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Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

The Effect of Hydro-Jex Operation on the Stability of Heap Leach

Pads: a Case Study of a Heap Leach Operation in Central Mexico
Behrooz Abbasi 1 & Babak Azarfar 1 & Seyedsaeid Ahmadvand 1 & Thom Seal 1 & Bryan Ulrich 2

Received: 2 January 2019 / Accepted: 16 June 2020

# Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. 2020

Hydro-Jex® is a new enhanced method for heap leach treatment with significantly higher mineral recovery. In this case study at
the Los Filos Mine in Mexico, the Hydro-Jex operation is evaluated for heap leach stability. This is pursued by numerical
modeling of the heap leach pad stability and well monitoring of the phreatic surface before and after the Hydro-Jex operation.
Experimental and numerical results both indicate an improvement in mineral processing under the influence of Hydro-Jex.
Numerical results show an insignificant decrease and a significant increase in stability during and after Hydro-Jex injection
application, respectively. The integrity of the liner is maintained in both cases. The zonal injection pressure, operationally below
the overburden pressure, is found to be negligible compared with the dimensionality of the heap, and stability of the structure is
not exposed to any significant risk, even up to 25% above overburden pressure. Furthermore, heap leach factor of safety increases
after Hydro-Jex application. This is attributed to breakdown of the water solution build-up and thus a decrease in the phreatic
surface depth below the top of the pad. It is suggested that injection wells be drilled, based on thorough geophysical data, in
locations where overcompaction of heap material results in water solution build-up and pore pressure enhancement. Compared
with traditional heap leaching, the Hydro-Jex technique not only expedites mineral processing by increasing chemical kinetics
extraction but also increases the stability of the heap by unclogging drains.

Keywords Hydro-Jex . Stability analysis . Numerical modeling . Heap leach pad

1 Introduction geomembrane, and failure of the geomembrane anchorage

are three main instability factors [5, 6]. Critical surface failure
Heap leaching is a well-developed and widely used operation depends on the shear strength of the weakest material in the
in the mining industry. It is used to process low-grade ore heap, such as the ore, the protection layer, or the liner [7].
minerals while minimizing environmental impacts [1, 2]; From a slope stability point of view, the main concern is the
however, a catastrophic heap leach pad failure has significant downhill side of the heap stack on the outward sloping lined
financial and environmental consequences, e.g., Summitville pad foundation [8, 9]. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
[3], Cieneguita [4], and Pará mines [4]. In recent decades, there are not any available reports regarding failures on the
there have not been any major failures of heap leach pad uphill side of lined pads.
structures; however, unfortunately, there have been several Factor of safety (FOS) is often used to evaluate the stability
failures of similar structures, such as landfills and tailing dams of leach pads [8–10]. FOS values of 1.5 and 1.3 are the lowest
[5, 6]. One of the important stages of leach pad design is the safety limits of heap structures with and without an internal
stability analysis with respect to the leaching method. Sliding pond, respectively [7], where FOS = 1.0 is universally accept-
of material along the slope, tensile tearing of the ed as imminent failure. The average height of materials on
heap leach pads is around 50 m, which has a low chance of
failure; however, in recent decades, because of increasing en-
* Behrooz Abbasi
vironmental concerns and attention to sustainability design, mining companies have increased material heights as much
as possible (some cases reported more than 150 m) to reduce
1 the amount of disturbed land and the cost of reclamation. As
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, University of
Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 89557, USA height increases, consideration for slope stability and recovery
2 also increases [11, 12]. Heap leaching operations involve
Mine Site Infrastructure, Stantec, Edmonton, Canada
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

covering many hectares of land with tonnes of low-grade ore considered between the bottom of the casing and the
and dealing with low recoveries and long extraction times first injection point [16, 17].
[13]. Many alternative methods have been developed to over- In this paper, the Hydro-Jex operation is evaluated at the
come these challenges [14, 15], one being the Hydro-Jex® Los Filos Mine. The effect of the Hydro-Jex operation on the
technique introduced by Seal [11, 16]. Hydro-Jex has shown stability of heap leach pads is investigated using numerical
the ability to recover stranded metal inventory from pads at a modeling. As-built specifications are obtained from in situ
faster leaching rate due to increased in situ pressure resulting data and the FOS is determined before and after the Hydro-
in particle fluidization, improved micropore wetting, and re- Jex operation. Finally, a comparative analysis is conducted to
agent effectiveness while reducing time required for rinsing, quantify impacts of the Hydro-Jex operation, which are com-
pumping, and closure [12, 16]. Also, it can optimize the chem- pared with conventional heap leaching operations (Fig. 1).
ical composition of targeted zones and operational costs com-
pared with conventional techniques [17]. In the Hydro-Jex
operation, a significant amount of fluid is injected into discrete 2 Model Development
areas within the heap, affecting its regional pore pressure and
thus structural stability [18]. The phreatic surface, injection The fast Lagrangian analysis of continua in three-dimension
pressure, and liner integrity are the main stability concerns (FLAC3D) software was used to build a three-dimensional
of applying Hydro-Jex in heap leaching [18]. Liner integrity (3D) model of the heap structure. As-built data for the
becomes critical during both well drilling and high-pressure installed liner and topography of the heap leach surface were
injection. At lower limits of effective stress and shear strength, used to build the model to real conditions within reasonable
sliding of the heap occurs due to excessive injection of chem- accuracy. Model dimensions were set to 900 × 800 × n m3, n
ical fluid [18]. The Hydro-Jex operation works efficiently at being the adjustable height based on actual topography
pressures close to total vertical stress. If high-pressure Hydro- (Fig. 2). The bottom and east-west and north-south faces of
Jex fluids propagate radially outward from the casing, a weak the model were constrained in a normal direction to achieve
sliding plane can possibly be formed. A 15-m saturated zone more realistic displacement. Slope strike is north-south, dip
around the casing (horizontal distance from the center of well) direction is east-west, and the dip angle of the slope face is
is reported as the distance at which maximum hydraulic 35°. Well-monitoring results and geophysical data were ap-
rechanneling of material occurs, thus overcoming overburden plied to define the phreatic surface and pore pressure (Fig. 3
pressure [19, 20]. and Table 1). Figure 4 shows pore pressure across electrical
The Los Filos Mine is one of the largest gold mines resistivity survey lines in the model based on the phreatic
in Mexico, being commercially used for a decade. The surface derived from geophysical data. Hydro-Jex wells were
Mine consists of two open pits and one underground introduced to the model as piles. The pile element is a
mine sharing heap leach, wet plant, and ancillary facil-
ities [21]. The Hydro-Jex technique with 16 wells was
designed, drilled, and equipped at the Los Filos Mine
allowing for injection of 59,000 m3 of barren fluid into
material columns. This put nearly 800,000 tonnes of
previously leached ore in contact with fresh chemicals
and swept dissolved gold to the drainage system. A
safety distance of approximately 15 m was utilized be-
tween the bottom of wells and the liner to prevent any
possible damage to the liner during drilling. Prior to
installing perforated well casings for injection, surface
irrigation was withheld from the area to be targeted,
thereby allowing drainage of the heap for several weeks.
The procedure used a packer system such that the fluid
was only applied to a single zone within the perforated
casing. The fluid injection zone was then relocated to
another perforated zone or to another well if the initial
zone was sufficiently stimulated or pumped. The use of
steel casing improves well stability and acts as structur-
al support until any settlement or displacement happens
below the bottom of the casing. To reduce any risk of Fig. 1 Zones impacted by pumping solution down a perforated Hydro-
well instability or well failure, a safety distance was Jex® well
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 2 Model geometry and location of Hydro-Jex wells

structural element that is defined by geometric, material, and prevent movement or cracking of the pad liner under the heap
coupling-spring properties (Table 2). It acts like a structural weight or geological conditions of the site. Based on available
support with frictional interaction occurring between the pile grain size distribution analyses, the heap material was divided
and the rock or soil mass in normal and shear directions per- into two major groups. Ore material and protection layer were
pendicular and parallel to the pile axis, respectively [23]. introduced as gravel and sand materials, respectively.
The brick element was used to create complex geometries Properties of the heap material are defined in Table 3. A thin
in the mesh design. Also, to obtain more volumetric flexibility layer (1-m thickness) with a minimum but adequate value of
and fluidity for plasticity analysis, the nodal mixed cohesion was defined and deposited on the surface to prevent
discretization (NMD) technique was used [24, 25]. For model- any immediate surficial failure.
ing the heap leach, elastic-plastic material was chosen in The shear strength reduction method (SRM) was used to
which the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is met. calculate FOS. In the SRM approach, actual shear strength
Foundation properties were considered as limestone to properties (cohesion, internal friction angle, and tension) of

Fig. 3 Electrical resistivity survey across leach pad at Los Filos Mine used to build the phreatic surface and pore pressure in numerical modeling. a
Survey line locations. b Results of three resistivity lines [22]
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Table 1 Wells monitoring results

prior to stimulation Hole Surface elev. Liner elev. Max hole depth Solution elev. Solution depth to liner
no. (m) (m) (m) (m)* (m)

HJ-1 1506 1439 55 1496.2 53.2

HJ-2 1506 1445 49 1493 48
HJ-3 1501 1444 43 --- ---
HJ-4 1500 1444 43 --- ---
HJ-5 1507 1448 43 1499.2 51.2
HJ-6 1506 1450 43 1496.7 46.7
HJ-7 1507 1456 37 1496.4 40.4
HJ-8 1507 1461 31 1497.4 29.4
HJ-9 1507 1468 25 1498.9 30.9
HJ-10 1507 1474 19 1501.9 27.9
HJ-11 1506 1447 43 --- ---
HJ-12 1507 1455 37 ---
HJ-13 1507 1449 43 1500.1 51.1
HJ-14 1506 1460 31 --- ---
HJ-15 1507 1467 25 1494.4 27.4
HJ-16 1507 1466 25 1494.7 28.7

*Phreatic surface elevation before Hydro-Jex. After the operation, no water was observed in any of the wells

various units were reduced by the strength reduction factor In Eq. 1, C0, Cr, tanφ0, and tanφr are initial and
(SRF) until failure (Fig. 5, [25]). reduced cohesive strength and initial and reduced inter-
nal friction angle, respectively, and FOS and SRF are
C 0 tanφ0
FOS ¼ SRF ¼ ¼ ð1Þ equal.
Cr tanφr

Fig. 4 Pore pressure counters

across electrical resistivity survey
lines in the model. Black line
indicates liner location
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Table 2 Pile properties for numerical modeling

Material properties Quantity

Cross-sectional area 0.0182 m2

Perimeter 0.47854 m
Young’s modulus 20 × 1010 Pa
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Coupling-stiffness-shear 1.3 × 1011 Pa
Coupling-cohesion-shear 1.0 × 1010 Pa
Coupling-friction-shear 36°
Coupling-stiffness-normal 1.3 × 109 Pa
Coupling-cohesion normal 1.0 × 104 Pa
Coupling-friction-normal 10°
Fig. 5 Shear strength reduction method [26, 27]

From a geotechnical point of view, the predominant con- where τ is shear stress on the failure plane, c is cohesion, σ is
cern of using the Hydro-Jex technology is related to the total normal stress on the failure surface, φ is the angle of
change of stress distribution on the heap leach pad. Due to internal friction, σ is effective stress, and u is pore pressure.
drag forces induced by high-pressure injection, particulate In the numerical approach (Finite difference—FLAC3D), tet-
tends to move away from the injection point, leaving a near rahedron nodes are referred by numbers 1 to 4, and fluid den-
horizontal voidage channel behind. Also, it causes finer- sity and pore pressure are assumed to be constant and linear
grained materials to move out of the area near the well within a tetrahedron, respectively. The Gauss divergence theo-
(Fig. 6, [22]). Horizontal cavity creation and fine grain wash- rem is used to find the pressure head gradient [23, 27],
out near the wellbore increase the permeability of heap mate-
1 4  ðlÞ
rials after short-term pumping of several hours. This allows ðp−pf xi g i Þ j ¼ − ∑ Pl −pf xli g i n j S ðlÞ ð5Þ
solution to return to the perforated wellbore, then flow down 3V l¼1
to the bottom of the well (Fig. 7). Consequently, the phreatic
where nl is the exterior unit vector normal to face l, S is
surface drops as solution drains from the heap leach material.
the face surface area, and V is the tetrahedron volume.
This eventually affects pore pressure and stress distribution.
To increase numerical accuracy, xi is substituted by
FOS is defined as the ratio between shear strength and
xi −x1i in Eq. 5 where x1i corresponds to the coordinates
stress required for equilibrium [27]. Using Mohr-Coulomb’s
of one of the tetrahedron’s corners. As a result, Eq. 5
criterion for failure (Eq. 2) and Terzaghi’s expression for ef-
can be replaced by [23],
fective stress (Eq. 3), FOS can be defined as [28]:
1 4 *l ðlÞ ðlÞ
τ ¼ c þ σtanφ ð2Þ ðp−pf xi gi Þ j ¼ − ∑ p nj S ð6Þ
3V l¼1
σ ¼ σ−u ð3Þ
shear strength of soil unit c þ σtanφ c þ ðσ−uÞtanφ
where the nodal quantity p∗l is defined as,
FOS ¼ ¼ ¼ 
shear stress required for equilibrium τ τ
p*l ¼ pl −pf xli −x1i gi ð7Þ

Table 3 Material properties for

numerical modeling Material properties Foundation Ore Surface layer Protection layer Liner Units

Density 2500 2000 2000 1800 600 kg/m3

Bulk modulus 10 × 109 80 × 106 80 × 106 27.7 × 106 3.45 × 109 Pa
Shear modulus 4.6 × 109 48 × 106 48 × 106 11.36 × 106 3.57 × 108 Pa
Cohesion 5 × 106 0 2 × 105 0 -- Pa
Tension 5 × 105 0 2 × 104 0 2 × 106 Pa
Internal friction angle 36 33 33 32 14 °
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 6 Schematic representation

of cavity initiation and washout of
fines near the wellbore [22]

3 Results and Discussion wellbore bottom, the condition after the Hydro-Jex op-
eration can be considered as a drain-down state. For
One way to investigate the stability of the Hydro-Jex modeling purposes, only static conditions were
operation is to compare the phreatic surface before (con- considered.
ventional heap leaching) and after injection. Such a A series of stability analyses were conducted to eval-
comparison shows that the Hydro-Jex operation reduces uate the stability of saturated and dry conditions before
the saturation zone. Thus, the phreatic surface goes be- and after Hydro-Jex operation. A higher FOS value is
low the wellbore bottom (Table 1) in the long run. an indicator of greater general stability of the heap
Lowering the water table level decreases pore pressure leach pad at each stage. Modeling results show FOS
and increases FOS. Ideally, using an optimum pressure values of 3.35 and 2.68 for dry (after Hydro-Jex) and
injection increases permeability of the heap and keeps saturated (before Hydro-Jex) conditions, respectively.
solution from aggregating anywhere above the liner. This implies that the Hydro-Jex operation improves the
This injection pressure should be high enough to in- stability of the heap leach pad at the Los Filos Mine by
crease zone permeability in the short time duration of 26%. Figures 8 and 9 show maximum displacement be-
a few hours, which expedites leaching time, yet low fore and after Hydro-Jex operation, respectively. Fluid
enough not to risk the stability of the heap. At the level drainage leaves no pore pressure after the operation;
of injection, overburden pressure is usually less than the however, overburden pressure is still present in all
lower limit of injection pressure required to lift up the cases. After the Hydro-Jex (Fig. 9) injection in wellbore
material above the injection zone, which increases effec- HJ.6 (Hydro-Jex well number 6), the depth of mobilized
tive permeability. As saturation level drops below the zone and magnitude of displacement around the HJ.6

Fig. 7 Schematic of treatment

and drain down from each zone
(a–n) in a Hydro-Jex® well
pumping stimulation [26]
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 10 Effect of phreatic surface depth on FOS value

Fig. 8 Displacement of the heap leach pad before the Hydro-Jex opera-
tion. Black line indicates liner location

during the Hydro-Jex operation, e.g., ~ 5.0 bar is the minimum

reduce by 50% (from 27 to 13 m) and 28% (from 14 to fluid pressure for 25-m depth at the location of HJ.6. This
around 10 cm), respectively. This can be referred to as pressure creates a non-zero effective stress during the opera-
an increase in permeability followed by a decrease in tion and possibly a local weak sliding plane reinforced by the
pore pressure after the operation. Also, steel casing shear strength of the steel well casing with solution pressure
installed in the wellbore acts similar to reinforcement decreasing away from the well due to particle friction and
with soil nails [29]. A precise measurement and/or drag. In investigating sliding instability, the worst case is con-
modeling of permeability of the in situ material can sidered where pore pressure around each well is set to the
further support these results. injection pressure of ~ 5 bar (Fig. 12) in an asynchronous
Figure 10 illustrates a sensitivity analysis on the im- manner (i.e., one zone and one well at a time).
pact of phreatic surface depth on stability of the heap A comparison between before and during Hydro-Jex
leach pad. As phreatic surface depth increases, FOS, operation shows a FOS decrease from 2.68 before
and thus stability, increases; however, FOS values for Hydro-Jex to 2.65 during Hydro-Jex. This 1.1% reduc-
the phreatic surface of 20 m below the heap top or tion suggests that instability caused by high-pressure
ground surface (about one-third of liner depth) and dry injection is negligible, most likely due to the fact that
condition are 3.3 and 3.4, respectively, which indicates the area affected by high-pressure injection (roughly the
less than 3% increase. Figure 11 shows displacement in volume of a cylinder with 15-m radius and 1.5-m
the heap leach pad as a function of phreatic surface height) is much smaller than the overall heap dimen-
depth. These results indicate that maximum displace- sions. Also, displacement contours remain nearly the
ment in the heap leach pad is reduced from 17 to same before (Fig. 8) and during (Fig. 12) the Hydro-
4 cm by increasing phreatic surface depth. Jex operation. Maximum displacement shows a ~ 20%
Overburden pressure determines the lower limit of pressure increase (as expected to increase permeability) within
to create rechanneling (i.e., increase effective permeability) the injection zone; however, it is local displacement
around the well, it affects only a small area, and it does
not cause any instability around the well.
Injection pressure is selected based on overburden height at
each point. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to analyze
the safety range for injection pressure. Modeling results show
that increasing injection pressure more than 6.0 bar at 25-m
depth causes instability in the heap leach pad (Fig. 13). This
analysis indicates that the safety zone for working pressure is
between 4 and 6 bar and the heap can bear up to 25% above
overburden pressure. This trend is similar for all depths and
25% can be considered as a safety zone for pressure calcula-
tion. Displacement analysis results (Fig. 14) show that high-
pressure injection (up to 6.75 bar) does not affect liner integ-
rity, whereas mass and pressure need to increase significantly
Fig. 9 Displacement of the heap leach pad after the Hydro-Jex operation. to exert a downward force on the liner (Fig. 15).
Black line indicates liner location
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 11 Effect of phreatic surface

depth on displacement in the heap
leach pad. Black line indicates
liner location, and purple line
indicates phreatic surface

Fig. 12 Pore pressure counters

before and during the Hydro-Jex
operation. Black line indicates
liner location, and purple line in-
dicates phreatic surface

Fig. 13 Displacement of heap

leach pad during Hydro-Jex op-
eration at wellbore HJ.6. Black
line indicates liner location
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

the heap based on the saturation zone of monitoring wells

before and after the operation. As permeability increases, pore
pressure and phreatic surface decline, resulting in higher sta-
bility for the heap. FOS analysis suggests that the Hydro-Jex
operation ideally improves the stability of the heap by 26%.
Geophysical data attributes this significant improvement to
the proper choice of drilling Hydro-Jex wells where
overcompaction and/or physicochemical properties of materi-
al result in water solution build-ups in heap leach pads at the
Los Filos Mine. In such cases, high-pressure injection can
break the overcompaction and release water solution build-
ups to drain down the Hydro-Jex well post-injection. Using
Fig. 14 Effect of injection zone pressure on FOS overburden and higher pressure limits (< 25%), numerical
modeling dismisses any significant instability of the heap in-
duced by injection pressure. Therefore, it can be inferred that
any instability stemming from high-pressure injection is insig-
4 Conclusions nificant compared with the dimensionality of the heap during
the Hydro-Jex operation. In addition, displacement analysis
In this research, monitoring wells, phreatic surface, permeabil- indicates that liner integrity remains intact at high injection
ity of the heap, fluid displacement, and FOS are used before, pressure, even in the unstable zone. These results are based
after, and during the Hydro-Jex operation to analyze the sta- on the single case study described herein and may not be
bility of heap leach pads at the Los Filos Mine. It is demon- applied to all cases and situations. The authors are working
strated that the Hydro-Jex operation increases permeability of to develop small-scale and large-scale laboratory tests to

Fig. 15 Effect of injection zone

pressure on displacement around
well. Red area inside black line
indicates failed zone
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

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