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• Brand is most often defined as

• A symbol, name or sign that identifies and

distinguishes one product or service from
competitive product and services.

• ‘Identifies and distinguishes’ can be described

as Practical or Tangible functions of a brand.
Why do brands matter?
• Strong brands can command higher prices.
• Strong brands can withstand economic
downturns and economic adversity
• Strong brands can improve ROI
• Strong brands can shield the company from
adverse publicity
• A strong brand is a constant in the world of
Types of Brand Elements
Logos and
Brand Names Symbols

Characters Slogans Jingles

• What makes a brand strong and
how can it be measured?
Brand Purpose

• Purpose is the reason a

business exists beyond making
money; it is what inspires,
motivates and retains
employees and customers.
Brand Awareness

• Awareness is measured by height or % age of

awareness by time period and also by depth
of awareness. i.e. a consumer can be aware of
a brand but that awareness may be shallow or
fleeting or it could be deep and abiding.
Brand knowledge
Brand identity and Brand Image
• Brand Image is the total character of the brand.
... Image is what people perceive.

• Symbols and signs such as logos are graphical representations of

brand identity. A brand name and logo are key

to building a brand image.
Brand Image

• More deeply a person thinks about

Strength of Brand product information and relates it to
Associations existing brand knowledge, stronger is the
resulting brand association.
Apple Computer Associations
Brand Salience

Increasing brand salience at the

point of decision making is
critical to brand success.
Brand Salience
Salience is triggered in two different
• by an internal stimulus, or
• by an external one.
Transfer of Brand Knowledge
The New Media Environment
Challenges in Designing Brand-Building

• Information processing model of


Role of Multiple Communications

Criteria For IMC Program

Coverage Contribution Commonality

Complementarity Comformability Cost

New Products and Brand Extensions
• Brand extension: When a firm uses an
established brand name to introduce a new

– Line extension: Adds a different variety, a different

form or size, or a different application for the

– Category extension: Marketers apply the parent

brand to enter a different product category from
the one it currently serves.
Advantages of Extensions


Benefits to
the Parent
Facilitate New-Product Acceptance
Increase the
Reduce Risk
Improve Brand Probability of
Perceived by
Image Gaining Distribution
and Trial

Reduce Costs of
Increase Efficiency of Avoid Cost of
Introductory and
Promotional Developing a New
Follow-Up Marketing
Expenditures Brand

Allow for Packaging

Permit Consumer
and Labeling
Provide Feedback Benefits to the
Parent Brand
Enhance the Parent
Clarify Brand Meaning
Brand Image

Bring New Customers

into the Brand
Revitalize the Brand
Franchise and Increase
Market Coverage

Permit Subsequent
Disadvantages of Brand Extensions
Can Confuse or Frustrate Consumers

Can Encounter Retailer Resistance

Can Fail and Hurt Parent Brand Image

Can Succeed but Cannibalize Sales of Parent Brand

Can Succeed but Diminish Identification with Any One Category

Can Succeed but Hurt the Image of the Parent Brand

Can Dilute Brand Meaning

Can Cause the Company to Forgo the Chance to Develop a New Brand
Brand attributes
• Brand attributes are the functional and
emotional associations which are assigned to
a brand by its customers and prospects. They
are the basic elements for establishing
a brand identity.
There are 4 primary elements that make up the
Brand Attributes.
Brand Strategy

• A brand strategy is a blueprint to build the

market value and the financial value of a
brand over the long term. Brand strategy is
the overarching vision that guides all
corporate decisions related to the brand.
Strategic Brand Management Process

Identifying and Developing Brand Plans

Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing


Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity

and Points-
• Points-of-difference
– Attributes/benefits that
consumers strongly
associate with a brand,
positively evaluate,
and believe they could
not find to the same
extent with a
competitive brand
and Points-
• Points-of-parity (POPs)
– Attribute/benefit associations that are not
necessarily unique to the brand but may in
fact be shared with other brands
Some interactive Marcom options
• Websites- designing websites that embody or express purpose, history, products
and vision
• Microsites- cluster of pages functioning as supplements to primary site
• Search ads –paid search or pay per click
• Display ads- display ads or banner ads
• Internet-specific ads and videos- (Youtube, MySpace Video, Google Video
• Sponsorships- sponsoring special content on websites that carry news, financial
info etc
• Alliances- one internet co. works with another, they end up advertising each
other through alliances and affliate programs
• E-mail- d-mail or direct mail campaign
• On-line communities- postings, instant messaging, chat discussions
• Mobile marketing-using mobile phones
The four components of brand
• Reputation value
• Relationship Value
• Experiential Value
• Symbolic value
Brand Value Chain
Brand Value Chain describes how to trace
the value creation process to better
understand the financial impact of
marketing expenditures and investments.
Developing most effective and
efficient Marcom program
• Coverage
• Contribution
• Commonality
• Complementarity
• Versatility
• Cost
Brand Identity System (BIS)
BIS is a collection of elements which work together to create unified,
consistent and flexible brand assets that communicate the brand value to
the target audience effectively.
The elements include 6 major brand assets:
• primary brand mark or logo
• secondary brand mark
• color palette
• typography
• visual brand extensions and
• brand tone
Brand Identity prism-Jean-Noël Kapferer
Building Brand Equity
• Brand element choice criteria

Memorable Meaningful

Protectable Likable

Adaptable Transferable
Secondary Associations
Measuring Brand Equity
• Brand value chain
Measuring Brand Equity
• Brand audit
• Brand valuation
• Brand-tracking studies
Branding Strategy
• Brand extension • Category extension
• Sub-brand • Brand line
• Parent brand • Brand mix
• Master/family brand • Branded variants
• Line extension • Licensed product
Brand architecture
• Brand architecture is the structure of brands
within an organizational entity. It is the way
in which the brands within a company’s
portfolio are related to, and differentiated
from, one another.
Types of Brand architecture
• The product–brand strategy
• The line brand strategy
• The range brand strategy
• The maker’s mark strategy
• Endorsing brand strategy
• Umbrella brand strategies
New-Product Acceptance
Increase the
Reduce Risk
Improve Brand Probability of
Perceived by
Image Gaining Distribution
and Trial

Reduce Costs of
Increase Efficiency of Avoid Cost of
Introductory and
Promotional Developing a New
Follow-Up Marketing
Expenditures Brand

Allow for Packaging

Permit Consumer
and Labeling

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