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Wednesday 21 July 2021


N200 | www.leadership.ng | No. 3,722 Leadership Newspapers | @leadershipNGA

Nigeria To Leverage ECOWAS Network To Boost Trade Volume

BY MARK ITSIBOR, Abuja can States (ECOWAS) Trade region, Nigeria is poised to Nigerian Export Promoti- NEPC, is now repositioning (EEFP), a part of the eco-
Promotion Organisations boost its non-oil exports le- on Council (NEPC), Mr. Se- the nation’s export through nomic sustainability plan
Following the official (TPO) Network last Friday, veraging the platform. gun Awolowo, who is also the implementation of its which development and
launch of the Economic towards increasing the vo- The Executive director / the inaugural president of N50 billion Export Expan- implementation is being
Community of West Afri- lume of trade within the chief executive officer of the the ECOWAS TPOs and the sion Facility Programme PAGE 4

Muslims Observe Peaceful Sallah

Amid Security Challenges 4

Governors, Abdulsalami, others reiterate call for peace, end to insecurity Police rescue 100
victims from bandits' den in Zamfara PMB gives corps members N1m, 2 cows, 20 bags of rice
Tokyo 2020:
Football, Softball
Events Begin Today

NCDC Confirms
15 Cases Of
L-R: Former head of PAGE 6
state, General Ibra-
him Babangida (retd)
with Niger State
governor, Abubakar
Sani Bello, at his
uphill residence after
the two rakat prayers Controversy Trails
to mark Eid-el- Kabir
in Minna, Niger State, Igboho’s ‘Arrest’ In
Forget 2023, Presidency Tells PDP FG Must

Says you can’t dismantle PMB’s political structure Address

BY CHIBUZO UKAIBE Abuja les Democratic Party (PDP) Faced By
and GODWIN ENNA, Katsina and other opposition parties
Nigerians 10 Die In Kwara
President Muhammadu
not to entertain high hopes
in the 2023 general election – Sultan Road Accident
Buhari has told the Peop- because the Nigerian mas-
2 21.07.2021
Celebrating Sallah Amid Rising
Costs Of Food, Goods
BY ZAKA KHALIQ, Lagos Some traders attributed the Miss Esther, she explained to me Today, when I went to buy, it

rise to insecurity in the north, that the increase in the price of was N18,000. Price of tomato is
id el Kabir is a symbolic the current weather as well as the crayfish is due to the fact that less now but its price cannot be
muslim festival Sallah festivities. it is a rainy season and the predicted.”
celebrated annually with Those food affected due to high fishermen find it and most sea According to Ogunbo Rasaq,
fun-fare and slaughtering demands are: rice, beans, onions, food difficult to get. the ram he bought at N50,000
of rams . It is a festivity frozen food, ram, oil, garri, yam, Meanwhile, a consumer Mrs last year now sells at N80,000
marked with friends, relatives, tomato and pepper among others. Taiwo, also attributed the price to N90,000 . He said most of his
families and well-wishers. According to a trader in Ile - of pepper and tomatoes to the colleagues had to contribute to
However, cut-throat price as a Epo Market, Lagos, known as Mr weather, saying when it rains buy a cow in order to cut down
result of inflation has made cost Emeka, the price of rice was same heavily, the water flushes away on cost and have more meat.
of rams and other staple food as in January. Emeka said a bag yet it was previously N400 this pepper and tomatoes. She thinks Most of the celebrants I spoke
difficult to purchase , robbing most of the long grain rice is N26,000 year. Drum beans was N250 but by August or September there to appreciated God for keeping
celebrants of a luxury celebration. while the short grain is N24,000, now N550 per De rica. White will be a reduction in price. them alive till this moment,
Across Lagos, Abuja, Ogun, describing beans as ‘hot cake’ and beans was N300 for a De rica but However, Muhammad Ali, even though times are hard. They
Oyo among other states, my presently a rich man’s food. now N550. I think it’s because of who sells varieties of pepper and called on the federal government
investigation shows a price “A bag of Oloyin beans is what is going on in the north,” tomatoes at the Ibafo market, to fight the challenges as they
increase across most goods and now N42,000 from N15,000 in he said. Ogun State said, “As at last week, hoped for a better festivity next
food items needed for the festival. January. A De rica is now N600, Chatting with a crayfish trader, tomato was sold at N22,000 . year.


Maimuna’s Memoir When celebrating festivities during this period of COVID-19, there are certain guidelines that need to be
followed. Gatherings are limited to a maximum of 50 people, with anything above needing the permission
of the federal government. Here are a few tips on staying safe in small gatherings!
OUTDOOR GATHERINGS ARE SAFEST using the restroom at high-traffic times. In-
Driving On Nigerian Roads If weather permits, celebrate in your back-
yard or in a park. For indoor gatherings, open-
ing windows and doors can ensure proper
stead of hugging or even bumping elbows,
wave or verbally greet others.

This is quite an interesting ventilation and help lower the risk. Indoor WEAR A MASK
story to tell. And you would gatherings with poor ventilation pose the Keep masks on when you are around peo-
greatest risk. ple, except when eating or drinking, unless
know why? I mean if you drive you’ve been fully vaccinated and you’re at a
on Nigerian roads you would! CHECK CURRENT LEVELS OF COVID-19 small gathering. Avoid singing, chanting or shouting, especially
This is definitely asides where Check the number and rate of COVID-19 cases in your commu- when not wearing a mask and within 6 feet (2 meters) of others.
you have to dodge crazy drivers nity, in the community where the event is being held and in
who would rather, because they the community where guests are coming from. The greater the ENCOURAGE PROPER HYGIENE
are trying to avoid a pothole numbers and rates, the greater the risk of infection and spread Make sure everyone washes hands or uses hand sanitizer before
and possible injury to their car, among guests. and after preparing, serving and eating food. If you are hosting
would not mind having a head on a gathering, provide plenty of soap and single-use towels or pa-
collision with another oncoming BRING SUPPLIES TO THE EVENTS TO PROMOTE SAFETY per towels in the kitchen and bathroom.
vehicle. Well, I don’t know how The host can provide or guests can bring supplies to the event to
some people think! promote safety, such as extra masks, hand sanitizer that contains PROMOTE SAFETY AROUND FOOD AND DRINKS
at least 60 per cent alcohol and tissues. Get vaccinated when you Limit people going in and out of areas where food is being pre-
So, on that fateful day, I was can, and ask your guests if they are fully vaccinated. You can pared. Encourage guests to bring food and drinks for themselves
minding my business driving gather more safely if you and your guests are fully vaccinated. and members of their households only. If that’s not possible,
on the slow side of the lane and avoid self-serve food or drink options, such as buffets or drink
really taking my time because KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE stations. Consider having one person serve all of the food and
I was in unfamiliar territory. I At the event, avoid close contact with others outside of your sharable items, such as salad dressing or condiments. Or provide
was even humming to a song as household. Avoid closely gathering around one table. Instead, single servings of food and condiments. Wear a mask if you’re
I drove, just for a car to drive up provide multiple tables or seating areas so that people from dif- preparing or serving food to people outside of your household.
close behind mine. And as I began
to wonder what was happening,
I was even humming to a ferent households can be at least 6 feet (2 meters) apart. Consid-
er assigned seating. Also, avoid being in busy eating areas and Culled From: www.mayoclinic.org
this man began blaring his horn. song as I drove, just for a car
Infuriated I ignored him. Can’t to drive up close behind mine.
he see that I’m on the slow lane?
lane if he was in such a hurry?
But no, he just kept on blaring
and blaring.
SUDOKU PUZZLE AND SOLUTIONS South Africa is stepping up Kenyan manufacturers are hopeful Nigeria’s lawmakers are on the cusp of
Each Sudoku puzzle comes with some numbers already filled and each box has a investment for its wildlife and the just concluded trade mission to clearing an oil industry overhaul that
corresponding row, column and 3x3 grid where the numbers cannot be repeated. The biodiversity sectors thanks to a Tanzania will help open up trade has eluded the nation for two decades.
row, column or 3x3 grid with the most numbers filled is the best place to start, filling new grant of $8.9 million from the Global between the two countries. The visit Final passage of a package of measures
numbers because there you have fewer options to choose from. As you fill each number on Environment Facility (GEF). The comes amid renewed political ties is expected as early as Wednesday due
a box, you increase your chances of getting new spaces filled.
Catalyzing Financing and Capacity between the two countries. Last week, to alignment between the National
5 8 7 3 2 9 6 1 4 8 2 4 5 3 for the Biodiversity Economy Around local manufacturers led by the Kenya Assembly and President Muhammadu
1 2 9 4 5 6 3 8 7 5 7 6 4 Protected Areas Project aims to Association of Manufacturers (KAM) Buhari. But added provisions, including
6 3 4 8 7 1 9 5 2 enhance South Africa’s stewardship were on a trade a trade mission to one that could give the Dangote Group
4 5 8 7
of its rich biodiversity and expand Tanzania, organised in partnership an effective monopoly on fuel, launched
7 1 8 6 4 3 2 9 5 6 2 8 1
the benefits of protected areas for with the Confederation of Tanzania last-minute battles in Africa’s largest oil
9 4 6 5 8 2 7 3 1 1 8 3 7 Industries.
local communities. exporter.
2 5 3 9 1 7 4 6 8 2 7 1 9 6
4 6 1 7 9 8 5 2 3 9 7 3 1 Culled From:www.tralac.org
8 9 5 2 3 4 1 7 6 1 3 4 9
3 7 2 1 6 5 8 4 9 8 6 4 3 As part of ongoing efforts to improve standards, opinion articles by readers will be accompanied with photographs and also
Solution To Yesterday’s Sudoku Sudoku For Today what the writer does and actual address. All opinions should be emailed to: opinion@leadership.ng
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 3

our stand
Delta Variant And Resurgence Of COVID-19
ith the feared re- July 18, 2021. iterranean 11,644,006. The 2021 that WHO named the
surgence of COV- Kogi State records the low- records also claims that Afri- delta variant while declaring
ID-19 in Nigeria est cases with number of lab- ca has 4,531,636 confirmed it a ‘variant of concern.’ It was
and the spread oratory confirmed cases at cases and Western Pacific this new variant in April 2021
of the new delta variant and 5, with 0 cases on admission 3,905,375. Also, as of 15 July that was responsible for the
as the country faces the risk and 3 discharged while deaths 2021, a total of 3,402,275,866 new COVID-19 cases in India.
of a third wave of the deadly have been recorded at 2 as of vaccine doses have been ad- The Director General of
virus, the federal government July 18, 2021. ministered worldwide accord- WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ge-
may need to enforce stricter However, World Health Or- ing to WHO. breyesus, disclosed that the
compliance to the pandem- ganization (WHO) Nigeria The organization had pre- delta variant is ‘dangerous’
ic guidelines to prevent it Vaccine Progress records that viously warned that Africa and continues to evolve and
spreading further. The ur- the first dose of vaccine was was facing a third wave of mutate, and as such requires
gency involved is made more administered to 2,534,205 the virus. It also said that the constant evaluation and ‘care-
compelling as the rainy sea- that is 1.6 per cent of the current rate of infections, the ful adjustment of the public
son sets in. population, while the second on-going surge, was set to sur- health response’. He disclosed
As a proactive measure, dose was administered to pass the previous one by early that the variant has been de-
the authorities have already 1,404,740 that is 0.9 per cent July. Data obtained from the tected in about 98 countries
placed six states, namely: La- of the population as of 12 Nigerian Centre for Disease and is spreading rapidly in
gos, Abuja, Oyo, Rivers, Kadu- July, 2021. Control (NCDC) showed that countries that have low and
na, Kano, and Plateau on 'red According to global records the country recorded only high vaccination coverage.
alert' for the delta variant also by the same WHO, as of 16 two cases on June 27th with Given the import of this
known as lineage B.1.617.2. July 2021, there have been no case in Lagos. On the 28th report and data, this newspa-
This variant of the virus is 188,655,968 confirmed cas- there were 65 cases, with La- per is of the opinion that the
said to be highly contagious. es and 4,067,517 deaths. In gos recording 44 cases. 75 federal government should,
Available reports indicate the Americas for example, cases were recorded on 30th at this period, place further
that it is about 225 per cent there have been confirmed of June. restriction on internation-
more transmissible than the cases of 74,411,952, Europe The delta variant was dis- al travel. And while it might
original SARS-CoV-2 strains. 57,636,847, South-East Asia covered in India last year not be good for the country’s
A study from China point 36,525,388 and Eastern Med- December but it was in May economy to impose another
to the fact that those infect- lock down, the government
ed with the delta strain have should put in place strict-
on average about 1000 times er measures and public
more copies of the virus in enlightenment campaigns
their respiratory tracts than as regards wearing of face
those infected with the origi- EDITOR: Ekele Peter Agbo
masks in public places, hand
nal strain. It has been discov- washing regularly, the use
ered that while vaccines are of alcohol based hand san-
effective against the delta var- itizers, regular cleaning of
iant, it is still possible to get frequently used surfaces as
infected as the vaccines would well as temperature checks.
only reduce the risk of the The federal government
Sam Nda-Isaiah (1962 - 2020)
gravity of the illness which should also create more
would have led to a victim awareness on the delta var-
CHAIRMAN: Zainab Nda-Isaiah
being hospitalized or even iant, urging the public, es-
worse, in some cases death, a pecially those who have not
study from the United King- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Azu Ishiekwene been vaccinated to go for
dom reveals. tests and take the vaccines.
Latest report from the DIRECTORS: Mike Okpere Those vaccinated should
health authorities claim that Muazu Elazeh equally still abide by the
Nigeria had recorded a total Abraham Nda-Isaiah guidelines as the chances of
of 169,329 confirmed cases being infected and falling ill
of COVID-19, with 2,531 ac- are still high.
tive cases; while 164,672 pa- Furthermore, as a Nige-
tients had been discharged. LEADERSHIP is a national paper symbolically rian scientists previously
The deaths recorded as at the embedded in the nation’s capital. implored, Nigerians should
time of writing this editorial We shall stand up for good governance. We shall keep warm and safe in this
were 2,126. defend the interest of Nigerian people even against rainy season as the chanc-
In all of these, Lagos State their rulers, and we shall raise our pen at all times es of catching influenza is
records the highest cases of in defence of what is right. These are the values by high. Catching a flu could
the virus, with number of which we intend to be assessed. weaken one’s immune sys-
laboratory confirmed cases tem, leaving the body sus-
at 60,936, the cases on ad- We shall never, ever for any reason forget the noble ceptible to the COVID-19
mission at 1,965 the number reason of our coming into being: virus thereby leading to a
discharged is at 58,515 and For God and Country! spike in the spread of the
number of deaths at 456 as of virus.
4 Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Muslims Observe Peaceful Sallah Amid Security Challenges

BY JONATHAN NDA-ISAIAH, He appealed to the people their welfare packages safety. The chief Imam also ad-
Abuja, ABU NMODU, Min- to provide security agencies He warned farmers not to vised the people of the sta-
na, FRANCIS OKOYE, Maidu- with genuine security infor- be deterred by insecurity to te irrespective of their religi-
guri ABUBAKAR SADEEQ MO- mation that will help them to abandon their farmland, as- on to observe all COVID-19
HAMMED, Zaria and UMAR combat the challenges, just suring them that measures protocols and pray against
MOHAMMED, Zamfara as he expressed confidence are being taken to impro- the spread of the disease.
that Niger State and Nige- ve security situation in the Yesterday, Muslim faithful
Muslim faithful across Ni- ria will soon overcome the emirate. in thousands including child-
geria yesterday marked this current insecurity, especial- Katsina State Governor ren in their colourful attire,
year’s Eid-el-Kabir festival ly those caused by banditry. Aminu Masari called on lea- thronged to the various Eid
without any major untoward The chief Imam of Bida, ders to promote peace and praying grounds in the me-
incidences. Sheik Adamu Yakatu, con- unity among various natio- tropolis as early as 7am to at-
This is a welcome relief in a ducted the eid prayers in nalities irrespective of eth- tend the prayer session.
country where daily reports Bida while at Minna central nic, religious and political The Ramat Square Eid
of violence and bloodshed mosque, Sheik Ibrahim Isa affiliations. ground in Maiduguri was
are all too common from at- Fari, led the two rakat pray- “As leaders, we must em- filled to capacity as Muslim
tacks on citizens and public ers before the faithful pro- phasize things that would faithful trooped out en mas-
institutions by terrorists, ceeded with slaughtering of promote peace, unity and se to make their prayers mar-
bandits, rustlers, marauding their rams. mutual coexistence among king the eid-el-kabir celebra-
herdsmen militia and separa- the people,” he said. tion.
tist agitators. Emir Of Zazzau Tasks The governor stressed that The prayer session was
In his goodwill messages, Islamic Scholars On Pray- no nation would develop in led by Imam Idiani of Borno
former head of state Gene- ers Against Insecurity atmosphere of differences , Imam Shettima Mamman
ral Abdulsalami Abubakar The Emir of Zazzau, Ma- and crises, even as he called Shettima Saleh, who prayed
(retd.) called on bandits to lam Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, for collaborative efforts to Allah to restore peace in the
have a rethink and repent in his Eid-el-Kabir message confront the security chal- state and Nigeria in general.
even as the Etsu Nupe, Al- delivered at his palace in Za- lenges facing the country as He traced the origin of Eid
haji Yahaya Abubakar iden- ria, urged scholars to engage government alone cannot and lay emphasis on the im-
tified peace as the panacea in fervent prayers for peace do it. portance of sacrificing ram
for growth and develop- and security in the emirate In Kano State, Governor as against any other animal
ment General Abdulsalami, and the country as a whole. Abdullahi Ganduje urged on earth and urged faithful
while calling on the bandits The Emir said, "Prayer is Muslims to pray for peace, to emulate Prophet Muham-
and others causing insecurity Sultan the only panacea to the cur- unity and stability in the med who made sacrifices for
in Nigeria to lay down their ground in Bida expressed op- a lesson on the virtue of kee- rent security challenges be- country. peace among brethren.
arms and embrace peace, timism that Nigeria would ping our promises to Allah deviling the country. Ganduje also called on Ni- The Eid prayers was at-
said it was the prayer of eve- benefit from the spiritual and to our fellow man,” Ab- "I therefore urge Islamic gerians to continue to pray tended by Borno State Go-
ry well-meaning Nigerian lessons of Eid-el-Kabir ubakar said. and Christian scholars as against insurgency, banditry, vernor Babagana Umara Zu-
that "Allah will touch their He said prayers and fear of The monarch, therefore, well as Imams and Pastors kidnapping and other forms lum, former governor of the
heart to denounce banditry, Allah, peaceful coexistence, advised Muslims to shun to engage in fervent prayers of criminality in the country. state, Senator Kashim Shet-
kidnapping, cattle rustling mutual respect and love will societal ills and to always against kidnapping, banditry “I also urge Muslims to re- tima, Senator Mohammed
and all forms of criminal ac- make Nigerians work tog- endeavour to do good for and all forms of crimes in so- main steadfast and imbibe Ali Ndume, Senator Abuba-
tivities." ether to harness the abun- the betterment of all, and to ciety.” honesty and peaceful coexi- kar Kyari, the Inspector Ge-
He congratulated Muslim dant resources as a progres- live in peace with another, ir- While congratulating stence,’’ he said. neral of Police, Usman Baba,
ummah and Nigerians for sive nation. respective of religious, poli- Muslim ummah on the cele- The governor advised the members of House of Repre-
witnessing this year's Sallah The royal father called on tical, cultural and ethnic af- bration of Eid-el-Kabir, the residents to abide by all the sentatives from Borno, and
and advised them to conti- the citizens to build bridges finity. emir appealed to govern- COVID-19 protocols while members of the state execu-
nue to remain peaceful and of brotherhood for the Also speaking after the ment and security agencies celebrating the Eid-el-Ka- tive council, among other di-
orderly in their conduct. nation's unity and appealed two rakat prayers, Niger to redouble their commit- bir. In his sermon, the Chief gnitaries.
On his part, the Etsu to Muslims to emulate Pro- State Governor Abubakar ment in ensuring peace and Imam of Kano, Prof. Sani
Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abu- phet Ibrahim’s virtues of sac- Sani Bello stressed the need security among Nigerians. Zahradeen, urged Muslim PMB Gives Corps Mem-
bakar urged Muslims to use rifice, obedience and submis- for Nigerians, irrespecti- He lauded the efforts of faithful to pray for an end to bers N1m, 2 Cows, 20
the Eid-el-Kabir celebration siveness to the will of Allah ve of ethnic and religious both federal and state go- insecurity in the country. Bags Of Rice
to pray for the peace and uni- “Today’s celebration is differences, to pray for the vernments for their unti- Zahradeen admonished It was a happy moment
ty of Nigeria. a commemoration of to- nation’s security agencies to ring support to security Muslims to use the tea- yesterday for visiting mem-
The Etsu Nupe, who is tal submissiveness and ob- be bestowed with the wis- agencies in terms of provi- chings of the Eid to promo- bers of the National Youth
also chairman, Niger State edience to the will of Allah, dom to overcome current sion of equipment and logi- te love and brotherhood as Service Corps (NYSC) as Pre-
Council of Traditional Rulers, as exemplified by Prophets security challenges bedevi- stics towards combating cri- well as live in peace with one
yesterday at the Eid praying mes but called for a review of another.  CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Ibrahim and Ismail. It is also ling the country.

Nigeria To Leverage ECOWAS Network To Boost Trade Volume

 FROM COVER packaged to global compe- the EEFP is being imple- Aside from being an in- tional strengthening and MEs) are the target group
titive standards ahead of mented by the NEPC, the tervention to save and market development. of support from the EEFP
led by the Vice President. their exportation. federal ministry of indu- create jobs, Adebayo no- For instance, the emer- and the export develop-
The export expansion fa- The EEFP, in line with stry, trade & investment is ted that the programme gency intervention is to ment fund (EDF).
cility programme (EEFP) the federal government’s the supervisory body over “will support resilience support existing expor- At the launch of the TPO
is expected to significant- Economic Sustainability the agency and its operati- in shoring up foreign ex- ters in responding to Network, vice president
ly raise the volume of non- Plan (ESP), is focused on ons. change, diversification, mo- shocks caused by CO- Yemi Osinbajo stated that
oil exports in Nigeria, and cushioning the effects of It was disclosed that alt- dernisation of Nigeria’s eco- VID-19, while market de- there was need to expand
it's a spin-off of the zero the COVID-19 pandemic hough the programme an- nomy and acceleration of velopment involves pene- intra-regional trade in the
oil plan developed by Mr. on non-oil export busines- ticipated 500 beneficiaries, economic growth and eco- trating identified export ECOWAS sub-region, with
Awolowo and approved by ses, thereby safeguarding since the launch, it has re- nomic support." markets, value chain ana- the opportunities presen-
the president. jobs and creating new ones. ceived over 3,500 applica- Under the export expan- lysis for priority products, ted by the African Conti-
Besides providing finan- Earlier in March this tions for the grant, out of sion facility, there are 16 leveraging Africa Grow- nental Free Trade Area (Af-
cial support for the ave- year, the minister of indu- which over 2,000 were ve- programmes as approved in th and Opportunities Act CFTA) agreement.
rage Nigerian exporter, the stry, trade and investment rified after meeting the eli- the implementation work (AGOA) and other trade In the same vein, Awo-
EEFP is also going to see (MITI), Otunba Niyi Ade- gibility criteria. plan under seven Work- treaties. lowo further stated that
the establishment of top- bayo, officially flagged off Federal government of- streams namely – capacity Considering the signi- the network will work to-
notch warehouses in the the EEFP and also laun- ficials said further details building, emergency inter- ficant role it plays in gro- wards facilitating the ease
country close to airports ched the first online grant and plans on disbursement ventions, export aggregati- wing the Nigerian eco- of trade for MSMEs within
where Nigerian goods management portal (GMP) to final successful beneficia- on, export inclusion, export nomy, micro, small and the ECOWAS region and
meant for export would be for non-oil exports. While ries are being awaited. trade facilitation, institu- medium enterprises (MS- Africa in general.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 5
6 COVER PROMO Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Northern Youths Insist

On Referendum, Says
Controversy Trails Igboho’s ‘Arrest’ In Cotonou COVID-19
Igboho, Kanu Arrest the activist.
It also thanked all the Beninoise
Igboho, who has been declared
wanted by the Department of State
Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday
Not Enough Igboho, who was reportedly
lawyers in Cotonou who promptly Security (DSS) three weeks ago, Muslims Mark Eid al-Adha
stepped into the matter for their was arrested by security operatives
arrested in Benin Republic has support. at a Cotonou airport, on Monday Holiday Overshadowed By
BY ISAIAH BENJAMIN, Kaduna been released and has moved to
But a source whio claimed to
have contacted Igboho’s lawyer
night, reportedly on his way to
Coalition of Northern Groups The Yoruba Nation Global said he had not be released. Reacting to the arrest, his Muslims around the world are
(CNG) said the arrest of Nnamdi Directorate in a statement signed The source said the authorities counsel, Yomi Alliyu, in a release, observing another major Islamic
Kanu and Sunday Igboho is not the by its director, Princess Adeola of Benin Republic asked the lawyer said Igboho is an activist who is holiday in the shadow of the
solution to separatist agitations Atayero Olamijulo, expressed its to come at 8am today for talks. seeking for self-determination and pandemic and amid growing
insisting that referendum is the way appreciation to the government According to the statement, thus cannot be extradited, being a concerns about the highly
to go. and people of Benin Republic for Adeyemo is on his way to Germany. political fugitive. infectious Delta variant of the
CNG in press statement issued their intervention in the release of The counsel to Igboho, Chief He said it was shocking to hear coronavirus.
by the spokesperson Abdul-Azeez Igboho. Yomi Alliyu (SAN), described that the Nigerian government Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of
Suleiman said, “ From the outset, we The group expressed gratitude to the Yoruba activist as a political has gotten him arrested by the Sacrifice,” is typically marked
wish to be categoric that the arrest all those whose prayers, calls and offender who cannot be extradited INTERPOL in the Republic of by communal prayers, large
of Igboho and Kanu should not be participation led to the release of from the Republic of Benin. Benin. social gatherings and, for many,
mistaken as bringing about the end slaughtering of livestock and giving
to the uprisings and disturbances meat to the needy.
over self-determination perpetrated
by southern Nigerian elites and FG Must Address Hardship Faced By Nigerians – Sultan This year, the holiday – which
started yesterday – comes as many
governments who use thugs like countries battle the Delta variant
The sultan of Sokoto and president- to evolve more measures to
Igboho and Kanu. first identified in India, prompting
general Nigeria Supreme Council address our level of poverty and
“We insist that rather than some to impose new restrictions or
for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Alhaji insecurity, as such will further
seeing the arrest as an end in itself, issue appeals for people to avoid
Sa’ad Abubakar III, has urged the sustain the unity and peaceful co-
it should be the beginning of the congregating and follow safety
federal government and other existence that is in existence in
processes for self-determination by protocols.
Nigerian leaders to fear Allah and the country.
any unit that wants to go. Therefore, The pandemic has already
save the citizens from further “It is no longer a story but a
we insist on a peaceful referendum taken a toll for the second year
hardship. reality, people are in dire need
for separation from a people who on a sacred mainstay of Islam,
In his Sallah massage in Sokoto of the leaders’ commitment to
would at the slightest of pretexts, the Hajj pilgrimage, whose last
yesterday, Sultan Abubakar address the high rate of poverty,
attack, kill and destroy people of days coincide with Eid al-Adha.
said the current hardship in the insecurity and hunger among
other regions and their properties Sultan Once drawing some 2.5 million
country is of great concern and other numerous challenges.
especially those from the North”. Muslims from across the globe
called for proper measures to “Therefore, leaders should enhance Nigerians’ living
CNG said the arrest of Igboho is to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi
address it. fear Allah and shoulder their conditions,’’ the Sultan said.
government business and so long Arabia, the Islamic pilgrimage has
He said, “Nigeria leaders need responsibilities in order to (NAN).
as it conforms with the principle been dramatically scaled back due
of rule of law and international to the virus.
criminal justice procedures,
stressing that “We are not yet sure NCDC Confirms 15 Cases Of Monkeypox This year, 60,000 vaccinated
Saudi citizens or residents of
what he is going to be charged Saudi Arabia have been allowed
with, but expectedly incitement Nigeria Centre for Disease Control cials saying that the public should With passengers wearing masks
(NCDC) has registered 59 suspect- not be concerned. on the flight and in the airport, to perform the Hajj, preventing
to violence against northerners Muslims from other countries from
would be one of them. ed cases of monkeypox with 15 Laboratory tests confirmed that the health department said that
confirmed, its director-general, Dr the patient was infected with a the risk of spreading monkeypox fulfilling the Islamic obligation.
“We all know that threats of
violent secession anywhere is a Chikwe Ihekweazu, said yesterday strain of the virus mainly seen in via respiratory droplets to others India’s Excess Deaths Could
grave offence that no government in Abuja. West Africa, which included Nige- on the planes and in the airports
will condone. From records Ihekweazu was reacting to the ria. was low. Be Over 4 Million – Study
of history, it is only northern Dallas, Texas resident who re- “While rare, this case is not a Ihekweazu said just as the agen-
cently returned from Nigeria and reason for alarm and we do not cy responded to other epidemic India’s excess deaths during the
Nigeria that has not called for pandemic could be a staggering 10
the breakup of the country at tested positive to the disease. expect any threat to the general prone diseases in the country, an
The News Agency of Nigeria public,” Dallas County Judge, outbreak would be declared when times the official COVID-19 toll,
the slightest of pretence. With likely making it modern India’s
the arrest of Kanu and now (NAN) reports that it was the first Clay Jenkins, said in a statement there was a large cluster of mon-
confirmed case of the virus in the by Dallas County’s health depart- keypox cases that constituted an worst human tragedy, according
Igboho, we are hoping that the to the most comprehensive
government would go beyond U.S. since 2003, with health offi- ment. emergency.
research yet on the ravages of the
prosecution to digging up and virus in the South Asian country.
exposing their sponsors and the
agenda behind them. Mali’s Interim President, Assimi Goita, Targeted In Knife Attack Most experts believe India’s
official toll of more than 414,000
“While Kanu’s case may be BY INNOCENT ODOH WITH AGENCY dead is a vast undercount but the
attributed to some form of agency journalist, who also said the mosque for a ritual animal sac-
REPORTS he saw blood at the scene, though rifice. government has dismissed those
insanity which was exploited by concerns as exaggerated and
the South East elite who were it was not clear who had been Religious affairs minister Mam-
Mali’s interim president Assimi wounded. adou Kone told AFP that a man misleading.
playing a double game, Igboho Goita has been targeted in an at- The report released yesterday
is a deliberate and calculated, Later on Tuesday, Goita an- had “tried to kill the president with
tempted stabbing attack after nounced that he was doing “very a knife” but was apprehended. estimated excess deaths – the gap
supported and encouraged Eid al-Adha prayers at the Grand between those recorded and those
attempt by the Yoruba leaders well” following the attack. Al Jazeera’s Ahmed Idris report-
Mosque in the capital, Bamako, his “That’s part of being a leader, ing from Abuja, Nigeria, said on that would have been expected –
including their governments to office said. to be between 3 to 4.7 million
scare the North into agreeing to there are always malcontents,” he the ground reports suggested the
“The attacker was immediately said in a statement broadcast on attacker “posed as an usher” for between January 2020 and June
cede power without competition. overpowered by security. Inves- 2021.
“Unfortunately, they took it too state television channel ORTM. the mosque.
tigations are ongoing,” the presi- “There are people who at any “When Goita was passing by, the Published by Arvind
far by arming Igboho and setting dency said in a Twitter post on Subramanian, the Indian
him against law abiding citizens time may want to try things to attacker lunged at him. Another
Tuesday. cause instability,” he added. report said he was stabbed in the government’s former chief
from other regions particularly the The interim leader was whisked economic adviser and two
North”. The attack happened as an imam arm, but these are not confirmed
away, according to an AFP news was directing worshippers outside yet,” Idris said. other researchers at the Center
for Global Development and
Harvard University, the report
10 Die In Kwara Road Accident said an accurate figure may “prove
elusive” but the true death toll “is
likely to be an order of magnitude
BY ABDULLAHI OLESIN, Ilorin a location called Iyemoja along the Federal Road Safety Corps injured people to Ayo Hospital, greater than the official count”.
Olooru-Okolowo area of the ex- (FRSC) in the state, Jonathan Okolowo and the state General The report said the count could
An auto crash along Ilorin- pressway in the Moro local gov- Owoade, confirmed the inci- Hospital, Ilorin for medical at- have missed deaths occurring
Jebba expressway yesterday ernment area of Kwara State. dent. tention. in overwhelmed hospitals or
claimed the lives of 10 persons. It was gathered that the ac- He gave the registration Owoade said the corpses of while healthcare was delayed or
The lone auto crash which cident was caused by a speed number of the commercial ve- the victims had been deposited disrupted, especially during the
involved an 18-seater com- violation. hicle as LND 742XK, saying at the morgue of General Hos- devastating second wave of the
mercial Hiace bus occurred at The sector commander of that the rescue team took the pital, Ilorin. pandemic earlier this year.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 7

Forget 2023, Presidency Tells PDP

 FROM COVER wellbeing of young people by the Buhari Presidency
in the country. explains why there have
ses look up to his leader- "Nobody will take the been heavy onslaught
ship on how the next lea- risk by inviting another against our institutions of
dership will emerge. party to come and take democracy as well as the
The president spoke at over in 2023." Electoral Act.
his residence in Daura, Ka- He also warned Nigeri- "Our party and inde-
tsina State while receiving ans to desist from telling ed the majority of Nigeri-
92 National Youth Service bad things about the coun- an across board and even
Corps (NYSC) members try in other countries. across party lines caution
serving in his hometown The president further President Buhari’s hand-
Daura who paid him sallah explained that most of the lers to note that such plots
homage. challenges the nation is fa- cannot stand as they will be
Speaking through his cing were created by peop- firmly resisted by the peop-
senior special assistant on le who don't mean well for le.
media and publicity, Ma- the nation. "Shehu Garba should be
lam Garba Shehu, the pre- He urged traditional ru- bold enough to announce
sident acknowledged that lers to help fish out ene- that President Buhari will
the unshakable support mies of peace and other be on the ballot for another
he enjoys not only in his evil people living in their term in 2023 and watch how Ni-
hometown but also across domain in order to ensu- gerians will respond.
the country is enough for re peace in all parts of the "The 1999 Constitution (as
the opposition to admit country. amended) is clear on the ten-
that the president matters He equally charged citi- ure of office of the President
a lot to the ruling party and zens to embrace agricultu- and such cannot be extended
Nigerians in general. re so as to lead a better and under any guise or conditions
He said, "The masses safer life. Shehu whatsoever.”
will never abandon the He added that Nigerians
President Buhari leader- Buhari's comment the cabal in the Presidency. Mr. President’s hometown, by the Presidency, which have been subjected to the
ship. I assure you that in smacks of self-successi- The national publici- that President Buhari “con- is in its last lap of the se- worst forms of hardship under
2023, the masses will be on plot ty secretary of PDP, Kola stitutes a political obstac- cond and final tenure in of- the Buhari-led All Progressives
waiting for the president However, PDP said the Ologbondiyan said Nige- le” which those who seek fice, is not only provocati- Congress (APC) administra-
to show the way in cour- assertion by the Buhari Pre- rians were jolted when to succeed him come 2023 ve but also smacks of plots tion and will never allow
tesy of what he has been sidency has further heigh- President Buhari’s spo- “cannot dismantle”. to derail our constitutional anything that will keep this
building for the country in tened public apprehensions kesman, Shehu Garba, pu- Ologbondiyan in a state- democratic order. administration in office a
terms of infrastructure and of self-succession plot by blicly announced in Daura, ment said, "Such statement "Perhaps the comment day beyond May 29, 2023.

Muslims Observe Peaceful Sallah Amid Security Challenges

try, especially in understan- Meanwhile, President mothers. as soon as they are medical- the people of the state on the
 FROM PAGE 4 ding different climates, cul- Buhari has commended the Briefing newsmen, the po- ly fit.” occasion of the Eid-el-Kabir.
sident Muhammadu Buhari tures, languages and other gallant pilot of the Nigerian lice public relations officer of “Although we have secu- The governor stressed the
in Daura, Katsina State, gave people’s views on life. Air Force Alpha Jet, Flight the command, SP Moham- rity problems here and the- need for citizens of the coun-
them N1million, 20 bags of "Every time I meet with Lieutenant Abayomi Dai- med Shehu, said all the vic- re in the state, I can say that try to show love, tolerance
rice and two cows to celebra- former head of state, Gen. ro, who successfully ejected tims were from Manawa we are achieving a lot in resto- and respect for each other’s
te the Eid-el-Kabir feast. Yakubu Gowon, like re- from an aircraft that came village of Maru Local Govern- ring peace in the state”. religion, tribe, ethnicity, cul-
The president used the cently, I still commended under “intense ground fire ment Area of the state. “We will continue to do our ture and tradition for the na-
event to express his deep at- him for the NYSC initiative. from bandits” in Zamfara The police spokesman said best to ensure that the state tion to progress.
tachment to the NYSC and The NYSC is spectacular in State at the weekend. they were kidnapped on June becomes peaceful and com- Bagudu, who congratula-
highlighted some of its im- many ways. The president, according 8 this year by bandits and ta- fortable”. ted Muslims, urged them to
pacts on Nigerians. "Some of you have come to a statement by presiden- ken to Kabaro village in Maru The Special Adviser to Go- rally round the present ad-
The president said the from Port Harcourt, Lagos tial spokesman, Garba She- Local Government Area of vernor Matawalle on Secu- ministration at all levels to
scheme had broaden the ho- and Calabar and you can hu, who was briefed on the the state where they had been rity Matters, DIG Mamman gain more dividends of de-
rizon of citizens, opened up now feel the heat of Daura successful operation by the until they were rescued by the Tsafe (retd.) explained that mocracy.
opportunities and enhanced and how close it is to the de- nation’s defence forces to police operatives. the state government would According to him, Sallah
understanding of cultural dif- sert," he said. rescue the pilot, said he was He said the victims were continue to use both soft and period is a time for sober
ferences. “I feel very strongly about pained by news of the air released unconditionally, ad- tough approaches in dealing reflections, hence the need
Speaking at his country the NYSC and I am wishing crash. ding that “we used carrot ap- with banditry issues. to sustain its virtues of as-
home to youth corps mem- you all the very best. I assu- “I was shocked by the de- proach to rescue them.” “The state government sistance and extending hel-
bers serving in Daura, who re you that you will be much vastating news of the air “We dialogued with the would continue to dialogue ping hands to those in need.
paid him Eid-el-Kabir ho- better as Nigerians after crash but felt much relieved bandits that had kidnap- with the bandits and will also
mage, the president in a your experience,’’ he said. following the successful ejec- ped them and at the end of use force in dealing with re- “There is no better period
statement issued by his spo- President Buhari gave the tion by the pilot and his even- the dialogue, they (bandits) calcitrant bandits,” he said. than now to exhibit the vir-
kesman, Garba Shehu, said he corps members two cows tual rescue. May the injured agreed to release them wit- tues and sterling qualities
had consistently commended from his farm, 20 bags of pilot recover at the earliest hout paying ransom. Tolerance, Consistent of our noble Prophet Mu-
former head of state, Gen. rice and N1million. time,” he said. “The police command in Prayers, Path To Tackling hammad (SAW) in this Holy
Yakubu Gowon, for the initia- The corps liaison officer, collaboration with the mini- Nigeria’s Security Chal- Month.
tive which had created more Umaru Babayo, thanked Police rescue 100 Kid- stry of security did our best lenges – Bagudu “This is a time for all of us
opportunities for uniting the the president for all the ef- nap Victims from Bandits’ to rescue them without pa- Meanwhile, Kebbi State to go out to reiterate our be-
country. forts and sacrifices to resto- Den In Zamfara ying ransom”. Governor Atiku Bagudu has lief in Nigeria, as well as en-
The president said the re peace in the country, and Meanwhile, it is a joyous The state police spokes- identified tolerance, love, pa- gage in acts that can solidify
NYSC scheme was well the policies to diversify the sallah for the families 100 man, who presented 80 res- triotism and consistent pray- the peace, unity and socio-
thought-out to unite the economy, with agriculture as kidnapped villagers in Zam- cued victims before the jour- ers by Nigerians as the pos- economic prosperity of the
country through understan- the main driver. fara State as they regained nalists, maintained that the sible remedy for the lingering nation.
ding. Babayo assured the pre- their freedom yesterday. remaining 20 were being security challenges bedeviling “All hands must, therefore,
President Buhari urged the sident of prayers for a suc- The Zamfara State Police treated in the hospital. the country. be on deck by all peace loving
corps members to make the cessful time in office, and Command said they rescued “We brought 80 here and Bagudu, who is also the and law-abiding Nigerians,
most out of the opportunity God's providence in decisi- about 100 kidnapped vic- the remaining 20 are in hos- chairman of APC Governors’ to make the country more
of travelling around the coun- on making that will move tims in the state, saying that pital for treatment and would Forum, made the observation secure and restore its lost
the country forward. most of them were nursing be returned to their families in a message to felicitate with glory,” he admonished.
8 Wednesday, July 21, 2021

life stories
The debate on exposing children to phones and internet has been ongoing and in this week’s edition of Life Stories, LEADERSHIP conducts
random interviews on whether parents should allow their teen own a smart phone. INTERVIEWS BY EJIKE EJIKE AND MARGARET COFFIE


Lucy believes teen could world and abreast with For Uchenna, it is a no! cial media is the order of
own a smart phone with re- the trend and happenings He believes that smart the day, most teen who are
strictions. around the globe. phone exposes the teen to not supposed to be on so-
According to the moth- In a way, it also gives the dangerous Internet materi- cial media has taking Face-
er of two and a working child some sense of belong- als and causes distraction. book and WhatsApp as fun
class lady, “I would allow ing.” According to him, “The there by distracting them
my teen own a restricted On the risks of teens risks are many. Too much from their studies.
smart phone. This means a having a smart phone, she concentration on smart On the benefits of teen
phone that has limited ca- said, “the list is endless; serves as distraction from owing a smart phone, he
pabilities. Teens should use when a child is not proper- studies. Most kids these said Smart phone can serve
phones only to communi- ly guided, there is a tenden- days play PS games on as learning tools for teen.
cate their locations to par- cy for him to misbehave, smart phone. Most of Teens can use smart phone
ents and guardians and only the child could end up be- them download pornogra- to do their assignments
during educational purpos- coming useless and lost; phy films and photos. So- from school.
es.” On the benefits, she especially in this era where
said, “the consequences of anyone can easily access all
owning a smart phone out- manner of items via the
weighs the benefits. When internet. Porn sites, gam-
the consequences outweigh
the good, I would rather not
bling, fake lifestyle, immor-
al activity, and all the neg- CHARITY UMOH EFFIONG, No!
state the benefits. However, ative things of this earth Charity believes the risks the kind of smart phone
some of the benefits are: for are visible free on the inter- of allowing a teen have a you give to them, there are
communication and educa- net. Therefore, teens are not smart phone outweighs the smart phones customized
tional purposes. It keeps ready to dive into this area benefits. for children to aid them in
the child connected to the at such a young age.” According to her, it ex- reading and other form of
poses them to the world learning.”
at large, distraction from She, however, said the
study, lack of concentration, benefits of teen having a
pornography and the nega- smart phone include help-
tive side of technology. ing them to do their school
She also said “The risks assignment and it also
involved here depends on helps them learn fast.


For Oziomachukwu, it include: ease of access to in- For the mother of two to smart phones, she said
is a yes. She believes that ternet, ease of contact with and a media practitioner, “The benefit is simple; it
a teen should have a smart my ward, introduction to the the answer is yes. makes learning easier,
phone. wild space of the internet According to her, “ I will access to information
Some of the benefits of and early exposure to visu- allow my teen have a smart especially educational
KEMI KINDNESS: No! having a smart phone ac-
cording to Oziomachukwu
als or information that may
be harmful to the child.
phone but with control. I
will open a Gmail account
materials and also for
For mother of teens and said it is only for education- with their correct age and In the risks, Shiktra
a working class mother, al benefits and there could register it to family google said, “the risk is if not
Kemi Kindness, it is a ‘No, be no other benefits. account to give me control properly controlled
no’ for her. She believes that On the risks of teens of what they do or view.” children could be exposed
as far as the child is below having a smart phone, Kemi Speaking on the to pornography, cyber
15, the child should not said “The risk of a teen hav- benefits of exposing teen bullies or even scammers.
be allowed to have a smart ing a smart phone is un-
phone. quantifiable particularly
According to Kemi, “No, if not monitored. They in-
I won’t allow my teen own a clude abuse of social me-
smart phone. As far as the dia, the false feeling of hav-
child is under the age of 15, ing arrived, peer pressure
the child is not allowed to to date comes in and lack of
own a smart phone. Howev- concentration on studies, if
er, when the child is 18, it is not monitored.
possible to have one. “However, I am not of
“Even at that, such trust the view that a teen should
must come with giving the not have a phone, in this
child adequate knowledge days and time, it is a neces-
on the good and bad of hav- sity. So, they can be hand-
ing phone. Allowing him to ed non-android phone but
own a phone should come even if they must be given
with a lot of monitoring.” one, it should come with a
On the benefits of teens lot of monitoring and su-
having a smart phone, Kemi pervision.”
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 9
Group Lauds CDS, APGA, PDP, APC Not Fit
Retired Military Officers’ For Anambra Gov’ship,
Security Parley ADC Tells INEC

A group, Unity Advocacy National chairman of

Group (UAG) has lauded the African Democratic
the interaction between the Congress (ADC), Chief
chief of defence staff (CDS) Ralphs Okey-Nwosu, has
with retired senior military charged the Independent
officers which is being held National Electoral
across the different geo- Commission (INEC) to
political zones of the country. disqualify the trio of All
The group in a press Progressive Grand Alliance,
release said the parley was (APGA) Peoples Democratic
timely and will ensure Party, (PDP) and All
that stakeholders key into Progressives Congress
peace building efforts of (APC) from participating
the leadership of the Armed in the coming Anambra
Forces of Nigeria. State governorship election
Convener of UAG, Ifeanyi holding on November 6 this
Aigbedion, in a press release, year.
said the revelation by the Nwosu told newsmen
chief of defence staff, General in Awka, Anambra State
LEO Irabor, at the parley led capital, yesterday that
in part to the rescue and safe President Mhammadu Buhari (middle), with his son Yusuf Buhari (Taliban Daura), (left), and his nephew Musa Daura (Dan Madamin Daura) shortly before processes through which
return of the Nigerian Air Eid-el-Kabir prayers in Daura, Katsina State, yesterday the parties nominated
Force (NAF) fighter pilot, their candidates were
Flight Lieutenant Abayomi
Dairo who was involved Security Now Better In North East, South-South, President Declares characterised by “gross
indiscipline” and, therefore
in air crash on Sunday was undermined democratic
BY JONATHAN NDA-ISAIAH, Nigeria and her citizens. in the country had been supportive of the President procedures, and, argued
worth commending.
Abuja Buhari urged more used for farming, directing so that he can actualize that allowing them to take
According to him, “We
must commend the leadership Nigerians to embrace security outfits to work his vision of improving part in the governorship
President Muhammadu farming, saying he was more with communities security and boosting the
of the Armed Forces of poll would undermine any
Buhari yesterday in Daura, surprised to hear that only to create a more friendly economy.
Nigeria for the party, which gain the country had made
Katsina State, said the 2.5 per cent of arable lands environment for farmers. “Since the president
we are optimistic will bring so far in the last 22 years of
security situation has in the country is being The president mandated came into power, we have
the needed peace to our our current democratic era.
improved considerably in cultivated. security outfits to be more seen some positive changes
country. the North East and South In a statement issued by relentless in maintaining in the country.
South zones. presidential spokesman, peace in the country, and “May God continue to Uba Sani Foresees Quick
He said more efforts
EFCC Arrests Lawyer For were being made to achieve
Garba Shehu, he said ensure a more harmonious strengthen the president End To Banditry
Buhari told newsmen at relationship with with good health and
Alleged Forging Of Bail better results in North his residence, after the communities so that they courage to bring peace to BY AZA MSUE, Kaduna
Documents Central and North West Eid-el-Kabir prayers, that can glean intelligence. the country. God will not
regions. the Presidential Economic Earlier at the prayer allow Nigeria to see shame,’’ Senator representing
BY EJIKE EJIKE, Abuja The president promised Advisory Council had ground, the Emir of Daura, he said. “God has been Kaduna Central Senatorial
to fish out those that had notified him that only a Faruk Umar Faruk, called keeping the country and he District, Uba Sani, yesterday
Economic and Financial been troubling the peace of small percentage of the land on citizens to be more will keep the country.’’ said the efforts by Governor
Crimes Commission (EFCC) Nasir El-Rufai and security
has arrested one Ewa agencies will soon end
Okpo Edmund, popularly
known as ‘street lawyer’ for
Police Await Report On Kidnap Of 5 Maritime Workers, 3 Others In Rivers the long sufferings of his
constituents who have
allegedly presenting forged BY ANAYO ONUKWUGHA, Port Union of Nigeria (MWUN) the state, Jonah Jumbo, were asked to come to Port been constantly attacked by
a medical report to procure Harcourt were on their way from Kula had on Monday raised the Harcourt to the state office bandits.
the bail of his client, Noble in Degema local government alarm about the number of for a meeting but we got a Sani in a message to his
Dainge Tamunoateli (a.k.a. More than 48 hours after area, to Abonnema, members of the Union and complaint that our officers constituents to mark the
Frederick Collins). the kidnapping of eight headquarters of Akuku- three others along the Kula- who were coming from Kula Eid-el-Kabir celebrations
Tamunoateli is an passengers along the Toru local government area Abonnema route. were kidnapped, all our five said bandits, kidnappers
alleged internet fraudster Kula-Abonnema route when the incident occurred. Jumbo, who said the members were kidnapped and other criminal
currently under prosecution by suspected sea pirates, The state police union members were on including three other elements have laid siege
on charges bordering on the Rivers State Police command’s public relations their way to Port Harcourt passengers. on the strategic senatorial
criminal impersonation Command has not issued officer, Nnamdi Omoni, for a meeting when the “Up till now, nothing zone.
and possession of over N14 any statement about the told LEADERSHIP via the incident occurred, called for has been heard from The lawmaker who is
million suspected to be incident. telephone that he was yet unconditional release of the the kidnappers. We are also the chairman Senate
proceeds of crime. The victims, including a to be briefed about the victims. appealing to the government Committee on Banking,
The offence is contrary to woman and five members incident. He said: “The Kula unit and security agencies to Insurance and other
Section 22 (2)(b)(i) of the of the Maritime Workers NWUN chairman in and the Abonnema unit come to our aid,” he said. Financial Institutions,
Cybercrimes (Prohibition, urged his constituents
Prevention Etc ) Act, 2015 to continue to cooperate
and punishable under
Section 22 ( 2 ) ( b ) ( iv ) of Malaysian Group Donates 100 Cows, 50 Goats To Borno IDPs, Widows with security agencies and
“Organise yourselves at the
the same Act. community level and put in
The commission’s BY FRANCIS OKOYE, Maiduguri Mohammed Amin Umar, said the nine slaughtered, the So, we got 42 widows while place vigilance groups for
spokesperson, Wilson the donors are Muslim based organisation deemed fit to the remaining eight will be intelligence gathering and
Uwujaren, who confirmed A Malaysian Muslim Group, group that is indigenous to increase the number of the given to the less privileged. early warning.”
the arrest, said in receiving Yayasan Budi Ihsan, has Malaysia. He added that they donation. We are doing this based on Sani also called on his
the bail documents, donated 100 cows and 50 often donate cows, goats and “So now we are having the teachings of sharing as constituents to continue
operatives of the commission goats to internally displaced rams to the faithful all over 100 cows and out of these obtained in Islam “, Dr Umar to persevere and remain
proceeded to University of persons (IDPs) in 13 IDPs the world in the event of 100, 80 will be slaughtered added. strong in the face of
Calabar Teaching Hospital camps in Maiduguri, as well Sallah celebrations. for the IDPs in the 13 camps In his remarks, the director adversity.
to verify the authenticity as host communities and Umar said this is the while 20 other remaining of planning, research and The statement said: “I
of the medical report which widows. second time the Malaysian will be slaughtered to the statistics, State Emergency dedicate this Sallah message
looked suspicious as the At the symbolic Group would be donating to less privileged in the host Management Agency to the long suffering
defendant had undergone slaughtering of the cows the less privileged in Nigeria. communities. (SEMA), Ali Abdullahi Musa, people of Kaduna Central
several medical checks, yesterday at the Bakassi He said, “Initially, last year, “The 50 goats on the lauded the Malaysian group Senatorial Zone. Bandits,
including COVID-19 test IDPs camp with over we did the same thing but the other hand are dedicated to for assisting the displaced kidnappers and other
and had never shown any 40,000 displaced persons, number of cows slaughtered orphans. So, we sample how persons, widows and criminal elements have laid
sign of ulcer as indicated in coordinator of the Malaysian was just nine. However, many Widows are there with orphans to mark the Eid-el- siege to our important and
the report. Muslim Group, Dr because of the impact of their children in the home. Kabir celebration. strategic zone.”
10 NEWS NATIONAL Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Pirates Kill Soldier, 2 Others In Delta Imansuagbon Faults Viral Video, Says
Esan Respect Oba Of Benin, Obaseki
BY FELIX IGBEKOYI, Asaba Monday. ed one of the fleeing gunmen ists and mischief makers to
Sources confirmed that the during the attack. avoid Delta State as the police BY PATRICK OCHOGA, Benin pledged their loyalty to the
A clash between military opera- hoodlums had launched an at- Efforts to reach authorities and other sister security op- City Oba of Benin and Governor
tives and suspected sea pirates tack on a military checkpoint of Operation Delta Safe on the eratives would not hesitate to Godwin Obaseki.
in Tuomo community, Burutu in the community with the incident proved abortive while clampdown on them. Billionaire businessman While noting that the viral
local government area of Del- aim of dispossessing soldiers the Delta police spokesperson, The state police command and proprietor of Paceset- video was provocative, he add-
ta State has claimed three per- attached to the checkpoint of DSP Bright Edafe, said he had deployed a total number of ters Schools, Abuja, Kenneth ed that the comment does not
sons including a soldier. their ammunition. not been briefed on the inci- 2,153 police personnel, which Imansuangbon, has said a represent the Esan people or
It was gathered that the in- The gallant soldiers, we dent. include special constabularies tending video where a man of any well-meaning Edo State
cident which is currently brew- learnt, repelled the gunmen The commissioner of police, across the state for the purpose Esan extraction poured invec- indigene.
ing tension among residents of who stormed the area with a Ari Mohammed Ali, while as- of providing adequate security tives on the Oba of Benin, His Part of the statement reads:
Tuomo and other neigbouring speedboat. suring Muslims of adequate in all Muslim praying grounds Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba “I was shocked on watching
communities in Burutu oc- Aside from the two pirates security during and after the and strategic locations in the N’Edo, Oba Ewuare II, should the video and hearing the
curred at about 10:30pm on killed, the soldiers also arrest- festive season, warned cult- state. be ignored. rubbish the lunatic was say-
He said the Esan and Afe- ing. The Esan and the Bini are
mai hold the Benin monarch brothers. It is a fact that was
APC Warns Against Conduct Of Congresses In Worship Centres and Governor Godwin Obase-
ki in high esteem.
passed to us from generation
to generation and nothing can
BY SUNDAY ISUWA, Abuja ing a stakeholders’ meeting contestants and party faith- position in the congress. The former Peoples Dem- change that. Whatever he said
at the party’s secretariat in ful that the congresses will be He said the names of those ocratic Party (PDP) aspirant should not be taken serious.
BY NNAMDI MBAWIKE, Enugu, advised them not to transparent at all levels, stat- suspended over pending cas- in the September 2020 gov- “Giving him such level of
Enugu carry out the exercise in ar- ing that there will be no ma- es in the court will be made ernorship election said there recognition by listening to
Chairman of the caretaker eas that are not approved by nipulation of eligible dele- available to those responsible is no doubt that the Esan and his rubbish talk is making him
committee of the All Progres- the party. gates lists. for conducting the congress- the Afemai draw their lin- feel important. He should just
sives Congress (APC) Dr Ben He urged those plotting to Nwoye further disclosed es at the different levels. age from the respected Benin be ignored for who he is.
Nwoye has warned leaders of manipulate the lists at the that there is a directive that “No juju house or reli- Kingdom and therefore they “I will also like to seize this
the party against conducting various levels to retrace their those who were suspend- gious houses should be used are brothers and sisters with opportunity to call on his fam-
the forthcoming congresses steps, as it will only incur the ed because they refused to for congresses. No worship the Bini people. ily to take him for psychiatric
of the party in religious and wrath of the party. withdraw their pending cas- house, private or juju house Imansuagbon in a state- test so as to get to the founda-
private houses. The Enugu State outgo- es against the party remained should be used for congress,” ment made available to news- tion of his problem and save
Nwoye, who spoke dur- ing APC boss assured all the disqualified to contest any he said. men said Esan world over him from destruction.”

Sallah: CG Directs Commanders To Respond To Fire Incidents

BY DAVID ADUGE-ANI, Abuja respond to any fire call with- on red alert, to respond to slaughtering and roasting According to him, “All fire ing out electrical appliances
in the quickest possible time. any fire incident. of animals, as well as cook- safety precautions must be should be switched off. Chil-
Controller-general of the Ibrahim, who gave the di- He admonished Muslim ing. This is even as he ad- adhered to. The roasting of dren must not be allowed to
Federal Fire Service, Dr Li- rective as part of his Eid-el- faithful to apply all the nec- vised Muslim faithful to be animals must be in an open play with matches or go near
man Ibrahim has directed all Kabir message to officers essary fire safety precautions very careful and conscious space, gas cylinders should fire and more importantly a
zonal and state commanders and men of the fire service, during this year’s Eid-el-Ka- so as to avoid careless acts be kept outside the kitch- functional fire extinguish-
of fire service to ensure that said all fire stations across bir celebration, noting that that could result to fire out- en, cooking must not be er should be at sight in the
all fire stations are ready to the country have been put the celebration comes with breaks. left unattended. When go- home.”
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers
Electoral Act: PDP Reps Accuses NCC Officials Of Lying On Oath Bauchi JUSUN Fails To Conduct
geria, to guide the decision when they knew or ought to stated.
BY ADEBIYI ADEDAPO, Abuja Election In 5 Years
of the House on the ongoing know that internet penetra- Chinda said the comedy of BY HARUNA MOHAMMED, excos would be in office.
Peoples Democratic Party amendment to the Elector- tion had advanced substantial- errors started by the House Bauchi
(PDP) Caucus in the House of He said that current narra-
al Act, particularly as regards ly in Nigeria since 2018. stopping INEC from appear- tives in Bauchi JUSUN sug-
Representatives has called for direct electronic transmission “For a witness to be sworn ing before it to prevent Nige- Concerned members of
the immediate arrest of the ex- gested that in one way or the
of election results from poll- under Section 5 of the Legisla- ria from learning the truth and the Judiciary Staff Union of other, the national umbrella
ecutive commissioner (Tech- ing units. tive House (Powers and Privi- allowing only NCC to appear to Nigeria (JUSUN) in Bauchi
nical Services) of the Nigerian of professionals working in
Oath was administered on leges) Act 2017, then proceed discuss issues on the ability or State have faulted the ina- the temple of justice in Ni-
Communications Commission them consistent with Section 5 to lie under oath and give false otherwise of the electoral com- bility of the union to elect
(NCC), Ubale Maska and his geria supported the contin-
of the Legislative House (Pow- evidence to the House is an of- mission to handle electronic substantive leaders to man-
team, for lying under the oath uous handling of the affairs
ers and Privileges) Act 2017. fence under Section 7 of the transmission of votes. age its affairs for five years.
before the Lower House. of the union in the state
But chairman of the PDP same Act. We call on the pros- “The icing on the cake is the The state chapter of the through caretaker commit-
The officials of the NCC Caucus, Kingsley Chinda, in a ecuting authorities to immedi- categorical declaration by INEC union has been under vari-
led by the executive director, tee for either material or fi-
statement he signed, said the ately arrest the officials of the through Festus Okoye, their ous caretaking committees
Stakeholder Management, nancial gain.
details on the NCC website and NCC, under Prof. Danbatta and spokesman that it has the ca- instituted by the National
Adeleke Adewolu, represent- The Concerned Members of
information on the website of all those who procured Ubale pacity to transmit election Working Committee (NWC)
ed the executive vice chairman, JUSUN Bauchi State Chapter
telecommunication companies Maska and other officials to results from any part of the of the association following
Prof. Umaru Garba Danbatta, in a letter to the chief registrar
were contrary to Maska’s claim. lie under oath to be criminal- country, no matter the terrain the controversial dissolu-
before the House of Represen- Bauchi State High Court dat-
According to him, Maska ly investigated and when found has put the final nail on the tion of the branch’s substan-
tatives to give details of broad- ed 8th July, 2021 and made
and his team cleverly sought culpable, be brought to justice coffin of the purveyors of the tive leaders elected about five available to LEADERSHIP,
band Internet coverage In Ni- to rely on 2018 data in 2021, by standing criminal trial,” he fallacy that it cannot be done. years ago. noted with dismay how the
Since then, the union has body saddled with the chore
failed to elect substantive of being the custodian of jus-
leaders, an omen that con- tice in the society, the situa-
tinues to worry many of its tion at hand is “degenerating
members. into a lawless” state.
A source familiar with the JUSUN’s statue book stipu-
leadership imbroglio told lates a tenure of not more than
LEADERSHIP that Murta- three months for a caretaker
la Muhammed who is now committee subject to review
late was the last duly elected of the NWC and four years
chairman of the union. for elected officials.
A few months after his vic- “With all due respect and
tory, he was confirmed as a sense of commitment, we
judge which prompted the write as Concerned Members
NWC to dissolve the excos of JUSUN Bauchi Branch to
and “verbally” appointed a notify you of our decision to
caretaker committee. call for an emergency meet-
The source said the last crop ing of the Judiciary Staff Un-
of duly elected leaders of the ion of Nigeria (JUSUN) Bauchi
union in Bauchi was ousted Branch.
following their doggedness “This decision is informed
against “the exploitative ten- by our collective desire to
L-R: Former Niger State governor, Dr Babangida Aliyu; deputy governor, Alhaji Ahmed Mohammed Ketso; Governor Abubakar dencies of the national body.” be the face of the Judiciary
Sani Bello; Emir of Minna, Alhaji Umar Faruk Bahago and former head of state, Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar, during the 2 raka’at He alleged that the NWC Staff of Bauchi State and
prayer at the eid praying ground, Minna, yesterday. used to receive null financial truly represent the judici-
patronage from state excos, ary as men of conscience,
Police Arrest 6 Suspected Kidnappers In Imo which is the sole factor that
determines how long a set of
considering our bitter reali-
ty over the years,” they said.
BY EMMANUEL He said the command’s tacti- teered useful information that He said the victim, Cornelia
MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri cal team on receipt of the report took the tactical team to Delta Oluebube “ F”, who was kid-
Operatives of the Imo State Po-
swung into action after gather-
ing technical intelligence which
State on July 19, 2021 at about
1130 hours, for the rescue of the
napped in Owerri was rescued
unhurt. While the tactical team
MAJI Trains 30 CSOs On Data Analysis For
lice Command have smashed a
kidnapping syndicate that has
led them to Delta State where the
following suspects were arrested:
kidnapped victim.
The police spokesperson said-
was escorting the suspects out
of their hideout, one Terry Mez
Environmental Protection
allegedly been terrorising resi- Terry’s Mez “M” age 31 years of after diligent gathering of intel- “M” took to his heels and was BY ANAYO ONUKWUGHA, sustainable development.
dents the state. Aguleri in Anambra State, Wil- ligence and planning, the oper- shot on the leg to prevent him Port Harcourt He said: “The project was sup-
The police public relations of- line Ebefal “M” age 21 years of atives stormed the hideout of from escaping from lawful cus- ported by the French Embas-
ficer Michael Abattam, said yes- Ogbokuno in Burutu local gov- the kidnappers in Tebegbe Wa- tody. A group, the Media Aware- sy in Nigeria and it is specifi-
terday that on July 3, 2021, at ernment area of Delta State, terside in Delta State and arrest- The police said on arrival in ness and Justice Initiative cally targeted at empowering
about 0430 hours, one Cornelia Obasanjo Kimakia “ M” age 20 ed Augustine Irishaye “M” age 21 the command, the escaping sus- (MAJI) has organised a one- CSOs and strategic stakehold-
Oluebube” F” of Amakohia in years of Tamime in Burutu local years , Jennifer Awolowo “ F” pect was taken to the Nigeria Po- training workshop for 30 civ- ers to be able to use available
Owerri North local government government area of Delta State. age 16 years, and Eyemgblausi lice Hospital Amakohia, Owerri, il society organisations in the data to analysis strategic in-
area of Imo State, was kidnapped Abattam said the command Chugbwugburefa age 17 years, Imo State while the victim was Niger Delta region on data formation for sustainable de-
by gunmen and taken to an un- upon the interrogation of the all of Tibegbe in Burutu local reunited with her parents by the analysis for environmen- velopment.
known destination. three suspects, they volun- government area of Delta State . commissioner of police. tal protection and climate “Over the years, we have no-
change. ticed as an organisation that
Organised with support from CSOs and CBOs at commu-
PMB Applauds Air Force Pilot Gallantry the French Embassy in Nige-
ria, the workshop, held under
the Data Casting Biodiversity
nity level have been collect-
ing information and sharing
By Jonathan Nda- Isaiah, Lieutenant Abayomi Dairo, statement issued by presiden- He said, “I was shocked by with stakeholders. However,
Abuja who successfully ejected from tial spokesman, Garba Shehu, the devastating news of the (DATACAB) Project, attracted that information have been
an aircraft that came under “in- who was briefed on the suc- air crash but felt much relieved, representatives of CSOs from shared unrefined.
President Muhammadu Bu- tense ground fire from bandits” cessful operation by the na- following the successful ejec- Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Riv- “For us, we see it as a gap, if
hari has commended the gal- in Zamfara State at the week- tion’s defence forces to rescue tion by the pilot and his even- ers States. data is unrefined, why can’t
lant pilot of the Nigerian Air end. the pilot, said he was pained by tual rescue. May the injured pi- At the opening ceremony of we refine that data in such a
Force (NAF) Alpha Jet, Flight The president, according to a news of the air crash. lot recover at the earliest time.” the workshop in Port Har- way that it becomes simple,
court, MAJI coordinator, becomes easy to read and be-
Kwara Gets 2 More Dialysis Machines Okoro Onyekachi Emma-
nuel, said the next phase of
comes a tool that key stake-
holders can use to engage the
BY ABDULLAHI OLESIN, Ilorin with modern equipment to some categories of patients to ment of additional two brand the training will involve about government, strategic stake-
manage patients in dire need the University of Ilorin Teach- new 2021 model dialysis ma- 60 community-based organi- holders and agencies in charge
Kwara State government has of life-support gadgets before ing Hospital, according to a chines. The state’s dialysis ser- sations (CBOs) and communi- of environmental protection.”
bought two dialysis machines or after surgeries. statement issued by the direc- vice was formerly running on ty women leaders. Delivery a paper on the topic:
for the General Hospital, Ilorin. The additional dialysis ma- tor-general of Hospital Board two machines leading to longer Okoro stated that the project “Data Collection And Analysis
This came a few weeks after chines will enable the hospital Management, Mr Saad Aluko. waiting time or referral to oth- was specifically targeted at Techniques For Environmen-
the state government com- to offer more efficient servic- “Governor AbdulRahman er centres such as the UITH empowering CSOs and stra- tal Monitoring”, Mr. Tijah
pleted the largest intensive es and attend to patients with AbdulRazaq saw the need to that is equally operating on two tegic stakeholders to be able Bolton-Akpan, said environ-
care unit (ICU) facility in the special needs. meet the state’s dialysis ser- or three dialysis machines,” he to use available data to anal- mental data was important to
North Central zone, equipped It will also end referrals of vices through the procure- said. ysis strategic information for whatever CSOs do.
12 NORTH CENTRAL Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tackle Insecurity With

Sincerity, Cleric Urges FG
Sallah: Governor Sule, Al-Makura, Speaker Preach Peace, Unity Tulip Colleges Unveil
N180m Scholarship For
Umaru Tanko Al-Makura, Nasarawa State, you will on their relationship with
has felicitated with Muslims recall that the Sultanate God and fellow humans as
26 Nigerian Students
Governor of Nasarawa as they celebrate the feast of Council Advisory Committee a yardstick for righteous
The parish priest of St John State Abdullahi Sule has BY HENRY TYOHEMBA, Abuja
sacrifice. on religious affairs has living, love and peaceful co-
II Catholic Church, Karasana congratulated Muslims in Governor Sule who stated announced 19th of July, existence in the society,” he Nigerian Tulip International
District Abuja, Rev Fr the state for joining their this in a press statement 2021 as Arafat day. Following said. Colleges (NTIC) has
Sebastian Musa, has called counterparts all over the made available to newsmen this announcement, Senator Al-Makura, announced another
on the federal government world in celebrating Sallah in Lafia said the feast of Eid therefore, Tuesday, 20th who is the immediate past N180million full scholarship
to tackle insecurity in the and called on the people to el-Kabir is a test of faith July 2021 marks the Eid-el- governor of the state also for students seeking entry
country with sincerity, live in peace and harmony. in commemoration of the Kabir festival. said that Eid-el-Kabir teaches into Senior Secondary
adding that it should not be Similarly, the senator sublime submission by “My brothers and sisters, and reminds people of the School (SSS) 1.
selective. representing Nasarawa the Prophet to the call for I wish to remind us that meaning of sacrifice, love and NTIC, which is one of
The cleric who stated this South senatorial district sacrifice. occasions such as this call tolerance, in relationships the leading international
while addressing journalists at the National Assembly, secondary schools in the
“My dear people of for the Ummah to reflect with one another. country, said the scholarship
at the weekend shortly after covers tuition and boarding
mass in commemoration fees up to university.
of his 25th priestly A statement issued
anniversary, said selective by NTIC's management
arrest and attack on yesterday, said the
particular set of Nigerians scholarship is open to
cannot solve the problem of students who are currently
insecurity in the country. in Junior Secondary School
He said if anybody does 3 in any school across the
L-R: Deputy Speak- country and are eager to
anything against those in er of the House of proceed to SSS1.
Nigeria and living abroad, Representatives, Rt It also added that
the government should be Hon Ahmed Idris the students must have
bold enough to arrest the Wase, exchanging also participated in the
person no matter his status greetings with the scholarship examinations
in the society. chief Imam of Fiber organised by NTIC.
“It is like everything has Mosque, Sheikh Dr. "The Nigerian Tulip
been selective, the way we Khalid Aliyu after International Colleges
are seeing it going, some are the eid-prayers in commences 100% Full
Jos, yesterday. scholarship for students
free while some are not, but
we pray that they have the seeking entry into SS1
courage to deliver justice to
the rest of Nigeria,” he said.
Eid-el-Kabir: Kwara Governor Urges Tolerance Among Nigerians all over Nigeria. This
scholarship, termed NESS
(NTIC Examination for
Speaking on his priestly BY ABDULLAHI OLESIN, Ilorin by the chief imam of Ilorin, with newsmen before and unity in our dear state. Senior Secondary School
journey, he explained that Sheik Mohammed Bashir paying Eid homage to Emir "It is a new frontier. Scholarship), is a full
it has been up and down Kwara State governor Salihu, had in attendance Sulu-Gambari, AbdulRazaq Security wise, we have seen scholarship covering tuition
like any other profession. As AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq Governor AbdulRazaq, said development occurs improvements across the and boarding fees. The
part of the anniversary yesterday stressed the need the emir of Ilorin, Alhaji only in an atmosphere of country. We are certain that scholarship scheme is for
for peace and tolerance Senior Secondary students
Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, peace, mutual tolerance and things will continue to get and aimed at contributing to
among Nigerians. the immediate past senate understanding. better,” he said.
Lawmaker Urges Patience, AbdulRazaq spoke with president, Dr Abubakar "It is a message of peace. AbdulRazaq commended
the educational development
of our society and country.
Sacrifice At Sallah newsmen shortly before
the two rakah prayers at the
Bukola Saraki, and a national There is no alternative to President Muhammadu
chairmanship aspirant peace. This is a state of Buhari for the fight against
BY JONATHAN NDA-ISAIAH, Ilorin Eid praying ground. of the All Progressives harmony and we should insecurity in different parts NGO Trains 100 Children
Abuja The observance of the prayer Congress (APC), Malam let it remain like that. Our of the country, saying the
was peaceful and orderly Salihu Mustapha, amongst founding fathers worked current efforts have led On Road Safety
A member of the House in spite of the mammoth other very important so hard to entrench peace to glaring improvements
of Representatives Hon crowd that was at the venue. personalities. in the state and we will and checkmated agents of Automobile & Touring
Olajide Olatubosun has The prayer which was led In a short interview continue to promote peace insecurity in Nigeria. Club of Nigeria (ATCN)
called on Nigerians to has trained over 100
exercise patience and children on road safety
spirit of sacrifice as the
Muslim Ummah celebrate
Group Canvasses National Reconciliation Summit awareness as part of the
events to mark the 2021
United Nations 6th Global
Eid-el-Kabir across the BY ORJIME MOSES, Abuja Onwubuya John Abraham, ungodliness and lack of that Mr President should Road Safety.
country. yesterday in Abuja. The patriotism among others. take the place of servant The UN Global Road
Olatubosun, who Patriotic Presidential PPCF, which mobilised The group proffered leader and call a critical Safety commemoration in
represents Atisbo/Saki- Candidates Forum (PPCF) for and supported the re- the following solutions to stakeholder reconciliation Nigeria took place at the
west/Saki-east federal has advised President election of President Buhari Nigeria’s problems, “Mr meeting with former Radio House, Abuja, and
constituency felicitated Muhammdu Buhari to in 2019, stated that as a President to convoke a Presidents and Heads was opened by the corps
with all Muslims and organise a national summit major stakeholder in the National Reconciliation of State and the family marshal of the Federal
other Nigerians on the where every ethnic group and Road Safety Corps (FRSC),
democratic experience Summit (National members of late former Boboye Oyeyemi.
celebration of Sallah. religion will be represented having contested for Discourse) where every Heads of State to a special This year’s theme was
In a statement he made to proffer solutions to the presidency, it reserves ethnic group, tribe and meeting to solicit for “Managing Speed” with
available to newsmen country’s challenges and legitimate right to advice or religion will be highly cooperation and remedies the slogan “Street for
in Abuja yesterday, the foster national unity. proffer solutions. represented to proffer to our national security Life”#love30km/h.
lawmaker urged Nigerians This was contained in It further said that it is solutions and foster challenges, where there is As a major part of the
to always reflect on the a statement released by fully aware of the challenges national unity and cohesion. insecurity, there can never event, ATCN organised
teachings of Prophet the chairman of PPCF, Dr of youth unemployment, “We suggest strongly be development.” a radio chat for kids
Muhammed (SAW) to speak up as they
demanded for Street for
Monarch Urges Job Creation To End Insecurity
in their conduct and
relationship with one Life on the FRSC Radio
Station, emphasising on
another and members the need to promote road
of other faiths in the BY DAVID ADUGE-ANI, Abuja yesterday, noted that lack Those who have packed not supposed to do, such as safety through public
country. of jobs to engage the youths money in their houses insecurity.” enlightenment, awareness
Olatubosun, who Emir of Jiwa Chiefdom has made them take to drugs should bring them out so The royal father also and education.
reached out to his in Abuja Municipal Area and criminality. that we can use them to appealed to Nigerians to Another campaign was
constituents in cash and Council (AMAC) HRH Alhaji He maintained that the create jobs and engage the always be their brother’s organised at the Central
kind, including rams, Idris Musa, has advocated government and individuals youths. keepers, and to reduce Mosque where flyers and
food and other ancillary the creation of more jobs to should as a matter of urgency The government should greediness, religious and other campaign materials
items for the festivity, engage the youths in order create more jobs so that all create more jobs for the tribal sentiments, noting were distributed.
said the Sallah celebration to end the wave of insecurity Similarly, an outdoor/
those that have nothing to youths, so that they can be however, that despite church campaign was held
has again brought an in the country. do could be accommodated engaged, because lack of the challenges facing the and flyers and T-shirts
opportunity for the rich to Musa, who made the thereby reducing insecurity. engagement makes them country, Nigerians are were distributed to further
bring succour to the less call in an interview with “Lack of jobs is the cause take to drugs and involve still living together as one create awareness among
privileged in the society. LEADERSHIP in his palace of insecurity in the country. themselves in what they are country. road users.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA NORTH WEST 13

Governor Zulum Senator Kwari

Releases N55m, Tasks Constituents
Food To CJTF, On War Against
Others Insecurity
The senator representing
Governor of Borno State Kaduna North senatorial
Babagana Zulum has district, Suleiman Abdu Kwari
directed the release of has urged the people of his
N55 million, 5,500 bags constituency to use the occasion
of rice and 5,500 gallons of Eid-el-Kabir to pray for peace,
of oil to volunteers security and national economic
and Civilian Joint Task development.
Force (CJTF), hunters He also charged them to
and vigilantes to enable support security agencies in
them mark the Sallah the fight against banditry
celebration. and related crimes in their
Zulum gave the order Vice President Yemi Osinbajo supported by chairman, Senate Committee on the Navy, Senator George Sekibo (3rd right), Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo communities, stressing that
when he met with the (2nd right) and chairman, House Committee on the Navy, Yusuf Gagdi, cutting the commissioning tape of the nation’s newest and most sophisticated maritime surveillance intelligence gathering is a
leadership of the CJTF, system, The Falcon Eye, at the Naval Headquarters in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO BY DINFO NHQ
collective responsibility.
Emulate Prophet Ibrahim, Gov Bala Tells Muslims
hunters and vigilantes at Kwari said, “I call on the
the council chamber of people to be vigilant and
the Government House continue to offer useful
in Maiduguri. BY KHALID IDRIS DOYA, emulation especially by the to give something in charity “We should pray for the
Bauchi information about criminal
The governor said Muslim Ummah. Mohammed out of the treasure which prevailing peace in the state to
elements in their midst to
supporting the volunteers in Eid-el-Kabir message said Allah has bestowed on them, be sustained and for adequate
The total submission of the security agencies as they
is critical to the efforts of that Muslims should use the adding that this should be rainfall for us to have a
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to intensify efforts towards
the Nigerian military and occasion to reflect on how done without consideration bumper harvest during this
the will of Allah when he curbing banditry in the country.
other security agencies they have fared morally and for religious, ethnic or farming season,” he added.
answered the Divine call to We should also not relent in our
in the war against Boko spiritually during the last one political differences. He reiterated his
sacrifice his only son, Prophet prayers for peace, security and
Haram insurgents. year so as to take corrective The governor also urged administration’s
Isma’il is the highest spiritual economy of our country.”
He paid tribute to the measures where necessary. Muslims to use the occasion of commitment to continue
sacrifice that has ever been The lawmaker, who is also
fighters and the state’s He said the religion of Islam the Eid–el-Kabir celebration to serve the people of the
made in observance of divine the chairman of the Senate
attorney general and propagates total submission to strengthen the existing state and to take Bauchi to
injunction, Bauchi State Committee on Anti-corruption
commissioner for justice, to the will of Allah (SWT) and interpersonal relationships greater heights, stressing
governor Bala Abdulkadir and Financial Crimes, gave the
Barrister Kaka Shehu peaceful co-existence amongst among them and create new “We are making our modest
Mohammed has said. charge in a message to mark this
Lawan, whose ministry the Muslim Ummah and with ones, saying there is also the efforts in infrastructural
According to the governor, year’s Eid-el-Kabir celebration.
oversees the volunteers adherents of other faiths. need for them to imbibe the development, education,
the sacrifice by Prophet “I felicitate with my
through the department He said the Holy Qur’an has spirit of forgiveness, humility health, youth empowerment
Ibrahim is worthy of constituents on this auspicious
of civil rights protection. also commanded all Muslims and respect for one another. and agriculture”.
occasion of Eid-el-Kabir.
Zulum said, “I invited
you to register my deepest
appreciation to all of PMB Orders Agencies To Partner NALDA On 109 Farm Estates Sallah: Kano NUJ
you in the Civilian JTF,
hunters and vigilantes for BY GODWIN ENNA, Katsina at Suduje community located government in lifting are limitless as over 70 per Felicitates With
your enormous sacrifices
and support to the President Muhammadu
on the outskirts of the town.
He also urged state
100million Nigerians out
of poverty, the president
cent of Nigerians depend
directly on agriculture which Muslim Ummah
military in securing the Buhari has directed all governors to support thanked the Katsina State has been the mainstay of
lives and property of the federal agencies to partner federal agencies mandated government for allocating the country’s economy BY ABDULLAHI YAKUBU, Kano
people of Borno State”, with the National Land to transform the country’s 100 hectares of land for the but abandoned with the
the governor said. Development Authority economy. establishment of the farm discovery of oil. Kano State Council of the
“I also extend my (NALDA) to establish the He said Nigeria is estate. “When the president Nigeria Union of Journalists
appreciation to the 109 organic integrated farm witnessing a revolution in On his part, Governor banned the importation of (NUJ) has rejoiced with Muslim
attorney general who estates across the country. the agricultural sector and Aminu Masari promised rice and other commodities, faithful on the occasion of Eid-
is leading this very Buhari gave the directive expressed confidence that to support and provide many people were skeptical el-Kabir festival.
important team, the in his hometown, Daura, Nigeria under his watch will whatever is needed in that they cannot produce The council particularly
permanent secretary when he commissioned the achieve food security. making the investment enough as such there will celebrated with its members
security, the SSA first organic integrated farm Restating the a success, saying the be hunger and other related and Nigerians in general as they
security and executive estate established by NALDA commitment of the federal opportunities in agriculture problems in the country. join the rest of the world to
secretary and members commemorate the Eid-el-Kabir
of Borno’s Security Trust festival.
Fund, for the combined
efforts in repositioning
Archbishop Filibus Greets Muslims At Sallah The union urged Nigerians
irrespective of ethnic or
our security responses religious affiliations to work in
BY HUSSAINI celebration. religion. that there may be justice, synergy with security agencies
in the state. May Allah HAMMANGABDO, Yola In a Sallah message, the He said, “I felicitate with a precondition for peace,
in His infinite wisdom so as to collectively defeat the
cleric said the occasion the Muslims all over Nigeria security and development of evildoers holding the nation
reward all of you Archbishop of Lutheran demonstrates sacrifice and and around the world at the our nation. Let our prayers
abundantly. In addition down.
Church of Christ in Nigeria love for God, which also return of this great feast. translate into the will and The NUJ also called on the
to my gratitude to the (LCCN) and president of means love for one another “May I use this opportunity concrete actions towards the
hunters, vigilantes citizens to adhere to the
Lutheran World Federation and the making of daily to also call for continued elimination of hunger and COVID-19 protocols as the
and CJTF, I also wish (LWF), Panti Filibus, has sacrifices for fellow human prayer for Nigeria, that God poverty and the challenge
to provide a token of new Delta variant has been
felicitated with Muslims on beings as God’s creation, may intervene in ways beyond of the coronavirus that is a confirmed in the country.
support to volunteers the occasion of the Sallah irrespective of race, colour or human understanding, global threat to all of us.
towards this Sallah It enjoined the public to ensure
Celebration.” proper dumping of animal
After announcing cash
and food support to the
PRP Seeks Prayer For Nigeria On Insecurity, Hunger waste so as to guard against the
outbreak of any disease.
volunteers, Zulum said, The union called on people
BY TUNDE OGUNTOLA, Abuja statement made available to it pertinent to call on the hunger, bad economy, among
“No amount of money or to fully participate in the
LEADERSHIP in Abuja, said Muslims nationwide to others bedeviling the country. ongoing voter registration
support can match the Peoples Redemption Party the security situation in the fervently pray for the nation as “As we celebrate, let us all
critical sacrifices made by across the country and urged
(PRP) has called on Muslims in country is worsening by the they celebrate the Eid-el-Kabir. commit ourselves, individually
volunteers, I really wish the Independent National
Nigeria to pray for the country day coupled with the gnawing He also called on the and collectively to make Nigeria
we can do so much more, Electoral Commission (INEC)
over the worsening economic poverty in the land, adding government at all levels to come safer, equitable, progressive
but insha Allah, whenever to strengthen its apparatuses to
situation as they mark the Eid- that it is obvious that millions up with urgent and proactive and more egalitarian fatherland
our financial condition ensure smooth conduct of the
el-Kabir celebration. of Nigerians do not have the strategies that will put an for all irrespective of ethnic,
improves, government continuous voter registration in
The national chairman of luxury of reveling in the season. end to the general insecurity, religious and/or cultural
will offer bigger support.” the state.
PRP, Alhaji Falalu Bello, in a Bello said the PRP considers banditry, unemployment, plurality,” Bello said.
14 SOUTH/ WEST Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hamzat, Cleric Sue For Firm Chief Urges

Peaceful Co-existence At Uprightness, Peaceful
Sallah Co-existence

Lagos State Deputy As Muslims in the country

Governor, Dr. Kadri marked Eid-el-Kabir, Rite
A Cross-section
Obafemi Hamzat has urged of Muslim Faithful Foods Limited, has urged
Nigerians to embrace peace Praying at Police the faithful to always sustain
with one another as the College Praying the virtues of love, tolerance,
nation’s economy can only Ground during the and brotherhood which the
thrive in a peaceful and 2021 Eil-el-kabeer Islamic religion upholds.
tranquil environment. Prayer at GRA Ikeja The managing director
Speaking during the Lagos,yesterday. of Rite Foods Limited, Mr.
Eid El Kabir prayer held at PHOTO BY KOLAWOLE
Seleem Adegunwa in his
the Dodan Barrack Prayer ALIU
Eid-el-Kabir messages to
Ground, Obalende, the Muslim faithful noted that
Deputy Governor noted
that peace is a pre-condition
for stability and economic
Eid-el-Kabir: Nigeria Won't Go To War, Says Abiodun it is also a time for mutual
co-existence, where parts of
the sacrifice offered to Allah
development in any society. BY FEMI OYEWESO, Abeokuta the State League of Imams God will give us peace in this The Governor harped are given as a gift to the poor
According to Hamzat, and Alfas in his Iperu country, He will give us rest. on the need for Nigerians and needy.
for the nation’s economy to As Muslims in Nigeria country home in Ikenne "As a government we will to unite and fight their Adegunwa enjoined
grow, there must be peace joined their counterparts Local Government Area, try our best, please continue common enemies as the Islamic scholars, leaders,
in the country; stating that around the world to said though the country to pray for us", he said. diversity of the country was and believers to use the
insurgency brings about celebrate this year's Eid- was going through difficult While urging Nigerians her strength. festive period to sustain
war, poverty and under- el-Kabir, the Ogun State times, owing to insecurity, not to give up, but continue While advocating for virtues that would lead to
development. Governor, Prince Dapo Nigerians would come out to have faith and trust in religious tolerance among peace and harmonious co-
“For us as a country, we Abiodun has said the nation victorious in the end. God, the Governor noted adherents of different existence for a more united
need to grow our economy. will not experience any "This country will not that no problem was faith, Prince Abiodun urged and prosperous nation.
For this to happen, there war, saying the problems break into two, nothing too big for God to solve, them to imbibe the virtues He admonishes them
must be peace in our confronting the nation were will happen to us in this saying, "I have a mountain of Prophet Ibrahim who to always reflect on the
country. Insurgency brings surmountable. country, we will not go into moving faith in God was regarded as the father sacred teachings of Prophet
war, poverty, and under- Governor Abiodun who civil war, the unity of this because he alone can do the of faith by having absolute Muhammad which depicts
development. We must, as stated this when he hosted country is non-negotiable, impossible". trust and faith in God. uprightness and love for one
people, do everything to another, following the tenets
ensure that peace reigns of the Islamic religion.
in our country, so that
everyone can live well
and go about their daily
Oyetola Charges Nigerians On Religious Tolerance, Peaceful Coexistence Adegunwa further
enjoined the believers to
always stay healthy during
activities without fear or BY JOSHUA DADA, Osogbo the Osogbo Central prayer in peace and celebrate the promote religious tolerance. the celebration and with the
molestation” he said, adding ground and it witnessed festival moderately. In his sermon, the Chief company's array of quality
that “It is our prayer that all Osun Governor, mass attendance of devotes He tasked them to see Imam of Osogbo, Sheikh products that have set the
will be resolved and peace be Adegboyega Oyetola, on and supporters of the the celebration as a period Musa Animasahun, urged standard for others in the
restored in our country.” Tuesday charged Muslims governor who thronged to double their efforts on Muslims on good deeds, love food and beverage industry,
to continue to abide by the out in large numbers to good deeds by extending the and good neighbourliness. celebrating can be a lot more
significance of the festival welcome the Governor. hands of fellowship to the He called on Muslims to enjoyable.
More Efforts Required and take it as their way of Addressing the Muslim less privileged who he said abstain from sins and always
To Save Nigeria – PFN life.
The governor joined
Ummah shortly after deserve to celebrate as well. obey the commandments

other Muslim faithful in

the two Rakaat Prayers, Governor Oyetola noted of God as part of worship, Labour Asks Nigerian
Governor Oyetola who that the state of things in saying the time has come
Osogbo, the state capital described Eid-el-Kabir as a the country required the for humanity to move closer Youths To Shun Violence
The President of the to observe the two Rakaat period of sober reflection citizens to continue to to God than before as the
Eid-el-Kabir prayerheld at called on Muslims to live maintain the peace and world is moving to an end. BY ANDREW OJIEZEL, Lagos
Pentecostal Fellowship
of Nigeria (PFN), Bishop The leadership of organised
Francis Wale Oke has
asserted that concerted
efforts must be made by
Court Frees Undergraduate Accused Of Murder labour comprising the
Nigeria Labour Congress
(NLC) and Trade Union
all Nigerians to ensure the BY OLUGBENGA SOYELE, the murder charge against sufficient fact to prosecute 2019, in Ikorodu.
Congress (TUC) have
nation does not become a Ameh following a Legal him for the offence of The state had told the felicitated with Nigerian
failed state as envisaged in Advice issued by the Lagos murder contrary to Section court that the victim’s workers and all Nigerians
some quarters. Two years after he was State Directorate of Public 222 of the Criminal Law, body was found mutilated
accused of killing a taking part in the 2021 Eid-
Wale Oke who is also Prosecution (DPP) stating Ch.17, Vol.3, Laws of Lagos with missing parts, in an el Kabir celebration.
the presiding Bishop of the neighbour 14 year old boy, that there is no prima facie State, 2015 or any offence uncompleted building
a Lagos State High Court The labour unions
Spirit Ministries, Ibadan case against the defendant, whatsoever. at Igbogbo, Agunfoye in appealed to them, especially
also advised Nigerians in has discharged a student the 14 year-old, Qudus The state had accused Ikorodu area of Lagos state.
of the Olabisi Onabanjo youths to shun all forms of
the Diaspora to develop a Anifowoshe, the defendant of the However, his lawyer, violence and urge them to
positive attitude about the University (OOU), Ago- According to the gruesome murder of a Mike Akinfolarin challenged
Iwoye, Ogun State, Daniel reject being used as political
nation and contribute to the legal advice signed by 14-year-old student of Icon the investigation conducted thugs.
nation’s economic growth. Ameh of the offence. the Director of Public Primary and Secondary by the Operatives of SCID,
The trial judge, Justice The president of NLC,
The clergyman who Prosecution (DPP), Mrs. A school Ikorodu, Qudus Panti that found Daniel Comrade Ayuba Wabba in
stated this while dedicating Owolabi Dabiri dismissed O Adeyemi, there was no Anifowoshe on October 14, culpable of the offence. his Salah message reminded
a branch of his church in all constituted authorities
Maryland, United States of
America said though Nigeria Anglican Bishop Faults NASS Rejection Of Electronic Transmission Of Results that peaceful protest is a
legal right for all citizens
is currently at crossroads worldwide. Thus, any effort
and going through some BY TOPE FAYEHUN, Akure electronic transmission should not be difficult for the things, definitely, electronic to criminalise peaceful
challenges that bother on of results in the Electoral country to transmit election transfer of votes will work protests by anybody could
insecurity and economic Bishop of Akure Diocese Amendment Bill clearly results online. in the country unless they lead to anarchy in the land.
hardship, among others, the of Anglican Communion, shows that they have According to the Bishop, have a hidden agenda. Wabba said, "On
situation he maintained was Rt. Revd. Simeon Oluwole something to hide. "For NASS to have voted " I support it because we behalf of the leadership
not irredeemable. Borokini, has faulted the Speaking at his 65th against the electronic are improving every day. The of the Nigeria Labour
"The truth of the matter decision of the National birthday thanksgiving held transfer of votes, I think telecommunications mast Congress, I extend very
is that there is no place like Assembly to vote against in Akure, the Ondo state they have what they are has gone to all the nook and hearty felicitation with the
home. In this wise, I want to electronic transmission capital, the cleric noted hiding. cranny of the country. Only Muslim Umma all over the
implore all Nigerians living of results in the Electoral that since over 70 percent "If over 70 percent of a few places are yet to have it world especially Nigerian
in other countries of the Amendment Bill. of Nigerians used mobile Nigerians are used to mobile and we can't because of that Muslims and workers on
world, to develop a positive Borokini said their phones for money transfer phones where they do the stop it. I am in support of the the occasion of this year’s
disposition towards Nigeria. resolve to vote against and do other things online, it transfer of money and other electronic transfer of votes." Eid-el-Kabir celebration.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA SOUTH SOUTH / SOUTH EAST 15

Ikpeazu Tasks Hospital NASS Rejection Of Electronic Transmission Of Election Results Major Setback – Okowa FRSC Arrests 108
Chief On Humanitarian Driver’s Licence
BY FELIX IGBEKOYI, Asaba results in the Electoral Act He, however, commended move our electoral system
Services Amendment Bill. the Independent National forward such that we are able Defaulters In Anambra
Delta State governor Ifeanyi While receiving the Electoral Commission to minimise all possibilities
BY KALU EZIYI, Umuahia Federal Road Safety Corps
Okowa has warned that state’s resident electoral (INEC) for its efforts at of fraud.
the rejection of electronic commissioner (REC), Pastor ensuring the credibility of "Once Nigerians trust (FRSC), Anambra Sector
A multi-million naira Command, said it has
surgical centre of the
transmission of election Monday Udoh-Tom and the electoral process and our electoral process, many
results could hinder the his management team on for declaring that it had Nigerians will come out to apprehended 108 motorists
Nkechi Hospital, Ohaneze for driver’s licence violation
has been commissioned,
country's efforts at attracting Monday during an advocacy capacity to transmit results register and vote during
Foreign Direct Investments visit on Continuous Voter electronically. elections. We need to change in the “Operation Show
with Abia State governor Your Driver’s Licence” in
Okezie Ikpeazu pledging
(FDIs). Registration (CVR), Okowa According to him, the narrative of many
His warning was prompted said the lawmakers' action Nigerians must truly Nigerians that whether they the state.
N3 million to defray the The sector commander,
medical bills of the first set
by the National Assembly’s could be interpreted to mean appreciate INEC for the fact vote or not, results will still
rejection of electronic that there is a plan to rig that on a daily basis they are come out the way they want Mr Adeoye Irelewuyi, told
of patients. the News Agency of Nigeria
The hospital, which
transmission of elections future elections. thinking of the best ways to it.
(NAN) yesterday in Awka,
is in Obingwa local that the operation would
government area of the help reduce the number of
state was established by unqualified drivers on the
the late wife of the former highways.
deputy governor of the The FRSC headquarters
state, Deaconess Jemimah Chief Imam, in Abuja has directed state
Nwakanma. Muslim commands to go after
At the occasion, community, driver’s licence defaulters
Ikpeazu urged the chief Rivers State, from July 5 to July 11.
medical director (CMD) Alhaji Ahmed The operation targets
of the hospital, Dr Emeka Olanrewaju motorists without valid
Nwakanma to sustain the (middle)
slaughter- licences, expired ones
humanitarian spirit of their and those with expired
mother and commended ing a ram
to mark the temporary copies.
him for upgrading it. Irelewuyi decried the
2021 Eid-
Similarly, the former el-Kabir in habit of driving without
deputy governor, Chief Port Harcourt valid licence, saying it was
Eric Acho Nwakanma, yesterday the only legal document
said their late mother had PHOTO BY NAN. that permitted anyone to
foresight to establish the drive on Nigerian roads.
hospital to serve the health
needs of the people and the
neighbouring communities.
Imo PDP Lawmakers Deserve Suspension, Assembly Insists “Many people we see
behind the wheels are not
even licenced and anybody
In his address, the BY EMMANUEL necessary in order to lawmakers of behaving of ineptitude, truancy and that is not licenced to drive
commissioner for health, MGBEAHURIKE, OWERRI preserve peace, stability in manner unexpected lack of decorum," he said. should not be on the road.
Dr Jeo Osuji described the and ensure progress of of parliamentarians, The Imo Assembly
upgrading of the hospital Imo State House of the legislative arm in the stressing that some of spokesman also lauded
Assembly led by Hon Paul
with modern equipment
as a welcome development Emeziem has berated
The House committee
them deserve to be recalled
by their constituents
the speaker for his
proactive leadership,
Shortage Of Teachers
and urged the people to the Peoples Democratic chairman on information, for misrepresentation, adding, "For the first time Stalling Education In
Party (PDP) lawmakers
patronise it.
for misleading the public
ethics and privileges, Hon
Johnson Duru stated this
ineffectiveness and lack of
leadership acumen.
since the inauguration of
the 9th House, the House
Delta – NUT
with falsehood and while reacting to media "The PDP lawmakers enjoyed stability. Rt.
Akwa Ibom Boosts unwholesome utterances.
The House insisted that
report credited to some are not deserving to Hon Paul Emeziem has
PDP caucus in the House be lawmakers. A good stabilised the House and
Primary Healthcare the recent suspension led by the minority leader, number of them should the House has achieved
Delta State chapter of the
Nigeria Union of Teachers
With N300m of six members was
legal, constitutional and
Hon Anyadike Nwosu. be recalled by their tremendous legislative (NUT) has warned that
Duru accused the PDP constituents for reasons scorecard. education is under threat of
Akwa Ibom State imminent collapse over the
government is to inject
more than N300 million EBSU Begins Planting Of 20,000 Trees To Check Flooding acute shortage of teachers in
public schools in the state.
into the state primary The state NUT chairman,
healthcare system to BY OBINNA OGBONNAYA, chairman of the university’s the concept of "University change. Comrade Titus Okotie,
enhance service delivery to ABAKALIKI Eco Friendly Initiative in a garden". "The warming of the stated this during the
people in the rural areas. (EFI), Prof Happiness Oselebe stated that climate is 'unequivocal', opening of the 7th
The commissioner for Authorities of Ebonyi Oselebe, announced this in when individuals and and the impact of global
State University (EBSU),
Quadrennial (8th) State
health, Prof Augustine Abakaliki during the launch students are around warming are very evident Delegates Conference of the
Umoh, said this in an Abakaliki, have commenced of the project. engaging landscapes, they on the agricultural
the planting of 20,000
NUT in Warri.
interview with the News She said EFI was tend to perform better landscape, and on human The conference which
Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in trees in the school to check envisioned to plant 20,000 adding that they enjoy systems in form of rising
“forced migration and
had as its theme; ‘’Adequate
Uyo, yesterday. trees in Ebonyi State better mental health along temperatures, scorching Personnel: An imperative
Umoh also said that displacement” arising from University over the next with improved scholastic sun and forced migrations
flooding, high temperature
for the sustainability of our
the state government had five years for tripartite performances. as a result of flooding. educational system’’ has
concluded plans to revive and scorching sun. reasons, which according to According to her, Trees act as carbon which
The deputy vice chancellor
delegates drawn from the 25
its primary healthcare her include beautification other reasons include in turn helps to mitigate local government areas of
system through the Basic (Administration) and of the university to achieve the mitigation of climate climate change," she added. the state.
Healthcare Provision Fund Okotie who posited
by paying its counterpart
funding to access the fund. '76’, Nigeria's Film Hits Global Audience August 4 that no education system
could grow above the level
He said the basic of its teachers, insisted
healthcare provision BY ANAYO ONUKWUGHA, PORT Nigeria in 2016. with an O-level student, relationship is strained by that adequate teaching
fund would help to get HARCOURT Leader of Princewill's Suzy, from the South- constant military postings force is required for the
the primary healthcare Trust, Prince Tonye eastern region. and Suzy's family, who would advancement of the
system back on track to Nigeria's renowned feature Princewill, in a statement The statement reads in not tolerate a relationship education system.
ensure effective healthcare film, '76’ will from August made available to part: "The film is set six years with Joseph’s people. The union further
delivery. 4, 2021 be available to LEADERSHIP in Port after the Nigerian civil war "In a series of events lamented the continued
The commissioner said audiences worldwide on the Harcourt, said the film and tells the story of Joseph that unfold amid betrayal stagnation of university
that the fund would also global streaming service, was set six years after the Dewa, a young military from a close friend, Joseph graduate teachers in the
help to implement more Netflix. Nigerian civil war. officer from the Middle Belt, is falsely accused of being primary school system
equitable and efficient The film, which was He said the film tells the who gets into a romantic a co-conspirator of the on SGL 14, stressing that
health care financing to produced by Adonis story of Joseph Dewa, a relationship with an O-level unsuccessful 1976 military Delta NUT would soon
provide essential services Production & Princewill's young military officer from student, Suzy, from the coup that ultimately led to communicate to the state
to the most vulnerable Trust, was originally the Middle Belt, who gets South-eastern region. the assassination of General government on the next line
members of the state. released in cinemas in into a romantic relationship "However, their Murtala Mohammed. of action on the issue.
16 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA Wednesday, July 21, 2021


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Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 17


Chaka Secures $1.5m To INFLATION 2021 2020 INTER BANK LENDING RATE CHANGE%) Wema Bank To Enlighten Young
RATE (%) RATE(AS AT JUNE 7 2021) Nigerians On Wealth Management
Power Digital Investments O/N 14.6250 -0.39 BY OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos
For African Businesses
FEB 17.33 12.20 1M 12.2044 0.50
BY OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos Wema Bank, through its prod-
MARCH 18.17 12.26 3M 13.5297 0.63 uct, ALAT, has restated its com-
Chaka Technologies has raised mitment in providing advisory
$1.5million in a pre-seed fund- APRIL 18.12 12.34 6M 14.8144 0.22 services for small and medium
ing round led by Breyer Capital to scale enterprises through loans
boost digital investments for Afri- and other business support ini-
can businesses. tiatives.
According to Chaka Technolo- ALAT by Wema, on July 15,
gies, this funding will serve as a 2021, hosted the first edition of
catalyst to enable it power its mis- its Talk Series targeting the young
sion of enabling borderless invest- Nigerians. The session which
ments across Africa and deliver was held on the social network-
digital investments solutions for ing application Clubhouse, was
African businesses. themed, ‘Wealth Creation and
It will also be used towards the Wealth Management for Nigeri-
expansion of Fintech’s footprints ans Under 30’.
in West Africa to reach more retail
investors and attract more foreign The session was moderated by
players to African capital markets. personal finance guru, Tosin Olas-
Speaking on the funding, co- einde with the chief digital officer
founder and chief executive of- Of Wema Bank, Olusegun Adeni-
ficer, Chaka Technologies, Tosin yi, and popular Nigerian Vlogger,
Osibodu, said: “This is indeed a Sisi Yemmie as speakers.
significant milestone for us at Cha- The ALAT Talk Series is one of
ka. We see digital investments as L-R: MD/CEO, Afri Air International Ltd,. Captain Shehu Usman Iyal; Hon. Aminu Suleiman; Prince Isa Ado Bayero and Alhaji the many ways the bank is show-
an opportunity to boost economic Aminu Ado Bayero, Emir of Kano during courtesy visit of Emir of Kano to the premises of Afri Air International at the Murtala ing support for young Nigerians
transformation in Africa, and our Muhammed Airport, Ikeja, Lagos, yesterday.PHOTO BY KOLAWOLE ALIU across the country and in its first
goal is to use this funding to bring session, they provided an oppor-
this vision to life. tunity to discuss key issues such
“With this capital, we will fo-
cus on our goals to build a roster
of formidable partners and accel-
Nigeria Needs N1.3trn To Convert 8m as money and finance as well as
business management and en-
erate our expansion to other mar-
kets within Africa. This investment
also enables us to hire top talent
Public Vehicles From Petrol To Gas
BY NSE ANTHONY-UKO, Abuja purchase. So, to eliminate under-re- of Petroleum Exporting Countries
For Tosin Olaseinde, her for-
ay into the promotion of finan-
cial literacy began when she kept
and integrate more advanced func- getting broke despite earning a
tionalities into our investment and covery, what you need is alternative (OPEC).
The Nigerian government would fuel. Without alternatives, you will The director lamented that out considerable wage. Yemisi Odu-
wealth management solutions for sanya, popularly known as Sisi
businesses.” require no less than N1.32 trillion subject people to higher prices and of Nigeria’s over 7100 reservoirs
Chief executive officer of Brey- (3.2 billion) to be able to transition that is why we go for price freedom. and its mature basins, the country Yemmie, on the other hand, was
er Capital, Jim Breyer, said: “We its vehicles from the use of premi- “As of today, there are 22 million was recovering just as low as about able to monetise her skills and
are proud to combine efforts with um motor spirit, popularly known cars in Nigeria. Eight million are for 1000, a situation he said needs the things she loves doing. Now,
a company that is levelling the in- as petrol, to the use of natural gas. public use. Imagine if you want to collaboration of all industry play- she is a renowned vlogger mak-
vestment playing field for Nigeri- The cost is to enable the govern- convert every car into gas, the aver- ers to find a solution before Nige- ing money from her vlogs, meal
ans (and Africans at large). We are ment to convert eight million pub- age cost of conversion is $400. Con- ria gets evicted from OPEC due to plans and recipes.
confident in the value Chaka pro- lic vehicles from running on petrol verting eight million cars requires low contribution.
vides through its digital tools, and or diesel to running on either Liq- $3.2 billion. To do that, there are “How do we now get the nation- QUOTE OF THE DAY
we look forward to playing our uefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Com- a lot of environmental investors al production capacity so that we
part in supporting Chaka’s team pressed Natural Gas (CNG) at the which can invest and recover from export more, and consume more?
on their mission to drive border- value of $400 per vehicle. the sale of gas and we are encour- Today, we have huge additional ca-
less investments in Africa.” Director, Department of Petrole-
This pre-seed round comes on aging that. pacity in domestic refining. If we
um Resources (DPR), Mr. Sarki Au- “Once that is achieved, you will don’t increase production, we have “In a couple of weeks they should
the heels of the Chaka becoming walu, who gave this estimate, said
the first start-up to acquire the new see that PMS can be sold at N1000. to get out of OPEC, because you be commencing production of
this was what it would cost the After all, the average distance cov- can’t be a net consumer to stay in gold in Nigeria. That is the kind
digital sub-broker licence issued by
Nigeria’s Securities and Exchange country to switch to an alternative ered by one gallon equivalent when exporting countries. of success story I am looking
Commission (SEC), in line with the fuel regime in its bid to eliminate you compare it with LNG or CNG “The challenge is for all of us. As forward to from Aurelia– Minister
regulator’s efforts to safeguard the fuel subsidy and its attendant drain with respect to energy for mobili- the refining capacity is increasing, of Mines and Steel Development,
investing public and accelerate in- in the nation’s resources. ty, is 2.7 against one. One for PMS, we have to now get production ca- Olamilekan Adegbite
novation within the sector. Speaking in Lagos recently, Au- 2.7 for LNG or CNG. pacity to increase so that we re-
walu who has already advocated “So, with that advantage, you main the net exporter. We believe
that Nigeria should consider hav- will see that it creates opportuni- this will guarantee and fortify the
Group Business Editor
ing an alternative fuel regime be- ties for this industry again. The is- future,” he said.
Isaac Aimurie
Business Editor fore removing fuel subsidy, however sue of subsidy, volume will all van- Responding to Kupolokun’s
Nse Anthony-Uko warned that the alternative regime ish and that is what we are working question on the need to address
Assistant Business Editor (Lagos) will come with initial cost. towards.” the low contribution of the oil and
Zaka Khaliq He maintained that converting He, however, warned that the rise gas sector to the country’s Gross
eight million public vehicles cur- in Nigeria’s local refining capacity as Domestic Product (GDP), which
Correspondents/Reporters rently present in Nigeria to gas-
Chika Izuora seen in the coming on stream of a is less than 10 per cent, Auwalu
Mark Itsibor
powered will cumulatively cost $3.2 number of refineries in the country attributed the abysmal contribu-
Bukola Idowu billion to achieve. without a corresponding increase in tion to lack of deep investment
Olushola Bello He said: “So, to eliminate sub- the country’s oil production vol- into the value chain of the sector
Yusuf Babalola sidy, they don’t call it subsidy an- ume may threaten the country’s as well as the export mentality of
ymore now, it’s under-recovery of membership of the Organisation the players. Adegbite
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA NEWS/BUSINESS 19
Food Security: RIFAN Assures Nigerians
Canadian Firm Set To Commence Of Increased Rice Production

Gold Production In Nigeria

The Rice Farmers Associa- tention to bring the price of
tion of Nigeria (RIFAN) Oyo rice down.
chapter, has assured Nigeri- “Farmers are really not
ans of their commitment to feeling safe to work their full
Minister of Mines and Steel weeks we will start gold pro- He noted that the ag- He expressed delight in boost rice production to re- capacity to produce food on a
Development, Olamilekan duction from Illesha; it was gressive investment driv- the success stories record- duce high cost of the com- daily basis as they are being
Adegbite, has hinted that a little bit delayed because ing campaign embarked ed in the Nigerian mining modity. attacked and their rice farm
in a couple of weeks, the of the COVID-19 pandemic. upon by the ministry in the sector in terms attracting Mr Samuel Akande, the grazed without hindrance.
Segilola Gold project owned “We all know about recent past, including the more local and internation- Oyo RIFAN Chairman, gave “No land clearing equip-
by a Canadian gold explora- Segilola gold project in tour of some mining coun- al investors in recent times, the assurance in Ibadan, yes- ment, irrigation systems are
tion and development com- Ogun State, owned by Thor tries to sensitise them on noting that the federal gov- terday. not being maintained where
pany, Thor Exploration Ltd, Exploration, a Canadian Nigeria’s solid minerals po- ernment has done lots of ex- Akande said that the farm- they are available.
in Ogun State, Southwest company that is into explo- tentials, have started yield- ploration on gold and oth- ers’ target for years was to “Another area of challenge
Nigeria will start producing ration and they are quoted ing results in the foreign in- er minerals to acquire data get quality rice to the table is the flood/drought expe-
gold in the country. on the Toronto Exchange, vestors that are now coming with a view to making Nige- regularly and cheaper than it riences which the farmers
Adegbite made the dis- and recently in the last three in, noting that it was also in ria a mining destination of is presently. can’t control unless there
closure on Monday while weeks quoted on the Lon- the course of that they en- the world. He noted that the associ- is a well planned and man-
playing host to a delegation don Exchange as well. countered Aurelia in the “We have a project called ation encouraged members aged irrigation system, small
from a British Gold mining “In a couple of weeks they United Kingdom. the National Integrated to engage in commercial holder farmers cannot put
firm, Aurelia Mining Com- should be commencing pro- “I was in South Africa, Mineral Exploration Project farming of the commodity this in place without govern-
pany Ltd, led by the compa- duction of gold in Nigeria. London, Toronto among (NIMEP) going on in parts on good land size in order ment’s intervention.
ny’s director, Julian Ham- That is the kind of success others, and with all these we of the country even as the to achieve its goals. “In Oyo “To boost rice production,
mond, to his office in Abuja, story I am looking forward were able to convince inves- Nigerian Geological Survey State, it is not the nonavaila- what we, the farmers can do
seeking to invest in gold. to from Aurelia at the end of tors, to say, look, Nigeria is Agency (NGSA) is doing ex- bility of farmers to plant rice, and which we have been do-
“In the next couple of the day,” the minister said. a place to come to,” he said. ploration,” he said. but the nonavailability of the ing is to recruit more people
enabling facilities. to plant rice and train them,
“We are still hoping to with farmers on ground, any
know what the government willing government will find
may have for us in the area of it easy to identify and locate
land, land clearing and trac- the right farmers to sup-
tors, hitherto, it has been port,” he said.
the sole responsibility of the According to him, RIFAN
farmers here,” he said. has been getting fertiliser,
Akande remarked that the water pumps, hoses, spray-
RIFAN/CBN/Unity bank An- ers, herbicides, insecticides,
chor Borrowers Programme fungicides, among others as
(ABP) had been the only sure input loans.
hope for rice farmers in the Akande said that to beat
state. down the market price of
He said that all relevant in- rice, governments at the
puts required by smallhold- various levels need to make
er farmers were included conscious efforts in that di-
in the ABP package, based rection.
on the assumed capacity of “Farmers can only produce
the farmer. “All over Nige- for the market, our middle-
L-R: Director Corporate Services, Palton Morgan, John Fanibuyan; Assistant GM, Commercial, BCL, Justin Nwampere; managing director, BCL, Roda ria, rice pyramids are com- men buy low and sell high so
Fadlallah; group chief operating officer, Palton Morgan, Nidal Turjman; development and projects director, Palton Morgan, Peter Raven, and managing ing back on a serious note, only the government has the
partner, APD Project Management Company, Andy Jibunoh, at the contract signing ceremony for SkyVilla Apartments, Probyn Road, Ikoyi, Lagos. RIFAN has been selling rice wherewithal to fix the price
PHOTO BY KOLAWOLE ALIU paddy to millers with the in- at a desirable level.

Emerging Markets Take Fresh Leap In Renewables Minister Of Power Promises Improved
Electricity Supply To Nigerians
BY CHIKA IZUORA, Lagos and the Council on Energy, En- fossil fuels.” off is starting to vanish. Coun-
vironment and Water (CEEW) About one in every nine peo- tries like Kenya and Nigeria The Minister of Power, of power generation would
Researchers have seen an ener- in India. ple on the planet lacks access to with fast-growing populations Alhaji Saleh Mammam, has be provided for them.
getic leap in renewable energy The researchers said emerg- electricity, mostly in Asia and but low emissions could skip promised that his ministry The minister urged
initiative by emerging markets ing markets would provide 88 sub-Saharan Africa. Leaders of fossil fuel electricity altogether will improve electricity Nigerians to embrace
as they spring in a swift, frisky per cent of the growth in elec- poorer countries have histori- and avoid the destructive path- supply to Nigerians. peace, saying only peaceful
curvet investing in that space. tricity demand over the next cally had to choose between way taken in many industrial- Mamman who gave the coexistence would bring
They expressed the opinion two decades, and say these raising living standards and ised countries. assurance while speaking development.
that the amount of electricity markets are increasingly leap- protecting the climate and peo- A landmark IEA report pub- with journalists during the Mamman also called on
generated from burning fossil frogging polluting energy ple’s health. lished in May charted out a Eld-el-Kabir celebration agitators to give peace a
fuels has likely peaked world- sources that are uncompetitive. Two recent studies esti- path to reaching net-zero emis- in Jalingo, said that chance and contribute to
wide, as emerging markets in- Clearly, fossil fuel plants mate that between 1 million sions by 2050. As well as a mas- communities that were the ‘one Nigeria project’.
vest in clean and cheap renewa- have not disappeared, said and 8 million people die each sive expansion of renewable en- underserved would enjoy According to him, “we do
bles over coal, oil and gas. Arunabha Ghosh, chief exec- year from breathing in dirty air ergy, the policy shifts include adequate service soonest. not have another country
That was the finding of a re- utive officer of CEEW and co- that comes from burning coal, near-term changes like banning He also assured those of our own and we must
port published recently by envi- author of the report. But the oil and gas. the sale of fossil fuel boilers by communities yet to be join hands together to
ronmental think tanks, Carbon new electricity capacity is “al- But as the cost of renewable 2025 and new combustion en- connected to the national build the Nigeria of our
Tracker in the United Kingdom most entirely likely to be non- energy plummets, that trade- gine vehicles by 2035. grid that alternative sources dream”.

Bora Harps On Personal Branding For Media Practitioners

BY KINGSLEY OKOH, Lagos landscape becomes increas- This was made known at grammes at The Beat 99.9fm dressed several ways mod- continue to be gatekeepers
ingly unstable, there’s need the company’s first-ever ex- Lagos, Osikhena Dirisu; and ern journalists can build in society.
Pan-African public rela- to find viable business mod- clusive virtual media confer- communications specialist their brands beyond their Commenting on the is-
tions company, Bora Com- els. ence themed ‘The Journal- and project manager, Me- media organisations. sue, investigative journal-
munications, has reiterated This, it said, was imper- ist As A Brand’ held on July, dia Focus On Africa, Ugan- Speaking, founder and ist, David Hundeyin, ad-
the need to drive conversa- ative to drive media prac- 17, 2021 to discuss the is- da, Jan Ajwang. chief communications of- vised journalists to use their
tion on personal branding titioners to build brands sues surrounding the media The virtual conference, ficer, Bora; Kemi Olawoye real names for social media
for media practitioners to across social media spec- landscape. which was well attended by emphasised the need for accounts, adding that so-
revamp social media pres- trums by establishing strong Those who spoke at the media professionals across modern journalists to prior- cial media is now unavoid-
ence and prioritise their online identities to grow virtual conference include Africa featured personal itise their brands and con- ably part of a journalist’s job
brands to remain relevant large and dedicated follow- investigative journalist and brand stories from all ex- tinue to hold brands, gov- as against the old belief that
in the 21st century. ers to restore the reputation broadcaster; David Hun- perts on their journey in ernments, and individuals it was at odds with one’s ca-
It added that as media of journalism in Africa. deyin; deputy director, pro- the media world which ad- publicly accountable as they reer in journalism.
20 NEWS/BUSINESS Wednesday, July 21, 2021Ebus,

Faulty Business Structure Denies 20m MSMEs

Access To N1.65trn Intervention Fund
BY KINGSLEY OKOH, Lagos that the CBN should undertake fur- commercial banks are often not
ther review of its strategies to elimi- excited about the intervention
There are strong indications that nate the bottlenecks associated with funds because they bear the cred-
more than 50 per cent of the 40 mil- accessing intervention funds for the it risk which implies that they will
lion micro, small and medium enter- SMEs. bear the responsibility for loan de-
prises (MSMEs) in the country could The LCCI president said the en- faults while he stated that with the
not access any of the N1.65 trillion vironment must support business- perception of MSMEs as high credit
intervention funds allotted to MS- es, preserve investments and create risk, this could be an impediment to
MEs sector because of faulty busi- job opportunities while she stressed MSMEs financing.
ness structures, bad record keeping that the genuine commitment in im- Similarly, business development
and high interest rates. plementing key reforms would not expert, Timi Olubiyi, said SMEs face
The federal government, in recent only stimulate the output growth credit discriminations from banks
times, has floated intervention funds but would also put the nation on because of opacity of information,
which total value runs into several the path of macroeconomic stabili- lack of business structure which he
billions of naira specifically for the ty over the medium term. noted was quite common with SME
SMEs sector, such as: N220 billion for Mabogunje pointed out that the operators who do not have in place
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise situation was taking a huge toll on audited financial statements.
Two motorcyclists carrying passengers with ram and goat along Development Fund; the N330 billion capacity utilisation, recovery and He noted that for these reasons
Gombe-Dukku Road, Gombe State, after shopping yesterday Real Sector Support Facility and the sustainability of businesses in the and more, it is usually difficult for
N1.1 trillion Covid-19 stimulus fund. production sector. SMEs to show credit quality to
But the major requirements of
Nigeria’s Oil Production Drops 11.47% good business structure and record
keeping have denied about 20 mil-
Similarly, economic expert and
former director-general, LCCI, Muda
Yusuf, explained that the funding
banks and other financial institu-
tions, hence, they’re seen to expe-
rience more stringent credit terms

To 1.343mbpd In Q2 – OPEC
lion of these SMEs access to these in- gap in the MSMEs space is still huge than the large companies which are
tervention funds. while he hinted that the gap was es- are seen as less risky.
Undoubtedly, SMEs are critical timated at over N600 billion in a re- Olubiyi further stated that banks
BY NSE ANTHONY-UKO, Abuja months of 2020. “The Q1’21 was revised to the development of any econo- cent study by PWC. and credit institutions perceive
At the Q2’21 average out- lower, amid slower than my as they contribute 50 per cent to He argued that the fact that many MSMEs in Nigeria as risky struc-
Nigeria’s oil output dropped put the country requires anticipated demand in the the country’s Gross Domestic Prod- MSMEs seek funds from microfinance tures not very resilient but fragile
by 11.47 per cent year-on- about 500 mb/d output main Organisation for Eco- uct (GDP) and 85 per cent employ- banks, finance companies, money in terms of activity, solvency and
year, YoY, in the second of condensate to meet its nomic Co-operation and De- ment to the informal sector, while it lenders at outrageous interest rates management particularly the start-
quarter of 2021 (Q2’21). 2021 budgetary target of velopment (OECD), OECD possesses great potential to reduce is a reflection of this funding gap ups and micro business in Nigeria.
But the decline also 1.8 mb/d. But currently the consuming countries. This poverty through employment crea- while he noted that the rates could He said other factors that affects
showed significant under- estimated condensate out- was counter-balanced by tion and income generation. be as high as 60 per cent per annum access to finance for MSMEs are; as-
production against the quo- put is put at 400 mb/d, in- better-than-expected data In spite of the intervention funds, or more in some of these institutions. set use for collateral requirements,
ta, Organisation of Petrole- dicating a likely significant from OECD Americas in the funding gap in the MSMEs sec- He lauded the efforts of the CBN cumbersome application process,
um Exporting Countries, shortfall. Q2’21, which is now pro- tor is very huge with several busi- in supporting MSMEs through the in- short loan maturities, high inter-
(OPEC) data have shown. However, the shortfall jected to last through the nesses struggling to survive while a tervention programmes, saying, for est rates among others.
In its July 2021 Monthly may not affect revenue esti- Q3’21. vast majority of MSMEs have been an economy that has over 40million While stressing that social and
Oil Market Report (MOMR), mates since the 2021 oil rev- “Solid expectations exist denied access to procure grants and MSMEs, the CBN can only do so much fiscal policy should be targeted at
obtained by LEADERSHIP, enue was based on oil price for global economic growth loans needed to revamp the SME sec- but it is fair to say the CBN is doing the SMEs to provide low interest
OPEC disclosed that on the of $40 per barrel, while ac- in 2022. These include im- tor because of the above challenges. its best in this delivery although the credit facilities and tax breaks par-
average, the nation pro- tual price in recent weeks proved containment of Speaking on the MSMEs inter- credit delivery framework could be ticularly cutting taxes to increase
duced 1.343 million barrels have hovered above $70 per COVID-19, particularly in vention funds, the president, Lagos better. disposable income as most SMEs
per day in Q2’21 compared barrel. emerging and developing Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yusuf lamented that most of the run their businesses on loan facil-
to 1.517 mb/d produced in Meanwhile the OPEC re- countries, which are fore- (LCCI), Mrs. Toki Mabogunje, said the MSMEs operates informally while ity as the current situation has im-
Q2’20. This also compares port, which painted a bright cast to spur oil demand to feedback from the wider business presenting themselves as credible peded their capacity to service the
negatively with the OPEC prospect for the oil mar- reach pre-pandemic levels community revealed that the access candidates for credits. He revealed current loans.
quota of 1.4 mb/d. ket in the remaining part in 2022.” to tntervention funds for MSMEs was that many do not have records of Managing director of TBWA Con-
Specifically, the report of 2021, stated: “World oil Meanwhile, Nigeria’s not encouraging. their transactions and most of them cept, Mr. Kelechi Nwosu also said,
has it that the country pro- demand growth in 2021 is crude oil exports fell by a She commended the sustained have no financial records and clear SMEs need to upskill their business
duced 1.372 mb/d, 1.344 forecast at 6.0 mb/d, un- whopping 41.9 per cent intervention of the CBN in the real convincing business models. knowledge and understand the
mb/d and 1.313 mb/d, in changed from last month’s year-on-year in the first sector through its numerous inter- He added that most of them prerequisites to apply for funds/
April, May and June, 2021 assessment, although there quarter of 2021. This is ac- vention programmes including the need the help of business develop- loans while ensuring that they re-
respectively, compared to have been some regional re- cording to data contained N220billion for Micro, Small and Me- ment experts and services providers port the progress of such loans. He
1.705 mb/d, 1.436 mb/d visions. Total oil demand is in the Central Bank of Ni- dium Enterprise Development Fund; to help build their capacity and tai- noted that MSME operators need to
and 1.411 mb/d, pro- projected to average 96.6 geria’s balance of payment the N330billion Real Sector Support lor their business models in these learn business management and
duced in the corresponding mb/d. report. Facility and the N1.1 trillion Covid areas. marketing skills to evolve with the
19 stimulus funds while she posited Further to this, Yusuf said, the changing consumers’ motivations.
Edo Ranks Lowest In Accountability Index, As Kaduna Tops Ladder
BY MARK ITSIBOR, Abuja 2018, recorded significant
improvement in public fine
ity of such information
for public consumption.
Oil Prices Rebound As Market Set For Stability
BY CHIKA IZUORA, Lagos energy futures at Mizuho in $66.90.
Edo State ranked worst per- management by 37 per cent “The situation does not
former in terms of account- and 11 per cent respectively. only show lack of credibil- New York. Still, the market re-
Crude oil futures rebound- Brent crude rose 50 mained skeptical that the
ability in the management Out of the 36 states of the ity on the part of govern- ed yesterday as market par-
of public finance, scoring federation, Kaduna state ments at all levels; it also cents, or 0.7 per cent, to price increase would last.
ticipants vied to take ad- $69.12 a barrel having slid “As things stand, it is
3 per cent of the required has the highest score of 72.7 shows the need to identi- vantage of oil’s two-month
information in an assess- per cent of the required in- fy and strengthen all are- by 6.8 per cent on Monday. hard to see prices staging a
low hit in the previous ses- The global benchmark has comeback unless virus jit-
ment report (for 2018 fis- formation for the survey on as militating against pub- sion.
cal year) that was conducted public finance, according to lic finance management fallen from over $77 hit in ters are brought back under
Monday’s selloff, spurred early July - its highest since control,” said Stephen Bren-
by the Institute of Char- the report that was obtained system in Nigeria, ICAN by demand destruction
tered Accountants of Nige- by this Newspaper. Kaduna said in reaction to the late 2018. nock of oil broker PVM.
fears amid rising COVID-19 Tuesday is the final trad- “The market is clearly un-
ria (ICAN). State improved from 74 per outcome of the report. cases, pushed oil about 7
Edo State scored 5 per cent in 2018 to 87 per cent The organisation ob- ing day for August US crude settled about the demand
per cent lower and hit oth- futures, adding volatility to outlook.”
cent in 2018 in the same in 2018, the report showed. served that there is a er riskier assets. While eq-
survey but dropped by 2 In general, the entire need to review some of the market, Yawger said. The Delta coronavirus
uities avoided a new selloff The expiring US crude variant has becomethe
points in 2019. In terms of country showed a low lev- the laws that have be- yesterday, United States
non access to information to el of transparency. The come obsolete in the con- August contract was up 43 dominant strain worldwide,
Treasury and German bond cents a barrel at $66.85 af- U.S. officials said on Friday.
rate the state’s handling of year’s report showed a text of recent global and yields also slipped as a re-
state funds, Edo State was 7 per cent improvement local developments and ter earlier touching a ses- The variant is unlikely
minder that investors re- sion low of $65.21. The to jeopardise the recovery
rated 97 per cent in 2019, over the previous year’s also harmonise the many mained worried.
and 95 per cent in 2018. assessment. This is so de- laws and regulations deal- contract fell 7.5 per cent of global growth, though it
“There are bottom pickers on Monday. The next front could cause “regional hic-
Some of the states like spite the various regula- ing with public finance trying to get into this dip,”
Rivers and Adamawa which tions and laws in Nigeria management system in month, September , was up cups,” said Julius Baer an-
said Bob Yawger, director of 55 cents, or 0.8 per cent at alyst Carsten Menke.
recorded 2 per cent each in mandating the availabil- Nigeria.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 21

FOCUS ON GOMBE Every Wednesday

Food Security: Gombe

To Partner Notore
Gombe State governor,
On Rice Production,
Muhammadu Inuwa Ya- Other Agro-allied
haya (2nd right); Emir
of Gombe, Dr Abuba- Ventures
kar Shehu Abubakar lll Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya
(right); minister of com- has assured investors that Gombe
munications and digital State is ready and willing to receive
economy, Dr Isa Ali Ibra- and partner any individual or group
him Pantami (middle); wishing to advance the economy of
Speaker of Gombe State the state through legitimate business
that will guarantee job creation and
House of Assembly, Hon enhance productivity on the long run.
Abubakar Luggerewo, The governor stated this when
and other dignitaries, he granted audience to a delegation
during the Eid-el-Kabir from Nomier Group, owners of No-
prayer at Gombe Central tore Company, led by its chairman,
Eid praying ground, yes- Mr. Jite Okoloko, at the Government
terday. House, Gombe.
Governor Yahaya informed his

Sallah: Gombe Governor Leads Dignitaries To Observe Eid Prayer guests that his administration had
already concluded arrangements and
processes for the establishment of the
Gombe State governor, Muhammadu relationships so that Nigerians can leave The governor prayed the Almighty Al- In his message to mark the religious Gombe Industrial Park that has pro-
Inuwa Yahaya, yesterday led digniteries together as brothers and sisters. lah to sustain and protect the country festival, the Emir of Gombe, Dr. Abuba- vision for agro-allied industries with
to observe the two Raka’at Eid prayer at “Our understanding transcends from the current calamities confronting kar Shehu Abubakar lll, called for sus- the complement of the 40 megawatts
the central Eid praying ground in Gombe. through religious divides and through her and for a successful and hitch free tained prayers for the nation and its Dadin kowa Hydro electricity plant.
Governor Yahaya and the dignitaries our cultural, geographical or political dif- Sallah festivity.. leaders. He said, “So that will be an oppor-
joined the Emir of Gombe, Dr Abubakar ference; that spirit and brotherhood we In a sermon delivered by the chief He equally enjoined farmers to brace tunity for you to expand more know-
Shehu Abubakar lll, at the prayer ground should maintain and ensure the surviv- Imam of Gombe Central mosque, up for the rainy season, just as he em- ing fully well that you are equally in-
to commemorate the start of the Eid-el- al and success of the Federal Republic of Sheikh Mohammed Umar Pindiga phasized the need for harmonious re- terested in Agricultural production
Kabir festival. Nigeria”, he stated. shortly after the two raka’at prayer, the lationship among the diverse people not only in producing fertiliser and
They include former governor of the Governor Yahaya urged Nigerians to cleric charged the congregation to trans- of the state and in particular between chemicals.
state, Sen Muhammad Danjuma Goje, continually to pray for President Muham- late the good virtues of Eid el-Kabir into farmers and herders for a peaceful “Aside the Dadin kowa Dam we
Minister of communications and digital madu Buhari and all leaders at all levels. the art of nation building through obe- Gombe state. have two more Dams, making it three
economy, Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, He stated: “And here in Gombe, the dience to constituted authorities and The monarch commended governor all together: Balanga Dam and Cham
Speaker of the state House of Assembly Government, the traditional leadership sacrifice for the good of all. Yahaya’s leadership style and his un- Dam and even along the coast of
and members of both federal and state and the leadership of the Ummah and He called on Muslim faithful to inten- precedented achievements in all facets Gongola river basin that comes from
legislatures. our Christian brothers, the Clerics and sify prayers for return of peace in Nige- of human endeavours within the last Plateau state through Bauchi, through
Governor Yahaya, while addressing the Church leaders are all collaborating so ria and bumper harvest, especially at a two years. Gombe and ends at Kiri and Numan
journalists shortly after a reception he that all of us work together for the bene- time when rainy season is in full swing. The governor was accompanied to the joining river Benue.
hosted for the guests, further re-echoed fit of mankind and for the upliftment of Sheikh Mohammed Umar Pindi- Durbar by former Governor of Gombe There is a lot of fertile land that
his Sallah message which he had earlier the Nigerian society”. ga thereafter performed the symbol- State, Senator Muhammadu Danjuma needs the attention and the cooper-
issued to the people of the State, calling He noted that the country was going ic slaughtering of a ram, signifying the Goje, the Minister of Communications ation of people that have the knowl-
on the ummah to sacrifice more for the through hard times in its social, econom- commencement of the festival in ear- and Digital Economy, the Speaker Gombe edge, finances and the capacity to in-
corporate existence of the country and in ic and political spheres as well as health nest. State House of Assembly, Abubakar Mo- crease productivity. So your idea of
the spirit of the season. wise, particularly with the challenges At the palace of the Emir of Gombe, hammed Luggerewo, member of House of coming to see how you can produce
The governor said the virtue of Eid El- posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, stress- Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya Representatives, Hon. Abubakar Ahmed rice is a very welcome development
Kabir which connotes love, obedience and ing that Nigerians need to be together and other dignitaries were treated to a Yunusa, former Minister of FCT, Dr. Al- to us. We shall join hands with you to
sacrifice are needed for the corporate ex- and support one another as the nation colourful durbar to the admiration of iyu Modibbo Umar among other digni- achieve that lofty objective”.
istence of the country and for individual meanders through the trying period. all. taries from within and outside the State. Governor Yahaya said the location
of Gombe at the centre of the North
East and being the most peaceful
Salary Upgrade: ‘Governor Yahaya Committed To Strengthening Traditional Institution’ among the six states in the zone
with number one status in ease of
Gombe State government preciated the Mai Kaltungo state, especially those who conveying the Sallah good- ernment has over the people doing business, places it at a van-
has said the recent upgrade for initiating programmes live in places that have water will message of Governor of Kaltungo Chiefdom. tage position of production, mar-
in salaries of district and capable of uniting his sub- bodies to be used for irriga- Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya The Mai Kaltungo in- keting and distribution.
ward heads in the state was jects through creation of at- tion to engage in irrigation to the Mai Kaltungo and his formed the deputy governor The governor disclosed that the
informed by Governor Mu- mosphere of cohesion, peace when the dry season sets in. subjects, praying God for sta- that the people of Kaltungo North East has a market of about
hammadu Inuwa Yahaya’s and harmony amongst the He stressed that the peo- ble rainy season and bumper are very happy with the de- 22 million people and that being
commitment to boost their diverse people in his chief- ple of Gombe South are not harvest. velopmental projects in the the most peaceful state, the peo-
morale and enhance their per- dom, and the entire state. known for begging, urging Responding, the Mai Kal- chiefdom, especially that the ple inter-relate not only with the
formance, in view of the im- He enjoined the people of them to maintain their sta- tungo, Engineer Saleh Mo- projects have direct bearing remaining five states but with
mense contributions they are Kaltungo and by extension tus by engaging in gainful hammed , appreciated the on the needs, yearnings and Kano, Kaduna and other parts of
rendering to the state, nation the entire people of Gombe economic activities, thereby visit, and the concern the gov- aspirations of the people. the North and Nigeria in general.
and humanity. “Not only that, Cameroon
The state’s deputy gover- which is at our southern end
nor, Dr Manassah Daniel Ja- through Adamawa and Borno
tau stated this while address- and Chad and even Niger Repub-
ing a gathering at the Mai lic through Yobe and Borno States
Kaltungo palace during a Sal- are all close to us and we have very
lah homage. good and peaceful business rela-
Jatau noted that the role of tionship with them but not for the
the Traditional Institutions issue of this insurgency which we
of mobilising support, adher- have been able to overcome and
ence to rules and implement- which we are trying to make sure
ing government policies can- it doesn’t extend to other parts of the
not be overemphasized. north East,” he added.
He said the present admin- The governor urged the manage-
istration will continue to pro- Gombe State governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya (middle); chairman ment of Notore Company Plc to feel
vide dividends of democracy L- R: Former FCT minister, Dr Aliyu Modibbo Umar; minister of communications and digital of Nomier Group, Jite Okoloko (right), and group managing director of No- free and explore more possibilities
to the people of the state, in- economy, Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami; Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya and former gov- tore Chemicals Industries Plc, Phil Ohewerei during a courtesy visit to the because the State is not only blessed
cluding Kaltungo chiefdom. with arable land and people but with
ernor, Sen Muhammad Danjuma Goje during the celebration of Eid el-Kabir sallah in Gombe. governor in Gombe, yesterday. solid minerals and human resources.
The deputy governor ap-
22 NEWS/BUSINESS Wednesday, July 21, 2021

To Deliberate
On Internet
Governance Policy

The African ICT foundation is partner-

ing UNESCO to host a stakeholders’en-
gagement for the advancement of evi-
dence-based policy making of Internet
The virtual event, which holds
Thursday, July 29th, is the first of the
foundation’s partnership with glob-
al organisations to deepen internet
penetration in Africa.
In a press statement issued by the
foundation’s director of communica-
tion, Mr. Isaiah Erhiawarien, and made
available to LEADERSHIP, internet gov-
ernance-related issues will be ad-
L-R: Director, Sustainability & Corporate Communications, IHS Nigeria Limited, Cima Sholotan; co-founder, Education Reform Innovation Team (ERIT), Alero Ayida-Otobo; Special Advisor to dressed and covered during the event.
the President on Social Investments, Mrs Maryam Uwais (MFR); and legal practitioner, Ayo Obe, during the ‘At-Risk-Children Programme’ (ARC-P) private sector engagement meeting that According to the statement, the fo-
took place at The Wheatbaker Hotel, Ikoyi Lagos, yesterday. PHOTO BY KOLAWOLE ALIU rum will allow national leading experts
from West African sub-region countries
African Energy Chamber Promotes
PTAD Pays More Pension Increment
to present their national assessment
projects using Internet Universality
Impactful Energy Deals For Nigeria Indicators (IUIs) and foster further en-
gagement with West African commu-
Arrears To DBS Pensioners
BY MARK ITSIBOR, Abuja Ejikeme, made this immigration and prisons

The African Energy Chamber

emphasize the role of Nigeri-
an oil and gas developments
in a bid to attract internation-
nities and stakeholders.
The forum is also expected to hold
panel discussion with emphasis on
statement yesterday, pensioners were paid 12 (AEC) is calling investors’ at- al investor interest to new and knowledge-sharing as well as an in-
The Pension Transitional in her response to the months arrears in May. tention to explore huge poten- existing projects. teractive session whereby the moder-
Arrangement Directorate commendations from With this payment, tial offered by Nigeria’s oil and Through meetings with ator will allow very short statements
( PTAD) says it has paid pensioners on the each of the pensioners gas industry with the passage marginal field producers, the from speakers to trigger discussions.
an additional nine payment of the arrears. in the four operational of the Petroleum Industry Bill NNPC and the DPR, Ayuk According to the statement, the
months of consequential Recall that in May, departments would have by the National Assembly. opened a discussion on the event seeks to engage in an extensive
adjustment arrears 2021, the directorate a balance of six months Mr. NJ Ayuk, executive role of oil and gas in Africa’s partnership with the West African In-
occasioned by the new implemented the arrears left to be paid. chairman of the African En- energy transition, drawing at- ternet Governance Forum community
minimum wage increase consequential According to the ES, ergy Chamber, recently con- tention to the value and com- via the newly launched Dynamic Coa-
of 2019 to Civil Service adjustment on the payment was to ducted a working visit to Ni- petitiveness of African pro- lition of IUIs, so as to join forces for ad-
Pension Department pensions as a result further support DBS geria with the sole mandate jects. vancing evidence-based policy making
Pensioners and six of the minimum wage pensioners especially to expand cooperation, reaf- By showcasing the coun- of internet governance and fostering
months of the same increment of 2019 and during this festive period firm critical energy partner- try’s new and existing oil and digital collaboration in line with UN
arrears to parastatals, commenced payment of the celebration of this ships and promote the coun- gas projects such as the $2.8 SDG’s roadmap of digital cooperation.
Police, Customs, of arrears to the year’s Eid el Kabir. try as a premier investment billion 614km Ajaokuta-Ka-
Immigration and Prisons destination, backed by the re-
Department Pensioners.
pensioners of the four
operational departments
While wishing all
Muslim pensioners a cently passed PIB and the Dec-
duna-Kano pipeline and the
$10 billion Nigerian Lique- EEDC Resumes Prepaid
This brings the arrears as directed by president Happy Eid El Kabir, she ade of Gas initiative.
By reiterating the value of
fied Natural Gas Train 7 pro- Meter Installation In
paid so far to a total of ject both Nigeria and AEW
18 out of the 24 months
Muhammadu Buhari.
The civil service
promised to continue
to support and promote the Cape Town-hosted African 2021 aim to drive oil and gas Umuahia
arrears of the pension pensioners were paid the welfare of the senior Energy Week (AEW) 2021 as directed investment, expand- BY KALU EZIYI, Umuahia
increment. nine months of the citizens in accordance a platform whereby Nigeria ing Nigeria’s sector and accel-
Executive secretary arrears while parastatals, with the mandate of the can facilitate impactful ener- erating long-term socio-eco- Enugu Electricity Distribution
PTAD, Dr Chioma police and customs directorate. gy deals, market the country’s nomic growth. Company (EEDC) has resumed
reformed energy sector and Meanwhile, with the coun- the installation of prepaid elec-
attract both regional and in- try’s Decade of Gas initiative a tricity meter in Umuahia, the
Tangerine Deepens Financial Inclusion With Tech-driven Solutions ternational investor interest,
both the AEC and AEW 2021
comprehensive strategy to en- Abia State capital, aimed at end-
ing the distribution of estimat-
hance gas monetisation and
BY OLUSHOLA BELLO, Lagos Tangerine Nigeria, Dapo adding products that remain committed to driving utilisation through a num- ed bills.
Akinsanya, stated that, are easy to understand investment and associated ber of large-scale projects – Umuahia Network manager,
Tangerine has restated “in less than two years, and, which leverage deals in Nigeria. Mr. Ozoeze Onyebuchi, confirmed
comprising top of the coun-
its commitment to we have been able to technology to increase Backed by the country’s re- this to LEADERSHIP in the capital,
try’s energy agenda in 2021,
deepening financial successfully acquire ease of accessibility, cently passed Petroleum In- yesterday, adding that the excer-
a meeting with Sylva served to
inclusion in Nigeria with and rebrand several helping millions of dustry Bill (PIB), the ‘Decade cise is in fulfilment of the compa-
promote Nigeria’s gas indus-
the deployment of tech- businesses, firmly uninsured Nigerians have of Gas’ initiative and the pri- ny’s pledge to consumers across
try, with the minister declar-
driven solutions. establishing Tangerine. protection or save for the oritisation of local content, the South East region.
ing an ambition to enhance
The company recently We have also made future.” Ayuk’s visit to Nigeria com- He explained that the compa-
gas-directed investments, ac-
stated this at the official significant strides Also, head, Life prised meetings with indus- ny’s target is to reach between
celerating growth across the
launch of the company’s in repositioning our Insurance, Tangerine try leaders, including chief Ti- 10,000 and 15,000 households
sector and the wider economy.
financial service product businesses in readiness Nigeria, Livingstone mipre Sylva, minister of state before the end of the year, add-
Under the Decade of Gas in-
offerings in Lagos. for growth by assembling Magorimbo stated for petroleum resources, and ing that the exercise began along
itiative, Nigeria is committed
According to the firm, a strong, agile and that the company officials of the Department of Afara Street where over 70 per-
to fully exploiting its natural
Tangerine is positioned to experienced team that has planned to be the Petroleum Resources (DPR); cent of the houses had earlier
gas reserves – which represent
be Africa’s preferred one- aligns with our strategic number one financial private sector executives and been covered.
the largest in Africa estimated
stop financial solutions thinking.” solutions provider of representatives of national oil Onyebuchi expressed opti-
at 206.53 trillion cubic feet –
provider, leveraging a Speaking on their choice in Africa by driving companies including the Nige- mism that the consumers will
and is, therefore, prioritizing
tech-driven, flexible, plans to deepen financial efficiency, value addition rian National Petroleum Cor- enjoy the system which he said
gas-to-power projects and as-
high-access platform to inclusion and impact the and growth. poration. is free, urging them to recharge
sociated developments.
drive business across Nigerian socio-economic According to him, “our As Nigeria assures that it the meters as quickly as possible
Sylva remains committed
all the financial services landscape, he added that, intention over the next is officially open for business, for their own benefits.
to energy investments and
segments in Africa “at Tangerine, we believe four years is to build AEW 2021 serves as the ideal In his reaction, the chairman
has confirmed that the up-
to deepen financial in democratising access strong businesses that are platform to market the coun- of Afara Street Residents, Com-
coming AEW 2021 will serve
inclusion, facilitate to financial services profitable and have a fair try, uniting international in- rade Uche Ogbonnaya, expressed
as the ideal platform for deals
wealth creation and and products and we share of the larger market vestors with lucrative Nigeri- satisfaction with the develop-
to be made that will kickstart
protection. seek to achieve this by in all of the segments we an opportunities. ment, saying it is what the res-
Nigeria’s Decade of Gas ena-
The head, Pensions, developing simple value- participate in.” Notably, the visit aimed to idents have been clamouring for.
bled by the passage of the PIB.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 23
24 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 25
26 NEWS/BUSINESS Wednesday, July 21, 2021

NPA Says 21 Ships Discharging Bulk Wheat, Muslim Faithful Celebrate Sallah Amid
High Food Prices In Lagos
Petroleum Products, Others At Ports BY AUGUSTUS CHERISH, Lagos

As Muslim faithful across the world

earlier in the years for a derica but
now sells for N550 and I think it’s
because of what is going on in the
The Nigerian Ports Authori- The NPA disclosed this in food items and other goods petrol, palmitic palm fatty celebrated Eid el Kabir yesterday, North,” he said.
ty (NPA) yesterday said that its publication, ‘Shipping from July 20 to 30. acids, bulk steam coal and the high prices of food items damp- But for Tobi Farinto, a Lagos resi-
21 ships are currently at the Position’, a copy of which The agency added that the bulk fertiliser. ened the mood of Lagosians, who dent, “the prices of food items have
Lagos ports discharging was made available to jour- ships contain general cargo, Five more ships that had lamented the persistent increase in increased due to the ongoing Sallah
bulk wheat, general cargo, nalists in Lagos. bulk salt, bulk wheat, bulk arrived the ports were wait- food prices, when compared to the celebrations.”
frozen fish, container, bulk The NPA said it was also sugar, container, trucks, ing to berth with contain- trend earlier in the year. Miss Farinto added that she was
salt, bulk soya, petrol and expecting 20 other laden bulk gypsum, base oil, au- er, general cargo, and petrol, Some traders attributed the rise not able to get all she planned to get
butane gas. with petroleum products, tomobile gasoline, jet fuel, NPA further said. to insecurity in the North, the rainy because she ran out of cash.
season as well as the rush to shop During a chat with Miss Esther,
for Salah. a crayfish seller, she explained that

Experts Urge FG To Support Productive Sector Major food items such as rice,
beans, onions, frozen foods, ram, oil,
garri, yam, tomato, pepper, among
the increase in the price of crayfish is
because we are in the rainy season.
“Fishermen find it difficult catch-
others sold for higher prices due to ing sea foods during the rainy sea-
Financial experts endeavour to give quoted “Most of the raw produce. demand pressure in parts of Lagos.
have urged the federal companies adequate materials used in “Food produce is one son,” she said.
However, there has been a gen- Meanwhile, Mrs Taiwo, anoth-
government to support the volume of foreign producing are imported, of the major factors eral increase in all major food prices
productive sector support exchange and in good time particularly in this tough that drives the spike in er Lagos resident attributed the in-
because of the high rate of inflation crease in the prices of pepper and to-
in order to boost output for their transactions. time of the COVID- 19 era. inflation rate,” Ojelewe in the country particularly since the
and check inflationary “As this will enable them “Accessing them have said matoes to the weather.
beginning of this year. “Pepper and tomatoes are now
pressure. to produce at optimal been quite challenging The National Bureau According to Mr Emeka, a trader
The experts who gave the levels and substitute and exorbitant for most of Statistics says the expensive, that is why I bought small
in Ile-Epo Market, Lagos State, some quantities and I believe it is because
charge in Lagos, said that imported goods locally,” organisation, “ Anono consumer price index food prices have not really changed
ensuring more support to he said. said. which measures inflation of the rain. When it rains heavily, the
compared to January prices. He said rain water affects pepper and toma-
local manufacturers would He noted the Also speaking, the (rate of change in the a bag of long grain rice is N26,000
spur economic growth and government should executive director, Bee increase in prices) toes but I think by August or Septem-
while the short one is N24,000 , un- ber, there will be a price reduction.”
curb inflation. continue to address the Institute, Mr Bidemi increased by 17.75 per like the price of beans that has in-
The founder, various headwinds in the Ojelewe, said the cent (year-on-year) in However, Muhammad Ali, who
creased tremendously. sells varieties of pepper and toma-
Independent Shareholders electricity sector so as to government should June. He described beans as ‘hot cake’
Association of Nigeria, reduce cost of production. resolve the insecurity in This is said to be 0.18 toes at Ibafo Market in Ogun State
and a rich man’s food. said, he bought a small bag of pep-
Mr Sunny Nwosu, urged Mr Godwin Anono, the country so as not to percentage points lower “A bag of oloyin beans is N42,000
the federal government President, Standard impede food supplies. than the rate recorded in per at the rate of N16, 000 last week,
now from N15,000 in January; a deri- which has increased to N17,500 a
to tackle inflation by Shareholders Association “The farmers and May (17.93) per cent. ca is now N600, yet it was N300 earli-
ensuring availability of of Nigeria, said inflation herders crises in some This implies that prices week after, adding that the big bag
er this year. Drum beans sold for N250 increased to N30,000 from N27,000.
foreign exchange to the rate would reduce if raw parts of the country is continued to rise in June earlier, but now sells N550 per deri-
productive sector. materials for productions partially responsible for but at a slightly slower rise He however said there was a slight
ca. Also, white beans sold for N300 reduction in the price of tomatoes.
“The apex bank should were sourced locally. the insufficient farm than it did in May.


Puzzle For Today Sociology


Solution To Yesterday’s Puzzle *Hint for today’s puzzle”


1. The institution 9. A religious group 2. Marriage between on tudes and personality ing into one new unit.
responsible of the integrated with society man and one woman characteristics expect- 8. A collection of people
rearing of children 11. Includes at least 3. A norm that is written ed and encouraged of a with territory, interac-
7. According to frued, three generations: down and enforced by person based on his or tion and culture
the part of the mind grandparents, an official agency her sex 10. The well being of peo-
that resolves conflicts married offspring, and 4. One of both parents 6. This is a blended fam- ple
between the ID and grandchildren. and their children ily which involves two 12. A guideline or an ex-
SUPEREGO 5. A set of behaviors, atti- separate families merg- pectation or a behavior
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 27

PDP And The Battle

Ahead Of 2023
CHIBUZO UKAIBE writes on the task ahead of Peoples Democratic
Party (PDP) in the face of the evolving political climate

hese are interesting to overcome the perceived
times for opposition onslaught by the ruling party.
politics with the So far some groups like PDP
perception that Youth Vanguard blamed the
the rejection of national leadership for the
e-transmission of election results defections. They argue that
in 2023 general elections does the party leadership didn’t do
not augur well for credibility of enough to stem the tide of
the polls. defections from the party.
This concern is reinforced by a The situation was further
perception that lawmakers voted compounded with the recent
on that contentious amendment chastising of the party leadership Secondus
clause along party lines which by the Rivers State governor
saw the ruling APC having the Nyesom Wike who accused the especially in the context of our All organs of the party from the
day. national chairman of the party, political culture. Their action ward to the NEC must come
For the flagship opposition Prince Uche Secondus, of the is borne out of personal greed together. The rally point is the
platform and former ruling party recent woes affecting the party. and not because the leadership masses and we can’t afford to
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Wike at the birthday reception of the party at the National level disappoint them,” he said.
the political horizon seems dire. of former governor of Cross had done anything wrong. But political activist, Bolarinwa
While PDP might have to bear River State, Liyel Imoke, blamed “Recall how the PDP fought Oyebanji, said it’s easier said than
the brunt of the rejection of Secondus for not being proactive to get Zamfara State, recall how done for the PDP.
e-transmission of votes, it has in tackling the defection of PDP Ayade had not taken part in “The PDP has to show that it
had to suffer depletion within governors. Although Wike’s PDP activities despite the fact has not just learnt from it’s past
its ranks with the defection of outburst isn’t so strange in light the state is a PDP state and how mistakes but that it is ready
governors as well as deal with of his tendency to take a jab at Liyel Imoke fought to put him in to chart a new course going
internal wrangling within its fold. the party structure, many were office, Recall how members of forward. This is a party that has
The unfolding intrigues put taken aback by his direct attack the PDP in the state had refused been in a ruling party position
the party in a rather awkward on the national chairman whom to defect with him. Recall how since 1999 until 2015 and had
position despite its seeming he had worked for to ensure his former Senate President Pius ample time to fix some things.
good start especially in the build emergence. Ayim, Sam Egwu and others But we can’t continue to cry
up to 2019 polls. Secondus in a rather deft fought Elechi to put the governor over spilled milk. The new party
Many pundits had noted that response said no amount of of Ebonyi State in office despite leadership sometime back
the 2018 presidential primary provocation will make him being from a minority in the apologised for some actions
of PDP which was regarded as join issues with any leader of state. So I think their decision to taken by the party as the party
transparent and rancour-free the party talk less than a state defect from the PDP to the APC was tongue-lashed for that at
as no candidate complained of governor. is an act of ungratefulness and the time. But I think they are a
being shortchanged after the A statement from his media should be condemned.” lot more sober now.
event. office signed by Ike Abonyi said, Speaking also, a PDP member “It is good that the party’s
Although there were silent “To do that is to remove the from Gombe, Salihu Magaji, said siding with some positions
rumours about power play, there toga of a leader of the party. The the task before the party is not that appeal to the quest for
was no issue about a “big man” impact of such a response from to allow what has transpired to credible elections and other
single handedly influencing the the National Chairman on the affect the opposition. acts that will enthrone quality
process at the level of stopping party will be worse than silence. “The PDP is still the best governance. We hope that the
the votes of delegates from being “The national chairman option to the cluelessness the leadership of the party, being
counted. considers whatever negative APC has brought to the country. the main platform, will continue
More so, party watchers were outburst against him from any PDP must be united. Taking to make itself available to fight
mindful of reforms made by the quarter as one of the punches a over power without unity is conscientious battles in the
party like the empowering of leader must receive and endure impossible as a house divided interest of Nigerians and not for We can’t af-
party structures in the states and to get stronger especially when against itself will not stand. mere political gains. Nigerians ford to allow
regions, even though it had it’s truth is unhidden that Secondus Nigeria has fallen and the people will expect more from them
imperfections anywhere. is not a liar.” are looking up to the PDP. The considering that they seem to be the APC to
Also, the party leadership While the intervention by the leadership must forget about the only other viable platform at divide the
was noted for its management Benue State governor, Samuel personal ambition and come the moment,” he said. party. It is the
of governorship primaries in Ortom who shares common together to lead the people out The talk of a third force ahead
the states such that there was political agility with Wike (as of the present predicament that of 2023 has been rife. Whether duty of the
less or almost not mention of minister) and Secondus (a former the nation is. PDP will be able to prove it ruling party
the influence of any godfather NWC member) would serve to “We can’t afford to allow the has the depth to galvanise the to attempt
which gave some measure of arrest the faceoff between the APC to divide the party. It is opposition platform is another
confidence to the intra party. two political gladiators, many the duty of the ruling party to matter. to, but the
Above all was the number believe that the party leadership attempt to, but the PDP should Evidently the prospect of the PDP should
The talk of of states won by the party vis would have more going forward. know this is the right time for its party winning further election know this is
a vis senators and House of Reacting, political members to come together. will come to the fore especially
a third force Representatives members. commentator and lawyer “No political zone can do after the defection of governors the right time
ahead of Sadly however the recent spate Maxwell Obiekwe, said “As much it alone. All the six zones are and the e-transmission of results for its mem-
of defections seems to have put as one cannot hold forth for these important. To wrestle power, all but how the party leadership
2023 has the party leadership in a tight our political actors, it is clear that the zones must come together. rallies it members to respond to bers to come
been rife. spot with regards to its ability defectors are ungrateful lots The issue of zoning is not now. the challenges will be key. together.
28 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA Wednesday, July 21, 2021

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I formerly known and addressed I, formerly known as ORJIAKO I, formerly known as OBADIAH I, formerly known as ETUH I, formerly known as ONYEMA I, formerly known as KAREEM
as ONYEUKWU EVA now wish BLESSING KAMSI now wish SUNDAY ADAMS now wish to be SIMEON ODOMA now wish CHIOMA now wish to be called SAFIYAT OYIZA now wish to be
to be known and addressed as to be called and addressed as called and addressed as OBADIAH to be called and addressed and addressed as ONYEMA called and addressed as HASSAN
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General public to take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note.


I, formerly known as ANYELEBECHI I open bank accoun with name as I, formerly known as EMMANUEL I, formerly known as EMMANUEL I, formerly known as ABDULSALAMI I, formerly known as PAUL
OGECHI now wish to be called and ENIMOLA VICTORIA TOPE. Now wish to CHISOM now wish to be called CHIDIEBUBE now wish to be called FATI. now wish to be called and MARY now wish to be called
be known and called as ENIMOLA TOPE addressed as ABDULSALAM FATIMAT
addressed as EGBOGU OGECHI
CLARA. My date of birth is 30/5/1989 and addressed as ANI CHISOM and addressed as ANI CHIDIEBUBE OYIZA. MY DATE OF BIRTH IS and addressed as PAUL
JUSTINA. All former documents NOT 30/5/1984. Former documents DIVINEGRACE. All former TESTIMONY. All former documents 5/1/1992 NOT 1/1/1994. All former MARY OHUNENE. All former
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I, formerly known as ONUMMADU I, formerly known as MISS. I, formerly known as MISS. EDEH I, formerly known as OKAFOR I, formerly known as MISS. OKONTA I, formerly known as MISS.
OBIANUUJU MARINA now wish to be FLORENCE IGWE now wish to CALISTA ONYINYE now wish to UZOMA S. now wish to be called VERA CHIDIMMA now wish to EZINWANNE ANULIKA OKEKE
called and addressed as ONUMMADU be called and addressed as MRS. be called and addressed as MRS. and addressed as ELOCHUKWU be called and addressed as MRS. now wish to be called and addressed
documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General All former documents remain valid. documents remain valid. General former documents remain valid. documents remain valid. General
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I, formerly known as MISS. I, formerly known as SAMUEL I, formerly known as UDEH I, formerly known as NGENE I, formerly known as NNENE, I, formerly known as MISS. ATU
wish to be called and addressed as wish to be called and addressed called and addressed as UDENEH called and addressed as ONWE NWAEZIMUZO now wish to be be called and addressed as MRS.
former documents remain valid. DORCAS. All former documents former documents remain valid. JOANA NWAEZIMUZO. All former
Banks, NIN, UNTH and general remain valid. General public Banks and General public should documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General All former documents remain valid.
public should please take note. should please take note. please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. General public should please take note.


I, formerly known as GEORGE I, formerly known as EMMANUEL I, formerly known as MISS. I, formerly known as SHAIBU I formerly known and addressed as I, formerly known as ANUM
called and addressed as EMMANUEL- wish to be called and addressed now wish to be called and addressed be called and addressed as UCHE wish to add OBI to my former name that I
as FERDINAND IFEBUNANDU now wish to be known and addressed as and addressed as ANUM HEMBAFAN
All former documents remain valid. documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. Banks and All former documents remain valid. remain valid. Access Bank and General
General public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. General public should please take note. General public should please take note. public should please take note.


I, formerly known as ELEGBE I, formerly known as CHIJIOKE I, formerly known as OCHE ENAYI I, formerly known as MISS I, formerly known as MISS UZOHO I, formerly known as MISS NWINEEDAM
FADEKE OLANREWAJU now MICHAEL DANIEL now wish to be ESTHER now wish to be called CESALTINA GOMES now wish to JENNIFER CHIDIEBERE now wish GIFT BARIDANAMUE now wish to be
wish to be called and addressed as called and addressed as CHIJIOKE and addressed as OCHAPA ENAYI be called and addressed as MRS. to be called and addressed as MRS called and addressed as MRS EKEM
All former documents remain valid. MICHAEL ADIMIBE. All former ESTHER. All former documents UDEACHAKA CESALTINA. All former JENNIFER MERCY EBERE EMEKA. My Former Name Remain Valid. Any
Federal University of Lafia and the documents remain valid. General remain valid. General public documents remain valid. General All former documents remain valid. Other Concerned Authority And The
general public should take note. public should please take note. should please take note. public should please take note. General public should please take note. General Public Should Please Take Note.


This is to notify the general public that I, formerly known as AONDOVER I, formerly known as AZUBUINE I, formerly known as MISS. ESTHER I, formerly known as ONAH I, formerly known as POTTER
OGENYI MARY PEACE and OGENYI SANDRA SELUMUN now wish UCHENNA ANITA now wish to be AMBROSE ANTIGHA now wish to be EDITH OGOCHUKWU now AMAECHI now wish to be called
MARYPEACE OYILONYE is one and same
person who now wish to be known and to be called and addressed as MRS. called and addressed as OKPALEKE called and addressed as MRS. ESTHER wish to be called and addressed and addressed as AMAECHI
OYILONYE. All former documents remain All former documents remain valid. documents remain valid. General bearing my former name remain valid. documents remain valid. General former documents remain valid.
valid. General public should please take note. General public should please take note. public should please take note. The general public take note. public should please take note. General public should please take note.


I, formerly known as JATAU I, formerly known as MAIKUDI I, formerly known as JEREMIAH I, formerly known as MUSA I, formerly known as ENEOJO I, formerly known as TOYIN
GRACE JOHN now wish to be JIBRIN now wish to be called EMMANUEL .K., now wish to be called NAZIRU now wish to be called ABEL now wish to be called and GRACE TAIWO now wish to be
and addressed as JEREMIAH EMMANUEL
called and addressed as TANKO and addressed as MOHAMMED REMILEKUN. MY CORRECT DATE OF and addressed as IBRAHIM addressed as ENEOJO UMORU called and addressed as TOYIN
GRACE DANBOYI. All former ALIYU. All former documents BIRTH IS 19TH JANUARY, 2004. All NAZIRU MUSA. All former ABEL. All former documents GRACE FAGBOHUN. All former
documents remain valid. General remain valid. General public former documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General remain valid. General public documents remain valid. General
public should please take note. should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. should please take note. public should please take note.


I, formerly known as MUHAMMED I, formerly known as BABA I, formerly known as BOBBY I, formerly known as ESTHER I, formerly known as OGBU EMMANUEL I, formerly known as EGWU STEPHEW
HAMMADU 3\7/1967 now wish to be ABDULKADIR 1\/1978 now DENNIS KPADONOU now wish OVOKE ETAKEFE now wish to be IGAH now wish to be called and ONJE now wish to be called and
called and addressed as KAWU BABA wish to be called and addressed to be called and addressed as called and addressed as ESTHER addressed as EMMANUEL OGBU addressed as STEPHEN EGWU ONJE
HAMMADU 18\12/1969. All former as ABDULKADIR AHMED PADOS CRISPIN ETOBI. All former OVOKE OKOFO. All former IGAH. All former documents remains WITH MY ACTUAL DATE OF BIRTH 8TH
MAGBA 23\8/1969. All former Bank authorities, Corporate Affairs AUGUST, 1973. All former documents
documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General Commison,Federal Inland Revenue remain valid. Stanbic IBTC bank authority
public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. Service and general public to take note. and general public to take note.


I, formerly known as UMEH I, formerly known as MUSA I, formerly known as CLETUS I, formerly known as MRS. EKPO JUDITH I was formerly known as RAJI I, formerly known as NATHANIEL
BLESSING IFEOMA now wish to ISAAC ONALO now wish to be EMMANUEL now wish to be OFIE now wish to be called and addressed MOHAMMED NUHU. that my correct AJUMA now wish to be called
be called and addressed as MBONU called and addressed as MOSES called and addressed as CLETUS as MRS. ERIBA JUDITH OFIE. All the former name is RAJI NUHU & that RAJI and addressed as SIMON
documents bearing the former name still NUHU & MOHAMMED NUHU is AJUMA NATHANIEL. All former
remain valid. The National Assembly Service referred one & same person. All former
documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General Commission and National Assembly with documents remain valid. General documents remain valid. General
public should please take note. public should please take note. public should please take note. the general public should take note. public should please take note. public should please take note.


I, formerly known as UKEJE I, formerly known as I, formerly known as ABBA FELICIA UNEKWU
reflected on my national ID card correct names
FELICIA now wish to be called AUDUDANJUMA AMINAT now is MATHEW FELICIA UNEKWU reflected on
and addressed as UKEJE NGOZI wish to be called and addressed my voter’s card and 15/6/1967 was wrongly SPACE FOR SALE SPACE FOR SALE SPACE FOR SALE
FELICIA. All former documents as DANJUMA AMINA. All former captured on my voter’s card instead of
remain valid. General public documents remain valid. General 15/6/1972 as d correct date of birth on my
national ID card. All former documents remain
should please take note. public should please take note. valid. General public should please take note.


CENTER FOR AWARENESS AND LEGAL AID IN MARRIED This is to inform the general public that the above named has applied to the Corporate This is to inform the General public that the above named Foundation has
(TSANGAYAR MA’AURATA ) Affairs Commission (CAC), Abuja for Registration under part ‘C’ of Companies and Allied applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under Part
Matters Act, 1990.
“C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020.
The general public is hereby notified that the above named Association has TRUSTEES ARE:
applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Abuja for Registration 1. Himaga Yayirus - Chairman NAMES OF TRUSTEES:
under Part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1 of 1990. 2. Hellen Caleb - Secretary
3. Hajiya Mariya Adamu Nyako 1. Pastor, Ugbede Shaibu
4. Hon Kate Remond Mamuno 2. Revd, Ibrahim Benard Ameh
5. Hajiya Maisaratu Bello 3. Mrs. Aisha Adama
1. Umar Ridwan (Chairman) 6. Liurayaunan Yayirus
2. Nuhu Sambo 7. Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed Binani 4. Mr. Alpha Daniel
3. Asmau Bello 8. Dame Pauline Tallen 5. Mr. Nelson Aliyu
9. Glory Abolusoro 6. Mr. Jacob Ebiloma
4. Hafsat Badamasi 10. Amb Fatima Adams
5. Hauwa Hussain Hussain 7. Mrs. Eleojo Shaibu.
6. Abdulrazaq Bayalat (Secretary ) AIM AND OBJECTIVE:
1. To encourage african women to develop their communities using sustainable methods AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:
2. To increase the amount of resources available for women’s projects
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 3. To establish a network of organizations and individuals committed to promoting and 1. To preach the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.
1. To create a world class center that would be in the fore-front of ensuring protecting women’s rights 2. To promote Active Relationship that reflects the true Essence of
a happy and a blissful marriage for all. 4. To educate women on their human rights and empower them to create social change friendship Among Members
2. To achieve blissful matrimonial homes through pre-marriage seminar, through peace building activities
5. To strengthen youth and women’s political participation and decision-making power 3. To foster unity, cooperation and progress among members
counselling, legal awareness and empowerment. as we well as to build a gender responsive budgeting, stronger family ties, healthier
women and children, economic prosperity. Any Objection to this Registration should be forwarded to the Registrar
Any objection to this Registration should be forwarded to the Registrar- General, Corporate Affairs Commission plot 420 Tigris Crescent off Aguiyi
General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Tigris Crescent, Off Aguiyi Any objection to this Registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate
Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication. Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, P.M.B 198, Maitama, Ironsi street Pmb 198 Maitama Abuja within 28 Days of this Publication.
Abuja within 28 days of this publication.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA 29

This is to inform the General public that the above named
Foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for
The general public is hereby notified that the above named
Foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission
This is to inform the general public of loss
Registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters (CAC) Abuja, for Registration under Part “C” of the Companions of ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF DEED OF
Act, 2020. and Allied Matters Act, 1990. CONVEYANCE belonging to JOSEPH NEBO.
1. Uchendu Chineye 1. Anthony Uzoma Uchebunjo - Chairman LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ENUGU
2. Uche Uloaku Chidinma - Secretary
2. Uchendu Onyebuchi Louis
3. Uchendu Chinwe Caroline 3. Justine Emenike Uchebunjo STATE, With Registration No. 82 at page 82 in
volume 447, in the ministry of Lands office
1. To form a charity organisation aimed at helping, supporting Enugu, measuring approximately 824.348
1. To assist in providing basic education to the less privileged
youths. and promoting the welfare of poor indigenes of Imo State square meters and bounded by Beacon
2. To ensure a better and better future for the orphan child. and by extension the rest of Nigeria. Nos: CJ 50668 Nos: CJ 50669, CJ 50670
Any Objection to this Registration should be forwarded to the
Any objection to this Registration should be forwarded to the and CJ 50671 shown in survey plan No: AN/
Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission Plot 420 Tigris
Registrar-General Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris
Crescent, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days from the date of this
GA972/77 at Enugu Land Registry. All effort
Crescent off Aguiyi Ironsi street PMB 198 Maitama Abuja within publication. to trace those documents proved abortive. If
28 Days of this Publication.
found, please, contact the Ministry of Lands
SIGNED: SECRETARY CHAIRMAN. and Urban Development, Enugu.

THIS IS TO INFORM THE GENERAL PUBLIC This is to inform the general public that the above named ASSOCIATION
has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for Registration under
THAT THERE WILL BE AN AUCTION SALES Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.


1. Rev. Dr. Dashan Obed Gudeke - Chairman
3. Hon. Justice Tuktur Josephine Yakubu
- Secretary
5. Rev. Dr. Nasara Zechariah
1. To bring together theologians within Tekan Theological Institutions SPACE FOR SALE
and hold conferences, rubbing minds on contemporary issues and to
exchange ideas on theological issues.
2. To be a reference point for academic discussions on the relationship
ITEMS ARE: between christianity and educational theory, practice in formal and
informal settings.
1. ONE SCRAP JETA CAR REG NO AG 15 PBT 3. To encourage theological research by publishing high quality articles
bordering on theology and issues across a wide range of educational
2. SCRAP GENERATORS, LAPTOPS AND ETC contexts, towards enhancing the development of theological education
Any objection to the Registration should be forwarded to the Registrar
SIGNED: POLICE AUCTIONEER General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, Off
Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication.

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sports 2020 Tokyo: Team Nigeria
Needs Prayers To Win
www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Medals- Sports Minister

BY OLAWALE AYENI, Abuja Airlines for successfully air lifting
our Team and hope that we shall
Minister of youth and sports de- have cause to celebrate when we
velopment, Sunday Dare has pled return with medals. So my mes-
with Nigerians to pray for the sage is best wishes Team Nigeria,
country’s athletes to win medals at above all we need the prayers of
the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Nigerians so that the athletes com-
In Japan. pete excellently, cleanly and win
Team Nigeria made up of 58 medals and bring glory to our Na-
atheletes would be competing in tion”.
10 sporting events at the com- “ We are grateful to the feder-
mencement of the rescheduled al government, corporate Nigeria Minister of youth and sports development, Sunday Dare, (5th left) leads the last batch of Team Nigeria contingent to Tokyo
Games from today to 8 August and all those who supported Team Olympics during their departure at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, In Abuja, yesterday
2021. Nigeria by adopting our athletes.
Recall that, at the last Olympic
Games in Rio 2016 , Team Ni-
geria won just one bronze med-
He further reaffirmed the team’
s effort geared towards putting in
their best and coming out top and
Joshua To Defend Heavyweight Titles
al in men’s football to claim the
country’s first podium finish since
encouraged Nigerians to contin-
ually support the team as they go
Against Usyk Sept 25
2008. The Nigerian team were ahead to put the country on the Anthony Joshua will put his IBF, in seven explosive rounds at Wemb- Matchroom Boxing’s first heavy-
beaten 2-0 in the semifinals by map of greatness. WBA and WBO heavyweight cham- ley Stadium back in September 2018. weight promotion at the old White
Germany but regrouped to beat ‘’I want Nigerians to wish the
Honduras 3-2 in the bronze play- pionships on the line against Olek- The heavyweight division’s big- Hart Lane in October 1987.
Team Nigeria the very best as we
off. compete with the very best in the sandr Usyk at the Tottenham Hotspur gest attraction has sold out stadi- Ukrainian pound-for-pound star
Speaking at a brief ceremony world at the Tokyo 2020 Olym- Stadium in London on Saturday Sep- ums and arenas around the world Usyk made the move to the heavy-
organised by the Ethiopian Air- pics. 205 countries with over tember 25. and now returns to the capital for his weight division after dominating at
line to send the minister and oth- 11,000 Athletes from around the Joshua dominated and then floored fifth stadium fight looking to create cruiserweight, ending his extraordi-
ers forth, at the Nnamdi Aziki- world validates the Olympics as Kubrat Pulev to score a brutal ninth- more history as he faces his latest nary spell at 200lbs as the undisput-
we International airport in Abuja the biggest sporting event in the round knockout at The SSE Arena, WBO mandatory challenger at the ed king with a phenomenal run of
yesterday, the minister appreciat- world. Wembley last time out in December new state of the art home of Spurs, victories in his opponent’s backyard
ed the efforts of the airline compa- The fact that we have a team of in what was his first fight on UK soil following in the footsteps of Frank against Marco Huck, Mairis Briedis,
ny and others who have supported 58 athletes that qualified to partic- since he stopped Alexander Povetkin Bruno, who defeated Joe Bugner in Murat Gassiev and Tony Bellew.
the sporting sector and called on ipate, some of whom are the very
all Nigerians to pray for the team best in their events shows that this
for a victorious outing ,while giv- country is going to Tokyo not just NFF Vows To Unmask Fellow Who Harass Super Falcons
ing his best wishes to the team. to show up but to compete clean Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) sault as he had not touched anyone. had this kind of case with any of our
He said, “ We thank Ethiopian and win medals”. says it has initiated moves to ensure His tirade did not unsettle the teams and lessons have been learnt
the unmasking of the self-acclaimed girls in any way as he was ignored and we will be guided appropriately
Tokyo 2020: Football, Softball Nigerian who got on the train with
the Super Falcons in Vienna, Austria
throughout, and the disciplined re-
sponse infuriated him the more.
going forward.
“This incident will not in any way
Events Begin Today on Tuesday and made the players un-
comfortable with inflammatory po-
However, Nigeria’s FIFA Match
Agent, Jairo Pachon told thenff.com
affect the team’s camping programme
and they will remain in Austria until
OLAWALE AYENi With Agency Re- Three softball and six women’s litical talks. that the matter has been immediate- Saturday, 24th July as scheduled.”
ports football matches are scheduled for Team officials explained on Tues- ly reported to the Austrian Police and President of the NFF and FIFA
day afternoon that the girls, who had the Embassy of Nigeria, and the fel- Council Member, Mr Amaju Mel-
Wednesday. been in the Austrian capital since low, who was bundled out of the vin Pinnick said the NFF will im-
The Tokyo Olympics start in earnest to- A softball date between hosts Japan Thursday preparing for upcoming train at the next station, would be mediately report the matter to world
day, two days before Friday’sopening and Australia starts the Games in Fu- international engagements, opted fished out. football –governing body, FIFA and
ceremony, and it can possibly see some kushima. to have a view of the city after their “It is unfortunate. The girls were would pursue the case to its logical
first athletes enjoying more freedom in This is the city hit hard by the tsu- morning training, and decided on on the way to the city centre which conclusion.
expressing themselves. nami-caused meltdown at the nuclear public transport to the city centre. was just a few minutes from the “We are infuriated because these
The head of the organising commit- power station in 2011. The guy, whose claim to be a Ni- hotel. They entered this train and are young ladies who are our ambas-
gerian was much doubtful from his the guy got inside and started insult- sadors and are there in Austria pre-
tee for the Tokyo Olympics, Mr Toshi- Also in action is the U.S women’s accent, launched into abuses against ing them. He was bundled out at the paring for major international com-
ro Muto yesterday did not rule out a football team who as world champions the girls for representing Nigeria, and next station and we have reported the petitions. That was a dastardly act by
last-minute cancellation of the global seek revenge against Sweden against kept saying that no one could touch matter to the Embassy of Nigeria and that fellow and we are not taking it
sporting showpiece, amid rising COV- whom they lost in the 2016 quarter- him because that would amount to as- the Austrian Police. We have never lightly.
ID-19 cases that have presented organ- finals.
isers with mounting challenges. The American women were on the Rangers Target Maximum Points Against Pillars In Enugu
“We can’t predict what will happen forefront of a fight against racial injus-
with the number of coronavirus cas- tice when they took a knee during na- Rangers International F.C of Enugu di Azikiwe stadium, Enugu today is all we can to ensure that victory is
will be pulling all the stops to en- expected to be a top-of-the table fix- achieved on Wednesday in Enugu. I
es. So, we will continue discussions if tional anthems before games, but they sure that the maximum points from ture. expect a tough match from them but
there is a spike in cases,” he said. have given it up since February. the match day 34 fixture against the Coach Salisu Yusuf, the Rangers we have what it takes to get what we
Games officials on Sunday report- The gesture, and others, are now visiting ‘Kano Pillars F.C is annexed gaffer is very positive going into this want,” stated the widely travelled and
ed the first coronavirus case among possible for the first time at the Olym- to keep the hope of picking a conti- encounter with his former employ- vastly experienced gaffer who once
competitors in the village in Tokyo pics. nental ticket alive. ers as he has charged his wards to up handled the ‘Sai Masu Gida’ side.
where 11,000 athletes are expected This is because a revision of the rule With the reflections of the ‘Asa- their game to get all the three points Also speaking ahead of the crunch
to stay. There have been 67 cases de- 50 of the Olympic Charter allows ath- ba Miracle’ still playing around as at stake stressing that Kano Pillars is tie, captain of the side and Super Ea-
well as other interesting encounters not a small team by any rate. gles B player, Tope Olusesi, said,
tected among those accredited for the letes to express themselves ahead of involving both sides very fresh in the “We are taking every game as a “Kano Pillars are a strong team but
Games since July 1, organisers said on their competitions, in social media and minds of the club’ followers, the en- cup final and this won’t be an ex- I believe that we have what it takes
Tuesday. in interviews. counter at ‘The Cathedral’, Nnam- ception. I believe that we have done to get a win on Wednesday.
Wednesday July 21, 2021 www.leadership.ng Leadership Newspapers @leadershipNGA SPORTS 31
Nigerian Singer Barzini To
Host National Chess Tourney
BY TUNDE OGUNTOLA, Abuja dents, through the fusion of chess and
music - the first-of-its-kind initiative
A Nigerian singer and entrepreneur, in Nigeria.
David ‘Barzini’ Nwobodo is blazing He said the tour will begin on the
the trail across the sports and enter- 24th of July at the University of Nige-
tainment sector, with the announce- ria, Nsukka which is home to the larg-
ment of the ‘Barzini King’s Open- est student community of chess play-
ing’ chess tournament to promote the ers in Nigeria, according to OLCC.
game of chess in the nation through He noted that the Lagos leg of the
music. tournament will be played on the 1st
The tournament is aimed at pro- of August on the online chess platform
moting mental acuity among Nigeri- ‘Lichess’.
an students. “The tournament will be played
Speaking with newsmen ahead in nine rounds with 10-minute time
of the tournament organised in col- Nigeria
control. The theme of the tournament International,
laboration with the Orchid Lekki mandates white to play e4, The King’s Taiwo Awoniyi
Chess Club (OLCC) and MacDaniel Opening, as the first move in all the (right) managing
& Friends Initiative, Barzini said, “I
hope to make this tournament an an-
games. This is a tribute to former
world chess champion Bobby Fisch- Awoniyi Quits Liverpool For director FC Union
Berlin, Oliver
nual one.” er who described the popular and old- Ruhnert during
Barzini said chess is a sport that
requires and boosts critical thinking
est opening as “Best by Test,” he said.
According to him, “Fischer’s atti-
Union Berlin In £6.5m Deal the unveiling
of Awoniyi in
hence the desire that more young peo- tude towards excellence in chess in- Germany
ple in Nigeria pick interest in the game spired me a lot while organizing this
enough to benefit from it. tournament and making the album, I Liverpool have confirmed that on Tuesday ahead of his switch to Eredivisie outfit NEC Nijmegen
He said the tournament, which will had him in mind all through the pro- Nigerian striker Taiwo Awoniyi Union, whose own training camp and Belgian pair Mouscron and
reward winners with over 200,000 in cess”. has joined Union Berlin in a is in Tirol, before putting pen to Gent.
cash prizes, will be played simulta- An active member of the Orchid £6.5million (€7.5m/$9m) deal. paper on a five-year contract. Then came a season with
neously with the release of a chess- Lekki Chess Club in Lagos, Nigeria, The Nigerian spent last sea- Awoniyi joined Liverpool Mainz in 2019-20, before he
themed album. Barzini is an avid promoter of chess son on loan with the Bundesli- in 2015, with the Reds paying joined Union Berlin last sum-
With this innovation, the 28-year- and hopes the poetry of the beauti- ga outfit, but has now moved to £400,000 ($550,000) to the Impe- mer. He would go on to make 22
old Barzini said his vision is to boost ful game will come to appeal to more the German capital on a perma- rial Soccer Academy having spot- appearances there, scoring five
mental acuity among Nigerian stu- young people in the country. nent basis after Union beat rivals ted him playing for Nigeria at the times to help the unfancied club
Mainz to the 23-year-old’s signa- U20 World Cup in New Zealand. secure qualification for the UEFA
ture. Unable to secure a UK work Europa Conference League.
6 Federations Gets IOC Recognition Awoniyi had been away with permit, he spent the next six sea- Union pursued a permanent
Six Sports federations have been Lacrosse and the World Associa- Liverpool’s first-team squad at sons out on a series of loans, deal aggressively thereafter, hav-
granted full recognition by the Inter- tion of Kickboxing Organisations. their pre-season training camp in spending time at FSV Frankfurt ing been taken by the forward’s
national Olympic Committee (IOC) The others are the Internation- Austria, but underwent a medical in the German Second Division, power, selflessness and quality.
at the organisation’s 138th Session al Federation of Muaythai Asso-
on Tuesday. ciations, the International Federa-
The six include the International tion Icestocksport and International Kwara Pledges Support For 2021 NYG Participation
Sambo Federation (FIAS), World Cheer Union. Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq of He said that the performance of aging more participation of youth in
Kwara has pledged to support the the state athletes at the Edo 2020 sports, but to add value to the sector.
Eid el-Kabir: FCT Golf Chair, Oladapo hosting of the upcoming National was a direct impact of his admin- He advised the athletes never to
Youth Games (NYG) scheduled for istration’s investment and commit- rest on their oars, but continue to
Felicitates With Muslims October in Ilorin. ment to sports and youth develop- work hard and be the best they can
BY OLAWALE AYENI, Abuja “In the spirit of Celebrating the The NYG will hold at the Sports ment. be in their chosen career.
Sacrifice of Prophet Ibraheem and Complex of the University of Ilorin. Represented by the State Head As a reward for good work from
As Muslims all over the world cele- subsequent blessings by Allah, let us AbdulRazaq made the prom- of Service, Mrs Susan Oluwole, he the athletes, the governor announced
brates Eid Mubarak on Tuesday, the do more in sacrificing for others, so ise while receiving awards and the said his government has embarked N250,000 for each gold medalist,
FCT Golf Association, chairman, Engr that the nation can be blessed with re- state’s contingents to the Edo 2020 on renovation and construction of N150,000 for silver medalists and
Oladapo Olaide Mohammed, has con- wards for patriotic and selfless efforts,” National Sports Festival in Ilorin facilities, aimed at not only encour- N75,000 for bronze medalists.
gratulated Muslims, particularly his he said.
board members, officials, coaches,
players and the media.
The FGA Boss, reiterated the need
to be conscious of the COVID-19 pan-
United, Liverpool Set To Battle For Saul
Oladapo in a statement, rejoiced demic during festive period “I urge Both Manchester United and Liv- main earlier this month, the Reds will Spanish capital club, Saul has made a
with Muslim and enjoined them to re- Muslims and entire nation to be cau- erpool will reportedly bid for Saul be particularly interested in central total of 337 appearances for Atletico,
main steadfast in their prayers to al- tious of COVID-19 especially during Niguez if talks with Barcelona fall midfield reinforcements with Saul fit- winning the La Liga, Copa del Rey and
mighty Allah to intervene in the coun- this period”. through. ting just that bill. Europa League titles in the process.
try’s challenges. The FGA chairman noted that “as we
“On behalf of my family and FCT celebrate, I also urge us to remember Barcelona are currently in advanced The 26-year-old has been with However, the Spaniard has fall-
Golf Association, I heartily congrat- the poor and the needy in our society. negotiations about a swap deal with Atletico his entire professional ca- en out of favour with manager Diego
ulate all Nigerian and Happy Eid el- He, however used the opportunity Saul moving to the Camp Nou, having reer having progressed through their Simeone, losing a spot in his preferred
Kabir to all our Muslim brothers and to re-affirmed the commitment of FCT offered Antoine Griezmann as a make- youth ranks and has transitioned into area of central midfield, with the arriv-
sisters. As we celebrate the festivities, Golf leadership in making the asso- weight to sign the midfielder. a world-class midfielder since estab- al of Rodrigo De Paul from Udinese
may our prayers and sacrifices be ac- ciation a rallying point for members, Following the departure of Geor- lishing himself in the first-team set-up. pushing him further down the peck-
cepted by Allah. coaches, and players at all time. ginio Wijnaldum to Paris Saint-Ger- Spending almost a decade at the ing order.

I Mentored Sweden Legend Ibrahimovic – Ijeh

Former Nigeria international Peter Ijeh goal scorer in the Nigerian league with “He is a great guy, and a humble per-
has revealed how he nureed up good re- Julius Berger of Lagos in the 1999/2000 son,” Ijeh said.
lationship with Sweden legend, Zlatan season. Ibrahimovic, now 39, currently plays
Ibrahimovic, and the superstar duly rec- “Zlatan was 16 years old when I for erie A side, AC Milan. Obviously
ognised him in his popular book. started putting him through on the var- in the very twilight of his career, the
Ijeh who played for Nitel United FC ious ways of achieving the ultimate in big Swede who prides himself as ‘The
and Julius Berger FC in the Nigerian the game,” Ijeh disclosed while field- Lion’is one of the most awarded play-
domestic league before heading for ing questions as an interviewee on FCT ers in world football today with 31 tro-
Sweden, revealed that he once men- Football Updates. phies won across different top Euro-
tored Ibrahimovic in the game of foot- “Then, he [Ibrahimovic] always said pean leagues and clubs, such as; Ajax,
ball while the Swede’s was growing up. he wanna be like me, play like me. I Juventus, Barcelona, AC Milan, PSG
Ijeh played alongside Ibrahimov- mentored him. and Manchester United. He has so far
ic at Malmo FF in Sweden – a team “That’s why he wrote about me in his netted over 500 goals for both Sweden
he joined after emerging as the highest book “I’m Zlatan”. and his clubs. Ijeh
21.07.21 WEDNESDAY
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The Wednesday
Eid-El-Kabir Celebration
Hannatu Musawa Of Sacrifice
hannatu.musawa@leadership.ng 0807 669 6000 only sms WhatsApp

t is another “Baban also ensure we continue to obey
Sallah” like we call it in the laws of the land as well as
the North and “Illeya” respect for authorities.
like it is called in the As Muslims, we must
Southwest, and this continue to adopt and
auspicious Islamic celebration demonstrate the good virtues
is quite unique in Islam. The of Islam through personal
latter of the two official examples and practices.
holidays celebrated within As is often the case, taking
Islam (the other being Eid-El- advantage of the celebration
Fitr), is a time where families to exploit fellow Muslims and
gather from far and wide in non-Muslims alike through
merriment and celebrations. outrageous prices of food items
It is a time where children is inconsistent with the virtues
put on their best dresses and of Islam.
shoes, visiting relatives and As practicing believers, we
neighbors. The climax of the shouldn’t seek obscene profits
celebrations is of course when by making life difficult and
the ram meat is served. miserable for others. Islam is
Eid-El-Kabir celebrations a religion of charity that urges
for me have always been us to love our neighbor as we
about celebrating with love ourselves.
family and friends as well I hope Eid touches families
as reflecting on the lessons throughout Nigeria and the
of sacrifice, charity and love world, in the most pious way.
that the feast of the Eid-El- During this beautiful and
Kabirepitomizes. It is a time I wonderful time, I would like
count my blessings and renew to send my best wishes to all
my love, faith and obedience who observed the festival and
to my creator. It is a time that celebration of Eid al-Adha and
teaches and reminds us of the thank those who rejoice and
meaning of sacrifice, love, celebrate with us.
and forbearance with Allah
and in our relationships with both father and son, being so bore the pain of the inevitable precedence of caliphs sacrificing
one another. It is also a time
I often reflect on back on the
devoted to Allah, both agreed
and they prepared to follow
loss of her son.As a mother
one can only imagine what she
items other than meat. After
all, the animal sacrifice is only
inspirational story behind Allah’s Will. But just as the must have been going through a sunnah, which is habitual
Eid-El-Kabir. sharpened knife was about to knowing full well her son was rather than required. The We work too hard
Eid-El-Kabir festival pierce Ismail’s jugular Allah put about to be sacrificed. Ismail Qur’an states that the meat in the House of
predates Prophet Muhammad a sheep in his place. Ismail’s was the only fruit of her womb, will not reach Allah (SWA), nor
(May the peace and blessings life was thus spared. Both but she submitted her desires will the blood, but what reaches
of Allah be upon him). The father and son proved their and aspirations to Almighty Him is the devotion of devotees
story that engendered the love and obedience to Allah. Allah. She knew Allah was there (it is neither their meat nor — Speaker
celebrations is one of a They passed the acid test of watching over her son as he their blood that reaches Him
man and his pious family. sincerity, which is “Ikhlas.” went through the most painful but your piety… Q22: 36-37).
It is a story of faith and the Prophet Ibrahim chose to experience in submission and As Muslims across the
ultimate sacrifice. It is the believe in the Almighty. But devotion. country commemorate Eid El-
story of belief in a season to believe in the Almighty is to The continued practice of Kabir, I urge all adherents to
of disbelief. It is one of make a difficult but extremely sacrifice therefore acts as a use the celebration to promote
total submission, love and rewarding choice. The Qur’an reminder of Prophet Ibrahim’s peace and co-existence between
devotion. Through Prophet extols him as a model, an obedience to Allah. However, all Nigerians, regardless of faith
Ibrahim and his son Isma’il exemplar, obedient and not the purpose of sacrifice in Eid or ethnic background.
(upon them be peace and an idolater. In this sense, El-Kabir is not about offering As Muslims, we must
blessings of Allah), Almighty ProphetAbraham has been a ram or sheep as sacrifice to continue to show love to one
Allah showed us how he often described as representing satisfy Allah. It is also about another, as well as to people of
intervenes to turn a situation “primordial man in universal sacrificing something devotees other faith. The act of sacrifice,
of hopelessness to that of surrender to the Divine Reality love the most to advance the one of the major lessons of Eid-
hope and happiness. before its fragmentation into message of Eid El-Kabir. In El-Kabir, should be part of our
Prophet Ibrahim had religions separated from each other words, the sacrifice can lives at all times.
a dream in which he was other by differences in form.” be something other than an We must make sacrifices
offering his son Isma’il as a Another major protagonist animal such as money or time for ourselves, our families, our
sacrifice to Allah. He told his of this story is the mother of spent on community service. friends, our neighbors and of I can't laugh o!
son about the dream, and Ismail, Hajar. In silence, she There are several historical course, our country. We must

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