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GROUP ASSIGNMENT A: PGDM RM, Brand &Private Label Management


Last date of e-submission: 3rd DEC 2018, DATE OF PRESENTATION: 3rd & 4th DEC 2018

 Select ONE brand from the following sectors: technology, automotive, financial services,
beverages, retail, sporting goods, logistics
 Study the macro & micro environmental factors affecting selected sector
 Set your marketing goals
 Profile your competition
 Identify your competitive advantage
 State your market position
 Describe target markets
 Identify distribution channels
 Identify pricing strategy and costs
 Assuming the brand as a person, think of many traits as possible- male or female, tech focussed or
artistic, what celebrity would play it in a movie etc
 Complete the list of influencers and the type of relationship the brand has with the consumers
 Draw the promotion plan (advertising, sales promotion, sponsorship, new media, DM etc),
 What is thestory to connect with the consumers?
 Measuringbrand success
 Brand promise and Brand pyramid
 How is brand positioned for future?



Maximise the use of graphs, charts and figures

Minimum Sample size for primary research is 60 and key in data collected in an excel sheet
Video recording of 5 interviews carried out
Role play in the presentation time is allowed
Total presentation time is 20 minutes to each group
Max number of slides is 20
The last page of the presentation and script should be the references page

Breakup of marks: Data collection and overall research quality : 5 marks

Concept clarity, Analysis and findings : 10 marks
Presentation style, use of visuals, graphs, role play, samples etc : 5 marks

Groups submitting a script word document along-with the ppt can score 3 additional marks.
The format of the script is shared with class on 22.11.2018

All groups to Email ppt and script to by 3rd Dec 2018
10:00am before class presentations begin.
GROUP ASSIGNMENT B: PGDM RM, Brand &Private Label Management

TOTAL MARKS 20. Last date of submission: 10th Dec 2018

a) Download 10 research articles/ papers related to your chosen topic and a product/service sector.
Complete a literature review of 500 words with references. Write a paragraph on your learning from
the review. (5 MARKS)

b) All groups to collect two recent newspaper advertisements from any daily (from 1st Oct 2018 till 30th
Nov 2018) of two competing brands of their choice (e.g. Pepsi and Coca Cola in TOI) and describe
the similarity or difference in the compelling view-points expressed through these ads. Describe the
target market of both brands. The two newspaper ads should be scanned with newspaper name and
print date visible/ mentioned and made a part of the answer doc.

c) Visit any supermarket nearby. Select ONE Category per group as given under. How many "brands"
in the following categories are there in an average supermarket? List the brands in your chosen
category that you see in the supermarkets. Students to conduct a study or poll of preferred brands or
selected items in the selected category from 30 respondents and analyse the results. Predict what new
items on today's supermarket shelves might have staying power. What products might be fads or
failures? Explain (10 MARKS)

Group1 Bread and bakery products Group6 Ready meals

Group2 Chocolate confectionery Group7 Beverages (soft drinks, juices, concentrates)
Group3 Men’s personal care Group8 Snacks and cereals
Group4 Women’s personal care Group9 Household needs (laundry, detergents,
dishwashers, cleaners, repellents)
Group5 Organic food and drinks Group10 Health and wellness products


All groups to Email assignment B (a, b and c) to by 10th Dec 2018 EOD

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