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Software Design Description

Mobile Dama Legends

Reynaldo Subong
Rafel Sanchez
Charniel Duterte
Joshue Clyde Cervantez

Stephanie Grace Villarubia
Change History
Table of Contents

Signature .............................................................................................................................................2
Change History ...................................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................5
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................................6
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................7
1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................8
1.1. Purpose .....................................................................................................................................8
1.2. Scope ........................................................................................................................................8
1.3. Definitions and Acronyms ..........................................................................................................8
2. References ......................................................................................................................................9
3. Decomposition Description..........................................................................................................10
3.1. Module Decomposition ............................................................................................................10
3.1.1. Module 1 Description .......................................................................................................10
3.1.2. Module 2 Description .......................................................................................................10
3.2. Concurrent Process Decomposition.........................................................................................10
3.2.1. Process 1 Description ......................................................................................................10
3.2.2. Process 2 Description .....................................................................................................10
3.3. Data Decomposition ................................................................................................................10
3.3.1. Data Entity 1 Description ..................................................................................................10
3.3.2. Data Entity 2 Description ..................................................................................................10
4. Dependency Description ............................................................................................................. 11
4.1. Inter-module Dependencies ..................................................................................................... 11
4.2. Inter-process Dependencies .................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Data Dependencies ................................................................................................................. 11
5. Interface Description ....................................................................................................................12
5.1. Module Interface .....................................................................................................................12
5.1.1. Module 1 Description .......................................................................................................12
5.1.2. Module 2 Description .......................................................................................................12
5.2. Process Interface ....................................................................................................................12
5.2.1. Process 1 Description ......................................................................................................12
5.2.2. Process 2 Description ......................................................................................................12
6. Detailed Design .............................................................................................................................13
6.1. Module Detailed Design ..........................................................................................................13
6.1.1. Module 1 Detail ................................................................................................................13
6.1.2. Module 2 Detail ................................................................................................................13
6.2. Data Detailed Design ...............................................................................................................13
6.2.1. Data Entity 1 Detail .........................................................................................................13
6.2.2. Date Entity 2 Detail ..........................................................................................................13
7. Appendices....................................................................................................................................14
8. Index ..............................................................................................................................................15
9. Annexes .........................................................................................................................................16
9.1. Data flow diagram (optional) ....................................................................................................16
9.2. Class diagram .........................................................................................................................16
9.3. Use case realization (Sequence diagram / Communication diagram) ......................................16
9.4. User interface design ...............................................................................................................16
9.5. Entity-relationship diagram ......................................................................................................16
List of Figures
List of Tables
Software Design Descriptions Document Version: 1.3
Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

 Introduction

1.1. Purpose
The generated mobile application by the code of duty v2 team aims to help those users who are
fighting boredom at home. Thus, the application provides specific details and information about the
game mechanics and a healthy game community where violence and profanity are discouraged and
not tolerated, ensuring every user enjoys the game and can help them think critically.

1.2. Scope

The objective of this application is designated to bring entertainment to every user who is interested
and has the knowledge to maneuver each piece of the dama successfully. And for those who are
willing to learn the game mechanics.

1.3. Definitions and Acronyms


SPMP Software Project Management Plan is a branch of project management

that focuses on planning, executing, and monitoring software projects.
It is regulated and observed.
SRS Software Requirements Specifications, a document that outlines every
feature of a proposed system and the limitations to which the system
must comply.
LOBBY When the player comes out of the room, the players are dropped into
the lobby again. The primary function of a lobby is to help players
quickly find a game room that is suited for them and join.
PROFILE allow for condensation and modeling of complex behavioral space and
enables action to be taken towards meeting the users' needs as made
apparent via the profiles. Profiles will allow us to consider players in a
non-abstract, quantifiable way. Building an understanding of who the
players are and how they will play or are playing the game.
MMR MMR, or Match Making Rating, is an individual value assigned to each
player. For Honor uses this value as a matchmaking parameter to
match you with players of similar skill when you play PVP game

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

 References

• Code of Duty v2 Team Approved Proposal Sheet (Mobile Dama Legends Proposal)
• Code of Duty v2 Team Software Requirement Specification Version 2.0 – Mobile Dama Legends
• Code of Duty v2 Team Software Project Management Plan Version 2.0 – Mobile Dama Legends

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 Decomposition Description

3.1. Module Decomposition

3.1.1. Mobile Dama Legends Module Description

Name: Login
Type: Module

Description: To enter an existing account

3.1.2. Signup Module Description

Name: Signup
Type: Module

Description: Used to create and register a new user account.

3.1.3. Submit a Game Module Description

Name: Submit a game
Type: Module

Description: To put and process a pending game on the server.

3.1.4. Accept Game Invitation Module Description

Name: Accept game Invitation
Type: Module

Description: It is an entry to play the game in which a game request is submitted by the sever and
accepted by the user.

3.1.5. Perform Turn Module Description

Name: Perform Turn
Type: Module

Description: It allows the server to let the opponent or the user moves the piece if it is its turn.

3.1.6. Decide Game Outcome Module Description

Name: Decide Game Outcome
Type: Module

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

Description: Informs the user whether they are victorious or defeated in the game and calculates
the add-up MMR percentage of the winning user minus MMR percentage to the defeated user.

3.1.7. Change Settings Module Description

Name: Change Setting
Type: Module

Description: Changes the display of the board and adjusts the volume of the sfx and music.

3.1.8 Navigate Screen Module Description

Name: Navigate Screen
Type: Module

Description: Used in changing the screen back and forwards of every UI presented.

3.2. Concurrent Process Decomposition

3.2.1. Database Process Description

Name: Database Process
Type: Firebase - Firestore cloud storage
Description: The process accesses the database to perform all queries done by the application.
Function: Accepts query requests from the system
Subordinates: Firebase

3.2.2. Controller Process Description

Name: Controller Process
Type: Application Files and other Resources
Description: Controls the behavior of the system based on user interaction.
• Select Operation/s to perform
• Prepare and display interface on requested command.
• Firebase

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

3.3. Data Decomposition

3.3.1. Client Entity Description

The client can view for the current client / establishments, apply to become partner with Mobile Dama
Legends and download the “.apk” file.

3.3.2. Developer Entity Description

Display the personal information about the developers of Mobile Dama Legends from the clients.

3.4. Class Diagram

Figure 3.4.1 – Class Diagram

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 Dependency Description

4.1. Inter-module Dependencies

The internals of the game, or rule definitions of which actions are appropriate and how each
action affects the state of the game.

4.2. Inter-process Dependencies

The main feature of Application is to move a piece diagonally forward to an adjacent empty
square. Moving first is Black. An opponent's piece must be caught and eliminated by leaping
over it to the empty square if it is in such an adjacent unoccupied square with a vacant space

4.3. Data Dependencies

• The databases for the game of chess which use the distance-to-mate metric, enabling
their software to forecast the number of moves remaining until the game is over.
• The two-player checkers game that is typically played on a 12×12 dama/boardgame.

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 Interface Description

5.1. Module Interface

5.1.1. Application Description

Allows the users to play a Filipino game called “Dama” against other users online. The game
itself is similar to that of the American Checkers.

5.2. Process Interface

5.2.1. Splash Screen Description

Name: Splash Screen
Description: Opening the application will initially show a screen with only the name of the
application along with its logo and a loading screen to indicate the loading of the application
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.2. Main Menu Description

Name: Main Menu
Description: This is where the Login, Signup, and the About buttons are shown since there is
no user logged in into the application. Each button has their own icons beside them.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.3. Login Description

Name: Login
Description: When pressing the Login button, it will show the Login page where the user can
input their username and password. When pressing “Login” button after inputting the details
needed, the application with authenticate whether the details are available in the database or
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.4. Sign Up Description

Name: Signup
Description: This is where users register their account for access to the application main
features. Users are able to input their preferred username, password and their email address.
All of the inputted credentials will be checked first by the system if the data are credible for
storage in the database.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

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5.2.5. About Description

Name: About
Description: Displays the developers’ information and the purpose of the application on why is
it being developed.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.6. Lobby Description

Name: Lobby Main Menu
Description: After logging in, the screen will display the main menu of the application containing
the username, mmr and three buttons namely the ‘Play’, ‘Settings’, and the ‘Profile’.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.7. Profile Description

Name: Profile
Description: Displays the users’ information of his gameplay status their mmr value. Information
includes the username, user icon, number of wins, number of losses and number of games
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.8. Settings Description

Name: Settings
Description: This is where the users are able to configure some of the application’s features
like managing the volumes of the sound effects and even the personalization of the board and
its pieces.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.9. Queuing Description

Name: Queuing
Description: When the user presses the ‘Play button’, a queuing feature will prompt in the lower
right of the lobby which will display a timer for the queue.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.10. Matching Description

Name: Matching
Description: If there is a match during the queue, there will be a window that will prompt
wherein it will display the current user and the other user to play against it. Along with the
display window, there will be two buttons for the user to decide to play with the opponent or

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.2.11. In Game Description

Name: In Game
Description: This is the main feature of the application where users can play the game with
each other. The feature displays the chessboard along with black and white pieces similar to
checkers. There will be a timer for each turn and there will be a display for the names of the
users competing along with their mmr number.
(Refer on Section 5.3 for the Mobile app UI)

5.3. User Interface Desigm

FIGURE 5.3.1 – In Game FIGURE 5.3.2 - Login

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

FIGURE 5.3.3 - Matching FIGURE 5.3.4 - Lobby

FIGURE 5.3.6 - Profile

FIGURE 5.3.5 – Main Menu

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

FIGURE 5.3.7 - Queuing FIGURE 5.3.8 – Sign Up

FIGURE 5.3.9 - Settings FIGURE 5.3.10 – Splash Screen

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 Detailed Design

6.1. Module Detailed Design

6.1.1. Server Module Detail

Firebase will be used as a server for the application to store user’s data and for the gameplay
of the match.

6.1.2. Application Module Detail

Name: Mobile Dama Legends
Type: Mobile Application
Description: This will display all the functions and operations of the application.
Name: Main Menu
Arguments: There are no arguments.
Condition: Application is running.
Flow: The user will interact to the buttons displayed on the page
Result: After pressing one of the buttons, it will navigate to another page based on what specific
button is pressed.

Name: Login
Arguments: Email address and password
Condition: Application is running.
Flow: The user will enter the specified data into the two text input boxes available
Result: The credentials inputted will be authenticated and if there are no problems, the user will
be able to use the application fully.

Name: Sign Up
Arguments: There are no arguments.
Condition: Username, password and email address
Flow: The user will enter the specified data into the required text input boxes to register
Result: The credentials inputted will be checked and if there are no problems, the data will be
stored to the database and the user will be able to login to the application.

Name: About
Arguments: There are no arguments.

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Mobile Dama Legends Published Date: 22 07 2022

Condition: Application is running.

Flow: The user will see the developer details and information regarding the application itself
Result: Displays the information about the application

Name: Lobby
Arguments: There are no arguments.
Condition: Application is running.
Flow: The user will be able to choose three interactive buttons with different functions.
Result: The lobby screen will display along with the small information of the user and the
buttons below the screen.

Name: In Game
Arguments: There are no arguments.
Condition: Application is running.
Flow: The user will play ‘Dama’ with other users.
Result: The board will be displayed along with the pieces and information about the players will
be also displayed on the screen.

6.2. Data Detailed Design

6.2.1. User Data Detail

Attribute Data Type Purpose
(user_id) Int Primary key for querying
(username) String In game name of the user
(email) String For login and authentication
(password) String For login and authentication
(mmr) int Ranking points of the user

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 Appendices

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 Index

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 Annexes

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