Marketing Context Valentine 2021 For YoMost

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1. Company background
FrieslandCampina is a leading dairy manufacturer in the Netherlands. After 145 years of
worldwide operation, the company ultimately invested to broaden its market in swathes of
Southeast Asia, in which Vietnam is one of the potential markets. Started a joint-venture
with Binh Duong Import-Export Protrade in 1995, FrieslandCampina Vietnam has
inaugurated a new era for dairy products. For over 20 years, under the leadership of CEO
Berend van Wel, FrieslandCampina Vietnam has indicated its mission “to create a better life
for Vietnamese people” and also provided 1.5 billion consumer units of high quality milk
per year with several preferred brands such as DutchLady, Fristi, YoMost etc. Among all,
when Valentine is coming this year, YoMost is such a popular brand that is always
anticipated to have a special event by consumers, thanks to the last successful campaign
called “YoLove” in 2014.
2. Chosen product
Since 2001, YoMost has remained its position in producing drinking yogurt, which is
the creation between fermented yogurt and fruity juice. To strengthen the brand
itself, YoMost develops two product lines: YoMost “carton” and YoMost “snow”,
however, YoMost “carton” is the priority with a diversity of flavour (strawberry,
orange etc.).
II. SWOT analysis
1. Strength
1.1. Prestigious company
To begin with, FrieslandCampina Vietnam is derived from a joint-venture by
FrieslandCampina or Royal FrieslandCampina. It is the largest dairy factory in the
Netherlands and one of the top 5 leading dairy companies in the world. According to
FrieslandCampina (2019), it was recorded that 70% of consumer products adhere
to FrieslandCampina Global Nutrition Standards. Moreover, by declaring the mission
“nourishing by nature”, the company receives customers’ trustworthiness, which is
synonymous with the high revenue - 11.3 billion euros (FrieslandCampina 2019).
1.2. Large distribution channel
With regard to FMCG companies, a large distribution channel is one of the
competitive advantages against competitors. This is the reason why
FrieslandCampina Vietnam and YoMost in particular spreads the channel in 63
provinces, both urban and rural areas (Sage 2018). The company proves its
development throughout 200 distributors and more than 100,000 retailers (Sage
1.3. Strong human resources

In 1871, farmers from 3 European countries made a pact to join forces in

local cooperative dairy factories. Until now, the company has reached 23,816
employees and 17,413 farmers all over the world (FrieslandCampina n.d.).
Only in Vietnam, there are 15,000 jobs created for laborers that could
strengthen its market position and help the company achieve the 1st and 2nd
grade Labor medals in 2016 and 2018 (HRAsia n.d.).

2. Weakness
2.1. Brand awareness on social media
While the current population of Vietnam is 98 millions (Macrotrends n.d.), the
number of Facebook users has reached 47.1 million users in the country (Statista
Research Department 2020). It is such a vast number that will be advantageous to
YoMost’s business affairs. In spite of that factor, the interaction with consumers on
YoMost’s Facebook account is weak. There are only 700,000 likes and followers
2.2. Lack of permanent campaign for special occasions
YoMost is renowned for becoming a prospective investor in several events such as
Viettel 5G, YoMost Exist Arena 2021 etc. On the other hand, campaigns for special
occasions, especially Valentine, are not as permanent and regular as it used to be.
Since “YoLove” was a well-known event, YoMost should have taken this opportunity
to entice more consumers annually.
3. Opportunity: Young population
Based on product concept as well as invested events, YoMost is a suitable brand for
Generation Z. Furthermore, according to Index Mundi (2020), citizens from 8 to 23
years old occupy 80% of Vietnam's population. Hence, it is the golden age of the
young population in Vietnam. Additionally, it should be a once - in - a - lifetime
opportunity for YoMost to hold a new campaign for an upcoming occasion -
4. Threat: Domestic and international competitors
Since the brand was founded, Vinamilk has been noted as the main competitor
against FrieslandCampina in every aspect in which drinking yogurt also takes part.
Compared to YoMost, Probi (Vinamilk) does not hold great market share because of
late penetration (Passport 2021). However, it is still on alert for yogurt and sour
milk products when Vinamilk still takes the first place.
In other respects, many domestic and international companies are increasingly
penetrating the Vietnam market. TH Food Chain, Yakult Honsha and Nutifood
Nutrition are good examples for this.

II. Target Consumer

Segment Children Teenagers Adults

Geographic Characteristics Urban, rural

Demographic Gender Male and Female

Age 8-12 13-19 20-35

Generation Z Z Millennials

Occupation Student Student Employees

Income No income, No income, Low to Middle
pocket pocket money

Psychographic Social class Low to Middle

Lifestyle Energetic Energetic, Active, busy
active working

Behavioral Benefits Nutrition, aid to Nutrition, aid Nutrition,

Characteristics sought digestion to digestion digestion,
beauty, keep

User status Heavy user Heavy user Medium user

Loyal status xxx xxx xx

YoMost shows a variety of benefits and flavour in its products depending on the
brand’s target consumers. They are children and teenagers in Generation Z who
seem to be active, energetic and always catching up with the trend. Alongside
these consumers, millennials play an important role in product consumption
thanks to external beauty functions and financial support for their children.

III. Differentiation and Positioning

1. Differentiation
The story of YoMost was initiated with the slogan “feeling YoMost”. This slogan has
already differentiated its products with powerful energy and cheerful expression. In
order to bring values and colours for these items, YoMost comes up with an original
idea, which is the combination between peppermint and other fresh fruit:
peppermint-orange, peppermint-blueberry and peppermint-lemon.
2. Positioning
This positioning map characterizes two key elements: products origin and

Brand Origin Price

Yakult Japan 23.000

Betagen Thailand 23.700

YoMost Vietnam 25.200

Yomilk Vietnam 29.500

Probi Vietnam 31.000

TH true yogurt Vietnam 32.000

Meiji Thailand 36.000

According to Katrin Roscher (2018), he noticed that Vietnam’s youthful population

mostly uses smartphones or social media. It means they prefer foreign products to
local ones. However, in this category table, even though most of the drinking yogurt
is produced in Vietnam, their materials and ingredients are imported from leading
dairy countries.
In this case, YoMost not only has domestic origin but also sells merchandise with
medium price. It is highly evaluated that the brand is bringing consumers closer to
the items for consumption.
IV. Current 4Ps performance
1. Product
Being made of natural fermented yogurt, YoMost is beneficial for our health
(digestion aid, resistance improvement), nutrition and external beauty as well. On
the other side, in order to differentiate itself, the brand innovates its savoury taste
and applies product line filling for extension. There are three classic flavours
consisting of orange, strawberry and lemon; and exceptional flavours such as sea
buckthorn, red pomegranate etc. Besides, YoMost raises awareness not only for
Vietnamese health but also the country's environment due to the use of carton
packaging. The design is not too colorful, instead, it is more simple to adjust the
decoration for Valentine’s campaign. With all of those benefits, people can buy
yogurt frequently without spending time on comparison. Overall, YoMost has
brought the core value for customers to live a fullest life and refresh with one drink.

YoMost has been introduced to the Vietnam market for over 20 years so that the
sales of products is now at the maturity stage. The brand continually participates in
some entertainment activities so as to raise brand awareness. Nevertheless, as
international and national competitors are rising, the company shares have slightly
increased recently (Passport 2021).

Figure 1: Passport 2021

2. Price
In the FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) market, almost all brands are applying
value-based pricing strategy and so does YoMost (WARC 2020). Rather than
discounting, YoMost is trying to add more value for consumers by rolling out new
pack sizes. As an illustration, 1-liter-product has just launched with only 35,000
VND, which is more favorable than 680-milliliter-product with 25,200 VND ( the
cost of 4 bottles). In comparison to competitors, especially Yomilk (Vinamilk),
YoMost utilizes psychological pricing so that the products’ price is 1,300 VND lower
than the one in Yomilk, instead of being 1,000 VND. Alternatively, the price is being
set differently in different locations or channels. The price for 1-liter-product on
Bachhoaxanh is 35,000 VND, whereas the price is raised to 36,000 VND on Lazada.

3. Place
Daisy Nguyen (2019) stated that omnichannel is considerably rising when retailers
in Vietnam start seeking opportunities on e-commerce platforms. Since then,
FrieslandCampina Vietnam struck a 3-year-contract with Lazada and put all the
brands into the service. YoMost shows up on Lazada and several platforms such as
Bachhoaxanh, Tiki, Shopee etc. By using omni-channel, it is perfect for convenience
products like YoMost. What’s more, it was reported that FrieslandCampina
Vietnam’s supply chain network contains 200 distributors and over 100,000
retailers (Sage 2018).
4. Promotion
Advertising is so commonplace that many FMCG brands are maintaining it at the
present like creating TVC or posting on newspaper. It is the same for YoMost when
most of the customers pay attention to this brand through amazing and stunning
advertising contents. Also, marketers successfully chose Suboi to be the
representative based on her self-motivated lifestyle.

Figure 2: Saostar 2016

In order to adapt into the state-of-the-art era, YoMost starts focusing more on other
two promotion mix tools: public relation and sales promotion. Taking advantage of
social networks including YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, the brand is having an
impact on public awareness gradually. By finding and integrating great stories with
the world’s trend, YoMost is reaching more young people. In detail, the latest
YouTube videos 6 months ago achieved 6.6 million views.
Figure 3: YoMost n.d.
In contrast to the interaction on YouTube, the rate of interaction on Facebook is not
extremely high (700,000 likes and 700,000 views).

Figure 4: YoMost n.d.

Sales promotion, in fact, is thoroughly put into practice. When the number of
competitors is dramatically increasing, it is synonymous with the growth in sales
promotion. Especially in supermarkets, YoMost usually offers a price pack as a
reduced price for consumers in place of discount. On Valentine 2019, YoMost gave
an advertising speciality - Valentine’s bottle for those who had already bought three
items at random.
Figure 5: YoMost n.d.
VI. SMART Objectives
1. Specific:
Products will be sold on the Shopee platform so that they can be delivered in every
2. Measurable
Only 1,500 limited products will be up for sale, it is available for special offer.
3. Achievable
Increase social media awareness by 10% by the first of March.
4. Realistic
From 23th to 24th of January, one third of products will be ordered.

5. Timebound
It should start from January to the fourth of February.
VII. Recommendation
This year, Valentine 2021 is such a special occasion that it occurs on the same day as Lunar
New Year in Vietnam. Hence, YoMost should adjust product and promotion performance
for Valentine:
1. Product
Red pomegranate and strawberry are chosen products because of its fitting colour
for Valentine. The packaging should be added with tiny heart icons in white. This
product should be limited edition.
2. Promotion
The recommendation for YoMost is launching a campaign on both Facebook and
YouTube. From the beginning, the campaign should be mentioned on Facebook
posts by some artists such as Bich Phuong, Hien Ho etc. who are still single. They
will be requested to post their photos attaching trending hashtag #tetnaythoate. On
the second step, the detailed information about this campaign will be introduced on
YouTube by KOLs and Food Vloggers including Dino Vu, Ninh Tito, and Giang oi.
This campaign is about declaring your secret love. Behind the limited edition
product, YoMost will print a QR code, which leads consumers to a quick survey. For
those who still hesitate to declare your love, each person can fill the address of one’s
crush and YoMost will send a love card to them.

1. Daisy Nguyen 2019, Omnichannel shopping taking hold, Vietnam Insider,
viewed 17 January 2021, <
2. FrieslandCampina 2019, FrieslandCampina Annual Report 2019 - Brands
growth and sustainable impact, FrieslandCampina, viewed 17 January 2021,
3. FrieslandCampina n.d., Về công ty, FrieslandCampina, viewed 17 January
2021, <>
4. HRAsia n.d., FrieslandCampina, HRAsia, viewed 17 January 2021,
5. Index Mundi 2020, Vietnam Age Structure, Index Mundi, viewed 17 January
2021, <>
6. Katrin Roscher 2018, How to market to Vietnamese consumers, WARC, viewed
18 January 2021,
7. Macrotrends n.d., Vietnam Population Growth Rate 1950-2021, Macrotrends,
viewed 17 January 2021,
8. Passport 2021, Company shares, company report, Passport, viewed 17
January 2021, <https://www-portal-euromonitor->
9. Sage 2018, Chiến lược Marketing của Dutch Lady - đối thủ trực tiếp của
Vinamilk có gì đặc biệt?, Sage, viewed 17 January 2021,
10. Statista Research Department 2020, Number of Facebook users in Vietnam
from 2017 to 2023, Statista, viewed 17 January 2021,
11. WARC 2020, What we know about pricing strategies, WARC, viewed 17
January 2021,

1. Passport 2021, Company shares, viewed 17 January 2021, Passport
2. Saostar 2016, Vì sao Suboi xứng đáng trở thành gương mặt duy nhất đại diện
Việt Nam trong chiến dịch H&M x Kenzo?, viewed 17 January 2021,
3. YoMost n.d., Giờ Yo! bắt đầu, sẵn sàng bắt lấy một cảm giác rất YoMost!,
Youtube, viewed 17 January 2021, <
4. YoMost n.d., YoMost Homepage, Facebook, viewed 17 January 2021,
5. YoMost n.d., YoMost photos, image, Facebook, viewed 17 January 2021,

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