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BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering

Chapter 4

Design principles
Eurocode 8

Teacher: Joseph PAIS 2020-2021

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4. EUROCODE 8 ............................................ .................................................. .................................................. .... 3

4.1. INTRODUCTION ................................................. .................................................. ..............................................3

4.1.1. Presentation of Eurocode 8 ............................................ .................................................. .................... 3
4.1.2. The objectives targeted by Eurocode 8 .......................................... .................................................. ............ 5
4.1.3. The concept of capacity sizing ............................................ ............................................... 6
4.1.4. General requirements for construction (§2 of EN1998-1-1). .................................................. ........ 7
4.1.5. Quality system plan (§2.2 of EN1998-1-1) .................................. ................................................. 9
4.2. TheSEISMIC ACTION ................................................ .................................................. ......................................10
4.2.1. The seismic risk (decree of 10/22/2010) ...................................... .................................................. ....... 10
4.2.2. Soil classes (§3.1 of EN1998-1-1) .................................. .................................................. .......... 12
4.2.3. The importance categories of buildings ........................................... .................................................. .12
4.3. LRESPONSE SPECTRAS EC8 (§3.2 OF THE'EN1998-1-1) ........................................... .................................. 16
4.3.1. Definition of the elastic spectrum Se (T) horizontal ......................................... .............................................. 16
4.3.2. Definition of the elastic spectrum Sve (T) vertical ......................................... ................................................. 19
4.3.3. Definition of the horizontal Sd (T) calculation spectrum ........................................ ................................................ 19
4.3.4. Definition of the vertical Svd (T) calculation spectrum ........................................ .................................................. 21
4.3.5. Damping correction coefficient ........................................... ................................................. 21
4.3.6. ST topography coefficient .............................................. .................................................. ................... 22
4.4. DSIZING OF BUILDINGS ACCORDING TO L'EN1998-1-1 ............................................ .................................. 22
4.4.1. Simplicity of the structure (§ of EN1998-1-1) ................................ ................................................ 22
4.4.2. Uniformity and symmetry (§ of EN1998-1-1) ................................. .................................................. .23
4.4.3. Strength and rigidity in both directions (§ of EN1998-1-1) ............................. ................. 24
4.4.4. Torsional strength and rigidity (§ of EN1998-1-1) ............................... ..................................... 25
4.4.5. Action of diaphragms at floor level ........................................... ......................................... 25
4.4.6. Appropriate foundations (§ of EN1998-1-1) ................................. .......................................... 26
4.4.7. Regular and irregular buildings .............................................. .................................................. ............... 27
4.4.8. Choice of the calculation method [§ EC8] ..................................... .................................................. ..29
4.4.9. Determination of masses M [§ 4.2.4 EC8] ....................................... .................................................. .... 29
4.4.10. Soil-Structure Interaction .............................................. .................................................. ..........................30
4.5. PRINCIPLE OF EQUIVALENT LINEAR CALCULATION [§ 5.2OF THE'EN1998-1-1] ........................................... .... 31
4.5.1. Scope .............................................. .................................................. .................................. 31
4.5.2. The behavior coefficient q ............................................. .................................................. .............. 31
4.5.3. The ductility class .............................................. .................................................. ................................. 32
4.5.4. Behavior coefficient in Reinforced Concrete [§5.3 of EN1998-1-1] ................................ ...................... 33
4.5.5. Behavior coefficient in metal construction [§6.3 of EN1998-1-1] ................................ ... 35
4.6. VSAFETY ERIFICATIONS [§ 4.4 OF THE'EN1998-1-1] ........................................... ........................................ 38
4.6.1. Safety with respect to ultimate states [§ of EN1998-1-1] ............................. ................................. 38
4.6.2. Safety with respect to deformations [§ EC8] ..................................... ............................................ 39
4.6.3. Seismic seal conditions [§] ........................................ .................................................. ........... 40
4.7. QA FEW WORDS ABOUT MASONRY ............................................. .................................................. .............41

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4. Eurocode8

4.1. Introduction

4.1.1. Presentation of Eurocode 8

Eurocode 8 is part of the body of European standards commonly known as “Eurocodes” and which must be applied as a whole.
It is made up of 6 parts (all published and NF approved with their national appendices):

• Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings

• Part 2: Bridges

• Part 3: Assessment and reinforcement of buildings Part

• 4: Silos, reservoirs and pipes

• Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects Part 6: Towers,

• masts and chimneys

Part 1 is the most important part and represents the basic foundation for the other parts. Eurocode 8 must be applied with the
various decrees and corresponding application decrees. For example, the order of October 22, 2010 defines the seismic zones
and the calculation accelerations applicable in France. In March 2015, AFNOR published document FD P06-031 which is a
documentation booklet on the application of Eurocode 8.

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The application of Eurocode 8 is therefore managed by a list of successive decrees and orders:

• Decrees n ° 2010-54 and 2011-55 of October 22, 2010 => They define the new seismic zoning in France.

• The decree of October 22, 2010 relates to the classification of structures and the earthquake-resistant
construction rules applicable to buildings at normal risk.
o Amending order of July 19, 2011 concerning vertical accelerations.
o Amending decree of 25 October 2012 extends the application of PS92 (with the accelerations of
Decree 20/2010) until January 1, 2014.
o Decree of September 15, 2014: various modifications.
o Order of January 24, 2011 setting the earthquake-resistant rules applicable to certain installations
o Order of 26 October 2011 relating to the classification and rules of earthquake-resistant construction
applicable to "normal risk" class bridges.
o Decree n ° 2015-5 of January 6, 2015 modifying the seismic zoning for two municipalities

The decree of September 15, 2014 is one of the most important (after the decree of October 2010) which made many changes.
Among the most important are the following:
• Addition of details on collective energy production centers (article 2):

• Modification of the clauses concerning the addition or replacement of non-structural elements in existing
buildings: for existing buildings, the earthquake justification of non-structural elements is only required when
heavy work is undertaken on the shell (addition or removal of floors, removal of vertical bracing).

• Restriction of the use of PS-MI rules (individual houses) for schools located in zone 2:

PLEASE NOTE, the decree of September 15, 2014 always refers to the national annex of December 2007 => the national
annex of December 2013 has no regulatory status and therefore cannot be used.

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The main differences between the December 2007 national annex and that of December 2013 are as follows (which represent
the main points of discussion / debate):
• The ductility class of buildings:
o The national annex of December 2007 requires the design of the vast majority of buildings in
medium ductility class (DCM): only category I or II buildings, in seismicity zone 2, can be calculated
in DCL.
o The national annex of December 2013 authorizes the use of the DCL class according to
Category III buildings in zone 2.
• Resumption of bracing walls:
o In the national annex of December 2007, article (1) P states:

o The appendix of December 2013 (§ (4)) makes it possible to resume a primary veil of
bracing by a recovery beam whose height must be greater than 1/3 of its span.

o In the two national annexes, it is requested that the rigidity of the secondary elements not
represents no more than 15% of the stiffness of the primary elements.

4.1.2. The objectives targeted by Eurocode 8

The new earthquake-resistant standards called EC8 are published in the form of a French standard approved since August 5,
2005. They can therefore be used for the seismic prevention of recent constructions. Their use can be valid in all countries
adopting this standard by adjusting the national coefficients to seismic risks and to the level of protection decided by the

The purpose of these standards is to ensure that in the event of an earthquake:

• Human lives are protected Damage is
• limited
• Important structures for civil protection remain operational

Special structures such as nuclear power plants, offshore structures and large dams are not covered by these.

The general spirit of the EC8 is similar to the PS92, the engineer can therefore quickly make a correspondence between these

Similar to the PS92 standards, the EC8 standards make it possible to calculate the response to a seismic action by 2 methods:

• The general method which uses the general equation of dynamics:

MX    + CX  + KX = -MVR (T)
In the case of EC8, the calculation spectrum R (T) is equal either to Set) for the calculations of buildings having to

remain in the elastic domain is equal to Sd (T) for those who admit a post elastic behavior.

• The simplified method, which is called "Method of analysis by lateral forces", valid for buildings meeting
regularity criteria.

However, the EC8 allow the use of other analysis methods, in particular non-linear methods (not described in this course):

• Push over analysis

• Temporal analysis

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The diagram below presents the synthesis of a seismic approach for a building according to EC8:

• The calculator defines in a 1er time its seismic action depending on the seismic zone, the geology and the size
of the structure.
• The appropriate calculation method will be determined based on the regularity of the building.
• The ductility of the structure will be estimated and taken into account via the behavior coefficient.
• Once the calculation (dynamic or static equivalent) will have made it possible to determine the seismic stresses in
the structure, the designer must:
o Size the bracing elements to take up these stresses.
o Put in place the constructive provisions to ensure local ductility.

4.1.3. The concept of capacity sizing

Eurocode 8 introduces the notion of " capacity sizing "(From the English" capacity design "): it is a question of dimensioning
and positioning the zones of significant dissipation of energy in order to control the mode of ruin of the structure. These areas
are called "Critical Zones »And are the subject of special attention in the design of structures in seismic zones.

Let us take the example of a Column-Beam frame: in reality, the moment which can be reached in a ball joint is the real
resistance moment and not the design moment. The first is deduced from the second by multiplying it by one" Coefficient of
overcapacity Rd "(usually worth 1.2 at 1.3):

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This coefficient takes into account, for example, the effect of hardening of reinforcements on the flexural strength of a
reinforced concrete section. Also, the accelerations to which the structure is subjected are determined by the resistant
moments and not by the design moments. This additional acceleration (compared to the computation value) is taken into
account for the dimensioning of the elements which are not supposed to plasticize (hence the name of the method).

The case of the framework illustrates certain aspects of this method: to ensure that the plastic hinges appear where the
designer wishes and that the energy is dissipated according to the planned mechanism, the areas outside the hinges must be
sized to remain elastic when critical areas plasticize. Knowing the resistant moments in the critical areas, the other areas are
oversized compared to these resistant moments. This is, for example, the method implemented to prevent the mechanisms
from involving plastic hinges in the posts, because if there are too many of them, the risk of instability is greater.

To achieve this objective, it suffices to organize a mechanism in which the hinges occur mainly in the beams, which leads to
dimensioning the potential critical zones of the columns while respecting the inequality:

Where the moments Mc (respectively Mb) are the design resistance moments of columns (respectively beams)

We will come back to this verification a little later in this course.

4.1.4. General requirements for construction (§2 of EN1998-1-1).

In seismic zones, structures must be designed and constructed so that the following requirements are met, each with an
adequate degree of reliability:
• Non-collapse requirement (§2.1) Damage
• limitation requirement (§2.2)

Non-collapse requirement

The structure must be constructed in such a way as to withstand defined design seismic actions, without local or general
collapse, thus maintaining its structural integrity and a residual bearing capacity after an earthquake.

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The resistance and the capacity of energy dissipation to be imparted to the structure depend on the way in which one appeals
to its nonlinear behavior. In practice, such a trade-off between resistance and energy dissipation capacity is characterized by
the values of the behavior coefficient q and the associated ductility classes.

Damage limitation requirements

The structure must be designed and built to withstand seismic actions having a greater probability of occurring than the design
seismic actions, without the appearance of damage and operating limitations, the cost of which would be disproportionate to
that. of the structure.

Example of glass facades that were broken during a weaker earthquake

To meet the fundamental requirements, limit uncertainties and promote good behavior of structures under the effect of
seismic actions, the following aspects must be taken into account in establishing the project (design phase):

(1) During the “project” phase, focus first on the architectural design, taking into account the function of the building and the
operating constraints specific to this function. Immediately search for the type of structure that best suits this party. This choice
is conditioned by aesthetic and economic considerations. It is appropriate, moreover, to underline the dependence in which are
found, from the preliminary draft, the architecture and the structure, the choice of the latter risking to influence the
architectural party itself to the point of the subject, in certain cases, to purely technical requirements.

(2) Before any structural study, know that the design of a construction within the framework of a normal situation without the
seismic risk and its incorporation a posteriori in the case of a seismic situation is a bad method; that it can only result in
additional expenditure.

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(3) Incorporate the fact that the safety requirements specific to seismic situations are defined by the regulations. They are
added to the requirements defined in non-seismic situations, but the provisions to which they lead do not, however, overlap
with the provisions of the usual project. Very often, they condition the structural choice and the project itself.

(4) Take into consideration the particular aspects specific to seismic situations from the early stages of the design and stop the
construction process accordingly: this is the only way to preserve a maximum of design freedom. Experience shows, in fact, that
structures with poor earthquake-resistant design can suffer major damage, or even collapse, even for small earthquakes.

(5) Do not forget that an earthquake is, for a construction, a kind of truth test during which all breaches of the rules of good
construction are inevitably punished. It is, moreover, important to know that the good behavior of a structure and its
components (finishing work and equipment) is, among other things, directly dependent on its possibilities of displacement, this
one having to be compatible with the destination of the book.

(6) Note, moreover, that the earthquake rules are, par excellence, frequently revised texts. Rapid progress in seismic
engineering, improvement in seismic hazard assessment methods, experience on the behavior of structures, provided by
regions subject to major earthquakes, require this almost permanent questioning. The lessons learned from the observation
and analysis of seismic effects have been and continue to be the basis of prevention measures and in particular of the
earthquake codes. This experimental nature of earthquake-resistant genius must be strongly emphasized at a time when
recourse to the computer and blind submission to its predictions often take the place of religion, in particular among certain

(7) Keep in mind that optimizing a project involves fine-tuning the original solution based on the running technology of the
business. Optimization during the execution phase does not replace the essential phase of project design at the time of the
study of the preliminary project.
Optimization is not an isolated process for the company. On the contrary, it is the result of the permanent consideration of
the requirements of the Client, the Project Manager and the Execution Design Office.

This is why the optimization requires, on the part of the Project Management and the Contracting Authority, permanent
participation and continuous approval.

Thus, the optimization of the work begins from the call for tenders, continues during the site preparation phase and continues
almost throughout the duration of the execution, as progress is made (definition ) of the execution project.

4.1.5. Quality system plan (§2.2 of EN1998-1-1)

In the context of a construction covered by a Quality plan, the project documents must indicate:
• The dimensions,
• Constructive provisions,
• The characteristics of the materials constituting the structural elements, The
• characteristics of the special devices if there are any,
• The distances between structural and non-structural,
• Provisions relating to quality control,
• The verification methods to be used for elements of structural importance,

Significant structural elements requiring special checks during implementation must be identified on the plans.

In areas of high seismicity and for elements of structural importance, a “formal” Quality plan should be used covering the
dimensioning, execution and use in addition to the control procedures of other Eurocodes.

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4.2. Seismic action

As we saw in chapter VI on the elements of seismology, the seismic action is defined by:
• The seismic risk depending on the geographical area (movement of the plates)
• Ground conditions (transmission of waves in the ground from the focus of the earthquake)
• The importance category of the structure (for the protection of people).

4.2.1. The seismic risk (decree of 22/10/2010)

. 3.1.1. In mainland France and in the French overseas departments and territories

The “seismic risk” is associated with the effects that the earthquake would produce on the “issues”: structures, soils (landslides,
etc.), humans, economic activity. It therefore depends on the action (alea), the constructions or soils and the issues. If we can
characterize constructions or soils by a “vulnerability” parameter and we are specifically interested in the risk associated with
constructions, we have:

Seismic risk = seismic hazard x vulnerability

Each national authority can divide its territory into seismic zones according to the local hazard. This hazard is taken into
account by a single parameter corresponding to the maximum reference acceleration of a class A ground, called agR. =>
Reference acceleration at ground level, for a class A floor.

The decree of October 22 defines the zones of seismicity on French territory and in the French overseas departments and territories:

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According to the zone of seismicity, one applies the following acceleration of reference:

atgr (m / s²)
Seismicity zone

1 (Very low) 0.4

2 (Low) 0.7
3 (Moderate) 1.1
4 (Medium) 1.6
5 (Strong) 3

This reference acceleration is then weighted according to two parameters:

• The soil class
• The importance category of the work.

. 3.1.2. For Lebanon

The Lebanese administration The Lebanese administration has set a constant acceleration of 2.5m / s² throughout the territory:

    = 2.5  /  ²

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4.2.2. Soil classes (§3.1 of EN1998-1-1)

The soil is classified into 5 families: A, B, C, D and E according to the parameter vs, 30 mean value of the speed of
shear waves.

Class of Soil description Setting

ground vs, 30 in (m / s)
Rock or other geological formation of this type having a surface layer of
AT not more than 5 m of less resistant material > 800

Steep deposits of over-consolidated sand, gravel or clay, at least several

tens of meters thick, characterized by a gradual increase in mechanical
B properties with depth. 360-800

Deep deposits of medium density sand, gravel or moderately stiff clay,

having thicknesses of a few tens of meters to several hundred.
VS 180-360

Low to medium density cohesive soil deposits (with or without soft

cohesive layers) or comprising a majority of soft to firm cohesive soils
D <180

Profile of soils comprising a surface layer of alluvium with values of vs of

class C or D and a thickness between about 5 m and 20 m, resting on a
E stiffer material with vs>
800 m / s

There are 2 special classes S1 and S2 for which particular attention should be paid to the definition of
seismic action:

Deposits composed or containing a layer of at least 10 m thick of soft

clays / silts with a high plasticity index and a high water content
S1 <100

S2 Liquefiable soil deposits of sensitive clays or any other soil profile not
included in classes A to E or S1

4.2.3. The importance categories of buildings

The decree of 22/10/2010 defines a importance coefficient  i which multiplies the reference acceleration in order to obtain
the nominal acceleration ag:

   =     ×   

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The importance categories and the corresponding coefficient are defined from the following table:

Category Buildings Coefficient Correspondence period

of importance of importance by PS92
γl return
Buildings of minor importance for the safety
of persons, for example agricultural buildings
I 0.8 AT

Current buildings not belonging to other

II categories 1.0 50 years B

Buildings whose resistance to earthquakes is

high in view of the
consequences of a collapse, for example:
III 1.2 VS
schools, meeting rooms, cultural institutions
Buildings whose integrity in the event of an
earthquake is of vital importance to
civil protection, for example: hospitals,
IV 1.4 D
barracks firefighters, power stations

electrical etc.

Note: The values of γl are set by the administration and may change from one country to another. It is important to refer to
the national annex to know the values adopted in the country in question. The values of
table above are taken from the decree of 22/10/2010.

Examples of category I structures:

• Perrons and stairs placed on the ground, enclosure walls less than 1.80m high; Agricultural constructions
• mainly used as housing for live livestock, storage of equipment and harvests on individual farms,

• Simple ground floor constructions for use as a garage or private workshop, etc.

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Examples of category II structures:

• Homes, offices, premises for commercial use, workshops, factories, garages for collective use, etc.

Examples of category III structures:

• Educational establishment, stadiums, performance halls, halls of travelers, In general, any establishment
• open to the public of 1e, 2e, 3e categories, museums; Energy production centers, etc.

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Examples of category IV structures:

• Hospitals, barracks, ambulance garages, firefighting equipment depots, etc. Museums, libraries,
• housing major works or irreplaceable collections, etc.

The design vertical acceleration at rocky soil level (class A within the meaning of standard NF EN 1998-1), avg, is equal to ag
multiplied by a coefficient given by the following table (also taken from l 'stop of

Seismicity zones atvg / atg

1 (very weak) to 4
5 (strong) 0.80

In mainland France, the decree stipulates that the vertical earthquake can be neglected, because of the weak accelerations.

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4.3. The EC8 response spectra (§3.2 of EN1998-1-1)

Eurocode 8 defines two types of spectra depending on whether the structure must remain in the elastic domain (often the case
of nuclear constructions for example, although outside the scope of EC8) or can make work in the non- domain. linear in order
to benefit from the ductility of the structure.

We then speak of:

• "Elastic spectrum" noted Se (T).
• "Calculation spectrum" noted Sd (T).

In addition, Eurocode 8 (like most seismic codes) distinguishes the response spectra for the horizontal seismic directions and
for the spectrum for the vertical direction.

4.3.1. Definition of the elastic spectrum Se (T) horizontal

Horizontal elastic response spectra Se (T) are defined by the following expressions:

• atg: calculation acceleration at the level of a class A soil (see in IV.2) S: soil
• parameter,
• η: damping correction coefficient (see below) T: the vibration
• period of a linear system
• TB, TVS and TD the spectrum values at the following points:

For parameters S, TB, TC and TD, Eurocode 8 indicates that it is appropriate to use two types of elastic spectra (type 1 and type
2), depending on the amplitude of the waves (zones of seismicity) and of the soil class.

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The decree of October 22, 2010 defines the following values:

Values of the parameters describing the elastic response spectra - horizontal direction
Type 1 (strong seismicity) Type 2 (low seismicity) For
For seismicity zone 5 seismicity zone 1 to 4
of ground
AT 1.00 0.15 0.40 2.00 1.00 0.03 0.20 2.50
B 1.20 0.15 0.50 2.00 1.35 0.05 0.25 2.50
VS 1.15 0.20 0.60 2.00 1.50 0.06 0.40 2.00
D 1.35 0.20 0.80 2.00 1.60 0.10 0.60 1.50
E 1.40 0.15 0.50 2.00 1.80 0.08 0.45 1.25

Lebanon, for its part, requires the use of type 1 spectrum, which gives us:

Below, the variation of the spectrum according to the soil class (A to E) for a 5% damping:

Spectrum type 1


Class A

Class B
3.0000 Class C

Class D

2.5000 Class E





0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85

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Spectrum type 2


Class A

4.0000 Class B

Class C
3.5000 Class D

Class E






0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85

Below, the superposition of type 1 and type 2 spectra for each class of soils:

Class A Spectra of Type 1 and 2 Class B Type 1 and 2 spectra

3.0000 4.0000

Type 1
Type 1
Type 2 3.5000
2.5000 Type 2



1.5000 2.0000




0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85
0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85

Class C Type 1 and 2 spectra Class D Type 1 and 2 spectra

4.0000 4.5000

Type 1 4.0000 Type 1

Type 2 Type 2





1.0000 1.0000

0.5000 0.5000

0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85
0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85

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Class E Type 1 and 2 spectra


4.5000 Type 1
Type 2 We see that the worse the soil and more
the acceleration applied at the foot of the building will

3.5000 be significant. In addition, the “plateau” of the spectrum

shifts towards low periods for very rigid soils and
structures which are also rigid (resonance phenomenon).





0 0.25 0.65 1.05 1.45 1.85 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.45 3.85

4.3.2. Definition of the vertical elastic spectrum Sve (T)

The vertical elastic spectrum is obtained by applying the same formulas as for the horizontal directions but by using the
nominal vertical acceleration noted avg:

TB, TVS and TD the spectrum values at the following points for types 1 and 2 are defined in the order:

Zones atvg / atg TB TVS TD

1 (very weak) to 4 0.90 0.03 0.20 2.50
5 (strong) 0.80 0.15 0.40 2

4.3.3. Definition of the horizontal Sd (T) calculation spectrum

For a construction which can withstand post-elastic incursions, the elastic spectrum is substituted Se (T) to a spectrum Sd (T)

which takes into account a behavior coefficient q:

The ability of structural bracing systems to resist seismic actions in the nonlinear domain allows them to be dimensioned to
resist forces weaker than those corresponding to an elastic linear response.

In order to avoid tedious explicit non-elastic calculations one carries out an elastic analysis based on a reduced response
spectrum compared to the elastic spectrum called hereafter calculation spectrum. This reduction is made by introducing the
behavior coefficient

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The behavior coefficient q is an approximation of the ratio between the seismic forces that the structure would experience if its
response were completely elastic with 5% viscous damping and the seismic forces that can be used during design and
dimensioning, with a model conventional linear while continuing to ensure a satisfactory response of the structure.

The values of q may be different in different horizontal directions, although the ductility class should be the same in all

The coefficients S, TB, TVS and TD are those given for the elastic spectrum in the preceding paragraph.
• q is the behavior coefficient
• β is the coefficient corresponding to the lower limit of the horizontal calculation spectrum. The default is 0.20,
unless otherwise specified in the national annex.

We will define the values of the behavior coefficient a little later in this course.

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4.3.4. Definition of the vertical Svd (T) calculation spectrum

To define the spectrum of calculation of the vertical direction, one uses the same formulas as the horizontal direction but by
• S = 1.00
• atvg instead of ag (see previous table of the values of avg)
• q must in all cases be a maximum of 1.50 except to justify the use of a higher value by an appropriate method
allowing the justification of the vertical ductility.

4.3.5. Damping correction coefficient

The dimensioning spectra are given for a damping   by 5%. Some materials have different damping values of 5%, in this case it
is advisable to take into account the damping correction coefficient in the formulas of Se (T

  = 10 / (5+  )   0.55 with  :viscous damping coefficient expressed as

a percentage
When the structural elements consist of a single type of material, the value of the critical damping percentage is the same for
all the modes and is given in the following table according to the

Material   (%)

Welded steel 2

Bolted steel 4

Unreinforced concrete 3

Reinforced and / or chained 4

concrete Prestressed concrete 2

Glued laminated timber 4

Bolted wood 4
Nailed wood 5

Reinforced masonry 6

Chained masonry 5

In the case of a multi-material structure, it is always possible to determine an “average” damping for each mode in proportion
to the modal energies absorbed in each of the materials.

The calculation spectrum Sd (T) does not integrate a correction of damping because the latter is integrated in the
values of the coefficient of behavior which we will see a little later in this document.

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4.3.6. ST topography coefficient

Only for important structures (γl> 1.0), the amplification effects must be taken into account
topographic if the construction is located on a slope or on the edge of a ridge.

Annex A of part 3 of EC8 gives for information certain values of ST. This coefficient is a multiplying factor to be applied to the
values of Se (T) or Sd (T):
• Slope <15 ° ST = 1.00 no amplification
• Near a ridge ST ≥ 1.20
• Buttes whose crest width is significantly less than the base width:
o Slope> 30 ° ST ≥ 1.40
o Slope <30 ° ST ≥ 1.20
• Spatial variation of the amplification coefficient: we can predict a variable coefficient of ST

4.4. Sizing of buildings according to EN1998-1-1

In this paragraph, we will see the fundamental concepts to be taken into account when designing and sizing a building in a
seismic zone. Many of these concepts are based on what we have just seen about the bracing of buildings.

Eurocode 8 recalls the basic rules of earthquake-resistant construction which must be taken into account from the design of the
• Simplicity of the structure => load routing. Uniformity and
• symmetry
• Strength and stiffness in both directions Torsional
• strength and stiffness
• Action of diaphragms at floor level. Appropriate
• foundations

4.4.1. Simplicity of the structure (§ of EN1998-1-1)

Article of EC8 gives us the following clause:

In other words, the path of the descent of loads must be as simple and direct as possible and extend from top to bottom. In
particular, the following principles should be observed:

"Nothing is less expensive than to transport a vertical load horizontally" "Nothing is less
expensive than to transport a horizontal load vertically"

The following examples do not respect these principles:

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 23

➔ The structure must not include a vertical load-bearing element, the load of which is not transmitted in a direct line to the
foundation. More generally, there should be no significant coupling between horizontal and vertical degrees of freedom.

➔ In reality, it is difficult to find buildings that fully meet these criteria. This is why it is advisable to modulate this rule by
analyzing whether the elements which do not descend directly to the foundations represent a small number compared to those
which respect them.

➔ For the analysis of the simplicity of a structure, it is recommended to carry out elevation plans of each
bracing system in order to visualize the load transfer.

Uninsured bracing case:

It is important that the Engineer and the Architect can work together, as early as possible in the project, in order to define the
best possible compromise between the desired architecture and the structural solution most suited to good behavior in seismic
zones. .

4.4.2. Uniformity and symmetry (§ of EN1998-1-1)

There must be a homogeneous distribution of the bracing elements in plan and in elevation. The plan shapes must be as
symmetrical as possible:
• In figure (a) the bracing is uniform but not symmetrical. The center of torsion is eccentric with respect to the center
of masses. This system does not meet the criterion of symmetry.
• In figure (b), the system is uniform and symmetrical. It allows a healthy and homogeneous reaction of the bracing

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Case (a) Case (b)

In addition, it is preferable to distribute the main bracing elements near the periphery of the building in order to take up the
movements due to torsion.

This technical analysis is quite simple to carry out by analyzing the formwork plans level by level and highlighting the position
of the main bracing elements.
4.4.3. Strength and rigidity in both directions (§ of EN1998-1-1).

The shape of the building must be as compact as possible both in plan and in elevation.

The bracing elements must form an orthogonal network in plan with equivalent strength and rigidity in the two principal

Depending on the ratio between its length and its width, a housing "bar" can be considered as an irregular building:

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 25

4.4.4. Torsional strength and rigidity (§ of EN1998-1-1)

In order to resist the phenomena of torsion, the bracing elements should be distributed if possible.
on the outskirts of the building:

Sails evenly distributed in both Sails arranged around the outline of

directions the building

4.4.5. Action of diaphragms at floor level

The action of the floors is essential for the proper functioning of a building's bracing system. The floors play an active role in
this bracing by giving a very strong lateral rigidity and by distributing the forces on the vertical bracing elements.

The floors allow in particular:

• collect inertia forces and transmit them to vertical structural elements make the bracing integral
• to resist horizontal seismic action
• to ensure an overall response in the case of systems with different deformabilities

In addition, it is essential to pay special attention to the arrangement of openings in the floors. Indeed, the latter must not
hinder the distribution of forces in the floors. Otherwise, appropriate reinforcement must be determined in order to ensure the
correct flow of the forces:

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 26

4.4.6. Appropriate foundations (§ of EN1998-1-1)

The foundations must be rigid enough to ensure a uniform seismic excitation throughout the building

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4.4.7. Regular and irregular buildings

Based on these criteria, EC8 define two types of buildings: Regular buildings and irregular buildings. This distinction then makes
it possible to define the choice of the calculation method. Of course, for a regular building, the absence of significant secondary
modes will lead to choosing a simplified method which is therefore easy and quick to implement.

It is advisable to define the regularity criteria of the building considered according to the plan and the elevation.

Plan regularity criteria [§ of EN1998-1-1]

A building is considered regular in plan if it meets the following conditions:

• the structure must be approximately symmetrical with respect to the two horizontal
directions (rigidity and distribution of masses):

• The contour in plan must be as curvilinear as possible. The setbacks should not affect the stiffness in plan and the
setback area should not exceed 5% of the area of each floor:

Indent area

Floor area

• The stiffness of the floor must be high enough compared to the stiffness of the vertical elements so that the latter
is considered undeformable and plays its role of diaphragm

• The ratio between the largest and the smallest dimension of the building must not exceed 4.
  = Lmax / Lmin   4

• For each level and for each direction the structural eccentricity must verify the conditions
following: eox   0.30.r x and rx   ls
o eox: distance between the center of rigidity C and the center of gravity G, measured
perpendicular to the direction considered
o rx: torsion radius rx = Itorsion / Inflection
CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 28

o ls: mass radius of gyration of the floor plan ls = Ipolar inG / M

However, there are approximate methods to define the values of the center of torsion and the radii of torsion and
mass gyration. Reference can be made to chap. 6.61211 of PS92.

Criteria of regularity in elevation [§ EC8]

A building is considered regular in elevation if it meets the following conditions:

• All bracing elements such as central cores must be continuous from the foundation to the top of the
• The lateral stiffness and mass of each tier must remain constant or may be reduced slightly between the base
and the top.
• Elevation setbacks must meet the following conditions:

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4.4.8. Choice of the calculation method [§ EC8]

The following table is used to choose the calculation method according to the type of building:



a) The lateral forces method can be used provided that the regular building satisfies the conditions
over its fundamental period: T1   min (4.Tvs ; 2.0 s) with Tc defined previously.
b) In the case of an irregularity in plan but not in elevation (the bracings descend directly to the foundations), it is recommended
to apply the method of lateral forces on a 3D model. It is however possible to model the building by two plane models if the
conditions of clause (8) which stipulate the following conditions are verified:

The French national annex specifies concerning the category:

The reduced values of the behavior coefficient are equal to the reference values multiplied by 0.8

4.4.9. Determination of masses M [§ 4.2.4 EC8]

The masses to be taken into account for the determination of the seismic actions are those of the permanent actions and of a
fraction  E, i variable actions:

M = GK, j +  E, i.Qk, i

With:  E, i =  . 2i

•   2i: The values are given in EC1 EN 1990: 2002 Table A.1.1 of appendix A1. These values
depend on the categories of buildings

•   : The values are given in each national annex, by default the EC8 give values

also dependent on building categories.

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 30

Category Type of buildings φ Ψ2i

AT Residential, residential area 0.5 to 1.0 0.3
B Offices 0.5 to 1.0 0.3
VS Meeting venues 0.5 to 1.0 0.6
D Shops 1.0 0.6
E Storage 1.0 0.8
F Vehicle traffic zone <30 kN 1.0 0.6

For categories A to C,  takes the following values:

Roof level 1.0

Floors with correlated occupations 0.8
Floors with independent occupations 0.5

Example: Common office or residential buildings: M = G + 0.15.Q

4.4.10. Soil-Structure Interaction

For standard buildings, it is not mandatory to take the soil-structure interaction into account. However, taking into account the
stiffness of the ground for these constructions tends to reduce the forces due to earthquakes (because the superstructure is
more flexible and therefore requested by a weaker spectrum).

Only the following structures need to be calculated taking into account the stiffness of the base of the structure:
• Structures for which second-order effects are important
• Structures with massive or deep foundations such as bridge piers, silos, Tall and slender
• structures such as chimneys and towers,
• Structures supported by very soft S-type soils1 with vs < 100 m / s

Several methods can be used to model the rigidity of the ground, one will locate for example the method of Valetsos.

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4.5.1. Scope

The structures subjected to a seismic action can be the object of a linear calculation under the conditions below
• Model: the structure is fictitiously considered as remaining indefinitely elastic, and without modification of its
connection conditions whatever the intensity of the seismic actions. Seismic movement: the dimensioning spectra
• defined above are used.
• Displacements of the structure are in principle considered as equal to those calculated for the fictitious elastic
model, ie without reducing the spectrum of the behavior coefficient.
• The computational forces and stresses are obtained by taking into account the behavior coefficient
expressed in Sd (T).

One then introduces the concept of behavior coefficient, which is an artifice of calculation, and makes it possible to obtain
stresses reduced compared to the concomitant displacements. This reduction in effort is proportional
estimate of the real ductility of the structure.

Elastic behavior

Behavior coefficient: q = Fe / Fp


Behaviour elasto-


To avoid tedious calculations for determining the level of ductility, the EC8 defines the values of the behavior coefficient to be
considered according to the material and the type of bracing put in place.

4.5.2. The behavior coefficient q

The behavior coefficient q is global for each main direction of the building and is therefore fixed according to the nature of the
constituent materials, the type of construction, the possibilities of redistribution of forces in the structure and the deformation
capacities of the elements in the post-elastic domain.

While in the PS 92 rules only one level of ductility is proposed to the designer (corresponding to an “average” ductility), three
classes are considered in the EC8.
• For reinforced concrete, for example, the limited ductility class " DCL »Corresponds to the application of EC2,
without additional conditions, except with regard to the ductility of the materials. Indeed, it is considered that the
EC2 confers a minimum ductility from which it is possible to benefit, the behavior coefficient being limited to1.5 in
that case. This minimal approach is advantageous in areas of low seismicity when it is economically justified, the
forces due to the wind being able to turn out to be higher than those due to the earthquake, at least in the plane of
the gears. It is not specific to reinforced concrete, similar provisions being adopted for the metal frame with EC3
and for composite structures with EC4, for whichq is limited to 2.

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• A class of average ductility " DCM »For which provisions specific to the seismic situation are taken to ensure
sufficient ductility and energy dissipation in stable mechanisms, without the occurrence of fragile ruptures.

• A high ductility class " DCH », Allowing energy dissipation greater than the previous class.

Each ductility class is associated with a behavior coefficient q the higher the ductility, which depends in particular on the type of
structure and the material used. These values are therefore given in the various “materials” chapters.

4.5.3. The ductility class

As we have just seen, the designer defines the class of ductility he wants to apply to his project. We will see a little later that this
choice will have a direct influence on the value of the behavior coefficient and therefore on the applied forces and the
dimensioning of the corresponding elements.

The ductility class also has an influence on the construction measures to be implemented, in particular for reinforced concrete
constructions, in order to ensure the required local ductility.

Very often, project designers are tempted to apply the DCL class, especially in new constructions in low seismic areas, because
this tends to simplify the studies. Due to numerous discussions, sometimes heated, the French national annex of December
2013 and the application leaflet FD P06-031 of March 2015 define which ductility classes are applicable according to the type of
structure (reinforced concrete, metal construction , masonry, wood), the category of importance and the zone of seismicity. We
will give below the two tables for reinforced concrete structures and metal constructions.

Ductility class for reinforced concrete structures

For reinforced concrete constructions, the application of the DCL ductility class must comply with the conditions defined in the
following table:

Some remarks concerning this table:

• It can be seen that the EC8 dispenses with any justification for zone 1 of seismicity, as well as for zone 2
combined with a category II structure.
• Category IV is totally excluded from the scope of the DCL class
• The DCL class can be applied for a category III subject to respecting some construction provisions
(§3.2.1 (5) and §5.3.1 (1)).

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Ductility class for metal constructions

For metal constructions, the application of the DCL class is subject to the following table:

4.5.4. Behavior coefficient in Reinforced Concrete [§5.3 of EN1998-1-1]

There are three classes of reinforced concrete buildings according to their ductile capacity:
• DCL: Limited ductility (L) => Behavior coefficient q = 1.50 DCM: Average
• ductility (M) => Behavior coefficient q = 2 to 4 DCH: High ductility (H) =>
• Behavior coefficient q = 4 to 6.50

To obtain the appropriate level of ductility for the chosen class, the construction provisions defined by EC2 must be observed.

The coefficient q for the horizontal components of the earthquake and for the classes M and H is given by the following
formula: q =   1.5

• kw: coefficient corresponding to the failure mode
o kw = 1.00 for frames or systems with mainly frame type behavior
o kw = (1 + α0) /3 such that 0.5 <kw ≤ 1.0 for wall and core bracing systems
o α0 is the predominant aspect ratio of the bracing walls such as:
•   0= h   l
wi / wi
o hwi: wall height i
o lwi: wall length iqo: basic value of the behavior coefficient, see attached
• table

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Regular buildings
Type of structure DCM DCH
Frame system, composite bracing 3.0 .αu /α1 4.5 .αu /α1
system, coupled wall system

Uncoupled wall system 3.0 4.0 .αu /α1

Core system 2.0 3.0

Inverted pendulum system 1.5 2.0

The values of q for non-regular buildings correspond to a decrease of 0.8 from the values for regular buildings.

In the previous table, the terms αu and α1 are defined as follows:

• αu: multiplying coefficient of the seismic action which causes a number of ball joints causing the first overall
instability of the building.
• α1: multiplier coefficient of the seismic action which gives a place a first ball joint

In the absence of precise calculation by a method of the "push-over" type, for example the following values can be
Frame system: αu /α1
- Building 1 floor: 1.1
- Frame with one span and several floors: 1.2
- Frame with several spans and several floors: 1.3

Wall system: αu /α1

- 2 walls not coupled by horizontal direction 1.0
- Other uncoupled wall systems: 1.1
- Coupled walls: 1.2

• For irregular buildings rs in elevation, the values of q0 correspond to a decrease of 0.8 in

values for regular buildings.
• For irregular buildings in plan, the values of αu /α1 correspond to an average between 1.00 and the values given

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 35

It is possible to determine values of αu /α1 by precise “push-over” -type methods must be limited to 1.5. but these

Value of q for regular buildings depending on the type of bracing

4.5.5. Behavior coefficient in metal construction [§6.3 of EN1998-1-1]

Steel buildings must be sized according to one of the following principles:

• Principle A Behavior of structure weakly dissipative:
o DCL ductility class (limited) q ≤ 1.5-2 Principle B
• Dissipative structural behavior:
o DCM ductility class (average) q ≤ 4 and limited by the values in the following table
o Ductility class DCH (high) q limited by the values in the following table

Steel buildings should be classified into one of the following categories of structures based on the behavior of their primary
seismic structure under earthquake:

Portal frame:

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Frame with centered diagonal braces:

Frame with V-centered spacers:

Frame with eccentric spacers:

Reverse pendulum:

Structure with concrete core or wall:

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 37

Portal frame combined with triangulation:

Portal frame combined with infill:

Frame with triangulation in K (not allowed)

Note: If the structure is irregular in elevation, the values of q should be reduced by 20%

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The parameters αu and α1 are calculated as follows:

• α1 is the value by which the seismic actions are multiplied to reach the first plastic resistance

• αu is the value by which the seismic actions are multiplied so that plastic rolls are formed in a sufficient
number of sections for there to be instability.

In the absence of precise calculation of αu and α1 we take the values σu and σ1 data in the diagrams.

The maximum value of αu /α1 are 1.6

4.6. Safety checks [§ 4.4 of EN1998-1-1]

We saw at the start of the course that Eurocode 8 introduces two essential requirements:
• The requirement of non-collapse to save people's lives => this is an ultimate limit state.

• The damage limitation requirement => this is a serviceability limit state.

4.6.1. Safety with respect to ultimate states [§ of EN1998-1-1]

Safety is considered satisfactory if Ed ≤ Sd

or :
• Ed is the design value due to the earthquake Sd is the
• design resistance of the element considered

It must be verified that the structural elements as well as the structure as a whole have a suitable ductility, that is to say that
the structure develops a desired and controlled failure mechanism and that the level of ductility achieved corresponds to
that which was considered during design.

In the case of Frame structures, Eurocode 8 asks to apply the concept of "Strong column - Weak beam", which amounts to
oversizing the columns in relation to the beams, in order to favor the appearance of plastic hinges in the beams. horizontal

This condition results in the following verification: ∑MRC ≥ 1.3 ∑MRb [§ EC8]

• ∑MRC sum of the design flexural strength values of the columns connected to the node considered. ∑MRb sum of the
• design values of flexural strength of the beams connected to the node considered.

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ATTENTION, as one can see it, it is a question here of comparing the resistant moments (function in particular of the
quantity of reinforcements) and not the acting moments.

4.6.2. Safety with respect to deformations [§ EC8]

We saw at the start of this course that Eurocode 8 introduces a damage limitation requirement, which amounts to checking
displacements under a weaker seismic action than that used to check the structure at the ultimate limit state.

Limitation of movement between floors:

• Buildings with fragile non-structural elements linked to the structure: dr.    0.005h
• Buildings having ductile non-structural elements bound to the structure: dr.    0.0075h
• Buildings with non-structural elements unrelated to the structure: dr.    0.010h

• dr: calculation displacement between floors
• h: height between floors
• ν: reduction coefficient to take into account a smaller earthquake return period.
These values are given in the national annexes. By default we can take the coef ν
according to the categories of buildings:

Category Coefficient of
of importance reduction ν
I 0.5
II 0.5
III 0.4
IV 0.4

The coefficient   makes it possible to check the displacements under a weaker seismic action than that used for the
verification of the bearing capacity at the ULS.

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4.6.3. Seismic seal conditions [§]

Two adjacent buildings must be protected against collisions by a seismic seal, the width of which must be at least greater
• Width> d2 a+ d ifbbuilding a and b belong to the same owner
• Width> da + db if building a and b do not belong to the same owner

• dat and Db: values of the maximum horizontal displacements of buildings a and b, these displacements are
calculated according to the simplified or modal methods.
• In the event that the floors of the two adjacent buildings are located at the same level, the limit values may be
reduced by 0.7

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4.7. A few words about masonry

Some basic rules must be observed when building a load-bearing masonry structure in a seismic zone:

• A distinction must be made between load-bearing chained masonry and infill masonry.
• In seismic zones, the hollow blocks must have a minimum thickness of 20cm and at least three walls. The
• masonry must have a minimum resistance of 120 bars:

• Solid blocks must have a minimum thickness of 15cm.

• The surface of the load-bearing masonry panels less than 20m².

For good earthquake resistance, horizontal and vertical chaining must be provided:
• At the connection with the floors. At
• the corners.
• Right to openings

In addition, in the case of load-bearing masonry, the masonry must be installed before pouring the reinforced concrete for the
chaining, for good adhesion between the two parts.

CNAM BTP135 - Earthquake Engineering 42

ortant to separate the infill from the supporting structure.

In the case of non-load-bearing masonry, it is important to
Compression of the masonry and then the sudden bursting of the latter will be detrimental to the load-bearing structure.


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