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Quarter 3 – Week 1-4:


Name: Janela Lynley S. Abadilla

Section: 9-Confucius



1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True


6. Bias
7. Prejudice
8. Prejudice
9. Bias
10. Prejudice


11. Jean: “Do you have a travel pass going to Manila?”

12. Norman: “The patients are getting better.”
13. Trina: “The jeepneys are already on the road.”
14. Marlon: “When did you learn how to drive?”
15. Mrs. Barred: “Enroll onlin until July 15.”


16. Jean asked if you had a travel pass going to Manila.

17. Norman said that the patients are getting better.
18. Trina stated that the jeepneys are already on the road.
19. Marlon asked when you learned how to drive.
20. Mrs. Barredo said we can enroll online until July 15.
Activity 1

1. A.
2. D.
3. A.
4. D.
5. C.

Activity 2

1. Prejudice
2. Prejudice
3. Bias
4. Bias
5. Prejudice
6. Prejudice
7. Prejudicce
8. Bias
9. Bias
10. Bias

Activity 3

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A

Situation Realization
Women can’t lead. Men are better leaders. We need to terminate gender bias at its root by
fixing our organizations to make them inclusive,
flexible, supportive, and equitable to women.

Activity 5: Women of Power

1. “Feminism is about giving women choice, feminism is not a stick with which to beat other
women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.” Emma Watson wants
to open the eyes of people that may not know very much about gender inequality and she
wanted to do that with this speech.
2. Yes, I agree with Emma Watsons. Where gender inequality exists, it is generally women who are
excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to economic and social
3. Oprah talked about racism. Racism can exert negative effects on the self-concepts, health and
4. Oprah mentioned Taylor and used her story as an example why change is need.
5. The disadvantages faced by women in societies around the world are also familiar: lower pay for
work of equal value; high illiteracy rates; and poor access to health care. While race is one
reason for inequality and gender is another, they are not mutually exclusive forms of
discrimination. Indeed, too often they intersect, giving rise to compounded or double
6. Every day, each and every one of us can stand up against racial prejudice and disrespectful
attitudes. Let's build a world beyond racism and discrimination. Gender equality is intrinsically
linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human rights for all.

Activity 6: What’s your take?

1. Bias, back then women should be only in the house, taking care of their children or doing house
chores. Women are capable of everything. For me, being a housewife is a full time job. Plus,
being a mother is also a full time job. Yes, it’s a job. Not paid for her labor doesn’t mean it’s not
a job.
2. Bias, People think older people are lazy, weak for the job. Older workers are not interested to
learn today’s technology.
3. Discrimination, homophobia is a severe form of prejudice against those who are gay, lesbian, or
4. Bias, every women are beautiful in their own way!
5. Discrimination, these cultural differences apply primarily to people; some more violently than
others when they believe that others are threatening them.

Activity 7 Direct the Indirect Way

1. Column A used Direct Quotation while Column B used reported speech.

2. Both spread information.
3. We use Direct Quotation for defining specific contents. We use reported speech when we want
to tell someone what someone said.

Activity 8 Practice the Direct and Indirect Ways


1. Correct, there’s a change in pronouns.

2. Correct, change of tense.
3. Correct, the sentence was told in past tense.
4. Correct, there’s a change in pronouns.
5. Correct, there was a change in modals.


1. Biff said that he can’t focus on his job.

2. Willy said that he was tired to death.
3. Linda said that my mind is overactive and the mind is what counts.
4. Willy said he has worked a lifetime to pay off a house but there was nobody to live in it.
5. Willy told Biff, “Not finding myself at the age of 34 is a disgrace!.”
6. Linda stated that the people had to move somewhere.
7. “Everybody around me is so false and I am constantly lowering my ideals.” Happy said.
8. Willy stated that the world is an oyster, but you don’t crack it open a mattress.
9. Linda said that a small man can be just as exhausted as a great man.
10. “There is better in Willy than in many other people.” Linda said.
Activity 9

1. If
2. That
3. How
4. That
5. To

Activity 10

1. Christopher said that we are living in a world of computers.

2. The boy asked if the computer was a master or a slave.
3. She asked if I was aware of the panic caused by the news about the computer virus.
4. John inquired what would happen if the computer breaks down.
5. The girl requested her instructor to guide them in operating the computer.
6. The guest speaker added that there is a danger that man would become dependent on
7. He asked how many parts a computer has.
8. She inquired; did you know that an electronic brain can design a chemical plant.
9. The teacher warned us to not play with our computer.
10. He insisted that computers can translate scientific papers.
11. Michael inquired how can computers help in training airline pilots.
12. Robert asked what other uses computers will have in aviation.
13. He further inquired if computers can direct lights.
14. She commented that computers will direct lights, but they will not replace pilots.
15. She said that a computer has answers to all our questions, but someone has to ask the right

Activity 11

Direct Speech – My older sister said, “Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every
country of the world.”

Indirect Speech – My older sister said that women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in
every country of the world.
Activity 12 Woman Power

‘Empower one woman and she will raise others with her’ – Vice President Leni Robredo

Post Test

1. B.
2. B.
3. D.
4. B.
5. C.


12. TRUE
15. TRUE


First of all, be smart looking with self-esteem. Then, make a firm eye contact as if you are giving a non-
verbal message to knock it off. Also, use a strong and confident voice to get their point across in a
respectful manner. Last of all, tell your family, teachers and friends your ordeal when you experienced
one. Moreover, always be with friends and don’t get isolated. Bullies look for people that display
insecurity, fear and low self-esteem. There are certain ways on how to avoid being bullied.

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