Metronidazole Hydrochloride

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Patient’s Name: Age: Sex:

Diagnosis: Weight: Date:

Generic Name: Used to treat • Contraindicated in Direct-acting CNS: headache, • Monitor LFT • Inform
 nausea,
Metronidazole different types patients hypersensitive trichomonacide seizures, fever, results carefully patient with
Hydrochloride of bacterial to drug or other and amebicide  abdominal vertigo, ataxia, in elderly trichomoniasis
and parasitic nitroimidazole that works dizziness, patients. of need for
Trade/Brand infections, derivatives. inside and cramps, syncope, • Observe patient sexual
Name: Flagyl IV including The use of disulfiram outside the  stomach incoordination, for edema, partners to be
RTU, Metro IV those that within 2 weeks of intestines. It's confusion, especially if treated
in Plastic affect the skin, metronidazole therapy thought to upset, irritability, patient is simultaneousl
Container vagina, blood, and the use of alcohol enter the cells  vomiting, depression, receiving y to avoid
heart, bone, or of weakness, corticosteroids; reinfection.
Form: Injection stomach, liver, propylene glycol microorganism  diarrhea, insomnia, Flagyl IV • Tell patient
ready-to-use joints, nervous products during s that contain peripheral RTU may cause to avoid
 constipation
(RTU) minibags system, treatment and for 3 nitroreductase, neuropathy. CV: sodium retention. alcohol and
Patient Dose: respiratory days after treatment forming , flattened T wave, • Record number alcohol-
500mg / 100ml tract, and ends are unstable edema, flushing, and character of containing
other areas of contraindicated. compounds  headache, thrombophlebiti stools when drug drugs during
Ordered Dose the body. • Use cautiously in that bind to  weight loss s after IV is used to treat and for at
and patients with history of DNA and inhibit infusion. EENT: amebiasis. Give least 3
Frequency: This medicine blood dyscrasia, CNS synthesis, (anorexia), rhinitis, drug only after days after
500 mg, TIV, is also disorder, or retinal or causing cell  dizziness, sinusitis, Trichomonas treatment
q8H prescribed to visual field changes. death. pharyngitis. GI: vaginalis infection course.
treat sexually • Use cautiously in  dry mouth, nausea, is confirmed by • Tell patient
Route: IV transmitted patients who take abdominal pain, wet smear or that a metallic
 dark-colored
diseases hepatotoxic drugs or stomatitis, culture or taste and dark
Drug (STDs).  have hepatic disease, urine, or epigastric Entamoeba or red-brown
Classification: alcoholism, or renal distress, histolytica is urine may
 a metallic
Therapeutic: impairment. vomiting, identified. occur.
Antiprotozoals Dialyzable drug: Yes. taste in the anorexia, • Sexual partners • Tell patient
Pharmacologic Overdose S&S: diarrhea, of patients being to report signs
: Nausea, vomiting, mouth or constipation, treated for T. and symptoms
Nitroimidazole ataxia, neurotoxicity. changes in proctitis, dry vaginalis of candidal
s mouth, metallic infection, even if overgrowth.
taste. taste. GU: asymptomatic, • Tell patient
Safe Dose vaginitis, must also be to report all
Range for darkened urine, treated to avoid adverse
Adults: 500 mg Uncomfortable side polyuria, dysuria, reinfection. reactions
/ 100 ml cystitis, • Look alike– immediately,
effects that may dyspareunia, sound alike: especially
dryness of Don't confuse neurologic
become serious are: vagina and metronidazole symptoms
vulva, vaginal with metformin. (seizures,
candidiasis, peripheral
 fevers, genital pruritus, neuropathy).
 pain with UTI,
urination, Hematologic:
 mouth transient
sores, neutropenia.
 tingling or
: transient joint
pricking pains.
Respiratory: URI.
sensations Skin: rash.
that may Other:
decreased libido;
become overgrowth of
permanent, nonsusceptible
 brain candidiasis;
disease, and
 seizures.

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