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me nr & E I oe - opinions in your answer. Part 1 ‘choose wich two points to discuss in your Sheet provided. ‘essay. Itimay help you if —§ ————— ‘you think about positive “about-each one, with. today, you have made the notes below. examples to support yout ews. Decide which one has hhad the most effect on. | people's ves, Make i ily fi sure that your argument | ich dail as ‘and examples support most by technology? your conclusion, Remembei fo include a lear introdiction to the * communication You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an feat! al the input ard appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer affected ‘topic, and a conclusion * relationships * that folows your . argument logically * working life Don's use werd oF phrases ftom the given YOU Use the ideas in the comments, rephrase them jt your Gun oe words It's so hard to make personal relationships - Link your ie leary everyone's online all the time.’ and coherently using 9 range of connectors, ‘People have an easier working life because Use a range of : Hee prange ct they can work from home. language functians, and remember to explain and justify the pois, Some opinions expressed in the discussion: ‘It's great to be able to communicate with people 24 hours a day’ ‘anid iegative ideas 1 Following a class discussion on how technology has affected the way we live {You want to make, Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which aspect of daily life you tr giving reasons in support of your answer. ik has been most affected by technology, ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. TEST 1: WRITING Tip Strip Question 2: * Your proposal should be written ina sem-formal ‘formal sy. + You need to give all the information as cleeiy 2s possible, so headings ‘may be approprate + Bullet points are Useful for making recommendations, but Ifyou use them you ‘must show a range of language inthe rest of your proposal + Check what language functions you should use this task you have to describe the current situation, evaluate what new students need and suggest new activites, ‘ging your reasons. Question 3: * acide on your fm, ‘making sure that you have enough ideas about itte wnte a ‘complete answer + Your arm in this task is to cat why the fm should be included in the set of DVDs, 50 think of interesting ways of mein eur Wes so that ou engage the reades) * Finish your review with 2 final reeson why your film should be inclacet inthe set, and ty 0, ‘make this interesting, ‘Question 4: * Decide whether Jack should apply for the job. Answer his ‘questions based on your ‘own experience and then explain whether you would recommend to him or not. + Use your imagination to provide interesting details, and-use informal language as you are writing toa friend. Part2 5 i i Write an answer to one of the questions 2~4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. in the exam, write your answer on the separate answer she Provided, and put the question number in the box at the top of the page. 2 You are on the social committee of your college. You have been asked to will, proposal for your college principal on the kind of social and sporting activitise] | College should provide for new students, You should assess the current situa | describe the needs of new students and suggest activities the college shou provide, Write your proposal 3. You see the following advertisement in a flm magazine: Reviews wanted: best film ever! We are planning to produce a set of DVDs of the ten best films of all time. Send us a review of your favourite film. What was it about? What made it so good? Why should we include it in the set of DVDs? The best reviews will be included with the set of DVDs. Write your 4 You have received a letter from an English friend: Hil remember that you worked in a ski resort last winter, and I'm thinking of doing the same this year. Were there any drawbacks? Did you meet interesting people? What opportunities were there for skiing? Would 1 gain much from doing it for just four months? Should I apply for it? Thanks for your help Jack Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses. TEST 1: WRITING Part1 ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220~260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided. + Read all the input and. ~ahiogse which two = ooksto discuss in. | yout esay Think about reasons for and against 1h ype of book you, 1 You have listened to a radio discussion programme about the importance of reading different kinds of books in modern society. You have made the notes below: “choose, with'exanmples. ; ; ‘| What type of book is most important. to read nowadays? eo mest mpotant “for people to read; anc 8 wy ‘Make sure your fiction line of argument and Z Peeeoere: | «hoy ee * science {Remember to include [ ‘clear introduction to “the topic of Books and reading in general. L__ or You. don't have to use F398 opinions giver Some opinions expressed in the discussion: “You learn a great deal about people by reading fiction, so it helps with relationships.’ have plenty of ‘History is just a collection of facts - you uF own jou sot ett om ane can find out all you need to know on the | teats tte internet. “It's important for everyone to know about science nowadays, but some ideas in books can be hard to understand.’ ‘range of connectors ‘and cea.baraaraphs. iS explan and jst - he pont you want to vomak "Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which ae yout agunen_ YB of Book you think is most important to read nowadays, giving reasons in ‘as interesting and ‘support of your answer. : sible : CS eee You may, if you wish, meke use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you ‘should use your own words as far as possible. TEST 2: WRITING my Part 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2~4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. In the exam, write your answer on the Separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in the box af the top of the page. 2 You see the following announcement on a music website: Have you been to an interesting and unusual music festival or concert recently? Write a review for our website and tell us about it. Explain what it was, and what made it interesting and unusual. Do you think this kind of event is relevant today? We will put the most interesting reviews on our website. ee eee er Write your review. 3° Your friend Sarah has applied for a job in the office of an English Language | | College that has students from all over the world, and has asked you to write a {etter of recommendation for the College Principal. Applicants should have good communication skills, be a team player and well-organised. In your letter you should include information about your friend's relevant work experience and personal qualities, and reasons for recommending them for the job. Write your letter. 4 You have just finished a short period of work in a company abroad as part of your business course, You have now been asked to write a report for your course organiser, In your report you should explain what you did and how you benefited from the Period of work, describe any problems you had and make recommendations for LH other students on the business course who will be working in the same company abroad later. i ‘Write your report. i Tip Strip t Question 2: * This review should be intersiting and engaaing for users ofthe website, so it should nat be too formal in styl. should be cleerly t ‘organised and paragrephed so that its easy 1 read + Think of an engaging oporing to catch the readers interest, and make sure that your opinion i leary expressed a the end LH + Use techniques sich 2s rhetorical questions to interest and engage readers / * Inthis task you must descrip the festival, explain what made it interesting or unusual and justify your reasons for whether ts i important or not. ‘ Question3: Read the instrictions careful to identity the job, what ski are required and any other relevant information you might want to at include. In this task, the job is working ina busy offic, and the person required needs to be well-organised, mork well wit others i and have good communication skills * Your letter should be waiten in a formal or semi-formal style, i * You should decide why you want to recommend your friend, giv your reasons clearly and provide details of why your frend would be suitable for the job. ‘Question 4: * Explain the purpose of the report in the introduction, i + Your report may have headings and some bullet points to make it ea : sure that you show a range of language in the other sections. i * In this task you must say what you did and explain the benefits, describe any problems and make recommendations for other students. Your recommendations may result from the problems; make sure the reasons you give are cleat so the course tutor can ‘assess them, 57 for Your tutor to pick out relevant information, but make TEST 2: WRITING Part 1 ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided. 1 You have listened to a radio discussion programme about further education courses that should receive extra financial support from the government. You have made the notes below. Which type of further education course deserves extra financial support from the government? * art * sport + music : : Some opinions expressed in the discussion: ‘Art is @ way to maintain a country's cultural heritage, so new artists are needed." ‘it’s important that sportsmen and women represent the country internationally.’ ‘Music develops personal skills like co-operation and empathy necessary in the business world.” which type of course deserves extra financial support from the government, i Write an essay discussing two of the courses in your notes. You should explai i giving reasons in support of your answer. i You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. TEST 3: WRITING | | | i ONIN LS8L Tesodoud snok eA, “seep nok yoddns 0} suosees Bulni6 ‘way) ercidu ued @m Moy 40} SUOHepUELULODS! BYEW PUe WEY) YIM aney nok swia|qoud Aue aquosep ‘apinoud am saniige; JUALIN Sy} noge |nyasn 81 724M Bulule|dxe sn 0} sjesodosd ywgng “sjuaprys @6enBue| ino 405 apiAoud ‘am Jeym anosdww! 0} 93} pom Ing ‘heuoW YONW puads j,Ueo eM ‘Kla}EUNOUN) iNOA 10} Op am JeYM SAOJdUI! SN 49] — sjuapnys aBenBuey ;preoganjou 282i100 sNOA Uo yuoWeoUNUUE SILA 29S MOA ‘M91AAd INOK OWN ast] ur don ano uy Popnpsur 9g pmoys 21 Aya suoseas SusA18 pure nox on speadde ay Aya Surureydya ‘sausas A] SMOAB) UMO AMOK Jo ALaTANT anuigng juar don ayp Jo as7 e apsdusoo sn djapy -uaas aaa. Aoyp sou9s A]. 1899 9tp $1 YUNYp 2[doad rey INO Puy OF 2UeM IA Jere sees AL Seg “ayisgam eIpew e Uo juswEoUNOUUE si) 8S NOA —€ ‘sasseuppe [e}s0d epnjout 0} peou jou op no, ‘Ades ul 4a] NOK SUN aor ile 31 op pjnod | #118816 aq pjnom 3! ~ mouy aw 397 | {sea aq 0} BuI06 ey S| — Je 1 405 ked 02 gol awn-ued e 196 0} paau |},| ’s! Wajgosd ayy {2134} W,| ALLY aUO mau @ Bulules| Jo asueyD Aue ~ yods uo We | UaeY MOY MOLY NOA Puy {126 01 ajae 2G | pinom UoRepousWuodre Jo PUY eYAA jaBeNBUE| NOK WeD} PU aIILA\ e JO} UMOY INOK Ut AAI] 0} BUIWOD Inoge BUDUIYL WL Pueuy ys6ug Ue wos, seYI8] e Penjeoes AEYNOA Z ‘oBed oun 0 do} 24) 72 Xoq ouN UI Joquunu LoNsanb ay) Ind pue ‘paprAoad eays JOmsuE aJesedas ayy UO JOMSUE INOK aILM “WeXe au) Ul ‘SPIO 99Z-02Z UI JOMSUE INOK aILAA ‘Led SILA UI yz SUONISAND B4y JO BuO 0} JaMSUE UE BUM, zued | | TR Part 4 You must answer this question, Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer ‘sheet provided. 1 Your class has had a discussion on the value of competitive sport for young people. You have made the notes below. [FEE EEEe Eee eeeee Heer eee ee eee eer eee] ssa anion id What is fest vali * positive attitude + healthy lifestyle | * use of time Some opinions expressed in the discussion: ‘It can make young people overly competitive, then they don’t help each other or learn to co-operate.’ ‘It’s good to exercise because a healthy body means a healthy mind - winning’s irrelevant.’ ‘It takes up too much time and takes young people away from more important things like studying.’ Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which is the greatest value of competitive sport for young people, giving reasons in ‘support of your answer, You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Test 4: waiting Part 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. In the exam, vite your answer on the separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in the box at the top of the page, 2. You see this announcement in an international magazine. The best of friends! ‘As part of our series of letcers on relationships in the ewenty-first century, we want readers to tell us what they think makes someone a good friend, and how such a relationship can be maintained today. Write us a letcer about a friend you feel is special. Tell us how you maintain this relationship, and whether you feel je has changed over the years. Well publish the best ones on our Letters Page. Write your letter. You do not need to include any postal addresses. 3 Your school wants to do more to help its language students improve thelr communication skills and has asked current students to write proposals making suggestions for what the school could do In your proposal you should explain what language students currently do to improve their communication skills describe any problems they have and recommend any activities or facifties that the school should provide. Write your proposal. 4. Youhave been helping to run a new music club at your collage. Now the college principal wants to get more people involved withthe club and attract new members. The club organiser has asked you to write & report for the principal outlining what the club currently does, explaining the club's future plans and suggesting ways of getting more people involved with the music club Write your report. TEST 4: WRITING im Part 4 A ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided. 1 You have listened to a discussion about the value of travelling to other countries. You have made the notes below. What's the greatest benefit of travelling to other countries? * education + experience * convenience Some opinions exoressed during the discussion: “You learn so much when you travel, even if you're only in a place for a few hours.” “There's no substitute for the feeling of actually being in a place. ‘It's so much cheaper and more convenient to watch TV at home — what's the point in the hassle of travelling?" Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which is the greatest benefit of travelling to other countries, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. TEST 6: WAITING Part2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words. In the exam, write your answer on the separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in the box at the top of the page. 2 Your new college careers advisor wants to provide more help for students leaving the college, and has asked older students for their suggestions. Write a report explaining the facilities currently available, describe those that have been most useful to you and suggest any improvements that could be made in providing information and access to work experience. Write your report 3 You have just returned from a holiday with an English-speaking tour company. You spent two weeks travelling by coach but were unsatisfied with the arrangements, the itinerary and the accommodation. Write a letter to the tour company, outlining your complaints with examples and explaining what you would like the company to do about the situation. Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses, 4 You see this announcement in your local paper. Let’s make next year’s drama festival an even bigger success! We want to attract people of all ages to our new drama festival next summer, and we want your help. Send us your proposals for what kind of drama and theatrical events wwe should include in order to attract people of different ages, and what extra facilities the town might need to provide, Make suggestions for dealing with transport and accommodation issues. ‘Write your proposal. rest e:weinc = 5H jeuoy 1195 40 euio}Ayensn 519/45 04) « “wy e Buxpyens 0 auswesBoud orpes 2 0} Sutuaysit‘uoIssnosip ssep> 2 ur ued Guyer a4y Aumze ue Jo ps0 @ se uaryuna aq Kew | « ‘aGenfue| 40 abues pve sioppauuc> dreudosdde asn pinous 1 uauun61e aly Yo punos OL vojsnpuco ajeudoidde ue pue ‘seapl jo yuaudojanap seap “uononpomur ue yum pastuedio jjoM 2g pros Kessa uy « ‘essa 34) u poqvasoid quawnbue out ‘Ubnoiia J91nM 94} Jo vourdo ‘24, pueysiepun pinous apes) sy “sides pve suoses ‘yBno.xn pay axe u>tum, quod espa ya quaundie ‘yp Buldojanap pue Bunsoddns ‘aidoy e uo sanssi 0 siuiod {uepodus ssmosip pue yb yoIy ‘Pinoys y} ywownBve ue iuassid (01 si fesse ue yo asodind au + foss3 fossa snot w Joy panBvoxey nok 300 2 Phogs sun o 1 nd Trak acute weno? e ego "volo nok kiN es mbt oa .og + sans ojysod oye o seu ave nal ja Oummous wouunéle Peqeg © Word 0A + seap not ods a sneap fwssssir jo onn oA ar Ayrgenon fo aus € > « sop io wou sro OU pest suogsonb ovo orn 0} ajeudoudde ag Aew 3) ‘aifas. euvopulee ofeuso} es « "so}04009 aygens an pynous no uous Sea woun ust pue ee seop nok ee 1 pao nok creme le Suess oe Mog et 9 0s} Uo ate ov sutod na are seed bse es nok a8u8b.0 ‘sat sydeued u onset rot ued ou pue sso3p OL wen no sued ou an 850049 ‘Aoi uosanb ea + 1 von e uo sons rroge Sum 10 antes ¢ ye aniesp v0 slbe or pope ita nol man UES ok sojsuops apaodd pul #ye9p jobunbie ue oad hea doyonuod oy, spomogz-czz Shan rd; Suara oa Banos an nok TA a IE ued AWSS3::3114 ONLLIA, ‘ojg}ssod se Jey Se sp1om umo NOK osn pINoYs NOK nq ‘voIssnosip 24) ut pessardxe suo}UIdo oly Jo Sn ayeUI ‘YS NOK J ‘AOL NOA ‘yemeue anos jo yoddas u} suosees BulAié ‘ABojouype) Xq paysoye ysous ua9q sey YUIUA NO a1] Ajfep Jo Joadse YOY uzeidxe pinoys no, "s3}ou sno ul sjulod au jo omy Bulssnosip essa Ue SIUM, BWOY LOI YOM UeD Key asnezaq ayl) Budiom J2Ise@ Ue aney ajdoad, ,/ WW) 34} [Je aUljUO s,aUOAsEND ~ sdiysuoneyas jeuosiad ayew 0} psey os 1, Rep e sinoy pz adoad YM ajeo|untuwod 0} ajge aq 0} 32816 3}, Uuoissnosip aup ut passaidya suotuido awos ay!) Bunyom « sdiysuonela « uoneatunuwuos + TBojouTpSsy Aq sow “PaPsHE Ussq Sey SAAT] Allep INO Jo ease UTM “moj9q S910u a4) peU One NOK ‘Epo ‘ni am fem ay) parpeye sey ABojoUYoe} MOY UO UoISSNOSIP SsE— e BUIMOIOS papjnosd ooys 1omsue ayezedas aup Uo JonsUE NOK eIUM NOK "Wiexe O14 UI AAS areudoidde ue ur spuom 99z-027 Ul JeMSUE INOA BINA "UOHSOND SIy] JOMSUE 3BNLL NA (1 Hed) Aessy fee ae i 7 | Technology is such a feature of everyday life that icis | | difficule to remember what we did withouc it. It impacts | } However, given that itis impossible ro return to a world | wishouc technology, we must accepe ts increasing | impact on our lives in as many areas 28 We Introduce the topic clearly. CEE eerien Introduction Its often said that This is a hotly-debated topic This isa topic that is often | oh almose every aspect of our daily lives. But where has | 2e%Cg | slscussed but rarely solved. | technology's greatest impact been? --————----~ thetorical Many people feel that Uesitale |-pFinly, cechnology has alfeced che way we make | eRe the | Linking ideas caonetoste | onshipe and out expectations of ther. Te is | | Ssasion.” | Whle mary may are ith hs [ inks. | | increasingly common ro find people with more friends | it may stil be a mistake {on the internet than in real life, and chey spend more | Conwerscy it may be inappropriate | time chatting to cyber friends chan they do to real world Bee iG | feonde Alteugh ling prof wider community ke On the contay, itis seen by many = this ean be postive ic could also have a negative effect the problem ae | on peoples bit reat rootherson persona lel. | While can see some benefits, Suppor.your ft tn carn, this could make ic hard not only to establish these mey be outweighed By ee relationships intially but to maintain them. The impact | the disadvantages. | oF his developmencon society clearly enormous, | Giving opinions Usedear |b Another area in which technology has affected people’ isesins ta me tna gags | vei nthe workplace, Sting in open plan of | In my opinion, his Sect || working ae compuersrers creates an unsathng From my perspective, ts seems Gicsion | | Gnd uasupportve environment. On the plus side, | [Bontgve (pom | technology also enables people to work: fom komme, | | poten | T2behonest, ee! thee Fowtaty] | which can lead 10 2 healthier worklife balance. | | opmonans! | Condusion ‘appreciate | Of course, people may also find this difficult as it can |_| tates | To sum up, it seems to me that sirens | Tia oisoition Et SEAS] psgaen, | on one fe! hat Sete) | tssum up, spear tha the impact oftechnology has | | *¥Ey" | Tle Sunt mou sy that your bocen greatest on the way we form relationships, because | | ‘Shows your argument. | | his alfeew people emotionally at well as practically. | | Squment WRITING FILE: ESSAY

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