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Quarter: 1st Grade Level: 7

Week: 1

MELCs: Describe the components of a scientific investigation Learning Area: Science

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

1 Describe the components of a Scientific Method A. Review

scientific investigation -Ask the students their about scientific method
B. Establishing Purpose
-State the objectives of the lesson
C. Motivation
Sing a “science song”
D. Discussion #1
-Present difference between observation and
D. Discussion #2
-Activity: Is it fair?
F. Developing Mastery
- Oral recitation about Synthesis questions and
G. Application
- Why is it important to know the difference
between inference and observation?
H. Generalization
Activity: Just my Guess
I. Evaluation
-What did you learn from our lesson today?

A. Review
-Ask the difference between inference and
B. Establishing Purpose
- Cite the objective of the lesson
C. Motivation
- Game: Fact or Bluff, a game related to scientific
D. Discussion #1
- Activity: The scenario
D. Discussion #2
Short Discussion: The Components of Scientific
2 Method
F. Developing Mastery
- Ask the students what are the components of
Scientific Method
G. Application
- Why is it important as a student to learn and
practice the scientific method?
H. Generalization
-Short video presentation about scientific method
I. Evaluation
-What did you learn from our lesson today?
A. Review
-What are the components of scientific method?
B. Establishing Purpose
- Cite the objective of the lesson
C. Motivation
- Game: Fill ME up!
D. Discussion #1
- Discuss and present the example of each
component of scientific method
D. Discussion #2
- Activity: What is the problem?
3 F. Developing Mastery
- Ask the students of example of each component of
scientific method.
G. Application
- Explain to students that they can use these steps to
answer many questions in every day life.
H. Generalization
-Short video presentation about each component of
scientific method that presents real-life examples.
I. Evaluation
-Fill in the blanks.

4 A. Review
-Ask the students what are the examples of each
component of scientific method.
B. Establishing Purpose
- Introduce the concept of hypothesis
C. Motivation
- Game: Family Feud
D. Discussion #1
- Ask the students what hypothesis is?
D. Discussion #2
- Define what is hypothesis through power
presentation. Cite examples.
F. Developing Mastery
- Activity: Develop a hypothesis through an
G. Application
- What are the ideas they learned while performing
the experiment that will help them apply in
everyday’s life?
H. Generalization
- Play a video presentation about what hypothesis is
all about and how it works in science experiments.
I. Evaluation
Game: Fact or Bluff

5 A. Review
-Game: Decode Me!
B. Establishing Purpose
- How scientists make an experiment?
C. Motivation
- Game: Guess me.
D. Discussion #1
D. Discussion #2
- Group Activity: Solve a problem using scientific
F. Developing Mastery
- Presentation of Group Activity
G. Application
- Relate the scientific method that they apply in their
activity to real-life situation.
H. Generalization
-Students will fill up the metacognition worksheet
about what they learned from the lesson.
I. Evaluation

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher III

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