Biology Work Sheet Grade 12 2014

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Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.

1. Which one of the following is CORRECT about the dependent variable of an

A. it is manipulated by the experimenter
B. it can affect the outcome of the investigation
C. it depends on the independent variable
D. only the controlled group receive the treatment
2. If a group of scientists are going to test a new vaccine, the independent variable for
the investigation is
A. the vaccine B. temperature
C. death of the study subject D. susceptible individuals
3. Which one of the following is NOT correct about a scientific investigation?
A. it must have to be a fair test
B. it contains several independent variables
C. it have to a controlled experiment
D. it needs a large sample size
4. Which one of the following increases the reliability of an investigation?
A. recording only anomalous result B. personal bias
C. confounding variable D. spotting out odd result
5. If one want to add 0.25 ml distilled water onto a specimen , which one of the
following laboratory tool is more convenient ?
A. micropipette B. beaker C. syringe D. test tube
6. Which one of the type of reasoning involves generation of major premise from
specific observations?
A. deductive reasoning B. inductive reasoning C. psuedodeduction D. all
7. Which one of the following laboratory tool is used to perform micro propagation?
A. Petri dish B. measuring cylinder C. centrifuge D. autoclave

8. The abundant element in living thing is

A. carbon B. oxygen C. hydrogen D. nitrogen
9. Which one of the following step of the scientific method comes before the others?
A. experimentation B. background research
C. hypothesis testing D. hypothesis formation
10. In an investigation conducted to see the effect of temperature on the rate of a
chemical reaction, temperature is the ______________ variable of the experiment.
Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

A. independent B. controlled C. confounding D. dependent

11. Which one of the following is CORRECT about Transmission and Scanning electron
A. TEM gives surface details B. SEM has better resolution
C. SEM forms 3D images D. TEM has lower magnification
12. The best promising role of biological science includes
A. creating drought resistant pests B. cloning human beings
C. developing disease resistant crop plant D. creating biological weapon
13. Which one of the following describes all viruses?
A. an autotroph B a heterotroph C. a parasite D. saprophyte
14. Which one of the following group of microorganism causes a disease called athletes
A. protozoa B. fungi C. bacteria D. virus
15. Which of the following is CORRECT order of using chemicals in Grams staining?
A. safranin – iodine – ethanol – crystal violet
B. safranin – ethanol – crystal violet – iodine
C. ethanol – crystal violet – iodine – safranin
D. crystal violet – iodine – ethanol – safranin
16. All of the following processes increase the level of CO2 in the atmosphere except
A. photosynthesis B. respiration C. combustion D. decomposition

17. Which one of the following is true?

A. Change in dependent variable causes change in independent variable

B. Change in independent variable causes change in dependent variable

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

C. Change in independent variable does not cause change in independent variable

D. Change in dependent variable does not cause change in independent variable

18. Which one of the following is considered as a secondary succession? A succession

that start on
A. sand dune B. land destroyed by fire C. a ground destructed for agriculture D all
19. The final stable community in a succession is termed as
A. climax community B. secondary community
C. pioneer community D. first serial community
20. Good biodiversity conservation includes all except
A. make sure that the local people benefitted from conservation effort
B. protect individual species
C. introducing exotic species
D. preserving habitat and ecosystem
21. Which one of the following terrestrial biome has the highest soil fertility?
A. tundra B. tropical rain forest C. temperate deciduous forest D. taiga
22. Which one of the following ecosystem support the least amount of species
A. Sahara desert B. Congo basin C. Amazon forest D. savanna grassland
23. Which one of the following ecosystem has the least net primary productivity?
A. coral reefs B. savanna C. rain forests D. tundra
24. Permanently frozen soil permafrost characterizes which terrestrial biome?
A. tundra B. boreal forest C. tropical rain forest D. semi desert
25. Which one of the following organisms is NOT adapted to survive in desert?
A. epiphytes B. geophytes C. succulents’ D. ephemerals

26. Denitrification process is enhanced in acidic and water logged condition because of
the multiplication of
A. pseudomonas B. nitrobacter C. nitrosomonas D. ammonifying bacteria
27. Phytoplankton refers to
A. inhibitors of photosynthesis enzymes B. heterotrophs
C. microscopic aquatic autotrophs D. primary consumers in the ocean
28. Which one of the following competition helps to create hierarchy within a species?
Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

A. parasitism B. interspecific competition

C. intraspecific competition D. predation
29. What is the role of recycling process in the ecosystem?
A. transferring nutrients B. providing useable forms of nutrients
C. removing wastes from the environment D. all
30. Which one of the following is not a structure found in virus?
A. capsid B. genetic material C. plasmid D. capsomer
31. Which one of the following is correct about scientific experiment?
A. it considers multiple independent variables at a time
B. it tries to establish a cause and effect relationship
C. it requires a controlled condition
D. it involves testing the alternate hypothesis
32. Which one of the following has an indirect effect on the biodiversity?
A. overhunting B. over grazing C. high population growth D. fire wood collection
33. In the viral life cycle a prophage is formed by
A. integration B. lysis of the host C. chronic release D. coping the host DNA
34. Which one of the following process is the last step in the scientific method?
A. hypothesis formation B. scientific report writing
C. data analysis D. background research
35. developing countries that are highly populated with infants and children has an age
pyramid that is
A. broad at the middle B. broad at the base
C. pointed at the base D. similar with developed countries

36. Which one of the following factors increases the population of a given country?
A. immigration B. mortality C. emigration D. diseases
37. Which one of the following organisms has the highest number of endemic species in
A. amphibian B. bird C. reptile D. mammal
38. Highest value of Simpson’s index of diversity implies
A. harsh condition B. divers area
Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

C. hostile environment D. an area dominated by few species

39. Xerosere refers to
A. destroyed population B. succession water body
C. the last aquatic ecosystem D. terrestrial succession
40. Which one of the following process describes of Rhizobium?
A. denitrification B. ammonification C. nitrogen fixation D. nitrification
41. Ecological niche refers to
A. carrying capacity of the environment B. ecosystem diversity
C. role of organism in the ecosystem D. ecosystem services
42. Which one of the following is a pioneer community in primary succession?
A. moss B. shrub C. lichen D. tree
43. Coniferous trees are main characteristics of which biome?
A. taiga B. tundra C. tropical rain forest D. deciduous forest
44. Photoautotrophs may not exist in the
A. oceanic abyssal B. oceanic pelagic C. open ocean zone D. aphotic region
45. Desulphovibrio participates in the
A. release of sulfur in the form of H2S B. oxidation of H2S into S
C. oxidation of sulfur into sulphate D. oxidation of SO 4- to S
46. Bacteria are classified as gram positive and negative on the basis of
A. presences and absence of plasmid B. thickness of cell wall
C. amount of plasmid D. thickness of cell wall
47. Which one of the following ART drug class bock the last stage in the HIV life cycle?
A. protease inhibitor B. nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
C. entry inhibitor D. non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase

48. Why do remote undeveloped societies that are far from urbanization has a slow
population growth rate? Because
A. there is low birth rate B. there is efficient education on contraception
C. there high birth and high death rate D. there is low death and low birth rate
49. What is the main idea behind the competitive exclusion principle?
A. two different species will not occupy the same ecological niche
B. competition will only happen between opposite sex
Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

C. the intensity of competition decreases when there is limited resources

50. In population growth curve the maximum carrying capacity of an area is first
achieved when a population is on
A. log phase B. lag phase C. stationary phase D. decline phase

51. The number of organisms that an environment is capable of supporting with

enough resources and shelter refers to________________

A. age pyramid B. carrying capacity C. natality rate D. demographic transition

52. What do we call the roll of an organism played in it's habitat within the ecosystem?
A. food web B. geographic range C. ecological niche D. biospher

53. Ethiopia is one of the 12 centers of origin of cultivated crops. Which of the following
plant has it's center of genetic diversity in Ethiopia?

A. Enset ventriculum B. Coccinia abyssinica C. Eragostis tef D. all

54. Which one of the following biome has poor soil?

A. Temperate deciduous forest B. Tropical rain fores

C. Temperate grass land D. Temperate rain forest

55. Which one of the following ecosystem services is provisioning?

A. spiritual B. water purification C. fresh water D. recreational

56. When did the population size of a country will increase? When

A. natality exceed mortality B. emigration exceed immigration

C. mortality exceed natality D. there is high predation and disease

57. Which one of the following process is performed by ammonifying bacteria?

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

A. dentirification B. decomposition C. nitrificatin D. nitrogen fixation

58. Which one of the following bacteria oxidizes ammonia into nitrite?

A. pseudomonas B. nitosomonas C .rhizobium d. nitrobacter

59. Plants can absorb and utilize Sulphur from the soil when it is in the form of

A. sulphate B. sulphite C. hydrogen sulphid D. sulphuric acid

60. Which one of the following sequence represents the correct seral stage in primary

A. lichen — moss — herbs — grass — shrubs — forest trees

B. lichen — grass — moss — shrubs — herbs — climax trees

C. moss — lichen — grass — herbs — shrubs — forest trees

D. moss — lichen — shrubs — grass — climax forest — shrub

61 What is the correct explanation if you observe rod shape purple bacteria?

A. gram negative cocci B. gram positive bacilli

C. gram negative bacilli D. gram positive cocci

62. A disease that has no clear sign and symptom is described as____________

A. deficiency B. genetic C. functional D. degenerative

63. Which one of the following disease becomes more common when we get old?

A. deficiency B. genetic C. functional D. degenerative

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

64. Which microorganism group is known to cause athletes foot and ring worm?

A. fungi B. bacteria C. algae D. protozoa

65. The main reason for bacteria to appear gram positive or negative is________

A. the size of plasmid B. thickness of cell membrane

C. thickness of cell wall D. presence or absence of plasmid

66. Which one of the following feature does not describe fungi?

A. plasmid B. saprobiont C. heterotroph D. cell wall

67. Unlike bacteria, protozoa have

A. cell wall B. plasmid C. mitochondria D. ribosome

68. Which one of the following bacteria will reduce nitrate into nitrogen gas under
anaerobic condition?

A. Ammonifying bacteria B. Nitrosomonas C. Psuedomonas D. Nitrobacter

69. Which one of the following process of nitrogen cycle is performed by a


A. ammonification B. nitrogen fixation C. nitrification D. denitrification

70. The most useable form of nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants is__________

A. nitrite B. ammonia C. nitrate D. nitrogen gas

71. Chlamydomonas is best described as____________

A. autotrophic prokaryote B. heterotrophic fungi

B. protozoa that have cilia D. algae that have flagella

72. Which one of the following features does NOT describe the genetic code?
Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

A. It is universal B. Degenerating C. Over lapping code D. A non-ambiguous code

73. Anticodon is best described as

A. triplet nucleotide on tRNA complementary to mRNA B. initiation codon

C. A start codon complementary for the sense strand D. a stop codon

74. Unlike prokaryotes eukaryotes have

A. cell wall B. 70s ribosome C. mitochondria D. DNA in continuous loop

75. What do we call the type of dominance if all the offspring from an Rh positive
woman and an Rh negative man become Rh positive?

A. complete dominance B. over dominance C. codominance D. incomplete


76. Which one of the following is wrong about tetrad

A. it contains four chromosomes B. it is formed during prophase|

C. it is the result of synapsis D. it contains four sister chromatids

76. A human cell containing 22 autosomal and a Y chromosome is

A. somatic cell of male B. a sperm cell C. somatic cell of female D. an ovum

Use the following information to answer the questions 6 up to 10. A section of gene on
DNA contains the following sequence of bases in the two strands, 5’-
this section of the gene specifies for methionine, leucine, valine, threonine, leucine and
STOP respectively.

77. The nucleotide sequence of mRNA for this section of DNA is

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C



78. The nucleotide sequence of the template DNA is



79. The anticodons for the first three tRNA would be


80. The second codon TTG and the fifth codon CTG specify leucine, this shows that the
genetic code is
A. universal B. non overlapping C. ambiguous D. degenerating

81. What will happen if the fifth nucleotide T is replaced by A

A. STOP codon will occur at the place of the second codon
B. it has no effect because the genetic code is a degenerating code
C. Leucine will be replaced by methionine
D. Frame shift mutation will happen on the gene
82. Homologous chromosomes segregate toward opposite poles of a dividing cell

A. mitosis B. meiosis I C. meiosis II D. fertilization

83. This is the unit of separation in gene mapping using cross over value

A. centimorgan B. kilobase C. micrometer D. centimeters

84. A DNA molecule that have 3000 necleotides contains 35% cytosine. Which one of
the following is correct about the remaining N bases

A. it contains 1500 Guanine B. there 35% Thyamine

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

C. it contains 450 Thyamine D. there are 1050 Adenines

85. The reverstranscriptase enzyme of retroviruses is best defined as

A. DNA dependent DNA polymerase B. RNA dependent DNA polymerase

C. DNA dependent RNA polymerase D. RNA dependent RNA polymerase

86. What is the F-2 phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross for a trait that show co

A. 3:1 B. 1:1 C. 1:2:1 D. 9:3:3:1

87. Assume every somatic cell in a given organism contains 24 chromosomes or 12

chromosome paires ,which one of the following is correct about meiotic gametogenesis
that take place in this organism?

A. all the gametes formed contain 24 pairs of chromosomes

B. meiosis results in four doughter cell each containin 12 chromosomes

C. gametogenesis results in two doughter cells each of which have 24 chromosomes

D. there are four doughter cells produced containing 24 chromosomes

88. What is the source of recombinant traits in linked genes?

A. meiotic crossing over B. independant assortment

C. random fussion of gamet D. binary fission

89. Which one of the following mRNA codon does NOT specify any amino acid?


Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

90. A person with XO genotype will develope?

A. Tiurner syndrome B. Down syndrome C. kleinfelter syndrome D. all

91. Antiretroviral drug that most probably interfere with the last stage in the HIV life
cycle is

A. protease inhibitor B. nucleoside revers transcriptase inhibitor

C. entry inhibitor D. integrase inhibitor

92. Which one of the following structure is found in a bacteriophage?

A. ribosome B. mitochondria C. cell wall D. none

93. What is the chance to have offspring that show the recessive feature from a test
cross on the F-1 plant?

A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% 100%

94. What is the primary source of essential amino acids for our body?

A. glycolysis B. Deamination C. Our diet D. transamination

95. Succession that starts after a fire destroy the forest is

A. primary succession B. secondary succession C. hydro sere D. all

96. Mr. X was accused for being the father of a child with blood type O from a mother
that was A Mr.X also typed A how do you explain this?

A. There is no way for Mr. X to be possible father

B. Mr. X is definitely the father of the kid

C. The man could be the possible father if both are heterozygous

Millennium Comprehensive Secondary School BIOLOGY Model Questions for Grade 12 in 2014 E.C

D. The child is definitely not Mr. Xs’

97. A method of preparing multiple copies of a gene or an organism by introducing it
into a living cell is

A. micropropagation B. invitro cloning C. invivo cloning D. PCR reacction

98. Which one of the following process is a characteristic of anaphase II of meiosis?

A. synapsis B. separation of sister chromatids

C. crossing over D. separation of homologous pairs

99. What is the genotypic ratio in the offspring from the cross between RrYy and rryy ?

A. 3RrYy :1rryy B. 1RrYy:1Rryy:1rrYy:1rryy

C. 1RrYy:1rryy D. all RrYy

100. What is the role of Nitrobacter in the Nitrogen cycle?

A. decomposition B. oxidation of nitrite

C. ammonification D. releasing nitrogen gas to the atmosphere

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