M10521107 黃婉綺-水鹿精釀個案研究

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管理學院 iMBA



Case Study of Sambar Brewing Co. on

Consumer Behavior and Exploration/Exploitation


研究生:Huang, Wan-Chi 黃婉綺

指導教授: 葉穎蓉 博士

中華民國 106 年七月

院所組別:國立台灣科技大學管理學院 iMBA 碩士班
指導教授:葉穎蓉 博士/郭庭魁 博士

本個案描述一個來自新竹的精釀啤酒品牌-水鹿精釀到從 2015 年草創到 2018 年為


質,但為了提供消費者更好的商品,創辦人在 2017 年底還是毅然決然的轉換調整生產


This case described a craft beer brand from Hsinchu, Taiwan established in the year 2015—
until now- Sambar Brewing Co. The founder Ting aimed to make the craft beer in his
hometown after obtained his master degree in Europe. The beverage not only helped with his
social anxiety but inspired him to start a business on craft beer brand, in which the market was
almost undeveloped by then. On the other hand, Ting also wanted to utilize the hometown
resource breaking the stereotype in Hsinchu. Sambar as well broadened the marketing territory
to Taipei earning more collaboration to culture creative industry. However, after a while the
claim of bad bottled beer surged and Ting chose to swift the brewery out of Hsinchu and found
the sales revenue while vending had declined drastically.

The case adapted the Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the balance of making
exploration of new possibilities and exploitation of old certainties upon managing the ideal
production line, evaluating consumer decision making process to diagnose the reason in
dropping revenue of selling, and by the measure of message effectives, understanding how do
a company collect consumer feedback and create new marketing strategy.

Key Words: Consumer Behavior, Consumer Decision Making Process, Craft Beer,
Organizational Learning, Exploration of new possibilities, Exploitation of old certainties.
Table of Contents


Table of Contents
I. Case Study of Sambar ................................................................................................. 5
i. Introduction-The Birth of Sambar Brewing Co. - 2015 ..................................... 5
ii. Overview from Establishment............................................................................. 6
1. Origin as Hometown Glory ......................................................................... 6
2. Broadening the Territory and Escalation of Business ................................ 7
3. Tripped from Escalation .............................................................................. 8
4. Defensing the Reputation ............................................................................ 9
iii. Drink with Liberty......................................................................................... 10
1. Formula with liberty .................................................................................. 10
2. Earn with liberty ........................................................................................ 11
3. Locate with liberty ..................................................................................... 12
4. How much extra you would earn?............................... 錯誤! 未定義書籤。
iv. Future Perspective ............................................................................................. 14
II. Case Discussion .................................................................................................. 16
i. Synopsis.............................................................................................................. 16
ii. Teaching Objective and Adapted Subject ......................................................... 16
iii. Case Background Supplementary Information............................................ 17
iv. Student’s in class discussion .............................................................................. 18
v. Character Background ...................................................................................... 19
vi. Suggested Answer Keys for discussion: ........................................................ 20
a. Trade off in making difference .................................................................. 20
b. Consumer Decision Making Model ........................................................... 24
c. Measure of Message Effectiveness ............................................................. 32
III. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 36
IV. Teaching Plans ................................................................................................... 37
V. Reference ................................................................................................................... 38
VI. Appendix ............................................................................................................ 39
I. Case Study of Sambar

i. Introduction-The Birth of Sambar Brewing Co. - 2015

It all started with a dream in the year of 2015. A graduate student, Ting Ting, who returned
home after two years of studying at Czech Republic and England for degree in social science,
figured that cultivating Taiwan some craft beer culture should not be a bad idea. Before these,
thanks to the easy and comfortable drinking environment in Europe, this boy with social
anxiety was cured by the magical local daily beverage—beer. Later, he realized it is not only
the beer he was enjoying with, it was those craft beer made by small local breweries that bought
him with fantasy. Touched as he was, Ting decided to bring this historical beverage back to his
home. The long history of beer produced from microbreweries all over the world tells how
immature Taiwan market is. In addition, Taiwan, a market where the recognition for alcohol is
passive, a market considered cheap price is the only fair trade, a market with scarce knowledge
in beer. After almost a year of preparation with loads of experiments. A gypsy-styled, micro-
brewing brand called “Sambar Brewing Co.” was then established.

The brand name “Sambar”—was an animal whose native species was in South East Asia,
southern China and India subcontinent. The Sambar deer in Taiwan however, known as
Formosan Sambar, is a Taiwanese extinguishing species. This big animal looks like a cow in a
far sight; they are well tempered, elegant, delicate, timid, and shy. In Chinese we named this
animal as “水鹿” the water deer in description with the normally habitant close to water sources.
The content of any kind of beer took up 99% of water, and this connection with aqua also
showed the delicate disposition stood out from the metaheuristic method when seeking the
brand name/spirit. As the result, the name Sambar is finally decided.
ii. Overview from Establishment

1. Origin as Hometown Glory

Ting started his first collaboration with a small brewery called “台灣纖碧爾酒業” (Xian Bier
Pure Malt Craft Beer) located at the neighbor of where he grew up, 香山 (XiangShan), trying
to make the best use of local resource. Xian brewery was established in 2008, the only beer
brewery in Hsinchu City by then. Before indulging every inch of investment to craft beer, the
owner Mr. Tseng used to work as a senior media person selling newspaper. He expected to sell
the beer so fast and smooth as the waterfall in the metaphor of the newspaper generates so fast
and deliver to every corner of the city every day. Xian owned the original brewing line
producing lager, pale ale, and dark beer. After Sambar joined the brewery, it had not only
boosted up the sales but gain more reputation. The craftsmanship of brewing and support to the
young that Xian offered to Sambar were without doubt. It has complete brewing equipment
imported from China. Starting from home, Sambar began the sales journey from the seemingly
conservative city center of Hsinchu rather than the fresh and excitement embraced Taipei. By
joining Xian, Sambar also show Mr. Tseng how the current consumer market and the selling
behavior is different from the past.

Ting, the son of Hsinchu, reached his first client at a coffee shop in his alma mater National
Tsing Hua University-the Socrates Coffee (蘇格貓底二手書咖啡屋). Weeks later, Sambar
officially sold their beer at some island-wide famous local coffee shops and workshops in
Hsinchu. Such as 江山藝改所 (Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo), a music live house with café renewed
from a two-stories building in the old Hsinchu City center. It welcomed musicians and artists
from all genre, the owner 張登堯 (Oscar Chang) is an artist graduated from University of
Maryland, also cared very much about the maintenance of the historical buildings in the city.
It was significant spot in Hsinchu which encouraged visitors to experience different kinds of
performances. While enjoying the shows no matter origin from Hsinchu or invited, people can
always buy a beer with them. Serving Sambar beer at the place helped strengthen the linkage
of Hsinchu locally brewed beer with fashion designer label, and more recognition in associating
relaxation in admiring the shows.

One more place worth mentioned was 見域工作室(Kendama), a workshop composed of

students from National Tsing Hua University dedicate in making a local magazine called 貢
丸湯, introducing all kinds of stories in Hsinchu and revitalize people’s impression to it. Started
with an idea that most people come to stay at Hsinchu mostly for work and study, people hardly
stay for good and fell in love with the city. The workshop also held many insightful events
letting people know more about Hsinchu. Walking along the old street of Hsinchu with a bottle
of cold beer locally brewed also leave people much remark on Sambar. These two iconic places
of Jian Shan Yi Gai Suo and Kendama both attract many art and history frantic customers from
all over the island. Finally, the Sheraton Hotel Hsinchu, the hotel welcoming all the business
travelers and tourists all over the world, had placed Sambar in the alcohol menu in this very
year as well. Travelers and business partners who stayed at Sheraton Hsinchu served the other
aspect of clients engaged with different purpose of travel. By realizing the locally brewed craft
beer was served, can they leave more remark during their stay.

2. Broadening the Territory and Escalation of Business

Besides the conservative distribution channel such as café and restaurants, Sambar treasured
every chance of exposure. The very first event that Sambar attended was a music festival called
“SpringWave Sunset” (日落春浪電子音樂節) at May 10, 2015. The revenue from the event
set the unbreakable earning record of NT$90,000 at a single night. The festival was held by
“Friendly Dog Entertainment” (友善的狗) which shift their market to China the year next.
Sambar was the very first Taiwanese craft beer brand joining the music festival selling beer on
tap by that time. Since then, Sambar start receiving more invitations to music festivals and
holiday markets. The exposures bridged Sambar more collaboration to the cultural creative
industry in Taiwan. For instance, one of the signature event Sambar associated was “Good
Home Taiwan” (好家在台灣). Sambar served as the sole alcohol provider during the 10-days
event of vending market. The visitors and participants to Good Home Taiwan were mostly
people in seek for the quality life and patriotic heart of supporting the diligent young
entrepreneur in Taiwan.

In opening the door of collaboration with culture and creative market, it all tribute to the aid
and support from Mogu ( 蘑 菇 ), Mogu is the pioneer of Taiwanese self-designed brand
producing all kinds of natural dyed garment, canvas backpack, totes, and stationery …etc all
of which made in Taiwan. Established from the summer of 2003, Mogu also publish the
independent publication of Mogu zine (蘑菇手帖). Mogu introduced Sambar to “Good Home
Taiwan” and have been selling Sambar at their selected shops as well. Tourists from all over
the world visited the shop amazed by the lovely designed products and enjoyed the selected
gourmet such as one-bite size of mullet roe with a bottle of Sambar beer. In November of 2017,
Mogu celebrated their 14th anniversary and Sambar was also invited to offer beer on tap in
collaboration with customized glass from a re-cycled glass factory in Hsinchu. With vivid
stories from all selected brands, the visitors had wonderful afternoon enjoying Sambar beer.
The year 2016 was a golden year for craft beer industry in Taiwan when everybody was excited
about this rare beverage and no extra marketing was necessary to reach the sales target. Clients
from high-end restaurants to personality café are placing expensive beer on the shelf offering
their customers a try. By experience, 8 out of 10 restaurants would place order to Sambar after
tasting the samples and introduced by the salesperson. Interviews from newspaper, magazines
and other publications surged to Ting almost every week letting the consumer market get to
realize more about craft beer also the craft beer brands in Taiwan. Sambar at the same time
focus on concreting the relationship with customers. By having sales representatives visiting
the buyers, Sambar offered free peripheral products such as posters and glasses. Moreover, free
business consult in seeking cross field collaboration from sales representatives show the full
support from Sambar in hope of the overall sales growth. In bridging the relationships, Sambar
convinced potential clients to equip the fresh draft beer line at their shop to strike win-win
situation in business. Having the shiny beer tap in a restaurant excited people in urging for the
fresher beer served in the house.

3. Tripped from Escalation

Four months after released the bottled beer with the burst sales revenue, claim from the clients
surged. Sambar was accused of the texture went sour and the fragrance gone bad as the tasted
of lambic beer (beer traditionally made with wild fermentation). In addition, some of the bottles
spurred while opening the metal lid on the glass body causing inconvenience and waste when
pouring. Moreover, negative reviews to Xian were fiercely discussed in a stratosphere in
Facebook fanclub of Taiwan Craft Beer Club (台灣精釀啤酒俱樂部). All these accusations
hurt the brand image of Sambar due to the sole production line in Xian Brewery. Many of
Sambar’s clients suspend the order after acknowledging the hygiene problem of Xian as
discussed in the fanclub. Even some cold calls failed due to knowing Sambar’s collaboration
with the notorious Xian beforehand. Sambar offered replacing the claimed beer for free and
ceased the sales activities of bottled beer to customers.

After detection, the unpasteurized and unfiltered beer was not stored properly at the brewery
and therefore caused the serious oxidation and unexpected fermentation within the glass. On
top of this, the shabby bottling instrument as well caused sour taste after few months of
production in the warm storage. Failed to receive the responsible quality guarantee from the
brewery and in the effort of keeping the collaboration, Ting came up with the idea in
pasteurizing all the bottled beer to make the liquid stable and in synch adjusted the brewing
process. However, the shattered trust from then forced Ting to make more investment in
maintaining the quality such as Ting and his colleges had to monitored the whole brewing
process with frequent visit of serious control almost every day. After the incident, the quality
of Sambar’s bottled beer was consistent and stable. Even the taste declined, the stableness
helped Sambar keep on selling and saved cost on dealing with the claim. However, the gossip
and rage from the internet never stop which they never want to know what Ting had put the
effort to rescue the condition. The blindness still stopped some people from sticking to their
stereotype than giving one more try after the reform.

4. Defensing the Reputation

In the end of 2016, Ting finally made up his mind to change the bottle and draft line of Sambar
away from Xian. Keeping the product stable is necessary, but the desire of striking better and
even more quality taste is the standard that Sambar can never compromised easily with. Unlike
other beer brands normally finished the whole and every production at a single brewery, Ting
decided to separate the production line draft beer in keg and bottled beer to breweries with
trusted expertise and equipment giving a try. After visited several breweries in Taiwan, Ting
placed the bottle line production of beer to “DB Beer” (德意生物科技) and draft line to
“Dingmalt Craft Beer” (鼎麥鮮釀啤酒).

DB Beer was OEM to several most famous Taiwan craft beer brands such as “Taiwan Head
Brewers Brewing Company” (啤酒頭釀造) and “Alchemist” (禾餘麥酒)…etc. The expertise
in bottled beer was guaranteed and trusted for the ever-victorious army in attending craft beer
competition all over the world. While “Dingmalt Craft Beer” (鼎麥鮮釀啤酒) was with 4 years
of brewing history for the famous self-brand in honey lager. The brewing container in the size
of 1 ton, making it flexible for Sambar releasing rare limited kegs of session beer and
experimental flavors. Dingmalt also owned their fridge delivery truck with driver of
professional beer equipment understandings in maintenance. In the event of higher cost upon
contracting with new breweries, Sambar still insist in maintaining the price than raising,
keeping the easy access of Sambar to the clients.

This year was a tough year for sales representative to bleach the brand reputation. Other than
the regular cold calls to new clients, they were also required to re-visit those clients who
suspend their orders due to the former incident. Thankfully the demand grew back by the effort
of positive investment in personal sample tasting. Meanwhile Sambar sought for collaborations
being as sole craft beer provider desperately. In the middle of this year, Sambar start receiving
orders from Taipei Marriot Hotel. Sambar concrete the collaborations by offering free staff
training program about beer and fair price support. Being as resource platform in the spirit of
sharing and mutual growth, not only did Sambar share the contact of other beer companies but
also continuously figure the possible alliance between clients. It not only helped concreting the
relationship but also figure more and more possibilities.

iii. Drink with Liberty

Sambar welcomed any sort of possibilities. The wholly owned brand Sambar as well owned
the liberty in any decision making. Whom to collaborate, where to sell, and how to create the
formula of beer.

It was hard to judge the effect of promoting Sambar as Hsinchu origin craft beer brand; as a
matter of fact, Sambar no longer produce any of her product from Hsinchu. As mentioned from
the beginning, Sambar’s sales revenue performed well as they attend the festivals and the
distribution channels. The climax of 2016 among the events attended was “Summer Beer &
Music Fest” (夏日啤酒音樂節) (Fig 13) held by Taipei Picnic Club (台北野餐俱樂部). The
event was in combination of beer and pop music set the scene at “Four Four South Village
Simple Market” (四四南村), that evening surged around 30,000 people at the arena. That was
a wonderful evening, which everyone sold out his or her beer even before the event was over.
Ting even request for extra delivery from Hsinchu during the sales to strike a better record in
selling more which attained around NT$70,000 the second place of selling record at a single

However, Ting also aware that the popularity when attending the music festivals or holiday
fairs declined drastically. In the summer of 2017, Sambar joined the worst event ever of the
“WWA Asian Wake Series” losing total cost up to around NT$40,000. The main revenue source
of Sambar had tipped from the short term boosted vending events to the consistently stable
collaboration with some gastropubs.

1. Formula with liberty

The very first flavor of beer that Sambar ever released was “Traveler Pale Ale” (Fig8). The
firework-like hoppy scent was unforgettable that even today people still in request of it. Six
months later Sambar officially released the very first version of Sambar classic APA, adding
local Taiwanese longan honey and wheat to the beer and received much praise on draft version.
In the meantime, released the bottled version of Sambar APA in a specially designed pentagon
To Sambar, the definition of best kind of beer is the sort, which you are willing to drink every
day and never feel tired of it. It does not require special species of hop or magical
ingredient…etc., to make the legendary kind. The beer made with modest material of humble
craft is the core spirit in composition. High accessibility of each beer flavor to the vast
consumer market. Therefore, Sambar sort their beer flavor to 5 classics and the current running
flavors on the market so far in the year of 2018 is three: Formosan Sambar Deer American Pale
Ale (Sambar APA), Formosan Water Buffalo Indian Pale Ale (Buffalo IPA), and Formosan
Wild Boar Porter (Coffee Porter). Occasionally, Sambar so far have very limited edition (only
few kegs available) of session beer- Leopard Session IPA and Pineapple APA. The main
product that Sambar offer was draft beer in 30-liter or 20-liter keg. While bottled beer mostly
offer to customers without fridge and normally instructed in avoidance of the sun.

Each of the beer style Sambar targeted to different segments of customers in the spectrum of
drinking behavior. Start with this calm and graceful animal (Sambar Deer) as the classic icon
to the brand. The Sambar APA (American Pale Ale) adding Taiwanese longan honey fusing the
hoppy scent of tropical fruit in the mixture of sweet honey notes. The drinking notes were set
targeting all kinds of drinkers especially those who is never in favor of beer. While drinking,
the tropical fruity scent of hop surged to your scent bud and yet scared by the strong bitterness.
Secondly, Formosan Water Buffalo IPA on the other hand address to the strong and bitter Indian
Pale Ale flavor. The malty, citra, and pine needles scent surged before the spiky bitterness upon
drinking. While the bitterness is relatively mild in compare to other brands, the soul of IPA still
stayed. The hoppy bitterness caused the addiction in search for even bitter beer. The third
product pinned to higher alcohol degree of dark beer—Formosan Wild Boar Porter. In this beer,
Sambar add Taiwanese coffee, oatmeal, buckwheat and lactose to enhance the favor. Lactose
helps adding the smooth and milky flavor to the beer approaching the slight sense of milk tea—
Taiwanese favorite drink.

Other than beer, Sambar offered the peripheral products such as glasses (Fig 9), coasters (Fig
10), posters (Fig 11) … etc to the clients as free gifts to either decorate the shop or enhancing
the impression to the brand.

2. Earn with liberty

Aimed to the target of the easy accessibility to vast drinkers, the pricing of Sambar to
consumers was middle. As for bottled beer, the purchase cost of a shop buying locally brewed
craft beer brand ranged from around NT$60~ NT$ 120, sometimes even more. The suggested
selling price of Sambar bottled beer was NT$150 for end users, and the actual selling price at
the market ranged from NT$250~ NT$ 130 depended on the location which consumer bought
the product and how each merchant decide their profitability. On the other hand, draft beer sold
in 2 sizes of metal kegs in 20 liters and 30 liters (Fig 3) were in middle price among the market,
and the pricing was negotiable upon placing more orders. The draft beer sold at the shop’s end
to consumers normally cost NT$ 150~ NT$230 for an American pint (overflow 473ml,
Sambar’s Fig 8 glass). The payment method can be either by cash of bank transaction. Pay
upon delivery or open account 30 days were both acceptable. It was at Sambars’ will in deciding
whether the client can have open account for more than 30 days.

In terms of the direct distribution channel from Sambar while vending at either holiday fair or
music festival, the selling price of bottled beer were mostly set as NT$120 dollars with buy 5
get 1 free discount. While selling price of draft beer pumped from simple outdoor instruments
(fig 4~7) ranged from NT$100 ~NT$150 for each plastic cup from around 370ml to 480ml.

3. Locate with liberty

From the first year of Sambar’s establishment in 2015, the legendary British gastropub in Taipei
“Beergeek MicroPub Taipei” started collaboration. Beergeek has five draft beer pipelines with
fine maintenance and over 30 different kinds of bottled beer in selection at the fridge while gin
and whisky were available as well. Sambar has been serving the draft line with 1 or 2 flavors
every business day as regular selection. It was recognized as the coziest place for drinking in
Taipei as blogger’s comment. Beergeek started placing orders to Sambar on draft beer until
today contributing around 10% of revenue each month. Aside from gastropubs with several
pipelines of beer, there are some restaurants and bars provide solely Sambar’s draft beer such
as Peacock Bistro (孔雀) and A-Maker (小客廳).

Other than the long-tern sales channel such as beer shops and restaurants, Sambar attended
various events every month to strike a new milestone in collaboration with different consumers
markets. In 2016, Sambar started catering the private parties such as the 10th anniversary of
Oringo (林果良品), and the 3rd anniversary of Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (江山藝改所). Moreover,
Sambar attended the holiday market at southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung. Which was the MLD beer
festival (MLD, metropolitan living development (台鋁生活商場). Even the event was a failure
and rained so hard that the fair even forced to suspend for 1 day; however, it still won Sambar
the ticket of entering MLD’s privately owned supermarket in the mall. The next month Sambar
joined the summer project of sales at “Fullon Hotels & Resorts” (福容大飯店) all over the
island, which won Sambar more reputation in the hotel selection. Also, Sambar sold their beer
at Marriot Taipei from the summer of 2017. Which also gained more exposure to visitors all
over the world. Sambar could had attend any events of bridge any collaboration without any
interference or concern.

4. Enjoy with liberty

By evaluation, once the order frequency of bottled beer grew 20% by each month, Sambar
would suggest and propose to offer free cooler/fridge of draft beer machine seeing if the client
would like to run draft beer lines at their shop. By leasing the equipment almost free in the
condition of distributing only Sambar’s draft beer, along with employee training in operation
method of equipment. Selling draft beer on tap become a win-win situation with earned more
profit in single unit of sales.

When promoting products to clients, Sambar not only offered the free business consult but also
share the contact of other brewers or any other known contact that could have help the clients.
Most of the times, clients would introduce his/her friends who might want to sell craft beer,
Sambar’s salesperson would suggest other beer brand to shops that they might be interested in
selling. The generous sharing to create a friendly environment of mutual help in the whole
chain of business.

Sambar’s desired brand image also directly delivered by the layout that shown to customers at
any place. With collaboration of professional designers, the visual stimulation exhibit to
customer made them felt eye catching, laid-back and easy to access. Customers entered the
situation no matter to vending arena of Sambar such as holiday fair; or enjoyed a Sambar’s
drink with Sambar’s layout in glasses or posters could have remind them of happy times and
pleasant beer drinking experience.
iv. Future Perspective

In the year of 2018, Sambar has very tight collaboration with Songshan Cultural and Creative
Park (SCCP,松山文創園區). Thanks to the past three years associating with HEM Media (有
家攝影工作室) event on “Good Home Taiwan” (好家在台灣). Sambar not only attend the
event as one of the vending stall, but also served as the reception center welcoming artists and
guests all over the world with nice cold and locally brewed beer. Seeing the potential, SCCP
invited Sambar hosting a pop-up shop at a container in the park. (Fig 17) The shop offered
Sambar’s own draft line on tap and few selected bottled beers from other countries but also
some air-fried snacks for people to enjoy the past time. Inside the container Sambar invited
“Chih-Han Yang” 楊 芷 涵 , hosting a minor personal exhibition of selfies. Yang is a
photographer and model, most of the photos taken in the exhibition were taken by Pentax Espio
Mini’s film camera. This is the first time that Sambar collaborated with artists at any form.
Offering different drinking atmosphere as set in the container. During the three’s months pop-
up shop in SCCP, Sambar was as well invited to Creative Expo Taiwan(文博會).

Creative Expo Taiwan is held by Ministry of Culture inviting famous brands all over the island
and some from other countries in exhibit of quality lifestyle and the craft spirit in Taiwan. With
more involved in cultural creative business, Sambar expect to have more collaboration with
different industry. Beer is not only the product that Sambar sell, it also represents a spirit of
mutual-help. The event was hold at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Sambar participated as the
holiday vending stall, which even earned more chances in collaboration as passersby were even
more than in the interior exhibition. The consumer segment was even more diverse in the arena,
and the need of beer during the holiday was very prominent.

In the end of 2016, Ting opened a restaurant called “Urban Tribe”(城咖) in Hsinchu. It was
originally set to be a café and gastropub of Sambar providing all flavors of beer available on
tap and some selected bottled beer. The business hour starts from 12:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.
every day. With around 5 staffs available in rotating shifts including a professional baker
making fresh finger food and cakes every day. Urban Tribe meant to be a slow-down place for
people to take breaks during the fast pace of the current life. Until now, the business grew and
kept managing different try outs.
March Vending as sole
Selling at Spring Wave Music Festival alcohol provider
Beer Geek & May
Sheraton Hsinchu 3rd Anniversary of Selling at
Selling at JianShan Yi Gai Suo Taipei Marriot Dec..
Sambar’s Timeline

Wooloomooloo June Hotel

MLD, Kaohsiung Good Home Taiwan
Spring Wave Sunset
Sell at Fullong Hotels & Resorts
May Not event with
Dec. August Dec. competitor
Release Summer Beer &Music Fes
Good Home Taiwan Good Home Taiwan can earn any
Release Traveler IPA &Porter September
Release APA 14th Anniversary of O’Ringo money

2015 2016 2017 2018

Start Collaboration.
Xian Brewery
Jan 23, 8:20 pm - Jan 25, 4:57 pm
DB Brewery- Bottled Beer

Ding Malt Brewery—Draft Beer

II. Case Discussion

i. Synopsis

Sambar Brewing Co. is a young Gypsy-style of craft beer brand starting from the year 2015 in
Hsinchu, Taiwan. Along with the young, inexperienced founder, Ting, Sambar encountered
many challenges but as well overcame with luck. Originated from the heart of making strong
connection with hometown, Hsinchu. Ting spent much effort in educating and vitalizing the
drinking behavior by selling beer in his neighbor. Broadening the territory of selling to north
and try to seek more chances and realizing Sambar’s actual target market. However, with
concern of offering more satisfying quality and flavor of beer, Ting had no choice but to change
the contract brewery. Until now, even the business is still growing and many collaborations are
under negotiation. Sambar still find the attraction in vending directly to consumers drop

ii. Teaching Objective and Adapted Subject

Teaching objective:

Theories and Application l Marketing Mix

l Consumer Decision-Making Model

Level of Viewpoint l Defining the marketing position

l Recognize the customer’s need

Phenomena l Shifting the brewery out of quality not marketing

l Dropping revenue in retail from no reason

Origin of the case l Revitalizing hometown’s attraction

l Broadening territories with same marketing style

l Alliance with creative culture scene in Taiwan

The target audience:

Students with basic management courses background such as graduated school students (BA,
MBA, or EMBA), and the case can be applied to courses below:
Course Content Teaching Method

Marketing Management Marketing Matrix In class/ group discussion

Consumer Decision-Making
Consumer Behavior In class/group discussion

iii. Case Background Supplementary Information

The definition of Craft beer

There were many ways to define craft beer, and mostly it was defined by spirit and production
scale. Any kind of beer were made of water, cereal grain (barley, rice, corn…etc), yeast, and
hops. In the year of 2014, Brewers Association, the craft beer trade group in America, stated
the craft brewers as below:

“small, independent and traditional. Small means brewing less than 6 million barrels per year,
the federal limit for the small brewers excise tax exemption. Independent means that less than
25% of the brewery is owned by a non-craft brewer. Traditional refers to a focus on beers that
are made entirely or mostly from malt, and not diluted with adjuncts like corn or rice.” (Brewers
Association, p. 3, 2014)

However, breweries with production scales, and spirits exceed the above mentioned were
referred as commercial beer. Well known beer brands such as Heineken or Budweiser, targeting
their consumers to drink more beer as possible and the flavors were generally lighter. Which
hypnotized consumer’s taste bud to drink even more to get tipsy. Due to the larger quantity on
consumption, adjunctions such as rice and corn were added to save the cost on barley. For
example, regardless to the actual scale of production, Taiwan Beer has been taken as
commercial beer in Taiwan, the brewery added japonica rice not only to help the domestic rice
consumption but also saved cost in barely. The lightened flavor also had large impact in
domestic beer drinking behavior.
iv. Student’s in class discussion

Before class student were required to finish reading the case and collect outer resource such as
Sambar’s Facebook fanpage and interviews.

1. Analyzing pros and cons in Sambar’s decision of moving to new breweries and splitting
the production lines to two breweries.

2. Analyzing the failing factor of Sambar’s dropping revenue in the vending. Please look on
the input from the case? What could have been done? What elements will attract you in
attempt of buying any beer? (Do you have any stereotype in drinking beer? Are there any
essentials before you buy a beer on the street? How often do you drink beer and how you
drink it?) In what way could have built brand loyalty?

3. Necessities in attending the vending fairs, should Sambar cease attend those events? Is
vending impersonal communication or interpersonal communication? What do you suggest
to deliver the message most efficiently?

Sambar have been encountering the decreasing revenue and failure when vending at the holiday
fairs or special event. What possibility was the core problem and what possible solution can
they adjust to or adopt? In the consumer decision making model, in which aspect do you think
Sambar let the customers go? Please examine the message effectiveness by analyzing Sambar’s
marketing strategy.
v. Character Background

From the Sambar case, there are three sets of figures mentioned as charts below. From the
origin of 2015, in the hope for revitalizing the hometown image contracting with the local
brewery. Later seeking for the best possible collaboration of the business. Sambar had been
coming alone in a way different from other competitors in the industry.

Figure Role Playing

Founding Sambar Brewing Co. and Urban Tribe

café. Managing the cooperation with breweries
Founder, Ting Ting and the sales support such as delivery and storage
management. Also, the general manager of Urban
Tribe café.

In charge of producing Sambar’s essential selling

products. Communicating with Ting in beer
Brewery Owners
recipe. All the contract breweries own private

Not only helped Sambar in revenue of selling

products, but also is the main role of matching
more collaboration and possibilities in exposure to
undeveloped markets.

In charge of promotion, sales, vending and

Salesperson business consult to customers. Customer
relationship maintenance.
vi. Suggested Answer Keys for discussion:

a. Trade off in making difference

Learning Outcome:

In evaluation of the Sambar case splitting the production lines, the discussion in leveraging the
necessity of investment and adaption to new breweries can make students understand the trade-
offs in making differences of a company. Making difference is painful, either in exploration of
new possibilities or exploitation of old certainties.

Theory: The Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning

James G. March (1991) raised a debate in organizational learning. It was about striking the
balance between the exploration of new possibilities and exploitation of old certainties is the
primary factor in system survival and prosperity. From the journal (March, 1991), exploration
is about search, variation, risk taking, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery and
innovation. In competing the resource with others, it generates explicit choices in alternative
investment and competitive strategies which decision could be made by calculation. While
exploitation is about refinement, choice, production, efficiency, selection, implementation, and
execution. It generates implicit choices hidden in the unique organizational forms and customs
when allocating resource to adaption.

a-1: Question:

Analyzing pros and cons in Sambar’s decision of moving to new breweries and splitting the
production lines to two breweries.

a-2: Suggested Answer Key

In evaluating the production line for a beer brand. Sambar Brewing Co., an Gypsy-styled craft
beer brand, who didn’t own any brewing facility, contracted the brewing equipment with other
breweries with facilities to produce their own beer. Sambar was a fully-owned craft beer brand
name, the owner could had shift the production line to any other breweries in production. As
we knew from the case that most of the beer brands produce their beers in one brewery, no
matter owned or contracted with brewing equipment. Since Sambar happened to be a Gypsy-
styled brewer without owning any facilities, she made a very good use to this specialty.
On top of this, Sambar encountered reputation and quality crisis next year after its product
release. Therefore, we are in the situation of deciding in either stayed and refined the production
process at the existing Xian; or went to a new brewery. However, Sambar decided to move to
2 new breweries and split the production line instead.

Source: Organized by this study

From the graph organized from the data given in the case story, Ting tried refining the existing
technology in Xian brewery. Which

1. improved the brewing procedure by pasteurizing all the bottled beer. However, as the

2. attitude shown from the brewery unsatisfying to the requirement from Sambar. Also,

3. even the procedure was fixed to make the very good use of the existing facilities. Sambar
also suffered from the notorious reputation of the Xian brewery from the internet.

Later, Ting decided to swift the contract to 2 breweries of DB Beer and Dingmalt craft beer in
invention of the new ones.

1. Cost in adapting to the new breweries (environment) was massive. The brewers could have
carry the brewing receipt with them: selected hop for flavor and texture, yeast for
fermentation, barley and grains for beer body. The fourth element, water, cannot be carried
around and you must need water to make the beer. Same recipe would not generate the
same flavor in different brewery, any differences during the process would cause the flavor
difference. In this situation, the first few batch were experimental in adapting to the new
breweries would have cost much in adjusting the proportion of the raw materials in brewing
to meet the satisfied flavor.

Sambar in this situation would cost double in separating the production lines to 2 different
breweries. Even the selected breweries were expertise to their distributed products.

2. Brewing at two breweries would have to negotiate the cost in contract all over twice in the
effort to maintain the selling price to customers. Cost for brewing beer, revising label to
current breweries, delivery expense from breweries to customers. Since the requirement in
packaging varied from glass bottle to iron kegs, the delivery expense varied as well. DB
beer need the contract courier while Ding Malt has her own fridge truck for delivery.

3. Brewing with new equipment also represent the new taste with same spirit. With the
updated news in changing brewery to the customers, their imagination to Sambar’s beer
taste also need an update. Salesperson must re-visit all the clients with the newly brewed
beer, which generate the extra transportation cost, and time consumed.

As mentioned in the case, DB brewery which Sambar selected as bottled beer production line
had already won many prizes for other brand names in some world beer competition. Therefore,
the expertise was guaranteed. However, with the fame comes more and more brewers intend
to brew with them. The capacity was always fully occupied and the brew schedule was often
postponed due to the tight arrangement. Being aware of this, also with longer storage life as
one year, all Sambar need to do was be careful of the storage and arrange the brewing schedule
early as possible for the fluctuated schedule.

On the other hand, Sambar’s draft beer production line of Dingmalt Craft Beer with less
cooperated breweries, and the high agility in 1 ton of container size for each batch of brewing.
Made it easier for Sambar to arrange the brewing schedule stably. With the agility and
flexibility in adjusting the formula of beer, hence launching special limited flavor with loyal
customer not only boost the recognition to the sales end but test the market response
collectively. In addition, Dingmalts’ delivery with professional beer instrument background
can also save many times during delivery when the clients have problem with their draft beer.
Note: With the bad reputation from the internet we could have found other brand name using
Xian brewery, called Liyun Beer. They opened a bar selling their craft beer brewed by Xian
brewery. Here’s the defense from the owner of the bar. Below is the post permitted by the author.


About beer, even we have no idea where the “craft fan” raised their resent to our contract
brewery. We had never encounter any trouble with it anyway. After the beer delivered to the
shop, we never received any complaint to the beer and we already let go of the defense over
time. I knew those experts wouldn’t consume here anyway, all we need to do was be responsible
to our customers.
b. Consumer Decision Making Model

Learning Outcome:

Consumer decision making model is to understand the process of how consumers consider
buying any product. By demonstrating the model according to the case, we could have
diagnosed the weak point of the market strategy and therefore suggesting points of
improvement. Finally develop the new marketing strategy. Let students put themselves in the
shoes of purchasing the locally brewed craft beer of Sambar, evaluating the decision process
after the input that Sambar made to consumers. After the evaluation and demoing the self-
purchase behavior in processing, we could have use the same investigation on monitoring any
sort of product in selling.

Theory: Consumer Decision Making Model

According to Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015), the process of a consumer decision making
can put to three parts as input, process, and output.

1. Input:

The component of input in the model have three types of external influences. The factors
exhibit what situation the companies’ marketing strategy shown to consumer when buying
a product.

l Marketing Mix: Which stands for the marketing strategy to attract consumers buying
the products repeatedly. Which include product, promotion, price and distribution.

l Socialcultural Influences: Means factors which influenced consumers from their

reference groups such as, family, friends, and social class…etc. The opinion leaders’
statements from different perspective of involvements from self, product, social
involvement can affect the receivers’ attitude toward unfamiliar products.

l Communication Sources: are the designed mechanism which delivered the marketing
mix and social cultural influences to customers. The channel which consumer can
have conversation with the brand. What exhibit to customers in designed marketing
2. Process:

Process categorized the reason of consumer buying the product and psychologically explain
what influence consumer may face before the purchase.

l Need Recognition:

Actual state types and desired states are the two kinds of need recognition. The former
describes people who get frustrated when they are not satisfied with the product
functionally while the later were people whose buying intention triggered upon seeing
new products. When setting a product, the executives must recognize the need of the
consumer and manage a suitable response.

l Pre-Purchase Search:

The act of shopping itself is in fact a form of external experience. This behavior begins
when people are about to buy a specific product. In the beginning they tend to think of
the related pass buying experience to see if the information is sufficient for them to
make the decision and it is an internal source of information. If the internal source is
inadequate for the decision, people start to search for the marketing of the product or
non-commercial information such as comments and blogs from the internet, and such
behavior are considered as external resource.

l Online versus Traditional Information Search:

It is considered that people have limited ability on gathering information in traditional

way, so people seek for solution from the internet. When searching from the internet,
there are two ways of strategy based on both individual factors and contextual factors.
Individual factors were knowledge, personality traits and demographics. While
contextual factors are characteristics of decision tasks which based on task complexity,
information organization and time constrain factors.

l Brand-sets and Attributes Considered during Evaluation:

When consumers intend purchasing, they either consider to buy the product
(evoked/consideration set) or consider not to buy the product (inept set), or they don’t
feel like buying the product (inert set). When marketing, try to set your product own
the attributes of evoked set to consumer’s mind. Identifying the target segment of
consumer and offer them the specific product that meet their need before they eliminate
your product from the decision attributes.

The brand credibility is also one of a consideration before client buying the specific
product. It is the perceived quality, risk associated, and information cost during decision
making. When making a choice, the study suggested that trustworthiness is more
important than expertise.

l Consumer Decision Rules:

This is the way how consumer evaluate the attributes they take into consideration. If
consumer think the specific product owned the highest score on relevant attribute, this
behavior follows the compensatory decision rules. While there are 3 ways of non-
compensatory decision rules, conjunctive decision rules, lexicographic decision rules
and affect referral decision rules.

l Decision Rules and Marketing Strategy:

After realizing how consumer make decision, you can plan the promotional programs
precisely. An experienced marketer who utilize the decision rule can design the
promotional message to direct the potential customers’ buying decision.

l Incomplete Information and non-comparable alternatives:

When consumers are about to buy a product but they don’t have sufficient information.
They use alternative strategies to compensate for the missing element. Consumer either
postpone the purchase until they gathered enough information; or buy the alternative

3. Output:

This section of output in decision making is about purchase behavior and post-purchase
evaluation of the purchase. When consumers make the first-time and small amount of
purchase, it is a trial session which help consumers to explore and evaluate the product in
actual use. During the trial,

l if the products performance surpasses the expectation, this means the consumer has
positive disconfirmation of expectation. Whereas

l if the product failed to meet the expectation then the situation represents the negative
disconfirmation of expectations.
l Sometimes consumer tend to persuade themselves of making the wise choice, they
have conflict thought about a belief or an attitude object, this behavior is called
cognitive dissonance.

l When the testing trial is rather satisfying and it attempt the consumer to repeat buying
the product, it became brand loyalty.

l When consumer find it difficult to evaluate a product and repeat the purchase, this
indicate the outcome of brand reputation. Which means consumer buy the product
by brand rather by through product evaluation.

After launching the product to the

market, the best situation would be
attracting more consumers to
spread the positive comment to
each other. After the cluster of
satisfied consumers were formed,
the repetitive buying behavior to
the product helped companies to
have positive reputation and
concrete consumers’ brand loyalty.

Source: Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015), Consumer Behavior

b-1: Question:

Analyzing the failing factor of Sambar’s dropping revenue in the vending. Please look on the
input from the case, what could have been done? What elements will attract you in attempt of
buying any beer? (Do you have any stereotype in drinking beer? Are there any essentials before
you buy a beer on the street? How often do you drink beer and how you drink it?) In what way
could have built brand loyalty?

b-2: Suggested Answer Key:

After reading the case, students trace down Sambar’s collaboration and analyze the consumers
pattern deducting the possible demographic and finally the decision-making model of the main
consumers. Among the events attended, it was the music concert earned most revenue for
Sambar in the short span. Secondly is the collaboration with culture creative business. From
students’ experience in attending fairs and recognition in buying beer. After deducting the
possible consumer decision-making model, concluding the possible solution in adjusting the
current layout (from provided pictures) or any possible changes to Sambar.

In Sambar’s case, a craft beer brand from Hsinchu. We can analyze that the marketing mix and
communication resources were not well performed.

Source: Organized by this study

In the perspective of vending, the product and price seemed fine from the case, what we do not
know is how Sambar manage the promotion and distribution. However, after checking the
pictures at appendix in vending as well as the posts published from the Facebook fanpage. We
realize Sambar does not advertise the promotion strategically nor periodically broadcasting
vending appearance. On top of this, either the distribution was in glass bottles or plastic cups
without any label on it, causing the weak impression to clients if they walked away with plastic
cups at a festival with lots of different beer brand stalls.

In the process of decision making in a consumers’ mind upon buying Sambar beer.

Source: Organized by this study

l Need Recognition:

Consumers at bistro drinking Sambar beer were at the “Actual State Type” of need
recognition, people at a gastropub drinking repeatedly at a single night soaking in the
enduring flavor that Sambar offered; if the taste frustrated the customer, claim will be
collected and related defense mechanism would be launched. We realize from the case
which the long-collaborated shops sustain their orders; therefore, the need from
consumers was proved. Whereas during vending at fair, we can tell that Sambar failed
to the provoke desired state type of consumer who seek for something new.

l Pre-purchase Search:

It is almost guaranteed that there will nearly no body in class have the buying
experience from Sambar. Big possibility that consumer would go for external search
if they intend to find information. As the case mentioned, discussion from Facebook
club in discussion of Sambar have negative impact to the brand image whereas if the
external source is from interviews then might could have trigger the interest. A website
of beer recognition called “RateBeer” also helped the review from online search. A
site people leave comment to beer they drink and becoming the universal reference
for judging a beer, and the rating for Sambar’s all flavor in general was 3 points out
of 5.

Which here can ask students to vote their thought and recognition after searching
online about Sambar, to evaluate the credibility of resource in consumer’s mind.

It is suggested that Sambar should have managed more activities in defensing the old
bad reputation from Facebook fan club; creating more quality guaranteed interests to
the audiences. However, most of the time

l Brand-sets and Attributes Considered during Evaluation: The brand credibility of

Sambar was trustful. However, it is still concerned for some buyers whose information
were not up-to-date noticing Sambar had swift to new breweries. It is still an attribute
to the inept set to the client. Moreover, from the consumer segment, Sambar doesn’t
have any flavor with sweet notes. This inert set to this consumer behavior is suggested
for the further research on how Taiwanese people crave for sweet drinks.

l Decision Rules and Marketing Strategy: Base on the analysis above and the case story,
it is suggested that Sambar could have made a sweet flavor of beer. The brand
credibility is still building, label design and price were fair. The attribute that Sambar
lack was the customer segment which never in favor of bitterness. Moreover, gaining
more pop-up shop places can implant more positive recognition to consumer.

Many of the customers recognized Sambar at cultural creative related scene. By occasion, these
drinkers either crave for alcohol at the spot or diligently looking for the background story and
research before purchase. We have no idea if the trust (brand credibility) input successfully
implement to consumer’s mind. However, the paid design to the peripheral products and bottles
were quite successful and eye-catching. Maybe people were attracted by the label design
thought it is an imported brand.
Source: Organized by this study
After the clients finished purchasing from Sambar, we knew from the case that salesperson also
offer free business consult and beer education trainings to their clients. Most clients gained
understanding to craft beer through the training projects offered along with implementing the
good and sincere reputation in consumers mind, assuring they had made the best choice buying
Sambar brand craft beer. In this also gained the trust and loyalty in consumer’s mind. Having
more understandings to a product gained you more confidence and trust in making choices as
we acquired from the process of consumer decision-making section of “pre-purchase research”.

Finally, after the consumer purchase the product and collaborated with the brand. It was
reasonable for consumers to expect the products’ well performance. Claim occurred when
consumers have “negative disconfirmation of expectations”, and this would be a god timing
for the brand to maintain the reputation and trust in consumer’s mind. In earning the trust and
loyalty from the customers. A suggested way in judging if the trust was built successfully,
examine when client happened to receive the problematic products, they would apply
“cognitive dissonance” upon the situation and later return the problem report to Sambar.
c. Measure of Message Effectiveness

Learning Outcome:

After realizing how consumer make decisions, we could have design our market plan
accordingly to utilize our understanding in the decision-making process of input to output.
Marketing a product is the way how companies communicating with consumers which deliver
their value proposition...etc. From this section, we will understand the most important thing
about message delivery was the credibility of the source. Here we introduce several ways to
measure message effectiveness, checking whether the designed message was correctly
perceived by the targets and finally won the sales revenue.

Theory: Measure of Message Effectiveness

According to Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015) Communications can be either impersonal or

interpersonal. The target audience of impersonal communication are specific audiences and
audiences that organizations is trying to inform. It is sent from the company’s marketing
departments, advertising or public relations agencies, and spokesperson. While interpersonal
communication is sent from either formal source such as salesperson at physical or virtual retail
places or informal sources such as friends comments of a product.

Below chart was the communication model and as we knew about the impersonal and
interpersonal communication; the most integral part of the communication is the credibility of
the source. In comparison of the two, interpersonal communication has more influence on
consumer shopping patterns. Moreover, if the sender of interpersonal communication from the
official source is very experienced, they could have tailored the message upon the immediate
feedback from the consumer and become very persuasive during the communication.
Impersonal communications however, it was hard to collect the feedback and usually were

Source: Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015), Consumer Behavior

Another feedback that companies collect from the vast consumer was the degree of customer
satisfaction after they purchase the product. They collected the feedback through hotlines and
online contacts to discover if there was any problem with the product. By collecting the
response and problem solving through impersonal communication to the customer, it is
possible to retain the brand’s image of reliability.

Marketers examine their effectiveness of communications in several aspects. Persuasion effects

showed whether the message have been decoded by consumers correctly. Sales effects was to
expect whether the sales revenue had increased to meet the goal after executing the campaign.
Furthermore, marketers look up to the media exposure effects by buying the data from
companies which monitored media audiences and research to evaluate which platform/channel
in placing advertisement would be seen by most people.

Psychologically we can also evaluate the effectiveness of the message by inspecting the natural
response of human being to the stimuli. The physiological measure including eye-tracking,
which inspect the audience eye movement by camera noting at which area of a scene did the
audience paid more attention to. Brain wave analysis was examined through monitoring
electrical impulses produced by the view’s brain. Facial electromyography is to track the subtle
movement of facial muscles to inspect the emotions when watching different types of

To assess consumers’ cognitive response to messages, we call it as attitudinal measures. By

this we can evaluate the level of engagement and involvement with the message tests. We could
have use the semantic differential scales and Likert scales to in self-administered studies to test
ads and figure how consumer liked the message or if they had decoded the message correctly.

The main idea of proposing an advertisement not only seek for most exposure to people eyes
but also wanted to leave remarks to consumers mind. Researchers use day-after recall tests to
see if the target audiences still remembered what they had seen or heard from the day before.
It is examined by recall and recognition tests.
c-1: Question:

Necessities in attending the vending fairs, should Sambar cease attend those events? Is vending
impersonal communication or interpersonal communication? What do you suggest to deliver
the message most efficiently?

c-2: Suggested Answer Key:

Before figure out the solution, we need to be clear of the exact situation that Sambar was in.

In Sambar’s the business model, the

l impersonal communication (deliver by marketing from the brand):

specific audience:

1. regular customers at the loyal clients’ store— special flavor launch.

2. people seek for trending excitement— holiday market/ alcohol exhibition with other
competitors at the same sales arena or no competitors.

3. People need alcohol at the occasion —music festival with few or no competitors.

sources —Ting the funder; Approach—Layout, accept interview, Facebook public


l interpersonal communication:

Salesperson’s visit to every store, re-send the samples, regular visit…etc.

Word of mouth from clients, on-site promoting beer at each store.

Approach—offer more discount to the clients in boosting the larger quantity order.
Implanting the idea of selling your beer would earn more profit than selling other beer
at the sales rack.

Source: Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015), Consumer Behavior

However, with the dropping revenue in attending the holiday markets, we recognized the
communication was failed, probably failed from sending message but here we need to put more
emphasis on the feedback. It was neither attracting the new customers nor did it urge the old
loyalty customers desire in chasing after. Selling product directly to customers represent in
combination of the 2 sorts of communication, not just mere impersonal or interpersonal.

The best solution should be attending the events with no other competitors. For this could
Pros Cons
1. Use the linkage by event to leave more 1. Flooded among the competitors
remark in consumer’s mind 2. Losing chance to exchange information
2. Make consumer have no other choices within the industry
but only come to you for alcohol. 3. Might lost opportunity in mass purchase
3. Save time in persuasion of buying. from big brands. Ex. Chain restaurants
4. Sales focus wont’ be distracted by

By evaluation, it’s the second segment in impersonal communication, people seek for trending
excitement and word of mouth from clients that should help most the situation. What Sambar
can do with interpersonal communication, Sambar could have collect the required consumer
behavior data directly. In viewing the data above collected, it seemed that in selling beer
required much human related connection to maintain the relationship. This was the sort of
product which required much of interaction than the specialty function of the product. Unlike
some electronic product, which owned the irreplaceable feature. After all, you could have still
lived your life without beer. To win over the situation, we must create the glorious image urging
people at least to try the drink first. And make sure for the customers to have positive

One more thing after we defined the ways of communication that Sambar made. We need to
figure out how to raise the credibility of the sources. We realized from the case that in attending
fairs with many competitors didn’t win Sambar any good, and the audiences would be
distracted by other brands.

In combining the technology with us, we could have figure out the best solution by human
direct response. Even in the situation we already knew the channel had failed to deliver the
message well to the receiver.
III. Conclusion

By recalling the details from the case and apply the managerial structures from the text book.
Students without any working experience can build up the real time situation constructively.
Sambar had managed a path building close relationship with culture creative business. After
understanding the overall situation and analytical discussion. The professor can get students to
think about what kind of personality trait should the founder of a start-up own. Before engaged
to any kind of start-ups, what should people be ready of?

In the first discussion, we analyzed the pros and cons in making exploration to adjustment in
existing equipment and exploiting the new possibilities of adapting new breweries. Even we
realized from the case that Sambar had chosen a more difficult way, we could still have students
to pounder if it was a good choice. Secondly, we figure the consumer behavior in decision
making of Sambar to examine why would she lost the charm to consumers. The weakness also
shows in the marketing mix of advertising. Without strategical advertisement from the internet,
the visibility to the vast viewers is dim. Regardless of the price, it was the brand credibility and
good reputation from the internet can the consumers save time in information searching and
building confident and trust in deciding to buy a single product. And finally, by having clear
understanding of impersonal communication and interpersonal communication, we could have
reduced the possibility of failure in delivering the message and therefore hit the target’s mind

It might seem that the above analysis does not help anything with our thought in fixing
Sambar’s problem on not attracting customers during some events of vending. But it did help
us to understand theoretically how consumer make decision before they pull out money from
their wallet. After detailing every section of the behavior, we still found Sambar lost the
customer segmentation of the sweet-seekers. However, would Sambar really become
successful after releasing the sweet note of beer? On the other hand, from the input we realize
the promotion is very few and bad.

Not only beer, it also applies to purchase any sort of product. In this case students can manage
to put themselves in Tings shoes thinking of what aspect should be the failure to Sambar the
brand. It is very hard to tell if Sambar is a company with a bright future. The culture creative
kind of business are also the new entrance to Taiwanese daily life. But she rode the tide of the
craft beer in Taiwan intelligently as a Gypsy-styled brewer and the investment is rather small
in compare to those who owned the breweries.
IV. Teaching Plans

Openings Vote-
In what situation would you drink beer?
(15 minutes) Concert/ home/ holiday fair/ study time

What factor affects you in choosing to drink any beer?

label/ flavor/ drank before/ something new

Can you recognize what kind of beer you are drinking?

commercial beer vs. craft beer.

Discussion Analyzing pros and cons in splitting the production lines.

(60 minutes) Analyzing the failing factor of Sambar’s dropping

revenue in the vending.

Necessities in joining vending while dropping revenue,

should Sambar cease attending those events?

Conclusion By understanding the product and recognizing the

consumer's need, we can therefore create the possible
(15 minutes)
matching marketing strategy in earning the best revenue.

Merging along with the case story and discussion on actual

consumer behavior would help students feel as in actual
situation upon solving problems and finally have deep
understanding to the connection on consumer behavior and
marketing strategy.
V. Reference

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VI. Appendix
Sambar logo (Fig 1)

1. Sambar’s Products

Sambar’s Bottled Beer (Fig 2) 30 liter keg 20 liter keg (Fig 3)


Fridge for draft beer (Fig 4) Cooler for draft beer (Fig 5)
(In-House Equipment) (In-House Equipment)
Party Pump (Fig 6)
Party Pump (Fig 7)
(Personal Catering)
(Personal Catering)

Sambar’s very first 2 products of Traveler pale ale and first

version of Sambar APA (Fig 8)
2. Sambar’s Peripheral Products: Glass, Coasters, and posters.

Sambar coaster. (Fig 10)

Sambar pint glass. (Fig 9)

Sambar Poster (Fig 11)

3. Sambar’s High Time events:

“SpringWave Sunset” (日落春浪電子音樂節) at May 10, 2015 (Fig 12)

“Summer Beer & Music Fest”(夏日啤酒音樂節) at August 20, 2016 (Fig 13)
4. Sambar’s collaboration with Songyan Cultural and Creative Park

Good Home Taiwan 2015 (Fig 14)

Good Home Taiwan 2016 (Fig15)

Pop-up shop 2018 (松鹿酒吧) (Fig 17)

Good Home Taiwan 2017 (Fig 16)

5. Sambars’ Regular Layouts reference

Regular Layout Reference (Fig 18)

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