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1, JANUARY 1, 2019

Onboard Condition Monitoring Sensors, Systems

and Techniques for Freight Railway
Vehicles: A Review
Esteban Bernal , Maksym Spiryagin, and Colin Cole

Abstract— Given the constant demand for heavier, longer, dition monitoring, these systems have not reached the desired
faster, and more efficient rail freight vehicles, onboard fault level of performance [3], and are not capable of performing
detection systems appear as a good approach for enhanced rail- continuous real-time monitoring. Even with over 6000 wayside
way asset exploitation. Real-time condition monitoring reduces
inefficient preventive and reactive maintenance actions, decreases hot-box detectors deployed in the USA, overheated bearings
waste from replacing parts that still have a useful life, and caused 119 derailments in the USA and Canada during
improves availability and safety by real-time rolling stock diagno- 2010 – 2016 [4]. Trains running on the Australian railway
sis. There have been considerable advances in wayside monitoring network are also monitored by wayside equipment such as
applications, but these cannot achieve real-time continuous mon- Wheel Impact Load Detectors (WILD), hot-box detectors,
itoring. With the price reduction and miniaturization trends of
electronic devices, the cost of deploying wireless sensor networks acoustic bearing fault detectors, etc. [5]. Nonetheless, there
onboard freight trains continues to become more feasible and were 30 freight train derailment events in Australia (excluding
accessible. On the other hand, the lack of onboard electric power Queensland) during the 2016 – 2017 financial year, and an
availability on freight wagons appears as the major limitation average of 30.6 per year for the last 5 years [6]. Hence, there
for the implementation of these technologies. This paper reviews are still opportunities for improving current vehicle fault and
recent onboard condition monitoring sensors, systems, methods
and techniques, aiming to define the present state of the art derailment detection systems.
and its potential application for freight wagons without onboard Freight train derailments are more frequent than passenger
electric power. train derailments (3.75 to 1), but generally have less conse-
Index Terms— Condition monitoring, energy harvesting, fault quences in terms of numbers of people exposed to harm [6].
detection, freight, literature review, maintenance, onboard, rail- Nevertheless, freight trains may run for many kilometers with
way engineering, railway safety, sensor-node, wagon, wireless derailed bogies undetected, causing severe damage to the
sensor network.
infrastructure [6]. A specific study for train derailment causes
in Australia established an average line closure of 64 hours per
derailment, and two identified derailments held the railway
R AIILWAY freight transport performance in Europe has
constantly increased during the last few years, and it
is expected to reach 3460 Bn tkm per year by 2030 [1].
closed for 7 days [7]. According to the European Railway
Agency, freight derailments in that region have a social and
financial impact exceeding 200 million Euros each year [8].
In Australia, rail freight increased by 50% from 2006 to
In the European context, rolling stock is responsible for 38%
2014, and it is expected to grow a further 26% by 2026.
of the derailment events [9]. In Australia this percentage is
Railway freight is in general, the most efficient transport
lower but still significant. Onboard condition monitoring is
means for large tonnages of heavy cargo. Furthermore, rail
not yet widely spread in unpowered freight railway vehicles,
freight transport produces 93% less carbon emissions and 94%
and its implementation would be expected to improve safety
less accident events compared to road freight transport per ton-
and reliability in freight railway transport systems.
kilometer. In Australia for example, a single freight train can
Condition based maintenance (CBM) has proven to be an
remove 110 trucks from the roads [2].
effective strategy for getting more profit from an asset [10].
Despite efforts of railway operators, derailments still occur.
In the case of freight trains, this approach may improve safety
Even though there have been great advances in wayside con-
and availability by enabling early detection of component
Manuscript received September 20, 2018; accepted October 7, 2018. Date faults. CBM may extend the lifetimes of components and
of publication October 10, 2018; date of current version December 7, 2018. reduce machinery downtimes. It also allows operators to get
This work was supported by the Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research
Centre (RMCRC) funded jointly by participating rail organizations and the the most out of every replaceable part in a specific oper-
Australian Federal Government’s Business Cooperative Research Centres Pro- ating condition. The parts are not replaced on the basis of
gram through Project R1.7.2-“Smart Axle Transducer Transmitter for Freight calendar schedule, operation time or failure, but when the
Wagon Condition Monitoring Systems.” The associate editor coordinating the
review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Ying Zhang. monitored part reaches a predetermined condition indicat-
(Corresponding author: Esteban Bernal.) ing it has to be replaced. During its lifetime, a component
The authors are with the Centre for Railway Engineering, Central experiences a unique combination of loading cycles, weather,
Queensland University, Rockhampton, QLD 4702, Australia (e-mail: downtimes, etc. Condition monitoring enables operators to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2875160 execute a unique part replacement schedule that guarantees
1558-1748 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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the maximum profit for each part under its specific operating
For enabling a comprehensive condition based maintenance
approach, it is necessary to have real-time component diag-
nosis; hence it is necessary to install sensors, data loggers,
and transmitters. The data must then be analyzed to iden-
tify or predict a potential fault. For railway systems, rolling
stock and track are the assets requiring significant levels
of maintenance actions. Given the high cost of equipment
for condition monitoring, technology is normally installed
in the opposite asset category relative to the parts being
measured. Hence moving (onboard the train) equipment is
used to monitor static assets (rails, switches, etc.), while static
equipment (at the track wayside) is used to monitor moving
assets (wheel profiles, axles, bearings, etc.). This results in Fig. 1. Train communications network topologies.
maximizing the efficiency of the condition monitoring system
itself because it allows a single data acquisition and logging
point to diagnose a great amount of parts. Thus, the technology the railway sector [3], [10], [11], [13], [19], [20], but none of
investment is small compared to the amount of useful data able them specialized in onboard equipment for unpowered vehicle
to be gathered. component fault detection. This article classifies different
The principal limitation of condition monitoring regarding types of onboard monitoring systems in Section II. Section III
freight railways is the inability of wayside systems to monitor illustrates various research and commercial condition moni-
vehicles in real-time, as such systems can only identify a toring applications, categorized by vehicle subsystem, show-
fault at specific locations along the track [11]. A minor fault ing their architecture and monitoring capabilities. Section IV
can occur and dramatically grow between sensing points. describes techniques for analyzing and transforming data into
This reduces the overall system reliability. Possible solutions maintenance decisions. Section V briefly shows possible meth-
include increasing the number of sensing points or imple- ods for providing an electrical power source for an onboard
menting onboard monitoring equipment. Although the first condition monitoring system in freight railway vehicles before
approach can reduce the problem, it is expensive and the concluding remarks are provided in Section VI.
situation remains the same in essence. The second approach
eliminates the time between monitoring actions but involves II. O NBOARD S YSTEM T YPES
more resources because it requires a sensing, processing and For integrating condition monitoring systems onto freight
transmitting unit per each monitored set of components. wagons, it is necessary to address the following elements:
Safety, cost and performance requirements for high speed power source, mechanical requirements, and communications.
railway vehicles have driven the development of a wide range In most cases, locomotive electric power is not available
of onboard condition monitoring applications, such as in the to the wagon, hence it is necessary to use batteries, power
German ICE3 and the Japanese Shinkansen, whose bogies harvesting or generation techniques. The hardware must be
are instrumented for real-time measuring of parameters like rugged enough to withstand the demanding conditions of the
component acceleration or temperature [12]. The informa- railway environment, with different levels of requirements
tion gathered through real-time condition monitoring systems depending on its location in the vehicle. Finally, communi-
enables fault prognoses, which consists of estimating the cations integration requires technologies that are adaptable to
remaining useful life of the vehicle components for improving the linear network topology of a train. This can be achieved
maintenance schedules, and reducing overall operational costs, by means of: a direct wired connection (Fig. 1a); a wireless
downtimes and accidents [13]. Furthermore, new develop- radio link to a hub in the locomotive (Fig. 1b); a node-to-node
ments of enabling devices present an opportunity for executing communication architecture were each device is responsible
advanced asset management systems in the near future [14]. of transmitting and receiving data from adjacent devices until
The cost of wireless communication hardware for condition reaching the base station in the locomotive (Fig. 1c); a fourth
monitoring in 2007 was reduced to ¼ of its 2000 price [15]. option is a direct link between each node and a remote,
Nowadays, the components required to integrate a condition internet connected base hub, possibly through SigFox, GSM-
monitoring sensor-node (processor, wireless radio, battery, and R, or satellite technologies (Fig. 1d) [10]. This section reviews
sensor) cost less than 20 euro [16]–[18]. This price reduction various ways of integrating condition monitoring systems into
enables the development of specialized low-cost condition railway freight wagons.
monitoring applications for the freight railway sector.
This article aims to provide a literature review on relevant
condition monitoring systems and techniques, which may A. Portable Autonomous Devices
be implemented in railway vehicles without onboard electric An early example of portable autonomous technology is
power, i.e. freight wagons. There are related literature reviews the End of Train Device (EOT). EOTs are usually installed
covering condition monitoring applications and techniques in in the last wagon of a freight train to monitor brake pipe

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Fig. 2. Portable autonomous device.

pressure and communicate it to the driver (Fig. 2). EOT’s

were traditionally powered by batteries, and were equipped
with a red light, a pressure sensor, and a narrow band radio
Fig. 3. Wheelset-alternator transmission for powering
transmitter, all housed in a portable autonomous unit [21]. This McClanachan et al. [25] condition monitoring system.
allowed manual installation on different wagons when the train
was reconfigured, but they were very heavy and the external of the electronically controlled pneumatic brakes performance
radio antenna usually failed due to its lack of robustness. during normal service. The wheelset rotation moved a 12V
Modern EOTs perform synchronized brake application, but car alternator using a two stage belt-pulley transmission. Then,
face battery power limitations, achieving 15 to 16 hours a circuit managed the charging cycle of the integrated 80Ah
continuous operation with 10Ah batteries [22]. Furthermore, battery. Data acquisition was controlled via a GSM network.
narrow band radio communications are not always available This instrumented wagon was able to operate up to a week
because of the variable natural environment including artifi- before having to replace the batteries or download the logged
cial obstacles like tunnels, and issues with train length and data.
device location on the wagon Reports indicate generating Darby et al. [28] transformed a standard revenue service
4 or 5 black-out events. State of the art EOTs have motion wagon into an instrumented ore car (IOC), which was used
detection sensors, GPS location capabilities, typically an 8W in [29] and [30] to monitor performance of vehicle operational
narrow band radio for communication with the locomotive, conditions and enabled a predictive maintenance approach for
a polymeric housing with internal antennae, battery, and a the track in the Australian Pilbara region. The system was
small air turbine for energy generation [23], [24]. These EOTs powered using solar cells in conjunction with batteries. Control
are mainly a reactive maintenance tool, providing information and tracking was achieved by a combination of 3G cellular and
about a single vehicle, the brake pipe, and the track. Hence, satellite networks. Data corresponding up to 40 trips could be
they do not monitor rolling stock component degradation, but stored, although the information was normally downloaded at
may detect advanced state track or brake faults. the end of each trip. The IOC measured parameters like bogie
suspension displacement, sideframe acceleration, brake pipe
B. Permanent Powered Devices pressure, drawbar force, vehicle location and others. Another
example of an instrumented wagon is the one proposed by
An alternative for providing an energy source to condition
Donelson et al. [31], in which a modified Timken wheelset
monitoring systems that are permanently integrated to unpow-
bearing [32] acted as a generator for charging the battery that
ered freight wagons is transforming the solar or mechanical
powered the monitoring system.
energy that the wagons are exposed to into electric energy.
The systems reviewed in this section had similar architec-
This approach was used by McClanachan et al. [25] when
tures. The different sensors, energy generation and data acqui-
they proposed using an instrumented standard revenue heavy
sition subsystems were located in different parts of the wagon
haul coal wagon for autonomous monitoring of vehicle-
(Fig. 4), and interacted through wired connections. A single
track interaction during normal operating conditions. This
standard wagon in a train was modified and used to gather
system was powered by a battery charged by a wheelset
track and train behavior data. The systems were powered by
driven car alternator (Fig. 3). This Instrumented Wagon had
a combination of batteries and energy generation/harvesting.
cellular and WiFi capabilities for wireless communications,
To achieve these permanently powered instrumented wagons,
and measured vehicle speed, location, brake pipe pressure,
all the vehicles undertook a complex transformation process
longitudinal acceleration, bogie yaw, and vertical wheel force.
and required more maintenance to operate compared to a
A microprocessor controlled the acquisition and power subsys-
standard wagon.
tems. McClanachan et al. [26] further developed this system
to allow measuring of vertical, longitudinal and lateral coupler
forces. Similarly, Hartley et al. [27] used a wheelset-coupled C. Trickle Charged Devices
electric generator technique for enabling an instrumented Heavy haul freight trains transporting coal or iron ore
heavy haul freight wagon capable of long term monitoring can have hundreds of wagons and lengths greater than two

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Fig. 6. Long life autonomous device.

Fig. 4. Permanent powered devices. of IP67 self-contained sensor-nodes that can be fixed to
containers or freight wagons. The devices weighed 1 kg and
were attached to the wagon body using magnets, rivets or
adhesives [37]. They wirelessly transmitted location data and
shock events via a cellular network every five minutes. The
sensor-nodes were powered by a combination of solar cells
and batteries. This application is closer to a tracking service
than to a vehicle condition monitoring system, but it might be
the first fleet-wide wireless sensor network (WSN) deployed
in the railway freight sector.
Fig. 5. Trickle charged devices.
Applications like Amsted Rail’s IONX [38],
Perpetuum [39], and SKF Insight Rail [40] were powered
by integrated energy harvesters or batteries, and all were
kilometers. In the majority of cases, a wagon interacts with capable of years of continuous operation. These systems
the adjacent wagons by only two mechanisms: force transmis- performed near real-time condition monitoring on vehicle
sion through the draft gear, and pressurized air transmission components. Even so, they were mostly used in passenger
through the brake pipeline. Thus, freight wagons can usually vehicles, and not in fleet-wide implementations. Nevertheless,
be considered as a dark territory, i.e. no electric power and no their autonomous sensor-node, wireless architecture, may be
communications are available. However, Electronic Controlled valuable to freight operations, given their easy installation and
Pneumatic (ECP) braking technologies are gradually being long sensor-node life. Unlike Permanent Powered Devices,
adopted by the freight railway industry. Besides allowing Long Life Autonomous Devices are not distributed throughout
precise synchronization for braking application through the the vehicle, but enclose all the sensors, data processing,
whole train, thus reducing fuel consumption and component communication and power subsystems in a single, wireless
degradation [33], this technology enables a new type of inter- housing. The installation of these devices takes minutes, and
action between wagons: electric power transmission. The Train can be performed by a single person (Fig. 6). More details
Health Advisory System (THAS) was a low-cost onboard about these systems are reviewed in Section III A 3.
condition monitoring system powered by the ECP electric
network [34]. This system monitored wheel-rail contact forces E. General Robustness Considerations
using wagon motion measurements. The use of ECP energy
source allows installing the THAS on each wagon of a Embedded computing components, sensors, cables and
train (Fig. 5), thus continuous real-time condition monitoring other hardware for railway applications must be sufficiently
for every vehicle is possible, enabling onboard wheel flat rugged and robust. Trains may experience sub-zero to over
detection for example [35]. Additionally, removing the energy 50°C temperatures, humidity variations, high vibrations and
generation/harvesting subsystem from an onboard condition generally harsh conditions over their lifetime. To guarantee
monitoring application makes it cheaper to install and operate. equipment functionality, authorities have established standards
On the other hand, the integration with the braking system including EN 50155:2007, a standard detailing various require-
involves additional measures and certifications to achieve the ments for electronic equipment to be used in rolling stock, and
required system integrity level. Details about the THAS are IEC 61373:2010, which specifies the requirements for testing
reviewed in Section III A 1. electric, electronic and pneumatic components to be installed
in railway vehicles to guarantee that they will withstand the
severe vibrations of the railway operational environment [41].
D. Long Life Autonomous Devices For a device to be certified according to IEC 61373:2010,
Autonomous wireless devices are not yet widely used in for example, it must tolerate three tests where it is exposed
the freight railway industry. However, the cost reduction of to different levels of vibrations: functional random vibration
electronics and increasing safety requirements for transporting test, simulated long-life test and shock test. Depending on
hazardous materials, has driven the deployment of distrib- the location of the equipment in the vehicle, the standard
uted IoT sensor-node applications like Nexiot Intermodal by classifies the devices in three categories: 1) body mounted;
European wagon company VTG [36]. This system consisted 2) bogie mounted; and 3) axle mounted. For the shock test,

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Fig. 7. Freight wagon subsystem scheme.

the equipment must endure up to 5g, 30g and 100g according

to the corresponding category.
Table I summarizes the main differences of the onboard Fig. 8. Freight wagon wheelset. Redrawn from [43].
monitoring system types.


M ONITORING S YSTEMS is improved, but the critical hunting speed at which lateral
instability occurs is diminished. Roller bearings are fitted
Freight wagons are generally unpowered railway vehicles at each end of the wheelset to allow rotation and transmit
whose main function is to contain cargo and move it on vertical and lateral forces to the bearing adapters on the bogie
the rail network. Wagons differ in design depending on the sideframes, and in some cases, to a primary suspension [42].
type of goods they transport, but the main subsystems remain Freight wagons usually have no primary suspension system,
the same: carbody, underframe, suspension, bogies, wheelsets, but a suspension element such as a resilient interface pad is
brakes, and couplings [42]. Fig. 7 shows the mentioned common. The wheelset and bearing subsystems are shown
subsystems for a coal freight wagon. in Fig. 8.
The following sections show different research and com-
1) Wheel-Rail Contact Forces Condition Monitoring: The
mercially available systems for onboard measuring of railway
derailment coefficient is the ratio between vertical and lateral
vehicle parameters, which can be later used to detect or predict
wheel-rail contact forces [20]. Measuring this parameter is
faults. These systems are categorized by vehicle subsystems.
relevant because it permits derailment probability estimation
for specific track locations or running conditions [44]. The
A. Wheelset and Bearing Condition Monitoring SNC-Lavalin company offers an onboard measuring appli-
A wheelset is formed by an axle and two wheels whose cation known as Instrumented Wheelset Technology IWT.
treads have a specific tapered profile. This conical and flanged It is a standard wheelset instrumented with various strain
shape generates lateral forces to maintain the vehicle running gauges placed on the inner face of each wheel, connected
in the center of the track, and promotes self-steering on curves. to a processor-transmitter attached to the axle. This system
The conicity value indicates the tapered segment angle on is powered using inductive transmission, i.e. electric energy
the wheel tread. With a high conicity, the curve performance must be available on the wagon and is wirelessly transmitted

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Fig. 10. THAS schematic. Redrawn from [34].

wheels. The THAS was fitted to an Australian RailCorp AK

track recording car, which independently recorded track data.
Fig. 9. Typical strain gauge location for instrumented wheelsets in (a) wheel
and (b) axle section. Redrawn from [50]. A vehicle multibody dynamic simulation implemented via
VAMPIRE software, was fed with the recorded track data
to generate the wheel-rail contact forces experienced by the
vehicle during the test. Both simulation, and inverse model
to the wheelset via induction. The IWT system measures outcomes were compared, showing encouraging results for an
lateral, vertical and longitudinal forces exerted on the wheelset onboard monitoring device [52]. According to the authors,
as well as contact patch position and rotational speed [45]. the THAS can be further developed for enabling calculation of
It is not possible to apply tread brakes to the instrumented wheel-rail contact forces based on acceleration measurements
wheelset, as the heat generated will damage the strain gauge from the carbody and vehicle running speed. It was proposed
instrumentation. that a THAS system onboard each wagon would analyze the
A specific application of Lavalin’s IWT4 was on an iron whole train to achieve a fleet wide monitoring approach [53],
ore railway transportation system in Brazil [46]. The system as shown in Fig. 10.
was installed on a 37.5 ton axle load wheelset, placing strain An alternative method was proposed by
gauges and A/D converters in carbon fiber cases on the inner Matsumoto et al. [54]–[56] using non-contact gap sensors
faces of the wheels. This system was completely sealed and detecting wheel distortion caused by wheel-rail contact
had no moving parts. It wirelessly transmitted the acquired forces. A bracket was attached to the axlebox, holding two
signals to a reception unit mounted on the bogie in a temper- inductive displacement sensors measuring lateral movement
ature controlled steel housing. The gathered data was used to of the wheel rim and web (Fig. 11). These sensors had
evaluate the performance of the wagons considering the L/V a precision of less than 0.01 mm. The movements of
derailment coefficient. This system acquired data at 20 samples the wheelset were compensated using the same type of
per second (S/s) at the time of the publication (2011), but sensors identifying axial and inclination movements of the
Lavalin planned to increase this acquisition rate. wheelset relative to the axlebox. The vertical wheel-rail
Spanish laboratory CETEST has also developed an instru- contact forces were determined measuring the axle spring
mented wheelset to measure wheel-rail contact forces and con- deformation. Thus, the calculation of the L/V ratio was
tact patch position. Its configuration is similar to IWT4, using enabled using this method. For obtaining longitudinal forces,
strain gauges mounted on the wheel, wireless transmission Matsumoto et al. [54] measured the deformation on the lever
of the data but an increased sampling rate at 1000 S/s [47]. of the axlebox support link. This system was validated with
The CETEST Instrumented Wheelset was capable of assessing traditional strain gauge based measurements.
wheel-rail contact forces at speeds up to 350 km/h [48], with a 2) Wheel Condition Monitoring: Wheelset faults are,
measuring error as low as 4% [49]. The typical location of the in general, more frequently related to accidents rather than
strain gauges on an instrumented wheelset is shown in Fig. 9. other vehicle components [13]. Wheel degradation is a com-
These monitoring systems are suitable for very specific plex phenomenon depending on wear and fatigue, which are
applications, where the objective is assessing specific vehicle in turn affected by various elements such as railway route,
dynamic performance under particular operating conditions. axle load, train speed profile, wheel-rail adhesion conditions,
Their architecture, installation and operational requirements rail profile and wheel position in the vehicle. Therefore,
are too complex and expensive to be used on every vehicle analytical, statistical or numerical approaches are not practical
for a continuous condition monitoring WSN. for estimating the wear condition of each particular wheel in
Thomas et al. [34] proposed a low cost, low maintenance a train. In this case, condition monitoring techniques are more
Train Health Advisory System (THAS) for freight trains, convenient [20]. Current wheel health assessment relies mostly
which used energy from the ECP brakes for powering a system on wayside equipment such as Wheel Impact Load Detectors
capable of monitoring parameters like wheel unloading, L/V (WILD) or wheel profile monitoring systems. The WILD
coefficient, track degradation, ride quality, hunting, wheel flats system consists of an instrumented track section where strain
and axle derailment on freight wagons. This system used gauges or accelerometers enable quantification of the force
the Inverse Model developed and validated by Xia et al. [51]. exerted on the rail by the passing wheels. A wheel tread defect
The kinematics of the wheelsets were obtained via numer- can be detected when the measured force exceeds a predefined
ical integration to find wheel-rail contact forces using the threshold [57], [58]. Modern wheel profile monitoring systems
sum of Hertzian spring-damping forces between rails and are wayside applications that measure the wheel tread section

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Fig. 12. (a) Wheel flange-rail contact test rig. (b) Ultrasonic transducer
Fig. 11. Non-contact lateral forces measuring system layout. Redrawn location [60].
from [56].

profile at a specific location of the wheel circumference while

the train transits the monitoring equipment. Using lasers,
cameras, and in some cases mirrors, the wheel tread profile is
captured and compared to a wheel profile database, enabling Fig. 13. Hollow shaft sensor node prototype [61].
wear measurement and detection of worn wheels [59].
Alemi et al. [20] reviewed different research approaches for
potential detection of wheel flats, eccentricities, corrugation, Frankenstein et al. [61] performed simulations using EFIT
roughness and other wheel defects using on-board ultrasonic, (Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique), to evaluate the
magnetic, vibration and acoustic signals. A selection of these possibility of creating a health monitoring system by installing
approaches is described in the following paragraphs. an acoustic sensor inside the hollow shaft of a wheelset
Wheel-rail contact mostly takes place on the rail head– axle. Using the simulations, the authors identified that a
wheel tread interface, and less frequently on the rail gauge frequency range with an upper limit of 300 kHz contained
corner-wheel flange interface, the latter occurring mostly in relevant information for detecting wheel defects. A complete
curves. For the second case, the concentration of forces leads wireless sensor node including battery, piezoelectric sensor,
to high stress in both rail and wheel, increasing the possibility A/D converter, digital signal processor, Bluetooth transmitter
of damage by means of fatigue, wear or deformation [60]. and other auxiliary electronics was built and installed inside
Dwyer-Joyce et al. [60] proposed detecting wheel flange – a hollow ICE-2 wheelset (Fig. 13). Three different width
rail contact events by using an ultrasonic transducer mounted artificial cracks were created on the wheel tread. The wheelset
on the wheel (Fig. 12b). The sensor emitted an ultrasonic pulse was subjected to an 11 ton vertical force and speeds from zero
through the wheel. If there was no contact between the wheel km/h to 240 km/h using a laboratory test rig. The sensor node
flange and the rail, the ultrasonic pulse bounced on the wheel was able to detect the three artificial cracks.
tread surface and was fully captured again by the sensor. Wheel flats may appear in a braking event if the wheel
However, if the wheel flange and the rail are in contact, locks (i.e. when a wheelset does not rotate while the train
a portion of the ultrasonic pulse was transmitted to the rail, is moving). When not detected, the presence of this defect
and the reflected signal was reduced. The authors materialized on the wheel surface may damage the infrastructure or the
this system in the laboratory using a NDT ultrasonic pulse rolling stock because of the severe impacts and vibration
receiver with a band center frequency of 2.2 MHz fixed generated during subsequent operation [62]. Bosso et al. [62]
to the wheel. The acquisition was performed at 500 MS/s, proposed an onboard wheel flat detection algorithm by eval-
while the wheel specimen was subject to a range of vertical uating axlebox vertical accelerations in relation to the wheel
(0 kN – 80 kN) and lateral (0 kN – 9 kN) forces using a test rotation when the vehicle is moving. The algorithm consisted
rig and hydraulic cylinders (Fig. 12a). The authors were not of generating a vector containing acceleration values from
only able to detect the flanging event and its intensity, but also a single wheel rotation. Comparing the maximum recorded
detected a correlation between the reflected ultrasonic pulse value to the mean acceleration vector RMS, a wheel flat
and the vertical and lateral forces. severity index (WFI) is then obtained. In the majority of

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Fig. 14. Instrumented axlebox covers for wheel flat detection algorithm field
test [62].
Fig. 15. Perpetuum sensor node. Redrawn from [66].
European countries, the maximum accepted wheel flat length
is 60 mm. This algorithm detected 30 mm length wheel flats
with an acquisition rate of 250 S/s at up to 20 km/h. For was moving at 48 km/h while the data was acquired at a
detection at 90 km/h, the method requires data acquisition at sampling rate of 500 kS/s. After performing power spectrum
1 kS/s. This time domain algorithm was verified via numerical and envelope spectrum analysis at a central frequency of 6 kHz
simulations and tests in a railway vehicle using a modified with 2 kHz bandwidth, noticeable peaks appeared on the bear-
axlebox cover (Fig. 14). This method successfully detected ing fundamental defect frequencies, indicating the presence of
early and advanced wheel flat defects. The authors affirmed bearing defects.
this method can be implemented in WSNs built on low power Bosso et al. [12] proposed to measure temperature on
microcontrollers because of its simplicity. the axlebox to identify the presence of bearing faults. First,
3) Bearing Condition Monitoring: Grudén et al. [63] per- a moving average was calculated for a 2s window. This value
formed an experiment for testing the reliability of a WSN was then compared to the ones obtained from the other three
measuring ambient and axlebox temperatures on a train wagon. axleboxes of the same bogie, looking for an abnormal value.
Having in mind the high accelerations present in the railway Additionally, the recorded temperature was compared to a
environment, the circuit boards were embedded in a shock defined threshold, and a theoretical bearing temperature whose
absorbent material. The battery and antenna were not mounted value varied in relation to the vehicle speed and ambient
on the circuit board, but in a separate body using flexible temperature. According to the authors, temperature measuring
cables. All the electronics were housed in an aluminum case only indicates the presence or absence of a fault, triggering
bolted to the bogie sideframe, but the temperature sensor was an eventual corrective maintenance action (diagnosis). On the
attached to the axlebox. Three of the initial four sensors were other hand, axlebox vibration monitoring enables early stage
still working correctly after five weeks of operation. fault detection and predictive maintenance (prognosis), but
Besides heat and vibration produced by the rotating ele- requires complex monitoring algorithms.
ments of a railway vehicle, acoustic emissions (AE) are also Perpetuum is a European company established in 2004,
indicators of the asset health. AE “is defined as the generation dedicated to information gathering for reliability, cost reduc-
of elastic waves made by a sudden redistribution of molecules tion and safety. They developed battery-free wireless sensor-
inside or on the surface of a material” [64]. The energy nodes (Fig. 15) to be installed onboard railway systems to
released when temperature or load affects a material generates monitor various parameters. The sensor-nodes were powered
stress waves. Unlike accelerometers, piezoelectric acoustic via electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters [39].
emissions transducers operate at very high frequencies Australian Metro Trains Melbourne installed Perpetuum
(30 kHz – 10000 kHz), and have a higher sensitivity, thus sensor-nodes to monitor wheel bearings and wheels in some
reducing mechanical noise interference in the measuring passenger trains [66]. The sensor nodes were installed on
process [65]. the axlebox and wirelessly transmitted filtered data to a train
Papaelias et al. [3] proposed a method for detecting bearing gateway, and later to a cloud service via GPRS. 3-axial
defects using piezoelectric sensors placed on the axlebox. accelerometers with a sample rate of 1024 S/s and measuring
Amini et al. [64] used piezoelectric AE sensors and enve- range of +/− 20g were used. Perpetuum affirmed these sensor
lope analysis to detect the presence of bearing defects in nodes were capable of withstanding up to +/− 200g and
railway bearings and, in some cases, the system was able they were designed to work for twenty years without main-
to determine the specific fault. The authors attached the AE tenance. Although this technology was originally conceived
piezoelectric sensor to the axlebox using magnets. The train for monitoring vehicle components, Metro Trains Melbourne

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used it to monitor evolution of track irregularities. During

this review, examples of Perpetuum applications for passenger
vehicles were found, but not fleet-wide freight train applica-
tions. From the practical point of view, installing sensors on
axleboxes is not desirable due to maintainability and system
robustness issues. Components attached to the axlebox may
experience accelerations of 100g, whereas the ones fixed to
the bogie or the car body may experience accelerations values
of 10g and 1g. Moreover, it is not necessary in most cases to
obtain the full track geometry since it is possible to identify
track faults through high acceleration values measured at the
bogie [67].
The US company Amsted Rail developed IONX [38],
an on-board condition monitoring system capable of assessing
various subsystems of a railway vehicle in near-real time.
This system was conceived to be used on freight wagons and
locomotives. IONX is a WSN consisting of a Communica- Fig. 16. IONX sensor node installed on bearing adapter. Redrawn from [72].
tion Management Unit (gateway node) and small distributed
wireless sensor-nodes powered by lithium batteries. These
such technology enables railway operators to substitute fixed
sensor-nodes acquire signals and transmit processed data via
interval bearing replacement periods for a more cost efficient
Bluetooth to the gateway node. The information is then sent to
condition based bearing replacement interval [73]. SKF Insight
a server using a cellular network. IONX was able to monitor
nodes were retrofitted on each wheelset bearing using a single
parameters such as impacts, wagon weight, commodity tem-
axlebox cover bolt. The system indicated the location and
perature, open/closed hatches, handbrake activation, location,
severity of bearing faults and wheel flats.
speed and bearing temperature. Amsted Rail advertised a
SKF Insight Rail measured location, temperature and accel-
10-year battery life for all their sensor-nodes and 5-year
eration at sampling rates from 3 S/s to 10 kS/s, at up to 60g.
battery life for gateway nodes varying from 2 to 16 cellular
For communication purposes, it used 3G or 2G cellular data.
transmission events per day.
The sensor nodes were powered via lithium-thionyl chloride
Australian rail freight operator SCT installed the IONX
battery packs, achieving more than a three-year operating
system for detecting bearing burn off (BBO) [68]. Although
period under normal conditions. This system was tested on
the track operated by SCT had wayside hot-box detectors
a SJ Swedish operated railway vehicle in 2015, effectively
capable of identifying stressed bearings, BBOs still occurred
detecting three damaged bearings. SKF Insight Rail was finally
because of the lack of continuous real-time condition mon-
launched in the first half of 2017 [74].
itoring for the bearings. Eighty sensor nodes were installed
and operated on fifteen locomotives and ten wagons over
B. Suspension Condition Monitoring
eighteen months (Fig. 16). The temperature of each bearing
adapter was measured four times per minute, and then it was Suspension components are responsible for a controlled
averaged and recorded. Local processing was performed in the interaction between the vehicle subsystems and the track
sensor-nodes, generating alerts and corresponding actions for surface. In the case of railway vehicles, suspension is classified
the crew: bearing inspection, speed reduction, bearing replace- as primary when it is connected to the wheelset, or secondary
ment. Although two thirds of the route are not covered by in any other case. Most freight wagons have only secondary
cellular data, the system delivered relevant alarms to the train suspension between the bogie sideframes and bolster. The sus-
driver and recorded operating temperatures for later uploading pension system of the widely used three piece bogie (Fig. 17),
of the data when the cellular network was available [69]. consists of a spring nest and damping friction wedges [42].
As expected, temperature measured on the bearing adaptor Improper loading procedures or incorrect distribution of
surface was not the bearing temperature. To overcome this the cargo in the wagon are the main reasons for suspen-
problem, Kypuros et al. [70] used an experimental setup sim- sion component failures [9]. According to Ulianov et al.
ulating various operating conditions, while measuring bearing [9], there are no wayside or onboard automated detection
and bearing adaptor temperature and vibration, on defect-free systems focused on suspension faults up to the moment of
and faulty bearings [71]. The authors proposed a correlation that publication. It is possible to indirectly detect these faults
function to estimate bearing cup temperature in relation to through WILD systems, but the workshop inspection is the
bearing adaptor surface temperature. This correlation function main method used [9]. On the other hand, there are suspension
performed well within a −20°C to 140°C range with a fault detection techniques in the research stage, which are
+/− 10°C precision [70]. discussed in Section IV A.
German company SKF started developing SKF Insight
in 2013, a wireless sensor-node certified for railway appli- C. Brake Condition Monitoring
cations, able to measure bearing vibration and temperature in In traditional freight trains, the braking force is exerted on
passenger train bogies. SKF affirmed the implementation of the wheel treads using brake blocks or brake shoes moved

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Fig. 18. Basic brake system. Redrawn from [76].

The selected pressure sensor was able to measure from zero

bar to seven bar, acquiring at 200 S/s. The sensor was attached
Fig. 17. Typical three piece bogie components [75].
to a standard auxiliary terminal normally used for brake
air pressure testing. This system was installed on a freight
by pneumatic cylinders. The braking force is controlled by wagon to assess the reliability of the proposed configuration,
a single “brake pipe” that runs the whole length of the and gather information for further development of an earlier
train. When the pressure in the brake pipe drops, a control proposed condition monitoring application for freight wagons
valve allows pressurized air from each wagon reservoir into powered by an electromagnetic vibration energy harvester
the brake cylinder. This design also enables an automatic device [78].
brake application when an accidental brake pipe pressure drop Bosso et al. [12] proposed an algorithm for detecting faults
occurs, for example, in case of a pipe break or train pull apart. in brakes, measuring temperature on the brake calipers and
On the other hand, the brake pipeline generates a control delay evaluating its variation in the time domain. The algorithm
in brake application for long trains. The basic brake system is compared the brake caliper temperature to the other brakes
shown in Fig. 18. The alternative electronic-pneumatic brakes in the same bogie for each braking event.
allow simultaneous brake application along the train, using an
electronic signal to control braking activation [42]. D. Bogie Condition Monitoring
Hartley et al. [27] implemented an instrumented wagon to
Two wheelsets, two sideframes and a bolster are the main
monitor electronic brake performance on freight wagons for
components of the three-piece bogie (Fig. 17), which is
the Transnet railway operator in South Africa, with the specific
the most commonly used bogie for railway freight vehicles
objectives of reducing incidents and increasing capacity. The
in Australia, America, Africa, India and Russia [79]. This
electronics required to perform data acquisition and processing
subsystem supports the wagon frame and is able to rotate
on each wagon were powered by two 80Ah batteries and a
and warp to allow steering along the railway track alignment.
12V automotive alternator mechanically coupled to a wagon
For reducing body rocking motion, side-bearers are installed
axle. This system required maintenance every three months.
between the bolster and the body, improving stability but
It performed speed, coupler force, brake pipe pressure, brake
reducing curving performance [42].
cylinder pressure, and location measurements. This system
Faiveley’s instability sensor was an onboard monitoring
acquired GPS signals at 5 S/s, and other channels at 1 kS/s.
device capable of detecting high frequency vibration and
After onboard processing, the data was reduced and stored at
shocks. It can be installed on the bogie frame or carbody.
1 S/s, with higher sampling rates at specific GPS triggered
During the European funded D-RAIL project, this device
locations. Finally, the system generated a 200 MB data file
was tested in various operating scenarios: Loose coupler,
per round trip, containing all the information of a round-trip.
artificial wheel-flat, coin on the track, derailment at 8 km/h and
Besides measuring freight wagon acceleration, Aimar and
normal conditions. The results from the experiments confirmed
Somà [77] proposed brake fault identification by evaluating
enough system sensitivity to detect the expected faults. On the
brake cylinder pressure and brake block temperature. During
other hand, it lacked wireless transmission and a GPS system
their study, they analyzed a Central European freight railway
and had to be installed on both the bogie and the carbody [80].
operator’s five-year breakdown records, finding a higher failure
rate in the braking subsystem compared to other axle-box and
wheelset subsystems. Common faults were poor valve perfor- E. Wagon Frame and Wagon Body Condition Monitoring
mance, brake cylinder faults, improper air pressure and brake The main functions of a freight wagon frame is to transfer
block irregular wear. The system implemented by Aimar and longitudinal forces through the train and to support the load
Somà was battery-powered, based on an ATmega2560 micro- being carried. The main parts of the frame are the transverse
processor due to its low power consumption relative to data beams, longitudinal beams (sills), and the body whose con-
acquisition and signal processing capabilities. The temperature figuration varies depending on the type of cargo. The wagon
sensor was embedded in a modified brake pad, acquiring at frame and body are normally a single component for freight
1 S/s with an available measuring range of −50°C to +500°C. wagons to maximize the volume carrying capacity [42].

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Tam et al. [81] used distributed self-referencing (i.e. no The German company Siemens, in cooperation with
recalibration) optical fiber sensors to monitor temperature and Deutsche Bahn, developed an electronic derailment detection
strain on a wagon body of a vehicle operated by Kowloon- system which operated in several railway systems around
Canton Railway Corporation. The system resolution for the the world, including the Nuremberg Subway driverless sys-
strain measurement is of the order of one microstrain (με) and tem [84]. Double integration of the vertical acceleration mea-
a sampling rate of 10 S/s. It was possible to connect 10 optical sured at the axlebox was performed. This way, the verti-
fiber sensors in series acquiring data simultaneously, each one cal deviation of the track was obtained and evaluated in a
working with a different wavelength. This system monitored 6 m window [85]. If the calculated deviation exceeded a
carbody deformations; the results were compared to those defined threshold, the presence of a derailed wheelset could be
obtained using traditional electric strain gauge sensors. The established.
output data was very similar, showing that fiber optic sensors According to this literature review, acceleration signal eval-
can be used instead of traditional strain gauges, and have a uation seems to be the most common derailment detection
faster response time. At the same time, fiber optic systems are strategy. Several applications found [16], [17], [34], [82], [86]
immune to electromagnetic generated noise. used acceleration analysis (mechanical and digital) for detect-
ing derailment events.
F. Derailment Detection
Hubacher and Scheiber [82] developed a pneumatic device G. Dynamic Behavior Condition Monitoring
for detecting derailments on freight wagons, to prevent damage Donelson et al. [15] implemented an Onboard Monitoring
to infrastructure and rolling stock. The system consisted of and Control system (OBMCS) in the Advanced Concept Train
pneumatic valves with a sprung mass oscillator calibrated project of the US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The
to react when accelerations on the carbody reached values instrumentation included single axial accelerometers mounted
possibly generated by a derailed wheelset. When the vertical on bearing adapters for identifying wheel/bearing defects
acceleration exceeded +7.5g or −0.5g for a specified period, and derailment events, and bearing temperature sensors for
the device activated the emergency brake valve, bringing detecting overheated components. Two tri-axial accelerometers
the train to a full stop. An indicator was also triggered for on the carbody over the bolster beams detected low-frequency
identifying which valve activated the emergency brakes. hunting, impacts due to the track, vertical pitching and bounc-
Given the rising popularity of WSNs, and the possibility of ing, coupling shocks and slack run shocks. Proximity sensors
implementing them in condition based monitoring for freight detected the position of the brake piston rod. This system
railway vehicles, Macucci et al. [16], [17] developed a low was powered via a combination of a battery and a generator
cost, ultra-low power sensor-node for detecting derailments on embedded inside a wheelset bearing. The system had a sleep
freight wagons, envisaged to be powered via vibration energy mode for efficient power management.
harvesting (inductive, capacitive, piezoelectric) coupled with The company Bombardier Transportation developed an
a supercapacitor. Texas Instruments CC1110 system-on-chip instrumented bogie system called FLEXX Tronic, capable
was the main component, having an integrated transceiver of measuring various track parameters and their deteriora-
and ultra-low-power sleep mode. Analog Devices low power tion over time (vertical deformations, torsion, rail ripples
ADXL362 and ST Microelectronics (for comparison) were the and crushed joints and switches) and also bogie operating
selected accelerometers. The authors used two of the three parameters, allowing high speed operation by compensating
criteria posed by Kato and Terada [83]. Hence, if the amplitude carbody roll movement with active mechanical components
of the vertical acceleration measured on the axlebox was reacting to the acquired data. This system was first tested
greater than 0.15 g with frequencies higher than 20 Hz, and in 2007 on a Regina 250 train, setting a speed record in
the difference between the last two consecutive summations Sweden (282 km/h) [87].
of absolute vibration values in one second was greater than a Gao et al. [88] proposed a train ride quality testing sys-
certain value, a derailment alarm was sent to the driver. The tem using a wireless sensor network measuring vertical and
system was built, and energy consumption was evaluated. horizontal accelerations on the carbody. The system consisted
With one active period of 20 ms (reading, processing and of distributed sensor nodes powered by 3.6V lithium batteries,
communicating) every 2 seconds, the average consumption which recorded and sent acceleration data to a base station for
of the system was 0.5 mW. According to the authors, the later processing. The sensor nodes used TI MSP430 microcon-
cost of the components (less than 20 Euro) and the energy trollers, TI CC2420 ZigBee chips for communication and Sili-
consumption value found were promising elements for the con Designs low-cost 1221L accelerometers. The sensor nodes
development of a WSN for freight trains. were operated using UC Berkeley’s TinyOS. An active/sleep
Donelson et al. [15] implemented an algorithm for detect- algorithm was implemented to extend the life of the batteries.
ing derailments; it analyzed short segments of acceleration The signals were low-pass filtered with cut-off frequencies
signals measured at the bearing, looking for high amplitude of 40 Hz and 100 Hz and power spectral density calculations
repetitive waveforms. This could indicate a wheel rolling were used to process and compare the data against the relevant
on ballast or over the sleepers. The system was contin- standards. Only a locomotive and a wagon were instrumented.
uously acquiring and evaluating data while the train was Besides monitoring brake operation, the onboard monitoring
moving. system for a multimodal freight wagon implemented by Aimar

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Fig. 19. Instrumented axlebox cover [12].

Fig. 20. General FDI system for railway applications [90].

and Somà [77] measured acceleration and position of the
carbody. This data logger system stored the information for
later analysis. It was powered by a battery, implementing a 1) Model-Based Methods: These methods rely on compar-
wake-up/sleep algorithm for energy management. The system ing expected and measured system output values. The para-
achieved three-month continuous operation without additional meter obtained from this comparison is known as a residual,
energy inputs. and it is the indicator of the presence or absence of a fault.
Bosso et al. [12] designed and tested an instrumented The expected residual value for a defect-free system is zero.
axlebox cover (Fig. 19) that enables running behavior mon- Deviations from zero may indicate a possible fault is present
itoring and component fault detection in a bogie. Once the in the system [90]. Methods like parameter estimation, parity
system is installed, each bogie is evaluated by more than equation and observer/Kalman filter are used for model-based
24 sensors including accelerometers, encoders, thermocouples FDI.
and thermal resistors. Alfi et al. [91] used model-based and signal-based methods
The device may be integrated with an electric generator for for monitoring suspension components in railway bogies.
vehicles without a power system. The authors developed an Although most modern passenger trains can already detect
electronic board to acquire data and manage the sensors. The unstable hunting motions, they are not able to perform condi-
board had a 4-channel ADC with a maximum sampling rate tion monitoring; they only emit an alert based on exceeded
of 51.2 kS/s with 24 bit resolution. Using a set of five analog acceleration thresholds and are unable to predict emerging
switches controlled by a digital input/output card, the system unstable behavior. Alfi et al. [91] decided to use accelerom-
could be reconfigured to pre-process and record any four eters because of their small size, low cost and reliability
simultaneous signals, according to the monitoring algorithm characteristics. They developed a model-based early instability
that was executed. This way, the cost of the system was detector (EID) capable of indicating incipient bogie instability,
reduced by having only a fraction of data acquisition channels wheel profile wear, changes in anti-yaw damper response and
in relation to the total number of sensors. degradation of primary suspension parameters.
Their model-based method not only used output data, but
IV. O NBOARD C ONDITION M ONITORING T ECHNIQUES also compared the measurements with “ideal” output data
obtained by means of a mathematical model. The comparison
This section reviews techniques and methods for analyzing between measured and modeled output data generates resid-
data acquired by condition monitoring systems to determine uals, enabling the diagnostics of the system [91]. Extended
the presence or absence of component faults, in either emerg- Kalman Filter (EKF) is a widely used FDI algorithm for
ing or advanced states. assessing operating parameters that are not directly mea-
sured. Alfi et al. [91] implemented various EKFs responding
A. Fault Detection and Isolation Techniques to suspension parameters, and later used Bayesian statistics
As part of Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) tech- to determine the most probable fault mode. Both methods
niques, Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) is a widely used were evaluated using multibody simulations, showing good
approach [89], applicable to systems that degrade over time. performance.
FDI consists of acquiring signals (acceleration, displacements, Further developing Alfi’s proposal, Liu et al. [92] imple-
acoustics, etc.) related to operating parameters or component mented a model-based FDI method for detecting primary
behavior, and then establishing the absence or presence of an suspension faults in passenger trains, using a Kalman Filtering
emerging fault, and identifying fault severity before it turns variation known as recursive least square algorithm. This
into a failure [90]. When the relation between input and output approach enabled memory and machine learning capabilities
signals can be established, a model-based approach is used; for the model parameter estimation. The application required
otherwise, when only output signals are available, a signal- nine accelerometers per bogie: one per axlebox, one per
based method can be implemented. The general scheme of a primary suspension seat and one on the secondary suspension
FDI system for railway applications is shown in Fig. 20. seat of the carbody. The proposal was validated via field

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degradation at a very advanced state only [97]. Unlike vibra-

tion or temperature sensors, onboard noise sensors (micro-
phones) can be installed in a remote position relative to
the monitored component. To acquire noise emitted by bear-
ings or wheel-rail contact, the sensor may be placed on the
carbody [98]. While Dwight and Jiang [98] considered the
on-board sound monitoring approach for identifying track
faults, the same approach may be used for monitoring vehicle
components. However, no onboard noise measurement devices
for vehicle component monitoring were identified in this
literature review. Installing the noise sensor on the carbody
minimizes its exposure to vibrations, and enhances the overall
robustness of the application. At the same time, this remote
Fig. 21. Accelerometer arrangement [95].
location characteristic results in the challenge of pinpointing
tests and numerical simulations for the Italian ETR500 high- which exact component may be malfunctioning. Furthermore,
speed train, achieving good fault detection results with low a major drawback is the difficulty in performing validation
computational requirements. experiments. To obtain reliable noise information, a real train
2) Signal-Based Methods: When only output signals are with emerging or advanced faults must be instrumented and
available in the system, a signal-based method is the way operated.
to achieve FDI. The evaluation method is normally limited
to analyze amplitudes and frequencies [93], or to correlate C. Heat Techniques
different output signals [94]. In the present literature review, two types of onboard
A variety of signal processing techniques are used to detect temperature measuring applications for fault detection were
and isolate a specific event from the output information of identified: brake monitoring and bearing monitoring. Mea-
a system. These include frequency domain, time domain, suring temperature on a modified brake pad [77], enables
time-frequency domain, filtering, and wavelet analysis, among detection of a malfunctioning brake when a specific tempera-
others. Once the signal is processed, it is compared against ture threshold value is exceeded. Although specific commer-
a pre-built fault conditions database obtained from simula- cial developments like Amsted Rail’s IONX [38] and other
tions or experiments. The robustness of a signal-based method research approaches measure bearing temperature onboard the
is directly related to the cases covered by its database, since vehicle, the most popular applications for bearing temperature
all possible fault modes and noise disturbances should be detection are trackside hot box detectors. A typical hot-box
included [11]. detector triggers an alarm if the registered temperature is
Li et al. [94], [95] proposed an onboard signal-based more than 94.4°C above ambient temperature. Another eval-
condition monitoring technique for fault detection in heavy uation method is comparing individual bearing temperatures
haul wagon bolster springs. Aiming to achieve a robust and against the average bearing temperature of the whole train,
low-cost application, this technique consisted of mounting two thus detecting bearing deterioration [70]. While temperature
tri-axial accelerometers on each freight wagon, one located at comparison is not a complex computational task when com-
the front-left and other at the rear-right wagon body extreme, pared to acceleration processing, an advanced state fault is
as shown in Fig. 21. The method correlated the values acquired required to increase the temperature level high enough to be
by the two accelerometers, generating a fault indicator coef- detected. Moreover, standard maintenance actions such as seal
ficient that varied depending on the bolster spring nest health replacement may generate an increased bearing temperature in
condition. Validation of this approach was performed using a healthy bearing [99].
multibody dynamic simulations of a 40 ton axle-load wagon Donelson et al. [15] acquired bearing temperature at a rate
with 10 different bolster spring faults. Even though the faults of 2 S/s and applied exponential smoothing to the signal.
had a relatively small effect on the wheel-rail dynamics (up If the monitored bearing reached 104°C, the sampling rate was
to +/− 10% variation), the method enabled detection and augmented. Then, if the temperature increased at a rate higher
isolation of small and moderate bolster spring faults. than 1.7°C per minute, an alarm was activated. If the bearing
Further details on model-based and signal-based FDI temperature got to 115.6°C, an alarm was also activated. The
techniques for railway condition monitoring are thoroughly authors used a similar approach to assess vehicle vertical
reviewed by Li et al. [11]. motion and ride quality.

B. Noise Techniques D. Vibration Techniques

One of the most popular noise applications for identi- Vibration envelope spectrum analysis is a popular method
fying railway faults is the wayside acoustic bearing defect for detecting bearing faults, and it is well described in [100]
detector [96]. Similar to vibration analysis methods, analyz- and [101]. An onboard monitoring algorithm example pro-
ing acoustic signals allows detection of different faults in posed by Gonzalez [102], implementing bearing acceleration
early stages, while thermal and visual control methods detect data analysis for detecting bearing faults, is shown in Fig. 22.

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Fig. 22. Bearing defect detection and isolation algorithm. Redrawn

from [102].

Gonzalez uses bearing temperature and vehicle speed to trigger Fig. 23. Rail wagon sensor-node monitoring algorithm [113].
an acceleration signal root mean square (RMS) and power
spectrum density (PSD) calculation for onboard fault detection The authors used a similar approach for ensuring that the
and isolation. It is important to notice that this algorithm carbody vertical acceleration was within the FRA established
was designed only to detect faults. It was not conceived to limits.
operate an onboard continuous monitoring device, were energy Vehicle speed can be determined with high accuracy using
management is a key aspect for the system feasibility. inertial sensors mounted on the bogie frame. This approach
Donelson et al. [15] used the lateral acceleration measured was proposed by Mei and Li [104], and developed by
on the carbody to detect vehicle hunting. The signal was low Ward et al. [19], by measuring the time delay between the
pass filtered with a 3 dB cut off at 15 Hz and 40 dB/decade roll responses of two wheelsets to a specific track irregularity,
off, and then it was resampled at 256 S/s and windowed to the and then relating this acquired time value to the invariable
equivalent last 0.6 km. If either acceleration exceeded 0.26g distance between those wheelsets. This evaluation method
RMS or 1.5g peak to peak, a hunting alarm was activated. The has the advantage of requiring less robust sensors in relation
authors used similar approaches to assess vertical motion and to wheelset or axlebox mounted sensors for vehicle speed
ride quality of the vehicle. measurement. At the same time, this method is not affected
Nejikovsky and Keller [103] used the high-speed train by wheel slip/slide events or wheel diameter variations as in
vibration safety limits established by the FRA, for assessing traditional axle mounted tachometers.
the carbody lateral acceleration as follows. The acceleration
measured at floor level at the carbody ends was low-pass V. P OWERING O NBOARD C ONDITION
filtered with a 10 Hz cut-off frequency. Then a one second M ONITORING S YSTEMS
data window was evaluated, and an alarm was triggered if An onboard monitoring system for freight wagons should
the safety limit of 0.5 g peak-to-peak or above was detected. have a lifetime long enough to be a viable investment.

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In general, the energy barrier is the biggest challenge for adop- 1) Bearing Generators: There are different modified
tion of data measurement technologies in all industries [105]. wheelset bearings available, generating between 5W and
Most freight wagons are not equipped with power sources, 100W. The principal drawback of this approach is the direct
thus sensor nodes and hubs must either have an energy dependency to vehicle speed [115]. This approach was also
storing and generating/ harvesting mechanism, combined with proposed by Donelson et al. [15]. The main challenge for a
an efficient energy management strategy. The system should bearing generator is to make it reliable and accessible enough
aim for consumption lower than 40mW-100mW, which is the for use in large scale railway WSNs.
estimated amount of energy that typical onboard systems can 2) Compressed Air Generator: It is possible to use the brake
harvest [106]. system pressurized air to generate electricity by installing
There are various components, processes and characteristics a small turbine, as in some modern EOTs [23], [24]. This
in a WSN that affect the overall energy consumption: hardware method requires a critical intervention to the standardized
architecture, monitoring algorithm, processor, communication brake system. There are also 20 W air powered lamps available
(with the hub), communication interfaces (internal), memory, in the market for the mining industry [115]. This energy
and wireless network topology [107] between other elements. generation method would be very expensive to develop, install
If energy consumption is not sufficiently reduced, the measure- and operate in big numbers.
ment application may not be viable. New IoT technologies 3) Thermoelectric Converter: Current Seebeck effect
generally offer low power options but challenges remain in devices enable low efficiency (12%) energy harvesting through
some application areas. This problem is noted in several temperature differences. This technology is difficult to imple-
studies regarding energy management techniques for sensor ment in freight wagons, given that the greatest temperature
nodes [106], [108]–[112]. difference found in these vehicles is between the brake pad or
A recurrent way to maximize the power efficiency in a brake disk and the bogie frame, where device installation can
sensor node is to implement a low-power operation mode be challenging. According to SUSTRAIL studies, it is possible
(sleep mode) in the algorithm. This way, the current drawn is to generate 10W at 10V with a 100° difference [115].
reduced to the order of μW for a certain period. Fig. 23 shows 4) Spring-Mass Oscillator: These devices may be mounted
the sensor node algorithm used by Somà and Aimar [113] on the bogie or axle, generating the greatest amount of energy
for a continuous operation rail wagon sensor node, acquiring when resonating at the lowest frequency possible with the
acceleration data. highest amplitude. This frequency may vary depending on
An experimental and numerical approach was conducted to the wagon load, suspension, wheelset and track irregularities
prove the feasibility of resonant magnetic energy harvesters [115]. During the SUSTRAIL project, piezoelectric spring-
to power a wireless sensor network [114]. The working cycle mass oscillators were tested. Vibrating at 80 Hz and 1 mm
of that specific test algorithm was the following: 1) measure amplitude, the system generated 2μW, which is enough to
(4.5mA), 2) transmit (27mA), and 3) sleep (80μA). The study power a single sensor but not a complete system. Given
concluded that the single (by 2016) commercially available the approach of the SUSTRAIL project, it was established
electromagnetic vibration energy harvester is not suitable for a that current piezoelectric energy harvesting devices were not
freight wagon continuous monitoring system under the specific suitable for the proposed condition monitoring system.
conditions of the referenced study. By contrast, Lewis et al. [116] performed various lab tests
On the other hand, the European founded SUSTRAIL where bearing fault detection was achieved, measuring accel-
project, aiming for an improved and more efficient multimodal eration with a simple sensor node powered by a commercial
freight wagon, highlighted the importance of onboard condi- piezoelectric energy harvester.
tion monitoring systems enhancing availability and operational Grudén et al. [117] successfully powered a wireless railway
cost [115]. The following energy generation and harvesting bearing monitoring sensor node using this technology, but only
mechanisms were studied: in ideal conditions recreated inside a laboratory.

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Gao et al. [118] were able to power a wireless trackside logical to expect less energy generation on a very smooth track
sensor node, using batteries coupled with an electromagnetic using this harvesting technology.
spring-mass oscillator, excited by passing rail vehicles. This 5) Photovoltaic: Solar panels are well developed and
sensor-node used a ZigBee device to transmit acceleration, widely used in various industries, making them an attractive
temperature and humidity. The device was proposed in [119], option for powering a condition monitoring system. With an
and developed in [120] to harvest energy using a mechanism efficiency of around 17% and a 1.2Wh sensor node power
powered by track deformations. consumption per day (according to the SUSTRAIL monitoring
Nagode et al. [121] proposed a motion-based energy har- system), the required solar panel area would be 0.01 m2
vester, this time using the relative movement between vehicle (about 0.9 times the area of a compact disk). The difficulties
components like the bogie and the carbody. with solar energy are environmental, since trains operating at
Perpetuum [39] took spring-mass energy harvesting technol- night are not able to harvest energy. Furthermore, solar panels
ogy to the commercial level, achieving near-real time bearing dramatically decrease their efficiency when they collect dirt,
and track condition monitoring for passenger vehicles. This requiring constant maintenance [115]. This approach presents
energy harvesting mechanism transforms track irregularities additional challengers for freight wagons working in dusty
into electricity. Although it is not quantified or published, it is industries such as coal, iron ore, bauxite, etc.

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[109] R. J. Preece, T. M. Hanif, R. J. Amos, and E. J. C. Stewart, [124] P. Fraga-Lamas, T. M. Fernández-Caramés, and L. Castedo, “Towards
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IEEE Sensors J., vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 5777–5789, Oct. 2015, doi: ing from EAFIT University, Medellín, Colombia,
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QLD, Australia, 2017, pp. 1051–1056. University, Australia.
[114] O. Brignole et al., “Resonant electromagnetic vibration har- From 2014 to 2016, he was a Research Assistant
vesters feeding sensor nodes for real-time diagnostics and moni- with the GEMI Research Group, EAFIT University,
toring in railway vehicles for goods transportation: A numerical- where he collaborated in developing a prototype for
experimental analysis,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Power Electron. Motion automated measuring of train wheel profiles.
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[116] R. W. Lewis, S. Maddison, and E. J. C. Stewart, “An extensible Maksym Spiryagin received the Ph.D. degree in
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for railway rolling stock,” in Proc. 6th IET Conf. Railway Condi- National University in 2004. He is currently
tion Monitor. (RCM), Birmingham, U.K., Sep. 2014, pp. 1–6, doi: the Deputy Director of the Centre for Rail-
10.1049/cp.2014.1008. way Engineering, Central Queensland University.
[117] M. Grudén et al., “Field operational testing for safety improvement Prof. Spiryagin’s involvement in academia and rail-
of freight trains using wireless monitoring by sensor network,” IET way industry projects includes research experi-
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[118] M. Gao, P. Wang, Y. Wang, and L. Yao, “Self-powered ZigBee rail vehicle dynamics, acoustics and real-time and
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Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 900–909, Mar. 2018, doi: the development of complex mechatronic systems using various approaches
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[119] J. J. Wang, G. P. Penamalli, and L. Zuo, “Electromagnetic the loop simulations). He has authored four books and more than 130 other
energy harvesting from train induced railway track vibrations,” scientific publications and holds 20 patents as one of the inventors.
in Proc. IEEE/ASME 8th IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Mechatronic
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[120] M. Gao, P. Wang, Y. Cao, R. Chen, and D. Cai, “Design and verification
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[121] C. Nagode, M. Ahmadian, and S. Taheri, “Motion-based energy eling. He has been with the Australian rail industry
harvesting devices for railroad applications,” in Proc. ASME/IEEE since 1984, starting with six years in mechanized
Joint Rail Conf., Urbana, IL, USA, vol. 2, 2010, pp. 267–271, doi: track maintenance for Queensland Railways. Then
10.1115/JRC2010-36243. he focused on a research and consulting career
[122] D. Vincent, “Deliverable D2.1: Overall measurement concept for involving work on track maintenance, train and
cargo condition monitoring system,” INNOWAG: Innovative Monitor. wagon dynamics, train control technologies, and the
predictive maintenance solutions lightweight wagon, Shift2Rail. development of on-board devices. He is currently
INNOWAG Consortium, Oct. 2017. Accessed: Sep. 10, 2018. [Online]. the Director of the Centre for Railway Engineering,
Available: Central Queensland University. He is extensively engaged with industry via
12/INNOWAG_D2.1_Cargo-condition-monitoring_Measurement- the previous two nationally funded Rail CRC programs, and has continuing
concept.pdf involvement via the Australian Centre for Rail Innovation and the new Rail
[123] G. Kress and B. Posner. (2016). Internet of Things in Motion: Manufacturing CRC. He has authored or co-authored over 120 technical
Analytics and Transportation. Accessed: Dec. 18, 2017. [Online]. papers, two books, one book chapter, and numerous commercial research
Available: and consulting reports, and has developed two patents relating to in-cabin
motion-analytics-and-transportation locomotive technologies.

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