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Q1. Make list of Major, Medium and Minor irrigation projects in India.

Q2. A canal was designed to supply irrigation needs of 1200 ha of land growing rice of 140 days
base period and having a delta of 134 cm. IF the canal waters are used to irrigate wheat of base
period 120 days and having a delta of 52 cm the area that can be irrigated is?
a. 2651 ha
b. 543 ha
c. 3608 ha
d. 2592 ha
Q3. The base period, intensity of irrigation and duty of water for various crops under the canal
system is given. Determine the reservoir capacity, if the culturable command area is 40000
hectares; canal losses are 25% and reservoir losses are 15%.
Crop Base period (days) Duty at head of canal Intensity of Irrigation
Wheat 120 1800 20 %
Sugar-cane 360 1700 20 %
Cotton 200 1400 10 %
Rice 120 800 15 %
Vegetable 120 700 15 %

Q4. A main canal, which offtakes from a storage reservoir, has to irrigate crops in a certain
country having three seasons in a year. Data for the irrigation crops, is given in below table
Sr. no. Name of the Crop Period in Area to be Duty at the head
crops Days irrigated in Ha. of the main
canal in
1 (a) Sugarcane 280 315 630
1 (b) Overlap for 100 70 630
sugarcane in hot
2 jawar (Rabi) 120 4800 1600
3 Bajri (Monsoon) 120 5600 2800
4 Vegetables 120 350 700
a) Find the discharge required at the head of the main canal, taking time factor for the main
canal as 0.7
b) What should be the gross storage capacity of the reservoir? Assume suitable factors.
Wherever needed.

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