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Measures of central tendency
• Mean
– Add the numbers and divide the sum by the
number of values (which were added).
• Median
– The middle number when numbers are written in
order. (When the number of values is even, the
median is the mean of the two middle values.)
• Mode
– The number which occurs most often

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1) May took 7 maths tests and got scores of 68,

71, 71, 84, 53, 62 and 67. What was May’s
mode score?
2) The mean of three numbers is 8. Two of the
numbers are 11 and 7. What is the third
3) The cost of five cakes is P28, P19, P45, P45,
P15. What is the median cost?

Answers: 1.) 71 2.) 6 3.) 28

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Fundamental Principle of Counting
If one selection can be made in m ways,
and a second selection can be made in n ways,
then the two selections can be made in

Note: The FPC can be extended to more than two selections.

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1) For an outfit, Ana has 5 blouses and 3 jeans

to choose from. How many different outfits
are possible?
2) The first part of a quiz comprises of 5 true-
false questions. In how many ways can you
answer the 5 questions?
3) Three dice are rolled, how many possible
outcomes are there?

Answers: 1.) 3 x 5 = 15 2.) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 3.) 6 x 6 x 6 = 216

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The factorial of a natural number n,
denoted by n!, is given by:

n! = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)…(3)(2)(1)

1! = 1
2! = 2 x 1 = 2
3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24
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an arrangement of a set of objects in a DEFINITE order

n Pr =
– n different things taken
r at a time (n − r )!
– n things taken n at a time n!
in which q are alike, r are n Pr =
alike and so on (q! r!...)
– n distinct objects are
arranges along a fixed Pn = (n − 1)!

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a way of selecting a set of objects without regards to order

– n different things taken r at a time

n Cr =
(n − r )!r!

Note: To solve combination or permutation problems, you may use

your calculator. Look for the functions: nPr or nCr.
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1) There are 5 finalists in a game show. In how many
can the first three places be awarded?
2) Of 7 possible books, you plan to take 4 with you on
vacation. How many different collections of 4 books
can you take?
3) From a group of 6 students, 2 representatives will be
selected. How many possible pairs are possible?
4) How many 2 digit numbers can you make using the
digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 without repeating the digits?

Answers: 1.) 5P3 = 60 2.) 7C4 = 35 3.) 6C2 = 15 4.) 4P2 = 12

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deals with calculating the likelihood or
chance of an event happening.
It is expressed as a number from 0 to 1.

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1) A die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a 4?
2) A die is rolled, what is the probability of getting an
odd number?
3) What is the probability that you will draw a face card
from a standard deck of playing cards?
4) A bag contains 7 buttons, 3 of them are green. What
is the probability of picking a green button?
5) There are 20 counters in a box. Nine are yellow, 4 are
black and 7 are green. What is the probability that a
counter taken from the box will be black?
Answers: 1.) 1/6 2.) 1/2 3.) 3/13 4.) 3/7 5.) 1/5
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Arithmetic sequences and series
• Arithmetic sequence/progression: a sequence of
numbers where successive members of the sequence
have a constant difference (d).

• Formula for n-th term: an = a1 + (n − 1)d

• Formula for sum of first n integers (or sum of integers
from 1 to n):
n n
Sn = (A1 + An ) or Sn = [2A1 + (n − 1)d]
2 2
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Geometric sequences and series
• Geometric sequence/progression: a sequence of
numbers where successive members of the sequence
are produced by multiplying them by a constant
multiplier (r, or common ratio)

• Formula for n-th term: an = a1 * r
• Formula for sum of first n values of a sequence:
a1 (1 − r )
Sn =
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References and further reading
British Broadcasting Corporation. (2012). GCSE Bitesize: Maths. Retrieved 27
December 2012, from maths/

Fisico, M., L. Sia, J. Ho, Z. Maralit, J. Tan, . . . J. Rosello, & R. Franco. (1998). 21st
Century Mathematics Series. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Pierce, Rod. (2012). Math Is Fun. Retrieved 28 December 2012, from

Stapel, E. (2012). The Purplemath Forums. Retrieved 27 December 2012, from

Exclusively for My Review Coach online LET review. Not for redistribution. © 2016 My Review Coach of Philippines.

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