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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Graduate Degree in English Department, Faculty of Cultural
Sciences of Hasanuddin University

Written by




Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah SWT, The Beneficent and the

Most Merciful. The Lord gives brain and feeling the writer to learn

everything in this world. The Guide for His help completed this research.

This thesis is intended to fulfill the requirement to achieve Sarjana Degree

in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Hasanuddin University. Shalawat

and Salam may always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW. The

best leader ever existed in the world who give guides us from the

darkness into the brightness.

This research could not be accomplished without any support from

some people surround the writer with their love, motivations and advices.

On this opportunity, the writer likes to express her gratitude to :

Her beloved parents Drs. Arifuddin Djarung and Hj. Johriati S.Ag for

their unconditional love, prayer, help, give more motivations and advices in

the whole of her life and they never stop to push her completing the thesis

in a timely manner. They are the shine of the writer’s life. She also wants

to say thanks to her sisters Humaerah and Agnia Kamila and all member

of family for their love and supports.

Dr. M. Amir P, M.Hum as the first consultant and Abbas S.S,. M.Hum as

the second consultant and also as an academic advisor where their

guidance, knowledge, experiences and advices in correcting my thesis.

The Head of English Departement Dra. Nasmilah., M. Hum., Ph.D and the

Secretary of English Department Abbas S.S., M.Hum and all lectures in

English department for their immense knowledge. Staffs of English

Department, Pak Udin, Pak Ruslan and Kak Agus for their help during her

academic years in campus.

Her lovely man “ Ansyarullah Ei” who always give her love patiently, care,

motivations and push her to complete this thesis. The important thing is

always here by her side.

Her lovely pete-pete 07 who always accompany her go to Campus – home

for four years.

Her best Baper Puff Girls , “Pute, Fenty, Dina, Ainy, Wella and Uul who

always give her support, laugh, love, motivation and good advices and her

Maba squad who is caring her so much nurhaliza and Ilham Qarey. Her

lovely jones ever Putri Ananda, Wiah, and Nunu Big thanks also to Mr.

Adiawan who always help her in correcting her thesis.

My belengs Squad, “Mathilda Kondorura and Feby FJ who are always

care and love in KKN and campus and give her motivations Pono Bahagia’

Squad who give me motivation and laugh.

IRMAIS-(Remes-anak lorong) kak taqwa, kak toto, padul, kak vebbes,

dea, nunung, awri, kak riswan, kak ismah, kak inang, imam, putra and

andre who always love, help her and laugh together.

Special thanks to all of friends in English Department especially for

ETCetera 2013.

All the members of Posko KKN Unhas 93 Kelurahan Kambiolangi Kec.

Alla Kab. Enrekang.

Makassar, July 05 th 2017

The Writer


COVER PAGE……….......…………………...………………………………….i

APPROVAL LETTER……………………………..……………………………ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………...………………………………

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…...………….………………………………...1
1.1 Background ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 Identification of Problem .................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Questions ........................................................................ 4
1.4 The Objective of the Study ............................................................. 4
1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................. 4
1.6 Sequences of Chapters ................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW………………………...…...………….6

2.1 Previous Study................................................................................. 6
2.2 Structuralism Approach ................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Character.................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Plot ........................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Setting ...................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Theme ..................................................................................... 16
2.2 Theory of Psychoanalysis ............................................................. 18
2.3.1 The Id ................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 The Ego................................................................................ 20
2.3.3 The Superego ...................................................................... 21
2.4 Teory of Psychopathy ..................................................................... 22

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY………………………..……………………26

3.1 Research Design ............................................................................ 26

3.2 Method of Collecting Data .............................................................. 27
3.3 Method of Data Analysis ................................................................. 28
3.4 Method of the Research ................................................................. 29


4.1 Elements of Structures………………………………………………...30
4.1.1 Characters………………………………………………………....31
4.1.2 Plot………………………………………………………………….49
4.1.3 Setting………………………………………………………….......53
4.1.4 Theme……………………………………………………………...60

4.2 A Psychopathy Experienced By Main Character In The Gone Girl.60

4.3 The Causes Of The Main Character Become A Psychopath ….....67


5.1 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………….71
5.2 SUGGESTION………………………………………………………….72

A. Synopsis of Gone Girl…………..………………………………………76
B. Biography of Gillian Flynn…………………………………………..….83


MUTHI SYAHIDAH A. 2017. A Psychopathy of Main Character in

Flynn’s Gone Girl (dibimbing oleh M. Amir P dan Abbas).

Penelitian juga bertujuan menjelaskan tindakan psikopat yang

dilakukan oleh Amy Elliot Dunne sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel Gone
Girl karya Gillian Flynn. Masalah kejiwaan tokoh utama menjadi akar
permasalahan yang muncul dalam novel tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian ini
juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab yang berpengaruh
dalam kondisi kejiwaannya,
Penelitian tersebut menggunakan Pendekatan Strukturalisme murni
yang menekankan pada unsur intrinsik dalam karya sastra, seperti
karakter, plot, setting dan tema. Penulis juga menggunakan metode
kualitatif dimana penelitiannya menggunakan data dari beberapa sumber
referensi, seperti buku, online jurnal dan artikel internet serta penulis juga
menggunakan teori psikoanalysis untuk mendukung analisis data.
Terdapat dua inti dalam penelitian ini yang dapat dituangkan
sebagai hasil dari penelitian tersebut. Pertama, beberapa tindakan
psikopat yang dilakukan oleh pemeran utama, seperti rencana
pembalasan dendam, penipuan, pencurian, dan pembunuhan. Kedua,
beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi kejiwaan tokoh utama yaitu,
masalah keuangan, kekerasan, pembalasan dendam sampai dengan
perselingkuhan. Oleh karena itu, akibat konflik yang terjadi dalam
kehidupan rumah tangga, masalah keuangan sampai terbongkarnya isu
perselingkuhan yang pada akhirnya tindakan balas dendam dan psikopat
telah dilakukan oleh tokoh utama telah berdampak merugikan pada
semua orang disekelilingnya.


MUTHI SYAHIDAH A. 2017. A Psychopathy of Main Character in

Flynn’s Gone Girl (supervised by M. Amir P and Abbas).

This research aims to explain the psychopathic phenomenon on

Amy Elliot Dunne as the main character in Flynn’s Gone Girl. Her
psychological condition is the root of the problems which appear in the
story of the novel. Besides, this research also aims to find out the factors
which affect her psychological condition. It is significant to identify the
causal factors of psychological problem.

This research uses a pure structuralism approach which emphasize

intrinsic elements in literary works, such as characters, plots, settings and
themes. The writer also uses qualitative methods of data collection
techniques that collect some references from books, online journals and
internet articles as well as psychoanalysis theory which is supporting the
research process.

There are two points of this research that can be noted as the
results of analysis. First, there are some psychopathy acts which are
caused by the main character, such as revenge planning, fraud, stealing,
and murdering. Second, there are the financial problems, violence,
revenging until affairs. Due to the conflicts which occur in the domestic life,
financial problems and affair which revenge and psychopath acts have
been done by the main character that has detrimental impacts in everyone
around her.


This chapter presents the background of the study and explains the

reason conduct the research. Thus, it moves to identify the problem that the

writer found in the research which discuss throughout this thesis, clarify the

objectives of writing and explain of the significant of the study.

1.1 Background

Psychopathy is recognized as either a subcategory of antisocial

personality disorder. The type of psychopathy includes a lack of empathy and

feeling for others, selfishness (ego), lack of guilt and superficial charm that

can manifest exclusively manipulate others. Psychopathy disorder is a

condition in which people show disregard behavior for the low and the rights

of another. A psychopath disorder may tend to lie or steal and often fail to

fulfill job or parenting responsibilities. In other cases, psychopaths are

capable of assuming responsibility, even though they show poor impulse

control and it is easy frustrating. The term of anti-social personality disorder is

sometimes used to describe a person with psychopath disorder. Since

psychopathy is not recognizable disorder, there is no brain imaging or

biological test that can identify a person as a psychopath.

The first concepts in psychopathy come from the presence, such as

phrenology where anatomical features were linked to certain psychopathic or

immoral behaviors. The concept of psychopathy was recognized by forensic

psychiatry a few decades ago and this official recognition was followed by the

emergence of scientific and clinical guidelines for the diagnosis of


These modern tools can also be used for historical purposes by allowing

us to look back of fictional works and identify psychopathy in literature.

Interpretation of fictitious psychopathy needs to be related to the historical

situation in which the novels were written, such investigations can be both

enriching and thrilling. Actually, the fictional psychopath is not simply a matter

of imbuing a person with violence because not all psychopaths are violent.

Actually, they want a powerful and a strong desire to have something and a

psychopath silently manipulates their way through life to get it. This novel has

portrayed psychopathy as having various personality traits, demonstrating

that there is no model psychopathy.

In the study the writer analyzes a psychopathy of the main character in

Flynn’s Gone Girl, in which characterization as one of the elements structure

of fiction who a person or traits who are involved in the story. Realizing the

fact above, the writer decided to do as good as possible in having a careful

analysis of the characterization of the main character as they are so well

emphasized by author, Gillian Flynn. This novel tells a married woman who

disappears in order to punish her philandering, ungrateful husband. It is the

most important point, Amy’s character (main character) is her relationship

with Nick. They put up pretenses, the volatility of the person as affect their

interactions and consequently affect the other’s apparent personality. She is

truly insecure, unsocial, conniving mastermind whose constant goal is to

remain in the limelight. Amy is a psychopathic and a sociopath. However,

coupled with her intelligence, it makes her extremely dangerous. Specifically,

analysis the main character who has psychopathy and it has fascinated

artists and the general public for centuries. Besides, the writer can also get

the author’s feeling or experiences of the object of the study in Flynn’s Gone

Girl. After reading and studying this novel, the writer can give some

information concerning with the novel through the way of play based on the

main character (the character of Amy Dunnet). Characterization has a very

close to the story. Supporting the study, the writer reviewed the reference

material such as books and some literary theories.

Moreover, the writer analyzes the characterization of the main character

in this novel and it also intends to discuss the topic further, especially kind of

psychopathy experienced by the main character and the influence in their

social life. This novel began the household problem in the common life. It is

caused by financial problem, jobless, infidelity who is done by Nick until

pointed to pay off grudge to her husband in his behavior in the last of the

story, therefore Amy is to be a psychopath killer. So, the writer determines the

title of this analysis is A Psychopathy of Main Character in Flynn’s Gone Girl.

1.2 Identification of Problem

After reading Flynn’s Gone Girl novel, the writer identified some

problems. They are as follows:

a. The main character has a pscychopathy acts that injure people around her.

b. The story tells the household problem in human social life.

c. The story contains disappointment, infidelity, revenge and violence.

1.3 Research Questions

The characterization of the main character of Gone Girl is elaborated the

following questions:

a. What kind of psychopathy is experienced by the main character in Flynn’s

Gone Girl?

b. What caused the main character become a psychopath?

1.4 The Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study or discussion is to grasp the content of the

novel, find out the description and to know:

a. To describe a Psychopathy experienced by the main character in the

Gone Girl.

b. To explain the causes of the main character become a psychopath.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study has significance for the students, especially for the English

Department. First of all, this study is mean to encourage the students to study

more about literature and this study gives some information which is

concerning the novel through the character’s characterization of the story.

Then, it is giving the information to the students to study the novel as one of

literary works. The most important thing is the students will get more

knowledge which they can analyze the novel by psychoanalytic perspective

and getting a better understanding about the novel, especially A Psychopathy

of Main Character in Flynn’s Gone Girl from structuralism approach and

psychoanalysis theory.

1.6 Sequences of Chapters

This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction.

This chapter discusses the background of writing, the identification of the

problem, the research questions, objective of the study, the significance of

writing and the sequence of the chapter. Chapter two is a literary review. This

chapter includes the previous study, structuralism approach includes intrinsic

elements that build the story of the novel (plot, setting, character, and theme),

the theory of psychoanalysis and theory of Psychopathy. The third chapter is

methodology. This chapter includes research design, the method of collecting

data, and the method of analyzing data and method of the Research.

Furthermore, chapter four is analyzing the psychopathy of main character in

Flyyn’s Gone Girl. And, chapter five is conclusion and suggestion.


This chapter presents about the findings of the similar research that had

been conducted and explains about description of literary works related to the

topic of the research, such as structuralism approach, theory of psychopathy.

However, the writer also explains theory of psychoanalysis to support this

research. Each is presented as follows.

2.1Previous Study.

In this study, the writer presents the prior researches. They are: A

Character Analysis in “Nothing Last Forever by Sidney Sheldon’s”, written by

Henny Apriyanty, then “Matthew Homes’ Personality Development in The

Shock of The Fall By Nathan Filer” by Yusinta Widya Ningsih Y and lastly, “An

Analysis of the main characters in Stephenie Meyer’s Novel”: New Moon by

Umi Fauziah.

Firstly, Henny Apriyanty (2005) wrote A Character Analysis In Nothing

Last Forever by Sidney Sheldon’s is a thesis that studies about character in

the novel. The writer has the same object with her, but the writer has more

specific with the objective of research the writer used. In fact, the objective of

this is research to find out the kind of psychopath of the main character in

Gone Girl novel and then the object of Henny’s research explained the

character analysis generally. Moreover, the objective of her research is given

a clear description all character in the novel and it is giving a clear description

about psychological value in the novel Nothing Last Forever.

The second study is Matthew Homes’ Personality Development in The

Shock of The Fall By Nathan Filer by Yusinta Widya Ningsih Y (2015) which

tells the personality development in Matthew character and the writer has the

same theory and having different approaches that it used in this research. In

fact, the writer used structural approach to find out the kind of psychopath of

main characters and applied the genetic structuralism approach in this


The last study is An Analysis of the main characters in Stephenie

Meyer’s novel: New Moon by Umi Fauziah (2009) is a thesis that similar to

this study which focuses on the main character. However, the problem

statement of this research is more specific than hers which kind of

psychopathy that was happening to the main character in Flynn’s Gone Girl

The problem statement in her research is identified through each the main

character in Mayer’s New Moon.

In this chapter, the writer describes a psychopathy of main character in

Flynn’s Gone Girl and the influences of the main character in social life by

using structuralism approach and the supporting theory, psychoanalysis. The

previous study of the research has explained about the personality of the

main character and the conflict of the main character and all the thesis

discuss about character. Therefore, the differences between this research

and the others is the other research, compare two characters as the object of

the analysis while the writer only uses the main character in analyzing her

research. Also, some of the previous study used the theory of psychoanalysis

by Sigmund Freud.

2.2Structuralism Approach

Structural approach is a theory that emphasizes the elements of

culture that must be understood in terms of their relationship which is

discussed in the work on the elements where build literary works from the

inside. The approach of researching the literature as an autonomous work

and regardless of culture, social background, history, biography of the author,

and everything that is outside the literary works. Structural approach is trying

to decipher the relevance and function each element of literature as a

structural unity that together produce a comprehensive meaning (Teeuw,

1984:135). However, it concludes that the structured approach is an

approach to the study of literature that working to analyze the structural

elements in a culture that build literary works from the inside, as well as

finding the relevance or related to these elements in order to achieve

unanimity meaning.

As Piaget (1970:72) in his book Autonomy Structuralism of History

Structuralism explains:

1. Wholeness, the parts of the structure itself adjust to the concept of

intrinsic which determines the overall of structure and also its parts.

2. Transformation, the structure conducts continuously.

Transformation procedure for some new product ideas.

3. Self regulation, the structure does not need other elements

outsides of itself to keep the transformation procedure.

The writer concluded that structuralism focuses on the elements within.

It comes with the basic principle that focuses on the verbal structure of the

literary works and it has the autonomy and quality which can be seen from

three aspects such as wholeness, transformation and self regulation. The

writer used it as a basic principle in analyzing a novel by using structural

approach which focuses on intrinsic elements of literary works such as

character, plot, setting and theme existing in Gone Girl. Furthermore, it also

need the other supporting elements to build the research, one of them is by

examining the relationship between one element to the others,

In addition, the purpose of structural analysis in literature is to

understand the author’s message and all progress as a whole in the story.

Analysis is useful when the reader can understand about doing what they

wanted to do. The reader also has to know about biographical facts which

can understand the story related to the author’s life. Therefore, the writer just

focuses on Structuralism Approach as an intrinsic aspect that directly

participates in and builds the story. Due to the structural analysis in literature

focuses on the intrinsic of the works such as theme, plot, settings and

figurative language that produce a perfect meaning in the analysis. The

structure of literary works (fiction) also consists of the elements of plot,

characterization, theme and background as the element most support and the

most dominant in establishing literary works. Moreover, intrinsic elements will

be discussed by the writer such as character, plot, setting and theme in the

statement below.

2.2.1 Character

Character is an important element in literature. Various characters in

the story are made by author's creativity. Author creates the characters

according to their tastes. Characters in literature mean an individual who has

a role in the story and passes events made by an author where the men as

the actors who bring each different character through the way they behave,

expression, and orderly. It is appropriate that in a novel character may be

defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through the action,

speech, description, and commentary, authors, portray character that are

worth caring about, rooting for, even loving for, although there are also

character you may laugh at dislike or even hate (Kennedy, 1991:131).

Every character has their own characteristic, which is absolutely

needed to distinguish them from other characters and people who read the

story will feel characters in the novel. According to Marsh (1985: 289),

characters are the people in the text, they are a part of the ordinary life that

meet as you read, you might dislike, admire of sympathize with them.

Readers can know any character in a novel, the way of the story deeply

through the dialogue between the characters and the other characters, all

have arranged by the author.

Characteristic of character can be identified by their responses to

another character even though it is not always describe correctly so that a

character in novel is a person who make expression, it has an attitude that

can be known by either another character or the readers. This is appropriate

with Gill (1985:99-100) stated that, the character could be detected and

identified by he/she talks (how character speaks), the appearance of the hero

(the appearances of characters), the character’s social life (the social

standing of characters, people close to the character (the company of

characters), and what is being done or done by the hero.

From the stated above, the writer concluded that the character is the

actor who carries the events in fictions or novel, then the event is able to be

called a story. It means that the character is the important element in literary

works that makes the story happens. Moreover, character also can be defined

as any person, animal or figure represented in literary work. There are some

types of characters that exist in the literature each with its own development

and function. Pringle (1987:518) stated that in Imaginary People: A Who’s

Who of Modern Fictional Characters Book that firstly, Character development

refers to how developed and complex character is. Writer knows something

about how a character walks and talks, what they think, who she associates

with, and what kind of secrets she has, she is naturally more complex and

developed. Other characters develop over the course of a story, starting out

one way and ending up different, becoming changed by what happens to


Secondly, Main characters are the greatest effects on the plot or the

most affected by what happens in the story. There are ways to categorize

main characters, such as protagonist or antagonist, dynamic or static

character and round of flat characters where a character also often fit into

more than one category or move through the categories. Thirdly, dynamic

characters are one who goes through some sort of change, they show

character development. Then, static characters are those who do not change

throughout the course of the story. They serve to show contrast to dynamic

ones, refusing to grow and remaining in one place or mentality. Lastly, round

characters are fully developed figures in the story. They are more realistic and

complex and show a true depth of personality. They require more attention by

the reader and they can make surprise decisions one.

2.2.2 Plot

The plot is a foundation of the story, which is also influenced by

character and setting. There will be series story happen by episodes. As

DiYanni (1977:178) though, plot is in the simplest sense, a series of

happening in a literacy work and it is often used to refer to the action as it is

organized around a conflict and built through the exposition to climax followed

by a denouement or resolution. The plot is also regarded as the chronology of

events which is as the plan or groundwork for a story with the actions from

believable and authentic human response to a conflict. Therefore, it is

causation, conflict, response opposition, and interaction that makes a plot out

of a series of actions.

According to Robert (2004:129), there are some elements of plot, such

as the significant conflicts, the five distinct sections of stages and the ordering

plot. The first is an exposition in the beginning of study usually contains the

introduction of the characters, the background exposure of a problem as well

as image resolution. Second is raising action which is a situation that shows

where conflicts arise and evolve toward a point that most peaks. Third is

climax, is a top of a problem in a story. Fourth is falling action, a progression

of events toward resolving the problem. Conflicts and emotions were

heightened who have been declined.

The last is resolution, settlement of all problems or conflict in a literary

work is called the resolution, which is a happy ending (happiness) and sad

ending or unhappy ending (sadness). Through the resolution, the author

provides a problem solving events that have occurred in a series of the story.

The writer concluded that plot is narrating story that present gradually from

beginning until the end from appearing the problem until the end of problem

and narrative system that happen who be able to make a story becomes

clear. It also called as a chronologically from beginning until the end of the

story in fiction or non-fiction.

2.2.3 Setting

The setting has an important role in a story. It also called the world in

the story. Setting is referred to as the foundation of the story, suggesting the

sense of place, time relationship, the social environment and the occurrence

of events. Setting also means an important element in the story. Generally,

setting serves as background of events in the story, including time, place, and

social condition which is an influence of the character’s life. The elements of

setting can be deferred into three principal elements, namely, setting of place,

setting of the time and setting of condition. However, Setting is also a broad

word, it covers the place in which the author presented the social context of

the characters, such as their family friend and class, their costume, belief and

rules of behavior that give identify to society, the particular locations or

events, the atmosphere, mood and feel that all the above elements create

(Gill 1985:107).

It can be concluded that setting has an important role in a story. Setting

can influence either character or theme of the story and revealing the

personality of character and theme of the story. It tells society when the story

began, where they're placed is, and how they're feeling.

 Setting of Place

According to Abrams (1981:175), setting of place can be defined as a

place where the action or the event happens. It can be a place with a special

name or even some places without clear names or clear descriptions .It can

also describe a room, a building, a town, a village, a river, a city, etc.

Describing names or types of place in the story is very important to make it

look realistic. The reader will be easier to imagine and assume that the event

actually occurs.

 Setting of Time

Setting of time refers to the action or event takes place. The problem is

usually associated with a factual time. Key word is “when” the occurrence of

the events described in a literary work. The issue of “when” is associated with

a factual time, the time that related or can be attributed to some historical

events . A reader tries to understand and enjoy the story. The similar time is

also used to make an impression to the reader that the story is real and

happening. The descriptions of time include date, month, year, century, and

also natural conditions like morning, afternoon or night. Some people

consider that a good story is a story which makes the readers dissolved in the


 Setting of Social

Abrams (1981:238) state that, social setting refers to matters relating to

the conduct of social life community in a place that is in a work of fiction. It

can be living habits, customs, traditions, beliefs, world view, the way of

thinking and behaving as well as other things. It is the time and place which is

to be the actions of the narrative. However, social background is also

associated with the social status of the character, such as low, medium or

above. Story in the novel is also very important thing because it makes

readers to know how the characters they are, the way of the story began until

the end, and when the event occurred in the society or the situation of place

where the characters live.

2.2.4 Theme

Theme is a meaning that contains in the story and as one of those

critical terms that mean very different things to different people, (Scholes

1977:52). According to the stated above, theme in literature, whether it takes

the form of a brief and meaningful insight or a comprehensive vision of life, is

the author’s way of communicating and sharing ideas, perceptions, and

feelings with his readers or often the case of probing and exploring with them,

the puzzling questions of human existence, most of which do not yield neat,

tidy and universally acceptable answer”.

Theme in a story is its underlying message, or big idea. In other words,

what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a

novel, play, short story of poem. This belief, or idea, transcends cultural

barriers. Theme can be control the idea or the central insight and it is the

generalization about life which implied the story. The theme is conveyed

through the characters, image and action. Usually the theme is not stayed

directly however, after reading a selection, the reader can usually determine

the theme by completing the following sentence. Therefore, theme is the idea

of the story that contain in the whole content of the story which is the reader

reads text until at the end of the story carefully because the characteristic of

the theme is sometimes has changed.

As a Charter (1987:137) states, “Theme is a generalization about the

meaning of a story”. It has become a critical platitude that the theme of the

story cannot beneficially be abstract to the story and this sense is true. A

sentence is summing up the meaning of the story is not the same thing as the

story itself. On the other hand, if the definition of the theme of a story is not

considered as an end itself, but only as a useful means of getting at the story

as a whole, it serve so the cause of critical synthesis better than any other

single element of the story.

In short, theme of the story is general idea or insight the entire story

reveals. In some stories, the theme is unavoidable. In literary fictions, a theme

is seldom so obvious. A theme emerges in and through the development of

character, dialogue, setting and the movement of the plot. The theme is not

separated strands that somehow exist independently. Theme also called as a

subject of piece of writing and it is central idea of the story. Marsh (1995:2)

said, “Theme is the subject which interest the writer the writer and which is

discussed in the text”.

2.3Theory of Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis became established in America between World War I and

World War II, when Americans traveled to Europe take advantage of

psychoanalytic training opportunities. The single major therapeutic

perspective that was transplanted to the United States was ego psychology,

based centrally on Freud’s The Ego and the Id. This perspective of

psychoanalysis was dominant in America for approximately a 50-year span

until the 1970s. Actually, psychoanalysis were founded by Sigmund Freud

(1856-1939). Freud stated that people could be cured by making conscious

their unconscious thoughts and motivations, that gaining insight. The aim of

psychoanalysis therapy is released repressing of emotions and experiences

that make unconscious and conscious.

Psychoanalytic theory of human personality structure consists of id, ego

and superego. It is the most fundamental structure of personality, wholly

unconscious and work according to the pleasure principle, the purpose of

immediate fulfillment. The ego develops from the id, personality structure that

controls consciousness and making decisions on human behavior. The

superego, the ego develops from the time people know the value of both bad

and moral.

Psychoanalysis is a method of medical treatment for people who suffering

from neurological disorders. Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy aims to treat

someone who had mental disorders and nerve (Freud, 1917:32). It develops

from the interactions between what Sigmund proposed as the three

fundamental structures of the human mind: the id, ego, and superego.

Conflicts among these three structures and the writer efforts to find balance

between what each of them "desires," determines how the writer behaves and

approach the world. Furthermore, the more structural model of the mind was

comprised by the entity's id, ego and superego in the next development.

These are not physical areas within the brain, but rather hypothetical

conceptualizations of important mental functions.

2.3.1 The Id

The id is the personality aspect which dark in human subconscious

that contains instincts and invaluable desires also a form of blind energy

Likewise Guerin (1979: 157) aims that the id is the source of all aggressions

and desires. It is lawless, asocial, and amoral. Its function that gravity our

instincts for pleasure without regard for social conventions, legal ethics or

moral restraint. The id is the most primitive of the three structures is

concerned with instant gratification of basic physical needs and urges. It

operates entirely unconsciously (outside of conscious thought). For example,

if people’s id walked past a stranger eating ice cream, it would most likely

take the ice cream for itself. It does not know or care that it is rude to take

something belonging to someone else, it would care only that they wanted the

ice cream.

2.3.2 The Ego

In contrast to the instinctual id and the moral superego, the ego is the

rational, pragmatic part of our personality. It is less primitive than the id and it

is partly conscious and partly unconscious. It is what Freud considered to be

self and its job is to balance the demands of the id and superego in the

practical context of reality. Infinitely, if people walked past the stranger with

ice cream one more time, the ego would mediate the conflict between id (I

want that ice cream right now) and superego (It is wrong to take someone

else's ice cream) and decide to go buy ice cream. While this may mean

people have to wait 10 more minutes, which would frustrate your id, ego

decides to make that sacrifice as part of the compromise of satisfying people

desire for ice cream while also avoiding an unpleasant social situation and

potential feelings of shame.

Freud (1953:74) stated that the id, ego, and superego are in constant

conflict and that adult personality and behavior are rooted in the results of

these internal struggles throughout childhood. Freud believed that a person

who has a strong ego has unhealthy personality and that imbalances in this

system can lead to neurosis (what we now think of as anxiety and

depression) and unhealthy behaviors

2.3.3 The Superego

The superego is concerned with social rules and morals similar to what

many people call their conscience or their moral compass. It develops as a

child learns what their culture considers right and wrong. If people superego

walked past the same stranger, it would not take their ice cream because it

would know that that would be rude. However, if both id and superego were

involved, and it was strong enough to override superego's concern, people

would still take the ice cream, but afterward it would be most likely feel guilt

and shame over your actions.

With many competing forces, it is easy to see how conflict might arise

between the id, ego, and superego. Freud used the term ego strength to refer

to the ego’s ability to function despite these dueling forces. A person with a

good ego strength is able manage effective these pressures, while those with

too much or little ego strength can become too disrupted.

2.4 Theory of Psychopathy

Psychopathy is traditionally defined as a personality disorder

characterized by persistent antisocial behavior. Psychopath disorder is a

condition in which people show a perfunctory for the low and the rights of

another. People with psychopath disorder may tend to lie or steal and often

fail to fulfill job or parenting responsibilities. The terminals of sociopath and

antisocial personality disorder are sometimes used to describe a person with

psychopath disorder.

One of the types of psychopathy symptoms was irresponsible. They

are rebels of society who actively resist discipline and refuse to conform to

social demands. As a result, they are in constant conflict with their

environment. Their disregard for conventions and rules of human decency is

not due to an inability to distinguish right from wrong. A psychopath is defined

as having no concern for the feelings of others and a complete disregard for

any sense of social obligation. They seem egocentric and lacking insight and

any sense of responsibility or consequence. Their emotions are thought to be

superficial and shallow, if they exist at all. They are considered callous,

manipulative and incapable of forming lasting relationships, let alone any kind

of love. It is thought that any emotions which the true psychopathy exhibits

are the fruits of watching and mimicking other people’s emotions. They show

poor impulse control and a low tolerance for frustration and aggression. They

show no empathy, remorse, anxiety or guilt in relation to their behavior. In

short, they truly seem devoid of innocent.

The writer can conclude that In Journal about Antara Psikopat dan

Sosiopat by Sarlito (2008: 92), psychopath is psychologies behavior which

they always looking for gratification of his wrong behaviors. The psychopath

has not ability for identifying and learning from mistakes but they have higher

analysis and intelligence. A psychopath is using his “people skill” to exploit,

abuse and wield power.

Basically, they are antisocial and incapable of significant loyalty to

another person, groups, or social values. Typically intelligent, spontaneous

and very easy going on their first meet up with. The lack of emotional

intelligence is the first good sign when people may be dealing with a

psychopath. It is a general term for a range of personality disorders

characterized by lack of empathy, socially, manipulative behavior and

occasionally crime of violence.

There are some characteristics of psychopath behavior that can be

referred as criminals which is stated in some books, they are:

1. Inadequate conscience development and lack of anxiety or guilt. The

antisocial personality is unable to understand and accept ethical values

except on a verbal level.

2. Irresponsible and impulsive behavior, low frustration tolerance.

3. Ability to put up “a good front” to impress and exploit others and to project

the blame for his own socially disapproved behavior.

4. Rejection of authority and inability to profit from experience,

5. Inability to maintain good interpersonal relationships.

6. They are impulsive, selfish, emotionally unstable individuals from early

childhood that make practice of immediately satisfying their desires and

impulses without regard to the consequences.

7. They are rebels of society who actively resist discipline and refuse to

conform to social demands. As a result, they are in constant conflict with

their environment. Their disregard for conventions and rules of human

decency is not due to an inability to distinguish right from wrong.

8. Their emotional responses, psychopaths as generally described as cold,

callous, shallow, cruel, infantile and flighty. Actually, they have seen to

have little control over their emotions and their reactions unpredictable.

Moreover, psychopathy is a symptom disorder that had always been

considered dangerous and disturbing the public.

Psychopaths are found in various professions and social classes, men

and women, which in harmed by crime not only individuals but also society at

large. Psychopath is also hard to cure. In criminal cases, psychopath

identified as murderers, rapists, drunks, gamblers, hustlers, perpetrators of

domestic violence, suicides and criminals. However, the criminal case was

only occurring in about 15-20 percent of all people with a psychopath. The

result is a personal look perfect, intelligent speech, charming, tremendous

attraction and fun.


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