Business English Material: Level 1 - Rank E

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Business English

Level 1 – Rank E
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 1: Talking About Management

Read the story aloud.

P-Chem Corp is a company that makes plastic products for
the consumer market. P-Chem has three types of managers.
First-line managers are responsible for daily operation.
They work with employees on a day-to-day basis. Middle
managers supervise first-line managers. And there are top-
managers who are responsible for the company’s overall
Sandy is a first-line manager in the finance department at
P-Chem Corp. She has 10 people in her team. Sandy is still a
new manager, but she has a lot of respect from her team
members. She works very hard and tries to listen to her
staff. She’s the first to come to the office and the last to
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 1: Talking About Management

Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Is P-Chem Corp a company that makes plastic products for
the consumer market?
• Is P-Chem Corp a company that makes car products for the
consumer market?
• What kind of company is P-Chem?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about management.

• What’s your manager like?

• What is your idea of good management?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 2: Talking About Productivity

See Read the story aloud.

Sandy’s responsibility is to help her staff work productively.

She wants her staff to do more work in less time. So, Sandy
has three office rules. First, her staff must set goals every
morning. Second, 2PM-3PM is quiet time for her team. During
this time, her staff must concentrate only on their work. And
third, her staff cannot work overtime unless it is urgent.

Sandy is worried about Tim, one of her staff. Tim always works
late, but he often misses deadlines and has trouble setting
daily goals. Sandy wants to help him. However, it seems Tim
wants no help from her. Tim likes to work late, so he thinks
it’s not a problem. Sandy is unsure of what to do now.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 2: Talking About Productivity

Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Is Sandy’s responsibility to help her staff work productively?
• Is Sandy’s responsibility to cook meals?
• What is Sandy’s responsibility?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about productivity.

• What are the things you do to be productive?

• What is your definition of productivity?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 3: Talking About Performance

See Read the story aloud.

As a manager, Sandy needs to check her staff’s performance. At the

beginning of the year, her staff sets goals for the year. Each staff
member writes down all the things they would like to do for the
company. Sandy checks each goal and approves it. In the middle of
the year, Sandy meets with her staff and checks their progress.
Then, at the end of the year, she checks the goals again and gives
her staff feedback. Finally, they set new goals for next year.

Last week, Sandy had a meeting with Tim to go over his mid-year
performance. Tim failed to achieve some of his goals. So, Sandy
told him to change his goals a little and to change his work style.
Tim promised to work more productively to achieve his goals. Tim
also said he would ask for help if he had any trouble. Sandy hopes
Tim can achieve his goals by the end of the year.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 3: Talking About Performance

Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• As a manager, does Sandy need to check her staff’s performance?
• As a manager, does Sandy need to sell her products?
• As a manager, what does Sandy need to do?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about performance.

• How does your boss evaluate your performance?

• What actions will you take to achieve your goals?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 4: Talking About Finance

See Read the story aloud.

In the finance department, Sandy’s team needs to create the

monthly income statement for P-Chem Corp. The income
statement is also called the profit and loss statement or P&L
statement. The P&L statement explains the company’s revenues,
costs, and profit or loss. All the managers at P-Chem Corp look
at the P&L statement, so it’s very important that there are no

Sandy and her team are very busy now. They are putting
together P-Chem’s P&L statement. Revenues for last month were
very good, but costs were very high. So, profit was very small
last month. However, last year in the same month, P-Chem had a
loss. So a small profit is still better than the loss last year.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 4: Talking About Finance

Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• In the finance department, does Sandy’s team need to create the
monthly income statement for P-Chem Corp?
• In the finance department, does Sandy’s team need to create the
marketing plan for P-Chem Corp?
• In the finance department, what does Sandy’s team need to do for
P-Chem Corp?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about finance.

• What is the function of the finance department?

• How was your company’s financial performance last year?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 5: Talking About Change

See Read the story aloud.

Recently, there have been many changes in the plastic product

industry. There are now many new Chinese competitors. These
companies sell their products at much lower prices than P-
Chem. Another big change is customer needs. Customers have
begun to take more notice of design and not just quality. So, P-
Chem needs to make changes to their business.

In the finance department, Sandy needs to make a major

change. The finance department will use a new computer
system starting next year. However, some of Sandy’s staff are
resistant to change. They like the system they are using now.
They are afraid that the new system will slow down their
work. Sandy needs to explain the merits of using the new
system to her staff.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 5: Talking About Change

Complete the tasks below.

Try 1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Recently, have there been many changes in the plastic products
• Recently, have there been many changes in the metal products
• Recently, in which industry have there been many changes?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about change.

• What are some of the recent changes in your industry?

• What are some of the recent changes in your company?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 6: Talking About Company

See Read the story aloud.

Sandy would like to hire a new person in her department.

Sandy met with the director of finance and got his approval.
She met with the HR manager to talk about the new position.
She is looking for an energetic employee with finance
experience. The employee should have good computer skills
and enjoy teamwork. She hopes she can find the right person

Sandy has an interview with someone applying for the new

position. Sandy will ask the applicant questions about his work
experience and his goals. She will also check his personality.
She wants to make sure that the new person will get along
with her other team members.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 6: Talking About Company

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Would Sandy like to hire a new person in her department?
• Would Jim like to hire a new person in his department?
• Who would like to hire a new person in her department?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about job skills.

• What skills are important in your job?

• What new skills have you learned recently?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 7: Talking About Training

See Read the story aloud.

Sandy hired a new employee in the finance department. The

new worker, Jenny, is young and without much experience in
finance. Sandy will train Jenny for the first month. There are
many things she would like to teach Jenny. First, she will go
over the department rules. Then, little by little, Sandy will
teach Jenny the basics of finance. Then, she will ask one of
her senior staff to train her.

Sandy would like to give training to all of her staff in the

finance department. So, Sandy contacted the HR manager to
ask about workshops available for her staff. The HR manager
gave Sandy a list workshops. Sandy selected a few and shared
them with her staff. Her staff are very excited and signed up
for some workshops.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 7: Talking About Training

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Did Sandy hire a new worker in the finance department?
• Did Sandy hire a new worker in the marketing department?
• In which department did Sandy hire a new worker?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about training.

• What are the kinds of training you receive in your company?

• When was the last training you received and what was it?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 8: Talking About Decision Making

See Read the story aloud.

In the finance department, Sandy needs to make many decisions.

Some decisions, like deciding when to have meetings, are easy.
However, some decisions are more difficult, like deciding who to
assign to a project. When she is unsure what to do, she talks to
her boss or other colleagues about it. She hopes that he can
become a better decision maker in the future.

It’s been a month since Jenny joined the finance department.

Sandy is very unhappy with Jenny’s performance. Jenny has been
late for work three times and has taken two sick days. Sandy has
already talked to Jenny about her poor performance. However,
there’s still no improvement. Sandy needs to decide whether to
let her go or not. It’s going to be a very difficult decision for her.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 8: Talking About Decision Making

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Does Sandy need to make many decisions in the finance department?
• Does Sandy need to arrange appointment in the finance department?
• What does Sandy need to do in the finance department?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about decision making.

• What are some decisions you need to make at work?

• How do you handle difficult decisions?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 9: Talking About Leadership

See Read the story aloud.

P-Chem has a new leadership training program. Some key

employees are selected to join this program. The program is for
one year. Employees attend many workshops on business skills.
Then, they are transferred to an overseas office for 6 months.
The employees have a chance to make many connections. It’s a
very good opportunity.

Sandy has been a manager for a year. She has learned a lot in the
past year, but she needs to have more leadership skills. She
recently read a book about a famous business leader. According to
the business leader, leaders are not born, but they are created by
self-study and training. This motivated Sandy to learn more about
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 9: Talking About Leadership

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Does P-Chem have a new leadership program?
• Does P-Chem have a new English program?
• What kind of program does P-Chem have?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about teleconferencing.

• Who’s that business leader that you hold in high regard?

• What is your idea of good leadership?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 10: Review

 Lesson 1: Talking about management

Tell me about your manager.
 Lesson 6: Talking about job skills
 Lesson 2: Talking about productivity Tell me what skills are important in your department.
Tell me about some of the things you do to be
 Lesson 7: Talking about training
Tell me about the kinds of training you receive in your
 Lesson 3: Talking about performance
Tell me how your boss evaluates your
 Lesson 8: Talking about decision making
Tell me about some decisions you need to make at
 Lesson 4: Talking about finance
Tell me what the finance department in your
company does.
 Lesson 9: Talking about leadership
Tell me about a business leader you respect.
 Lesson 5: Talking about change
Tell me about changes in your industry and your
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 11: Talking About Factories

See Read the story aloud.

P-Chem Corp has several factories in Asia. The biggest one is in

Shenzhen, China. The factory has over 500 workers. Many
companies have factories in Shenzhen, so there are a lot of
people who live there. The factory also has dormitories for
workers. During lunch breaks, thousands of workers come out
of the factories to take a break.

Ming Rong Wong works in P-Chem’s factory in Shenzhen. He

works about 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. He has worked
there for 2 years. The work is hard, but the pay is good
compared to other companies in Shenzhen. He hopes that he
can save enough money to send his son to a good school.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 11: Talking About Factories

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Does P-Chem Corp have many factories in Asia?
• Does P-Chem Corp have a couple of factories in Asia?
• How many factories does P-Chem Corp have in Asia?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about factories in Korea.

• What are factories in Korea like?

• Have you ever worked for or visited any of these factories?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 12: Talking About Corporate Scandals

See Read the story aloud.

Corporate scandals can have a negative impact on a company’s

brand. Companies need to show that they are doing business
legally and ethically. Company presidents and other executives
have to be very careful of what they say in interviews, too. So,
many companies have PR departments. The PR department
communicates to the public in a positive way to build the
company image.

P-Chem Corp received complaints from a human rights

organization about its factory in China. According to the
organization, the factory breaks safety rules. Many workers do
dangerous jobs without safety equipment. P-Chem’s factory
manager says that all factory workers are given safety
equipment, but some of them prefer not to use it.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 12: Talking About Corporate Scandals

Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.
• Can corporate scandals have a negative impact on a company’s brand?
• Can corporate scandals have a positive impact on a company’s brand?
• What kind of impact can corporate scandals have on a company’s
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about corporate scandals.

• What are some corporate scandals you heard?

• How does a corporate scandal affect a company?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 13: Talking About Reporting

See Read the story aloud.

Reporting information is something that every businessperson

has to do. People report to customers, colleagues, managers,
and so on. Salespeople give customers reports on their orders
and invoices. Project members report to other members on the
status of a project. Managers report to executives on business

Sandy is preparing a report for her boss. She needs to report

the company’s financial performance. In her report, she will
include key financial information, such as sales, costs, and
profit. She will also give her opinion and make
recommendations in her report. She should also expect some
questions from her boss.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 13: Talking About Reporting

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Is reporting information something that every businessman must do?
• Is playing tennis something that every businessman must do?
• What is something that every businessman must do?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about reporting.

• Who do you report information to?

• What recommendation do you propose when you report a
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 14: Talking About Corporate Vision

See Read the story aloud.

P-Chem’s corporate vision is to give convenience to their

customers through plastic products in an eco-friendly society.
P-Chem manufactures reusable products. Their products can
be used over and over so they are environmentally friendly.
P-Chem’s products, such as kitchenware and stationery, make
daily life easier for their customers.

It’s very important for employees to understand the vision.

All employees learn about P-Chem’s corporate vision when
they join the company. The president also makes
announcements to remind employees of the corporate vision.
Managers and their staff also need to set goals that support
their vision.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 14: Talking About Corporate Vision

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Is P-Chem’s corporate vision to give convenience to their
customers through plastic products in an eco-friendly society?
• Is P-Chem’s corporate vision to make as much money as they can?
• What is P-Chem’s corporate vision?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about corporate vision.

• What is your company’s corporate vision?

• How important is corporate vision to a company?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 15: Talking About Advertising

See Read the story aloud.

P-Chem spends a lot of money on advertising each year. P-Chem

uses advertising to build its brand and to attract new customers.
P-Chem’s products are mostly purchased by women, so P-Chem
advertises in women’s magazines, daytime radio, and direct mail.
P-Chem wants to advertise on TV, but it’s too expensive.

P-Chem’s most effective advertising method is direct mail. P-Chem

sends pamphlets with coupons to customers. The pamphlet
explains the kinds of products P-Chem has. Customers can get a
small discount when they use the coupon to buy P-Chem’s
products. Sometimes P-Chem also includes a small sample in the
direct mail.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 15: Talking About Advertising

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Does P-Chem spend a lot of money on advertising each year?
• Does P-Chem spend a little money on advertising each year?
• How much money does P-Chem spend on advertising each year?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about advertising.

• Where and how does your company advertise?

• What’s the most interesting advertisement you’ve seen so far?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 16: Talking About Processes

See Read the story aloud.

Sandy has set up many processes in her office. There’s a

process for writing a report, taking a day off, booking a
meeting room, and so on. These processes help Sandy manage
her employees. The processes also act as rules for the

If an employee wants to take some time off, he needs to fill

out a form. Then, the employee needs to give at least one-
week notice. Then, Sandy checks her calendar. If there isn’t
anyone else taking the same time off, she approves it.
Everyone thinks this process is fair.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 16: Talking About Processes

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Has Sandy set up many processes in her office?
• Has Sandy set up a few processes in her office?
• How many processes has Sandy set up in her office?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about processes.

• What are some of the processes you have in the office?

• Describe a process for doing something in detail.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 17: Talking About Cost Cutting

See Read the story aloud.

When business is good, companies have extra cash. Some

companies give this extra money to employees through
benefits or bonuses. Other companies make expensive
purchases, like equipment and facilities. If companies spend
too much money, it becomes overspending.

When business becomes bad, companies need to cut costs.

Companies usually do an audit to see where money is being
spent. Then, executives ask department heads to reduce their
costs. Department heads look at what can be cut. The most
common cost cutting activity is reducing overtime work.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 17: Talking About Cost Cutting

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Do companies have extra cash when business is good?
• Do companies have extra cash when business is bad??
• When do companies have extra cash?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about cost cutting.

• What are the main costs for your company?

• What are some ways your company can cut costs?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 18: Talking About Diversity

See Read the story aloud.

When P-Chem first started, there were only a few employees.

The employees were from the same town. However, as P-Chem
became bigger, more types of people joined the company. Now,
P-Chem has a diverse workforce with people of different
genders, ages, nationalities and backgrounds, and

Because there are so many different kinds of people at P-

Chem, it’s sometimes difficult to manage them. All managers
must receive diversity training. In the training, managers learn
to understand and respect different ways of thinking. They
also learn effective ways to communicate with their staff.
Sandy has learned a lot in these workshops.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 18: Talking About Diversity

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Were there only a few employees when P-Chem first started?
• Were there a lot of employees when P-Chem first started?
• How many employees were there when P-Chem first started?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about diversity.

• How would you describe the diversity in your office?

• What are the pros and cons of having a diverse workforce?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 19: Talking About Work-Life Balance

See Read the story aloud.

P-Chem Corp wants its employees to be happy. The company

believes that happy workers will work harder, take fewer sick
days, and stay longer with the company. So, the company tells
its employees to balance their personal life with their work

Sandy believes that work-life balance is important. Sandy

works hard during the day so that she can finish her work
early. She goes to the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays. On weekends, she usually meets her friends or just
takes it easy at home. Sandy is happy at home and at work.
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 19: Talking About Work-Life Balance

Try Complete the tasks below.

1. Practice answering and asking Yes-No-Key questions.

• Does P-Chem want its employees to be happy?
• Does P-Chem want its competitors to be happy?
• Who does P-Chem want to be happy?
2. Summarize the story above.

Act Consider the points below as you talk about work-life balance.

• How do you balance your personal life with your work life?
• Why is work-life balance necessary for employees?
Level 1 – Rank E – Lesson 20: Review

 Lesson 11: Taking about company factories

Tell me about factories in Japan.
 Lesson 16: Talking about processes
 Lesson 12: Talking about corporate scandals Tell me about a process in your company.
Tell me about a corporate scandal you heard.
 Lesson 17: Talking about cost cutting
 Lesson 13: Talking about reporting Tell me about cost cutting in your company.
Tell me who your report information to.
 Lesson 18: Talking about diversity
 Lesson 14: Talking about corporate vision Tell me about diversity in your company.
Tell me about your company’s corporate
vision.  Lesson 19: Talking about work-life balance
Tell me how you balance your personal life
 Lesson 15: Talking about advertising with your work life..
Tell me where and how your company

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