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We can easily say that today, our Indian education system is responsible for educating one of the largest

youth populations in the world, which has many dire implications. It cannot be said that Indian schools
are the perfect learning institutions as the very concept that they are based on is inherently flawed. Let
me tell you a story. About a hundred years ago, there was a rather impetuous boy who often clashed
with his teachers. He viewed schools as dark and dreadful prisons which only produced talking parrots in
contrast to well read intellectuals. He was subsequently kicked out of school for his emphasis on rational
learning. Can you tell me who this boy was? Yes, he was the Albert Einstein who would in years to come
propose theories which would bring a revolution in theoretical physics. I would say that Albert Einstein
achieved what he did despite his school. It was an obstacle in his path. I could easily say the same for
every Indian athlete and creative professional. But then, how could an institution which on paper would
enable to achieve your life goals be an actual stone in your journey?

The emphasis on rote learning over creative thinking and intellectuality is one of the reasons why our
approach to learning is so wrong. Our current educational system, despite all the reformations and
amendments and acts was designed by the British Imperial Government to create slaves who would
serve old white men. The ‘natives’ were educated in English and made to learn basic things that would
make them good clerks and juniors who wouldn’t have a problem with following instructions. Subjects
like Fine arts were not given importance. Thanks to the American-Russian race to the space, our Country
became obsessed with engineers and thus the saga of the IITs and coaching centres began. The
government’s lack of concern for the education system, coupled with inefficient rural schools are slowly
becoming the reason for literate unemployed youth. We have been unable to bridge a gap between
educational institutions and companies which also doesn’t help in the unemployment problem.

The mental health frontier is not very good either. According to the Lancet medical journal, India has
the highest suicide rate in the world for youth between the 15-29 age group. Add to this another angle:
the suicide rate among those with more education is higher than those with little or no education.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), one Indian student commits suicide every
hour. This points to the seriousness of the situation. In conclusion, we can say that India has not been
able to utilise its population numbers to improve its conditions. In fact, it all these small problems have
snowballed into a large avalanche with massive casualties. We can easily say that: The Indian education
system is one of the largest human resource tragedies of the world.

What will be your perfect school be like?

All I've done is lecture till now. Ask you some questions. What will your perfect school be like? Kids. So
now my profession. When I was young, I had. I knew that I was more intelligent. I knew that if I was
given higher subjects then I would have been able to handle them. An option that I could skip some
classes of leads. In my dictionary. In Aurobindo Ashram Delhi. Literally have such a flex. At any age
group, people can starting in whatever class they want learning. There is an actual learning, it's not
treated like Sophia, that's beautiful. Think that you will get better at. Education system doesn't give us
any second chances. If you fail 10th class then you are feel 10th class. You will be expelled from school
and then you can find some rules or some municipal corporations and you can study that. It's this word
school was. I mean, I remember. 10th class about photosynthesis and. Did your study that? Try again.
Remember that in 6th, 7th and 8th. Bring 5 letters, stuff fibre to fabric continuously. And when I didn't
even understand what its foundation was about there in any actual science. Understand. I don't care
what kind of ship cheap gives what kind of fool I came here to learn things not memorize some useless
information that I'm probably gonna forget printer. You guys remember not asking. The practical
application of maths. Answer is that. Then it must still now. I couldn't answer that question. I couldn't
understand what the practical. Mission of Maxwell's. Was it for commerce? Was it statistiques? Maybe
I'll never know. Maybe I'll never learn the subject and love because. It doesn't give me that many
options. Or I don't understand it at all. Select I think start after 15 years of continuous learning. Open
numbers if this education system. I think all of us would have been better people. More nationalistic.
And less Western learning as we are taught that Western culture is superior. So far superior to the
Indian culture and that is what we're being taught for the last 200 years, actually. So in the end. It is our
duty as. To ask the people. This so far so much digital. And so much richer than structured coursework.
What legacy? Education system give us. Today art is not. OK, I should have thought as humanity as
commerce and science. Heck, it's not even. It's not even taken as an actual subject in schools. Fine Arts
is there just for the people. It's not actually that they're not actual people who are going to teach you
anatomy and how human muscles work. Expressions or something? Like after 100 years from now, after
2000 years from now, when all of us are dead. When this building doesn't even exist in. Exist what art
masterpiece of this civilization of this 21st century? Test. Shrek. It depends on your perspective but.
That's all that exists as we are not encouraging people. We're not even ready to teach our kids or
encourage our kids to learn arts or learn whatever creativity they want. Discouraging creativity and only
encouraging mindless factory workers who are going to serve old white men in the future. Like everyone
says that soon, soon detach. I sat in ready that these are all great people, but there's just the
chairperson. The faces behind the actual board members. Did you see the photos? Most of the you will
also that they. Playing. Still the same old European they have still the same old European blood that was
there when our country was conquered. You don't even have a nice national identity and. All I study.
Download them for dinner. But greater than us. No who Shivaji was because all I read was three, what
about? I don't know so many people I don't know so much of my culture. I've never read a full Sun script
book. I've never read even a full Hindi, but it's my it's my own language. I've been speaking it since I was
born. OK, I've never read a book. Is this? That is. So what's cool is? If it is, then. It might be worth trying
and my own. The question is for you. What will we do? Country. Coming to my Ted talk. You know, make
it needed.

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