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Introduction Manual testing is the oldest and most rigorous type of software testing.

Manual testing requires a tester to perform manual test operations on the test software without the help of Test automation. Manual testing is a laborious activity that requires the tester to possess a certain set of qualities; to be patient, observant, speculative, creative, innovative, open-minded, resourceful, and skillful. Overview As a tester, it is always advisable to use manual white box testing and black-box testing techniques on the test software. Manual testing helps discover and record any software bugs or discrepencies related to the functionality of the product. Manual testing can be replaced by test automation. It is possible to record and playback manual steps and write automated test script(s) using Test automation tools. Although, test automation tools will only help execute test scripts written primarily for executing a particular specification and functionality. Test automation tools lack the ability of decision-making and recording any unscripted discrepancies during program execution. It is recommended that one should perform manual testing of the entire product at least a couple of times before actually deciding to automate the testing activities of the product. Manual testing helps discover defects related to the usability testing and GUI testing area. While performing manual tests the software application can be validated whether it meets the various standards defined for effective and efficient usage and accessibility. For example, the standard location of the OK button on a screen is on the left and of CANCEL button on the right. During manual testing you might discover that on some screen, it is not. This is a new defect related to the usability of the screen. In addition, there could be many cases where the GUI is not displayed correctly and the basic functionality of the program is correct. Such bugs are not detectable using test automation tools. Repetitive manual testing can be difficult to perform on large software applications or applications having very large dataset coverage. This drawback is compensated for by using manual black-box testing techniques including equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. Using which, the vast dataset specifications can be divided and converted into a more manageable and achievable set of test suites. Steps for Manual Testing A manual tester would typically perform the following steps for manual testing: Understand the functionality of program Prepare a test environment Execute test case(s) manually Verify the actual result Record the result as Pass or Fail Make a summary report of the Pass and Fail test cases

Publish the report Record any new defects uncovered during the test case execution There is no complete substitute for manual testing. Manual testing is crucial for testing software applications more thoroughly. Test automation has become a necessity mainly due to shorter deadlines for performing test activities, such as regression testing, performance testing, and load testing.

Usage It involves testing of all the functions performed by the people while preparing the data and using these data from automated system. Objective: Verify manual support documents and procedures are correct. Determine Manual support responsibility is correct. Determine Manual support people are adequately trained. Determine Manual support and automated segment are properly interfaced.

How to Use: Process evaluated in all segments of SDLC. Execution of the can be done in conjunction with normal system testing. Instead of preparing, execution and entering actual test transactions the clerical and supervisory personnel can use the results of processing from application system. To test people it requires testing the interface between the people and application system. When to Use: Verification that manual systems function properly should be conducted throughout the SDLC. Should not be done at later stages of SDLC. Best done at installation stage so that the clerical people do not get used to the actual system just before system goes to production. Example: Provide input personnel with the type of information they would normally receive from their customers and then have them transcribe that information and enter it in the computer. Users can be provided a series of test conditions and then asked to respond to those conditions. Conducted in this manner, manual support testing is like an examination in which the users are asked to obtain the answer from the procedures and manuals available to them.

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