completion in 1966 (see the book
more of your friends who have email, the more by Thomas Watson). But once the system was
useful email is to you. together and operating, IBM’s rivals in the com-
Phonograph records suddenly became a risky puter business were helpless — and virtually
investment in the 1980s when compact discs took all of their important customers migrated to this
the market. Compact discs offered enough ad- new system that could grow as they did. Here
vantages to ensure that new consumers would the “consumers” were large corporate users,
want to switch to the new technology. Older con- whose investments in software became much
sumers had to bear switching costs, in particu- more durable once they could be used unchanged
lar, their existing collections of records and ste- on different models of computers. IBM’s U.S. com-
reo equipment became outmoded and new petitors became known as the Seven Dwarfs. IBM
records ceased to become widely available. dominated the worldwide computer market for
Betamax looked like a technology winner to 20 years thereafter.
most experts when videocassette recorders The costs associated with the riskiness of cre-
(VCRs) were invented in the late 1970s. Beta ativity must be balanced against the gains ob-
was competing with VHS, and insiders knew tained. Unfortunately, measuring the economic
that Sony had had the opportunity to develop gains due to new products is harder than mea-
either Beta or VHS and had chosen Beta as the suring those from more efficiently produced ex-
superior technology. But the corporations that isting products.
developed VHS were able to more rapidly
lengthen videocassette playback times. Consum- CREATIVITY IS HARD TO VALUE
ers who did adopt Beta eventually found that The investments that consumers make in us-
they had to switch to VHS, as Sony was forced to ing a product, or that firms make in new comple-
abandon the system by the greater availability ments, make that product more valuable. When
of prerecorded videocassettes on VHS. VCRs first came on the market, they were mainly
When consumers do choose a system, the used to record television programs for playback
system’s rivals may suffer irreversible setbacks, at a more convenient time. But as VCRs prolifer-
as the Beta system did. This underscores the ated and were able to play longer tapes, they
risks of competition — network competition cre- became a convenient format for playing movies.
ates big winners and big losers. Businesses that rented prerecorded tapes to con-
In 1961, back in the early days of the com- sumers further enhanced the value of the VCR.
puter, when each piece of computer software was Similarly, the development of software and of
written for a specific model of computer, IBM the Internet have further enhanced the value of
decided to create an operating system that would personal computers.
permit computer users to use the same programs Because we learn about the true value of new
products only with experience, and because con-
sumers invest in new product systems only over
time — and in doing so enhance their value — it
Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian’s book gives a read- takes a long time to know how valuable any
able introduction to consumer network effects that have
been the focus of much economic research. John Sutton’s
given piece of creativity is. The enthusiasm of
book discusses the general issue of consumer invest- the moment — whether highbrow or lowbrow
ments in a system. — may not be what lasts. Samuel Johnson said


that a century was long enough to judge that sured in the U.S. economy. Our official statistics
Shakespeare’s plays were indeed immortal. generally don’t treat creativity as an investment
Shakespeare himself thought that his sonnets (Nakamura, 1999a). This in turn causes the sta-
would last, but didn’t publish his plays.22 Yet tistics to understate nominal output, savings, and
when Harold Bloom argues that Shakespeare profits. Retail innovations and the proliferation
created the modern world, he’s citing the plays, of new products that result from creative activ-
not the sonnets. Will Seinfeld be an important ity have made it more difficult to measure the
source of humor for the 22nd century? Will John inflation rate (Nakamura 1995, 1998, 1999b).
Cage or John Lennon be seen as the more impor- Indeed, our official statistics almost certainly
tant composer a century from now? overstate inflation. The combination means that
Not only is measuring the value of creativity our measures understate real economic growth
inherently difficult, but the task is made harder (Nakamura, 1997).
because many of our measures implicitly assume One of the anomalous features of the U.S.
perfect competition. The U.S. Bureau of Economic economy is the slow rate of measured produc-
Analysis (1998) describes the classification of tivity growth since the mid-1970s, during this
products in the national income and product period of intensive creativity. In large part, the
accounts as follows: “Goods are products that reason for this anomaly is that the perfect com-
can be stored or inventoried, services are prod- petition paradigm describes creativity as unim-
ucts that cannot be stored and are consumed at portant, and therefore, our economic statistics
the time of their purchase, and structures are tend to ignore it.
products that are usually constructed at the lo- However, measures of U.S. economic growth
cation where they will be used and that typi- are in the process of being revised. In the 1999
cally have long economic lives.” This descrip- revision to the national income accounts, the U.S.
tion appears to leave no room for intangible as- Bureau of Economic Analysis raised the annual
sets, such as the copyright for Windows98 and growth rate during the period 1978 to 1998 from
the patent for Viagra, that result from creative 2.6 percent to 3.0 percent. As a result of this
endeavors. These assets are not material and are change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has raised
thus unlike goods and structures, but they may its estimates of average growth in output per
be long-lived, unlike services. Under the theo- hour in the nonfarm business economy from 1.1
retical ideal of the perfectly competitive economy, percent to 1.5 percent per year. This change was
intangible assets do not exist because the mo- made primarily because the BEA recognized soft-
nopoly power they imply is ruled out. Put an- ware as an investment and also improved the
other way, in a perfectly competitive economy, measures of financial sector output to reflect
because all recipes are freely available, no one product change — in both cases bringing in-
earns a profit from owning one. A direct conse- creased awareness of new products’ impact on
quence of the use of the invisible hand paradigm economic growth into the national accounts.
is that the value of creativity disappears from Until the process of revision of our statistical
statistical view. structure is reasonably far along, it will be hard
The result is that creativity is poorly mea- for the economics profession to judge the em-
pirical validity of the paradigm of creative de-
struction. If there is to be a scientific paradigm
shift, then the creative destruction paradigm
In Sonnet 18, Shakespeare promised his now for-
gotten patron that his verse would be immortal, “So long
must explain data better than the invisible hand
as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and paradigm does. This in turn requires that the
this gives life to thee.” fundamental measures that the economics pro-


Financial Modernization:
Economics Vastly Different
and the New Economy: or Fundamentally
The Invisible Hand Meets the Same?Destruction
Creative Edward
Leonard G. Boehne
I. Nakamura

fession uses to generate data be reformulated to ties — as measured by research and develop-
reasonably reflect the value of creativity, not only ment expenditures, investment in computers,
for the current period but for the past. If upon and on-the-job training — have earned more and
doing so, we observe long-term acceleration of had greater income growth.
productivity, this observation would provide The rapid technological change in this pe-
valuable empirical evidence that the creative riod appears to have favored the highly educated
destruction paradigm is superior (Romer, 1986). — those who are best prepared to create, to as-
Moreover, if these arguments are correct, we sist in creativity, and to learn new ways of work-
should then be able to describe the sources of ing to accommodate the resulting changes.24
economic growth more precisely and convinc- Even though the supply of the highly educated
ingly. has risen rapidly, demand has outpaced sup-
Another point of difference between the in- ply, and the value of higher education has risen.
visible hand and creative destruction is a pre- Quantitatively, the proportion of the working
diction about the distribution of outcomes. The population over age 25 with at least a bachelor’s
Law of the Invisible Hand suggests that compe- degree has gone up from 22 percent in 1979 to 31
tition between workers and companies will tend percent in 1999. The median worker with a col-
to equalize wages, whereas creative destruction lege degree earned 68 percent more a week than
suggests that markets may tend to magnify in- the median worker with a high school degree in
equalities. 1999, up from 29 percent in 1979.25
There is a clear and close connection between
IN THE NEW ECONOMY, INEQUALITY the rising value of college education and the
MAY BE ON THE RISE rapid growth of managerial and professional
Inequality and Productivity Growth in the work that is increasingly centered on creativity.
U.S. Productivity growth in the U.S. has been A college degree is often required for these occu-
phenomenal if we look at long periods of time, pations, and those who earn college degrees gen-
even using traditional measures of output. Out- erally enter these occupations. As of March 1997,
put per hour has doubled every 30 to 40 years 62 percent of managers and professionals had
for the past 120 years, leading to a standard of bachelor’s or advanced degrees. Conversely, 68
living roughly 10 times higher than that just af- percent of all holders of bachelor’s or advanced
ter the Civil War (see the book by Angus degrees were either managers or professionals.
Maddison). Even the poorest U.S. citizens are At least some of the value imputed to a college
far better off than in the distant past. degree is likely to be a return to greater continu-
But over the past 20 years, inequality has risen ing investment in knowledge; holders of college
distinctly in the U.S., and creative destruction degrees are much more likely than others to en-
appears to have had an important role in its in-
crease. While very highly paid male workers
earned less than 2.5 times the pay of poorly paid See the article by Peter Gottschalk.
male workers (precisely, the worker at the 90th 24
For the background to this argument, see the Sym-
percentile in earnings compared with one at the posium on Wage Inequality in the Spring 1997 Journal of
10th percentile) in the 1960s and the early 1970s, Economic Perspectives, where articles by Gottschalk, George
the multiple has since risen fairly steadily. Since Johnson, Robert Topel, and Nicole Fortin and Thomas
the mid-1990s, very highly paid male workers Lemieux present a variety of views on skill-biased tech-
nical change.
have earned roughly four times what poorly paid
male workers earn.23 On average, workers at 25
Economic Report of the President, February 2000, U.S.
companies that are engaged in creative activi- Government Printing Office, pp. 135-36.


gage in formal education while working. between the advanced countries and the less
And inequality has risen substantially even developed countries has not generally dimin-
after we control for measurable changes in edu- ished. Output per worker throughout the world
cation, demographics, and the growth of trade.26 has risen dramatically, as it has in the United
If the U.S. economy continues to change as dy- States, but there remain large pockets of poverty
namically as it has in the recent past — and the in which households produce little more than
evidence on the proportion of the workforce de- the bare minimum necessary for subsistence.
voted to creativity suggests that it will — there is According to The World Bank’s World Devel-
scant reason for supposing that inequality will opment Indicators 2000, the 3.5 billion inhabit-
decline. Moreover, increases in inequality are ants of the low-income countries had an aver-
occurring not only within the United States but age gross national product per person of $2,170
also between the advanced industrial economies in 1998.28 The middle-income countries, with 1.5
and other countries. billion inhabitants, averaged $5,990 per person
Inequality in the World Economy. The para- that year, while the high-income countries, with
digm of perfect competition implies that inequal- 0.9 billion inhabitants, averaged $23,420 per
ity between rich and poor countries should fall person. As a group, the richest countries gener-
as barriers to trade fall. Opening up trade per- ate 11 times as much gross national product per
mits countries to specialize more in the prod- person as the low-income countries.
ucts they produce most efficiently. Allowing the By comparison, Lant Pritchett has argued that
unhindered importing of capital lets poor coun- in 1870, the income gap between the high-in-
tries adopt the technology of richer ones. Under come countries and the low-income countries
fairly general conditions, the wages of workers must have been less than nine times. While low-
and the return to capital in rich and poor coun- income countries have experienced, on average,
tries will tend to become more similar. Workers a very substantial increase in income, so have
in less-developed countries should benefit more the high-income countries. The net result is that
than workers in developed countries as both worldwide inequality has not diminished over
types of economies become more efficient and the past 130 years. No doubt much of this in-
relative wages of the workers in the less devel- equality is the result of bad governance and bad
oped countries rise. As global trade increases, luck, including the rapacity of local oligarchs,
average output per person should become less disease, war, colonial policy, and civil disorder.
disparate.27 This period of history includes extended peri-
But while global trade has increased, the evi- ods during which trade barriers between nations
dence on whether inequality has diminished is, were quite high and rising, as well.
at best, equivocal. Output per worker among the If we confine our observations to the period
advanced industrial countries has tended to since 1960, during which trade barriers around
converge, but over long periods of time, the gap the world have fallen, we also see relatively little
decline in income inequality.29 According to
Robert Summers and Alan Heston, gross domes-
See the Symposium in the Journal of Economic Per-
spectives cited earlier.
Product here is measured in terms of its purchasing
That international trade tends to increase both equal- power in 1998 U.S. dollars.
ity of returns and efficiency was put on a firm founda-
tion by a series of economists beginning with David Trade barriers fell first under the General Agree-
Ricardo and continuing to the present. See, for example, ment on Tariffs and Trade and now under the auspices
the text by Wilfred Ethier. of the World Trade Organization.


Financial Modernization:
Economics Vastly Different
and the New Economy: or Fundamentally
The Invisible Hand Meets the Same?Destruction
Creative Edward
Leonard G. Boehne
I. Nakamura

tic product per person in 1960 in the high-in- HOW TO THINK ABOUT A CHANGE
come countries was 10 times higher than it was IN PARADIGM FOR ECONOMICS
in the low-income countries. Thus, the 1998 ra- What should the fundamental paradigm of
tio of 11 times shows scant convergence even in economics be: creative destruction or the invis-
the recent period of trade liberalization. ible hand? This is an empirical matter that de-
Can we expect more rapid convergence in an pends on the importance of creativity. It is, in-
era in which economic value increasingly de- deed, hard to measure creativity precisely. But if
pends on creative destruction? Consider the ad- we fail to recognize it in our economic theory or
vantages the United States has vis-a-vis a less in our economic measures, we are doomed to be
developed country in the race to create. The U.S. precisely wrong rather than approximately cor-
has a well-educated, diverse, and disciplined rect. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
workforce; access to the most recent research; a made this point when he said, “But the essential
deregulated economy relatively unencumbered fact remains that even combinations of very
by bureaucratic restrictions; moderate taxes; a rough approximations can give us a far better
smoothly functioning financial market to finance judgment of the overall cost of living than would
investment; a long history of rule by law and holding to a false precision of accuracy and
democracy; a military under firm civilian con- thereby delimiting the range of goods and ser-
trol; and a host of highly innovative corpora- vices evaluated. We would be far better served
tions. These absolute advantages count for a great following the wise admonition of John Maynard
deal in the world of creative destruction, where Keynes that ‘it is better to be roughly right than
speed, flexibility, and advanced education all precisely wrong.’”30
count in developing new products and bringing How should economists and noneconomists
them rapidly to the marketplace. Indeed, to the think about the possibility of a paradigm shift in
extent that creative individuals and firms ben- economics? British Nobel laureate economist
efit from geographic proximity, the direct eco- John Hicks took up this topic in his 1983 paper
nomic benefits of successful creativity will tend on “revolutions” in economics:
to be concentrated in the most advanced coun-
tries. “Our special concern [in economics] is with
The United States will have these advantages the fact of the present world; but before we
whether or not the less developed countries par- can study the present, it is already past. In
order that we should be able to say useful
ticipate in globalization. Even so, in the long run,
things about what is happening, before it is
less developed countries benefit from the im- too late, we must select, even select quite vio-
proved ability of the world economy to provide lently. We must concentrate our attention, and
new recipes. But the benefits of globalization hope that we have concentrated it in the right
should not be oversold. In the short run, rapid place.
obsolescence will tend to deter adoption of new “Our theories, regarded as tools of analy-
technology in nations where indigenous mar- sis, are blinkers in this sense. Or it may be
kets are small. And less developed countries will politer to say that they are rays of light, which
find it difficult to emulate — and are not allowed illuminate a part of the target, leaving the rest
in the dark. As we use them, we avert our
by the rules of intellectual property protection to
copy — the development of new products. The
paradigm of creative destruction implies — in
all probability — persistent or even rising in- 30
Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan before the
equality between countries. Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representa-
tives, March 4, 1997.


eyes from things that may be relevant. ...But it Put succinctly, Hicks argues that economic
is obvious that a theory which is to perform science must adapt to the nature of the economy.
this function satisfactorily must be well cho- The growing importance of creative endeavors
sen; otherwise it will illumine the wrong things. appears to be what’s new in the New Economy.
Further, since it is a changing world that we
If so, the New Economy represents a significant
are studying, a theory which illumines the right
things now may illumine the wrong things change in the nature of the U.S. economy, one
another time. This may happen because of that is difficult to align with the paradigm of
changes in the world (the things neglected may perfect competition. The New Economy is highly
have grown relative to the things considered) competitive, but creative destruction, not produc-
or because of changes in our sources of infor- tion, is the center of the competition. This im-
mation (the sorts of facts that are readily ac- plies, in line with Hicks’s views, that for under-
cessible to us may have changed) or because standing the New Economy, Joseph Schum-
of changes in ourselves (the things in which peter’s creative destruction paradigm may be
we are interested may have changed). There
superior to Adam Smith’s invisible hand.
is, there can be, no economic theory which
will do for us everything we want all the time.”

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Financial Modernization:
Economics Vastly Different
and the New Economy: or Fundamentally
The Invisible Hand Meets the Same?Destruction
Creative Edward
Leonard G. Boehne
I. Nakamura

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