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Pixorize Nursing Campus Ambassador Agreement

Pixorize is an ed-tech company that offers visual mnemonics to help increase memorization and
improve learning for students pursuing careers in healthcare. A Pixorize Nursing Campus
Ambassador will be responsible for increasing visibility of Pixorize’s brand on campus, and
encouraging widespread adoption of Pixorize’s resources amongst other nursing students
through group orders.

As compensation and consideration for the full and complete performance of all of the work and
other obligations under this agreement, Nursing Campus Ambassadors will receive

1) Free and complete 1-year access to Pixorize’s NCLEX (or a full refund if the
Ambassador already purchased an NCLEX subscription) $100 dollar value

2) Pixorize Merchandise

Campus Ambassadors will be responsible for completing the following milestones in the
time frame indicated. Upon completion of a milestone, the Campus Ambassador will
indicate that he/she has completed the task by emailing Catalina (
proof (i.e. a screenshot) of completion with the subject line “[Insert Month Here] Milestone
Completed]”. Each milestone takes around 5-7 minutes to complete.

● Posts
(August, October, January, March) ○ This milestone could be a simple shoutout,
link to video, or post about how Pixorize
has helped you.
○ See here for some inspiration on what to say

● Group Orders
○ The ambassador will gather a list of students’ names and emails at their school
who are interested in subscribing to Pixorize. The ambassador will then send this
list to, and Catalina will send the ambassador the
Promocode to share with their classmates.
○ Groups of 20+ students will each get a 40% discount*1

● Recruit (May or when you finish Nursing School)

○ If you are interested in partnering again with Pixorize next year, let us know. If
not, please find someone at your school who is interested in this position, put
them into contact with us!

Ambassador Name (Print)__________________________

Ambassador Signature __________________________

Date: Date:__________________________
* This may be negotiable depending on conversations with Catalina (

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