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Original Article

Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Truncating

Variants in Nuclear Envelope Genes in Patients
With Cardiovascular Disease
Gloria T. Haskell, PhD; Brian C. Jensen, MD; Leigh Ann Samsa, PhD; Daniel Marchuk, BS;
Wei Huang, BS; Cecile Skrzynia, MS; Christian Tilley, BS; Bryce A. Seifert, PhD;
Edgar A. Rivera-Muñoz, BS; Beverly Koller, PhD; Kirk C. Wilhelmsen, MD, PhD;
Jiandong Liu, PhD; Hassan Alhosaini, MD; Karen E. Weck, MD; James P. Evans, MD, PhD;
Jonathan S. Berg, MD, PhD

Background—The genetic variation underlying many heritable forms of cardiovascular disease is incompletely understood,
even in patients with strong family history or early age at onset.
Methods and Results—We used whole exome sequencing to detect pathogenic variants in 55 patients with suspected
monogenic forms of cardiovascular disease. Diagnostic analysis of established disease genes identified pathogenic
variants in 21.8% of cases and variants of uncertain significance in 34.5% of cases. Three patients harbored heterozygous
nonsense or splice-site variants in the nucleoporin genes NUP37, NUP43, and NUP188, which have not been implicated
previously in cardiac disease. We also identified a heterozygous splice site variant in the nuclear envelope gene SYNE1
in a child with severe dilated cardiomyopathy that underwent transplant, as well as in his affected father. To confirm
a cardiovascular role for these candidate genes in vivo, we used morpholinos to reduce SYNE1, NUP37, and NUP43
gene expression in zebrafish. Morphant embryos displayed cardiac abnormalities, including pericardial edema and heart
failure. Furthermore, lymphoblasts from the patient carrying a SYNE1 splice-site variant displayed changes in nuclear
morphology and protein localization that are consistent with disruption of the nuclear envelope.
Conclusions—These data expand the repertoire of pathogenic variants associated with cardiovascular disease and validate
the diagnostic and research use of whole exome sequencing. We identify NUP37, NUP43, and NUP188 as novel
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candidate genes for cardiovascular disease, and suggest that dysfunction of the nuclear envelope may be an under-
recognized component of inherited cardiac disease in some cases.  (Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017;10:e001443. DOI:
Key Words: animals ◼ cardiomyopathy ◼ dilated cardiomyopathy ◼ edema ◼ genetic variation

F amilial cardiac disease accounts for significant morbid-

ity and mortality worldwide.1 Many monogenic heritable
forms of cardiomyopathy, ion channelopathy, and aortic aneu-
the intermediate filament proteins lamins A and C, with lamin
A being a major component of the nuclear envelope (NE).
Several LMNA mutations have been identified in patients dis-
rysm have been documented clinically. A genetic cause has playing a particularly aggressive form of dilated cardiomyopa-
been identified for many cardiovascular disease (CVD) cases thy (DCM) and conduction system defects,3,4 and mutations in
previously deemed idiopathic, and multiple genes are now the lamin A–binding protein, emerin, cause Emery–Dreifuss
clearly associated with monogenic forms of CVD. Despite Muscular Dystrophy 1 with cardiac conduction defects and
this, a significant percentage of putatively familial cases lack atrial arrhythmia.5,6 Mutations in additional NE genes have
a molecular diagnosis,2 indicating that many genetic contribu- also been proposed as causes of various cardiac disease phe-
tions to Mendelian forms of CVD remain undiscovered. notypes, including the presenilin genes PSEN1 and PSEN2,
associated with DCM, and TMEM43, associated with Emery–
See Article by Puckelwartz Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 7 and arrhythmogenic right ven-
See Clinical Perspective tricular dysplasia.7–10 Despite these associations, relatively
One of the most readily recognized genes associated with little is known about the 80 or more proteins that reside in
monogenic forms of cardiac disease is LMNA, which encodes the NE about a contribution to familial CVD, particularly in

Received April 18, 2016; accepted March 20, 2017.

From the Department of Pathology, Duke University, Durham, NC (G.T.H.); Division of Cardiology (B.C.J.), McAllister Heart Institute (B.C.J., L.A.S.,
W.H., J.L.), Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology (L.A.S., W.H., J.L.), Department of Genetics (D.M., C.S., C.T., B.A.S., E.A.R.-M., B.K.,
K.C.W., K.E.W., J.P.E., J.S.B.), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (J.L., K.E.W.), UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill; Renaissance
Computing Institute, Chapel Hill, NC (K.C.W.); and ECU Heart Institute, Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC (H.A.).
The Data Supplement is available at
Correspondence to Gloria Haskell, PhD, Cytogenetics and Molecular Diagnostics, Duke University Health System Clinical Laboratory, Room 0220
Wadsworth Bldg, 2351 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circ Cardiovasc Genet is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.116.001443

2   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease

comparison to other gene classes, such as genes encoding sar- (F: TCCTTGAATAACGCTTTGTCCA/R: ACTTAGATGTGGG
comere proteins, or ion channels. TAATTCATGCT), NUP37 (F: AGTTTTCTTATTTGTTGTTCCT
The recognition that alterations in NE genes can lead to human
disease, including CVD, has created interest in understanding the and NUP188 (F: ACTCTCCTTAGAACAAAAATGGGGA/R:
full repertoire of NE gene mutations seen in humans.11 Whole GCATGTTGAGGGCCACATTC).
exome sequencing (WES) can detect coding variants throughout
the genome, and thus offers an opportunity to survey the con- Cell Culture, Immunofluorescence, and Microscopy
tribution of numerous genes in suspected monogenic forms of With informed consent and approval from the UNC Institutional
CVD. Accordingly, we screened 55 patients with CVD for patho- Review Board, follow-up blood samples were obtained from
genic variants via WES, and identified a molecular diagnosis for NCG_00024 and his father. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were trans-
over 20% of our cohort. WES also identified candidate mutations formed with Epstein Barr virus by the UNC Tissue Culture Facility.
Control cells used were GM12765 from Coriell human cell reposito-
in novel disease genes that encode components of the NE. In this ry. Six thousand cells/well from passage 3 or earlier were plated onto
report, we describe 4 putative truncating variants in the NE genes NuNc/LabTekII CC-2–coated chamber slides (Sigma), adhered for 5
NUP37, NUP43, NUP188 and SYNE1 found in patients with days, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 30 minutes, and stained in
severe but distinct cardiovascular conditions. the chamber slides. Primary antibodies used were rabbit anti-nesprin1
(Sigma; 1:250) and goat anti-lamin A (Millipore; 1:250). Cellular
actin was visualized by Alexafluor-conjugated phalloidin (Life
Methods Technologies). Alexafluor secondary antibodies were used at 1:2000.
Slides were cover slipped with Prolong Gold containing 4′,6-diamid-
Patient Enrollment ino-2-phenylindole and imaged on a Zeiss AxioImager M2. Samples
Individuals provided informed consent and were enrolled in the were blinded and nuclei from 2 separate experiments were scored.
NCGENES (North Carolina Clinical Genomic Evaluation by Next Abnormal shapes were defined as micronuclei, blebbed, or irregular
Generation Exome Sequencing) study by a certified genetic coun- nuclei. Normal morphology was defined as a smooth spherical shape.
selor. Reported variants were Sanger confirmed in UNC’s College The difference in the number of abnormal cells between control and
of American Pathologists and Clinical Laboratory Improvement patient cells was evaluated using Fisher t test.
Amendments–certified clinical molecular genetics laboratory.
Reports and clinical interpretation were provided to patients by a
board-certified medical geneticist and genetic counselor. Expression Analysis
RNA from murine heart and zebrafish embryos was isolated using
Trizol or RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen). RNA quality was checked on an
Whole Exome Sequencing Agilent Bioanalyzer, and reverse transcribed using QuantiTect Reverse
With UNC Institutional Review Board approval, genomic DNA was Transcription Kit (Qiagen) or Superscript III supermix (Invitrogen).
isolated from whole blood in the UNC Biospecimen Processing One microliter of 1:20 cDNA was used to amplify transcripts using
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Facility. Sample quality and quantity were measured using an Agilent Ssofast Evagreen kit (BioRad). Reactions were run in triplicate, and
Bioanalyzer or Tape Station. Libraries were prepared using the Agilent relative expression levels were compared with ACTB or GAPDH. A
SureSelect All Exon V4 kit and paired-end sequenced on a HiSeq2500 2-way ANOVA was done to compare gene expression and morpholi-
at the UNC High Throughput Sequencing Facility at an average depth nos, followed by a post hoc Fisher t test for individual morpholinos.
of 50×, and achieving at least 8× coverage for 98% of all CVD diagnos-
tic genes. Mapping (hg19), alignment, and variant calling were done ac-
cording to the Broad Institute’s best practices using Burrows-Wheeler Animal Husbandry
Aligner and Genome Analysis Toolkit.12,13 Variants were computation- Adult wild-type ICR mice and wild-type and Tg (myl7:green fluo-
ally annotated and filtered using an in-house bioinformatics pipeline rescent protein)twu26 zebrafish were maintained at UNC-CH animal
based on genomic position, minor allele frequency (MAF) within the facilities. Embryos were produced and recovered by natural spawn-
1000 Genomes database and Exome Aggregation Consortium database ing or timed matings (mice) in accordance with Institutional Animal
(n=61 486 exomes), and predicted protein effect.14 Care and Use Committee protocols. Zebrafish embryos were main-
tained at 28.5° in system water and treated from 24 hours post fer-
tilization (hpf) with 1-phenyl 2-thoiurea to prevent pigmentation.
Diagnostic Analysis
Patient WES data were filtered on all gene lists relevant to their
phenotype. Diagnostic lists were generated for cardiomyopathy, ar- Morpholinos
rhythmia, and thoracic aortic aneurysm. The diagnostic gene lists Splice-blocking antisense morpholino oligos (MOs) against syn-
were curated from commercial CVD gene panels, Online Mendelian e1b, nup37, and nup43 were designed by and purchased from
Inheritance in Man entries, and PubMed searches (Table I in the Data GeneTools, Inc. Sequences (5′–3′): zsyne1b MO-I, e44i44,
Supplement), and variants were annotated with respect to conser- CCTGGAAATCAAACTTACCTGTAGT; zsyne1b MO-II, e38i38,
vation, protein functional domains, and consensus deleteriousness GCTCTGAAGATGAAGCGTACCTTGA; znup43 MO-I, e7i7,
pathogenicity predictions.15 Variants were classified according to GCAGCGAAATCATTGCTTACTCTGT; znup43 MO-II, e4i4,
American College of Medical Genetics guidelines.16 Case-level re- ATGCGCCACAAAACACTTACCAATA; znup37 MO-I, e4i4,
sults were defined as “positive,” “negative,” or “uncertain” depend- AAAAAGAGAGCTACCTTCACATCAC; znup37 MO-II, e3i3,
ing on the degree of phenotypic overlap between the patient and the ACACAAGTTCAAAACTATACCTGA; and Standard Control MO,
variant(s)/condition identified.48 Sanger fill-in for hypertrophic car- CCTCTTACCTCAGTTACAATTTATA. Nup37 and nup43 MO were
diomyopathy cases was performed on 2 regions poorly covered by used at 7 ng, and syne1b MO was used at 8 ng. Zebrafish embryos at
WES: exons 9 and 14 in MYH7 and exon 8 in MYBPC3. the 1 to 2 cell stage were injected with 1 nL of morpholino or 350 pg
For the research sweep on negative cases, python scripts were RNA in water buffered with 5 mmol/L 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-pipera-
used to make Structured Query Language database queries to select zineethanesulfonic acid. For RNA-rescue experiments, pCS2 clones
rare (MAF <0.001) frame-shift, splice-site, or nonsense variants containing sequence-verified Nup37 and Nup43 open-reading frames
throughout the whole exome. Evaluation of Panther cellular com- were obtained from the Harvard plasmid repository (HsCD00324272
partment classifications (release 20150430) in the AmiGO database and HsCD00339012). Full-length mRNA was transcribed using
revealed ontology for genes on our CVD diagnostic lists. Candidate mMessage machine (Ambion), purified, and analyzed with the Tape
NE variants were also Sanger verified. SYNE1 Station.
3   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease

Zebrafish Phenotyping MS variants (MAF<0.002 in ExAC) in our entire NCGENES

Unfertilized and dead embryos were removed from dishes within cohort, and found no significant difference in the distribution of
12 hpf and again at 24 hpf. For phenotyping, 3 dpf embryos were TTN MS variants that were rare or had higher combined annota-
placed 1 per well and scored under a brightfield microscope. The sig- tion dependent depletion scores (an in silico prediction of del-
nificance of the difference in percentage of animals with pericardial
edema under different experimental conditions at 72 hpf was evalu- eteriousness) in cases with DCM compared with 451 controls
ated first using a χ2 analysis to compare all groups, followed by a (NCGENES participants without a cardiovascular phenotype,
2-tailed Fisher t test at α<0.05 with a bonferroni correction of 0.007. Figure 1C; Table III in the Data Supplement).
Heart chamber abnormality was evaluated in Tg animals by examin- Although TTN variants were reported in 10 of 55 cases
ing green fluorescent protein-labeled heart chambers at 100×. Any with CVD, other genes contributed pathogenic variants to only
tail curvature was noted. Embryos that died between 24 and 72 hpf
were counted as dead. To assess heart rate, 15-s videos were recorded 1 or 2 cases. Two individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
at 30 frames per second on unanesthetized 3 dpf embryos using a thy carried distinct pathogenic variants in MYH6, and 2 cases
Leica M205C fluorescence stereoscope and Leica Application Suite with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy harbored the same rare
software. Heartbeats were manually scored by a blinded observer and pathogenic missense variant in MYBPC3 (Table II in the Data
multiplied by 4 to calculate heart rate in beats per minute. Supplement). All other genes explained only 1 case (Figure 1D).

Results Research Analysis

Exome data were obtained from 55 patients enrolled in the A significant number of cases were negative in our diagnos-
NCGENES study. Individuals were referred by a cardiologist tic analysis (43.6%, Figure 1A). To identify novel candidate
with hallmarks of a Mendelian cardiogenetic disease, includ- disease-causing variants in these cases, we broadened our
ing severity, age of onset, or positive family history. The analysis to the entire captured exome. Examination of all rare
cohort reflects the diversity typically encountered clinically; (MAF<0.001) nonsense, splice-site, and frame-shifting vari-
most patients were enrolled for cardiomyopathy or long QT, ants identified 4 candidate mutations in NE genes (Figure 2).
and patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm or severe mitral Interestingly, 3 of these predicted loss of function (pLOF)
valve prolapse, were also enrolled. variants were in genes encoding nucleoporins (NUPs), pro-
teins that comprise the nuclear pore complexes. Nuclear pore
Diagnostic Analysis complexes are multiprotein structures that facilitate nucleocy-
To investigate WES diagnostic yield of this relatively toplasmic shuttling of mRNAs and proteins, provide structural
unselected cohort, we first filtered for variants present in genes integrity to the NE, bind other NE components such as lamin
associated with the patient’s phenotype (Table I in the Data A, and may also interact with chromatin.18–21
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Supplement). These diagnostic lists include genes encoding Heterozygous nonsense variants were identified in the
sarcomeric proteins (38 genes; 36.2% of all genes on the diag- nucleoporins NUP37 and NUP43, and a heterozygous consen-
nostic lists) and ion channels (17 genes; 16.2% of all genes), sus splice donor variant was identified in NUP188 (Figures 2
molecular classes that are well recognized in CVD pathogen- and 3A). Although each individual in whom these variants were
esis. Interestingly, we noted that a substantial number of the identified was enrolled for an apparently autosomal-dominant
other genes on these lists encoded proteins that reside in the form of CVD, each had a distinct phenotype. Candidate vari-
NE (7 genes; 6.7%). NE genes were present on all 3 CVD ants were Sanger confirmed. Thus, we identified 3 different
phenotype gene lists: cardiomyopathy (LMNA, EMD, PSEN1, pLOF variants in nucleoporins in CVD patients with severe,
PSEN2, TMEM43, and TMPO), arrhythmia (TMEM43 and but distinct cardiovascular phenotypes.
EMD), and thoracic aortic aneurysm (SMAD3). We also identified a splice acceptor variant in the NE gene
WES variants from all gene lists relevant to the patient’s SYNE1 in a 17-year-old male with DCM who underwent heart
phenotype were examined. Twelve of 55 (21.8%) patients har- transplant at the age of 15 years. His father also had DCM
bored a known or likely pathogenic variant in an established and had a left ventricular assist device implanted. SYNE1 has
CVD gene, and an additional 19 of 55 patients (34.5%) had an previously been implicated in cardiomyocyte function and
uncertain result (Figure 1A). A total of 37 variants were reported cardiomyopathy in mice, as well as a myopathy with variable
to patients, and 16 of these had been previously seen in the pri- cardiac and skeletal muscle involvement, Emery–Dreifuss
mary literature or ClinVar (Table II in the Data Supplement). muscular dystrophy 4 (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Individuals with arrhythmia were most likely to get a positive 612998).22–25 Both of these individuals were followed clini-
result, whereas only 1 of 11 (12.5%) patients with aneurysms or cally for years by a cardiologist and were not noted to have
valvular conditions received a positive result. Cardiomyopathy any muscle weakness. The ability to perform cascade testing
cases had the greatest number of variant of unclear significance, for these cases was limited; however, the affected father of the
although variant of unclear significance were encountered in all subject with severe DCM was available for follow-up analy-
phenotypic classes (Figure 1B). sis. Targeted sequencing showed that the affected father also
In agreement with others, we found that TTN truncating vari- carries the SYNE1 c.6403-1 splice variant (Figure 2).
ants comprise the bulk of mutations for patients with DCM.17
Because of the gene’s large size, TTN variants are routinely In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Candidate
encountered in WES. Because many rare missense variants in Disease-Associated NE Genes
TTN could not be excluded as potentially pathogenic, TTN con- The NUP37, NUP188, and SYNE1 variants are not present in the
tributed a large number of variant of unclear significance for our ExAC database of 61 486 exomes, and the NUP43 (R339Ter)
cardiomyopathy cohort. We compared the distribution of all TTN variant is rare (MAF=0.00002), indicating these variants cannot
4   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease
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Figure 1.  A, Whole exome sequencing (WES) diagnostic yield in a clinically diverse set of 55 patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD).
B, Diagnostic yield differs among CVD phenotypic classes. Gray bars: variant of unclear significance. Inset shows yield minus cases
solely with TTN ms variants. C, The distribution of rare TTN missense variants does not differ significantly between CVD and non-CVD
NCGENES (North Carolina Clinical Genomic Evaluation by Next Generation Exome Sequencing) participants. For each gene region, the
number of rare variants (minor allele frequency <0.002) in cases (blue) and controls (yellow) is shown on the bottom. Top numbers show
average number of variants in cases then controls for each region of amino acids (NM_001267550.1): Z-band (1–831), Near Z-band
(832–2169), I-band (2170–15 655), A-band (15 656–33 588), and M-band (33 589–35 992). D, Genes in which variants were reported back
to NCGENES CVD participants. The number of cases in which variants in each gene were reported is shown on the y-axis.

be considered benign polymorphisms based on population fre- cardiomyopathy.23 Similar changes have been shown in cells
quency. Moreover, we found that while 3 of 55 patients with CVD from a patient with cardiomyopathy carrying a SYNE1 mis-
carried a truncating variant of MAF <0.001, none were found in sense variant.24 To determine whether our WES-identified
NCGENES participants enrolled for noncardiovascular condi- SYNE1 splice-site variant was associated with cytological
tions (n=451, P=0.001, Figure 3B). These data show that rare changes in NE morphology, we analyzed patient lympho-
pLOF variants in nucleoporins are enriched in patients with CVD. blasts. Nesprin1 protein in control cells was present on the
Very little functional data exist on the nucleoporins we nuclear surface and extended into the cytoplasm (Figure 5A).
identified, and their expression in heart has not previously been In the patient with DCM, nesprin1 staining was detected in
described. To address this, we generated cDNA from adult and the NE in a pattern similar to control cells, although the stain-
embryonic day 11 (E11.0) mouse heart, and screened for expres- ing appeared more confined to the nucleus, and less homog-
sion of our candidate genes. All genes were expressed in both enous, with large nuclear regions devoid of nesprin1 staining
E11.0 and adult mouse heart, and expression levels vary between (Figure 5B). SYNE1-encoded nesprin protein binds to lamin
stage of development and adult heart compartment (Figure 4A). A, a marker of the inner NE, and alterations in lamin A are
Expression of NUP37 was 7-fold higher in atrium versus ven- known to cause DCM, so we examined expression of lamin A
tricle, which was notable given the atrial fibrillation phenotype protein in patient cells. In contrast to the spherical perinuclear
seen in this patient (Figure 4B). These data are in agreement with staining in control cells, patient nuclei demonstrated immu-
gene expression data found in the Genotype-Tissue Expression noreactive puncta within nuclear blebs and bulges (Figure 5C
database (; accessed July 8, 2016) and 5D). Patient cells also had a globular pattern of actin in
showing that these genes are expressed in human heart. contrast to the well-organized linear arrays of actin typically
Mice missing a portion of the SYNE1 gene display abnor- seen in control cells (Figure 5E and 5F), consistent with a
mal nuclear shape, mislocalization of NE components, and previously reported role for SYNE1 in proper actin binding,
5   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease

Figure 2.  Sanger confirmation of variants in NUP37, NUP43, NUP188, and SYNE1.

formation, and localization.25–27 The number of patient cells Xenopus.28 We, therefore, investigated the functional role
with an abnormal nuclear morphology was significantly of SYNE1, NUP37, and NUP43 in vivo through morpholino
increased compared with control cells (Figure 5G). Thus, knockdown in zebrafish.
examination of cells from the patient carrying a splice-site Because zebrafish embryos rely on diffusion to circulate
variant in SYNE1 is consistent with morphological alterations oxygen throughout their bodies for the first several days of
in the NE. life, it is possible to study mutations which severely affect
cardiovascular development and circulation, and which ulti-
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Functional Evaluation of Candidate Genes mately lead to heart failure. Accordingly, zebrafish have
The phenotypes of the patients carrying pLOF variants in become a model organism of choice for investigating the func-
NE genes suggested that mutations in these genes might tion of candidate CVD genes.29,30
preferentially affect cardiovascular development or function, We confirmed the presence of zebrafish orthologues of
and knockdown of one of the candidate genes, nup188, has human SYNE1, NUP37, and NUP43, and all are expressed in
previously been shown to result in heart looping defects in zebrafish heart during development. Expression of nup37 and

Figure 3.  A, Schematic diagram of the 3 nucleoporin variants found in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The nonsense variant
in NUP37 is located just 3′ to the first tryptophan-aspartic acid (W-D) dipeptide domain, shaded black. The nonsense variant in NUP43
may produce a protein missing several C-terminal beta sheets (arrows; model shown in yellow). The location of the NUP188 splice site
variant is shown in relation to armadillo repeats (gray) and known phosphorylation and ubiquitination sites. B, Three out of 55 patients
with CVD carried a rare (minor allele frequency <0.001) truncating variant in a nucleoporin gene, vs. none in 451 patients without CVD.
P=0.001, Fisher exact t test. pLOF indicates predicted loss of function.
6   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease

Figure 4. A, Syne1, Nup37, Nup43, and Nup188 transcripts were detected in embryonic day 11.0 mouse heart (lane 1), as well as adult
mouse atrium (lane 2), valve (lane 3), and ventricle (lane 4). B, Relative expression levels of Nup37, Nup43, Nup188, and Syne1 in adult
mouse heart normalized to expression of Gapdh. Data are represented as average of triplicate reactions, with SD error bars.

nup43 is stable from day 2 to day 3, whereas expression of a statistically significant slower heart rate than control animals
syne1b increases ≈12-fold from day 2 to day 3, when phenotypic at both 2 and 3 dpf. Co-injection of full-length human NUP43
scoring was done and animals were euthanized (data not shown). mRNA significantly ameliorated the bradyarrythmia in nup43-
Zebrafish embryos injected with 4 nmol/L standard con- MO injected embryos (Figure 6F). Thus, reduced expression of
trol MO, which does not bind any physiological target, were nup37 and nup43 results in cardiovascular defects without any
indistinguishable from uninjected clutch mates (Figure 6A). apparent effects on the rest of the body.
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Injection of an antisense (MO) that disrupts splicing of the The majority of embryos injected with a morpholino target-
normal nup37 transcript resulted in reduced nup37 expres- ing syne1b developed severe pericardial edema (Figure 6D, 6E,
sion at 3 dpf, as well as severe pericardial edema, a charac- and 6G). A small proportion of morphants displayed a curved
teristic manifestation of zebrafish heart failure, along with tail phenotype (Figure 6E; Figure II in the Data Supplement),
reduced blood flow and apparent arrhythmia in some animals consistent with SYNE1 being implicated in the variable skel-
(Figure 6B; Movie I in the Data Supplement). Injection of the etal and cardiac myopathy Emery–Dreifuss muscular dystro-
nup37 MO into Tg (myl7:enhanced green fluorescent protein) phy 4. Heart morphology appeared normal in many syne1b
embryos,31 which have fluorescently labeled cardiac myo- morphants with pericardial edema, whereas some morphants
cytes, demonstrated abnormalities of the heart chambers in showed small or stretched heart chambers in severely affected
several animals, including small or stretched atrium or malpo- animals (Figure II in the Data Supplement). Many syne1b mor-
sitioned chambers that had not looped properly (Figure I in the phants with pericardial edema had pooled blood and reduced
Data Supplement). A second, independent nup37 morpholino or absent blood flow (Movie II Data Supplement). Rescue with
designed against a separate splicing boundary yielded similar full-length SYNE1 mRNA was not feasible given the length
results (Figure I in the Data Supplement). Co-injection of full- of its 27kb open-reading frame; a second, independent mor-
length human NUP37 mRNA rescued the morphant pheno- pholino designed against a separate splicing boundary yielded
type to a significant extent (Figure 6G). similar results (Figure II in the Data Supplement). These
Previously described mutations associated with thoracic results indicate that aberrant expression of NE genes can lead
aortic aneurysm result in pericardial edema when evaluated in to abnormal cardiac development and heart failure in zebrafish.
zebrafish.32 Nup43 morphants also developed the expected peri-
cardial edema, although the proportion was less than in nup37
MO-injected animals (Figure 6C and 6G). Fifteen percent of
nup43 morphants displayed pericardial edema or heart cham- Diagnostic Analysis
bers that were in a linear orientation and seemed to have not fully Our results demonstrate that WES has both diagnostic and
looped properly (Figure 6C); this phenotype was ameliorated research use for a diversity of suspected monogenic forms of
in embryos injected with nup43 MO plus human NUP43 RNA CVD. WES identified a pathogenic variant in 21.8% of cases
(Figure 6G). At 3 dpf, the heart rate of many nup43 morphants with CVD, with diagnostic yield varying among phenotypic
appeared slower than control-injected animals. We quantified classes. Because of lack of uniform coverage for all exons,
the apparent difference in heart rate by optical recording of Tg it is possible that causative variants were missed in this anal-
animals injected with either nup43 MO, control MO, or nup43 ysis, although most genes showed good coverage across all
MO followed by 350 pg NUP43 mRNA. nup43 morphants had individuals (Table IV in the Data Supplement). We found a
7   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease

Although cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia cases had a rel-

atively high yield, the yield for thoracic aortic aneurysm and
mitral valve prolapse cases was much lower, likely because
of a smaller number of known disease genes for these pheno-
types. We felt strongly that diagnostic results should only be
reported in genes with a strong gene–disease association; our
yield is, thus, more akin to running a targeted gene panel. A
major advantage with the use of WES as a diagnostic tool, as
opposed to using a gene panel approach, is that WES allows
further investigation of negative cases.
The yield of “uncertain” results in this study is consistent
with the experience of practicing clinicians; whereas such
results do not change clinical management, they are a valid
type of result routinely returned by clinical laboratories and
might be useful if an extended pedigree were available for
cosegregation studies to allow them to be classified further.49

Nucleoporins and Cardiac Disease

Unexpectedly, 3 cases in our cohort carried rare pLOF variants in
nucleoporin genes not previously associated with CVD, despite
truncating variants in these genes being absent in our broader
NCGENES cohort, or exceedingly rare in the ExAC database.
The sum of all pLOF variants reported in ExAC for NUP37, for
example, is <1 in 10 000, indicating that truncating variants in
this gene are rare. This is the second report to our knowledge
of a nucleoporin associated with familial CVD. Mutations in
NUP155 have been implicated in familial atrial fibrillation and
sudden death,35 the same phenotype and family history pres-
ent in NCG_00096 who carries the NUP37 (R339Ter) vari-
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ant. NUP37, NUP43, and NUP188 are, like NUP155, scaffold

nucleoporins, whose expression is important both for nuclear
pore complex assembly and transport function.19
As NUPs have been shown to play several different mech-
anistic roles beyond maintaining structural integrity of the
Figure 5.  Cells from the patient carrying a SYNE1 splice site vari- NE, including shuttling of specific cargo molecules36,37 and
ant display nuclear morphology consistent with nuclear envelope interacting with chromatin to regulate gene expression,20 the
disruption. A, Control cells exhibit nesprin 1 staining throughout exact mechanisms by which the NUP variants could lead to
the nucleus and into the cytoplasm. B, Cells from the patient with
dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) express nesprin-1, although stain- a cardiovascular phenotype remain unclear. Truncating vari-
ing seems less consistent, with some nuclear regions appearing ants producing nonsense-mediated decay would be expected
unstained. C, Lamin A staining in control cells defines a spherical to lead to haploinsufficiency, a mechanism that is supported
perinuclear ring. D, Lamin A staining in DCM patient cells with by morpholino knockdown experiments. Decreased nup188
irregular nuclei. Note the ring of lamin A staining seen inside the
nucleus (arrowhead). E, Phalloidin staining in control cells show expression in Xenopus embryos results in heart looping
linear arrays of actin. F, The actin in DCM patient cells seems defects, a phenotypic finding we also noted in a subset of
less organized and more globular than control cells. G, Percent- our nup37 and nup43 morphants. Alternatively, several of the
age of cells with abnormal nuclei is significantly higher in cells
from the DCM patient with the SYNE1 (50/94) variant vs. control
truncating variants could create proteins missing functional
cells (25/63). domains, which could result in loss-of-function or possibly
dominant-negative effects. Although our zebrafish data indi-
substantial number of novel likely pathogenic variants, and cate a potential role for nucleoporins in cardiovascular devel-
our annotations of these variants in well-phenotyped indi- opment, these proteins are likely to function in adult heart as
viduals will aid the clinical interpretation of these variants well, and ultimately, it is difficult to correlate phenotypes seen
by future groups. Truncating A-band mutations in TTN are in fish with phenotypes one would see in a human.38
a significant cause of cardiomyopathy, and thus, TTN vari-
ants must be evaluated for any patient with DCM undergoing Nesprin in Cardiomyopathy
clinical WES. Our analysis found no increase in rare or del- The SYNE1-encoded protein nesprin-1 is part of the LINC
eterious TTN MS variants in any region of the gene, in CVD (Linker of the Nucleus to the Cytoskeleton) complex. Mul-
cases compared with non-CVD cases. These results support a tiple isoforms have been reported for nesprin-1, and at least
growing body of evidence suggesting caution is warranted in one heart-specific regulatory element has been described.26
interpreting rare TTN missense variants as pathogenic in cases The NE-anchored nesprin-1 protein responds to mechanical
of autosomal dominant cardiomyopathy.33,34 force initiated at the cell surface through its interaction with
8   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease
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Figure 6.  Representative images from embryos injected with control morpholino oligo (MO) (A), nup37 MO (B), nup43 MO (C), and
syne1b MO (D). 20× (left) and 150× (middle) brightfield or fluorescence images of in Tg embryos. Dashed lines denote plane across the
head and yolk sac. In wild-type animals, the pericardial chamber is in the same plane, whereas edema in morphant animals causes the
pericardial chamber to swell significantly outside that plane. Right most panels show quantitative polymerase chain reaction results from
control (Ctrl) and MO-injected animals harvested at 3dpf. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences in gene expression using
2-way ANOVA analysis and follow-up t test. E, Representative images of the tail phenotypes seen in some syne1b MO-injected zebrafish.
F, The heart rate of nup43 morphants is slower than control zebrafish at 2 and 3 dpf, and this phenotype is significantly rescued in nup43
MO+nup43 mRNA-injected animals. G, Summary of morphant phenotypes. The asterisk designates significant difference, P<0.0001 in the
percentage of animals with pericardial edema.

cytoplasmic actin, and thereby affects downstream molecu- in LMNA-deficient cardiomyopathy; heterozygous nesprin
lar changes in the nucleus.39 Studies in mice demonstrate that mice display cardiac defects (M. Pucklewartz, personal com-
nesprin-1 coordinates the proper biomechanical gene response munication40), and SYNE1 variants have been identified in at
in cardiomyocytes and contributes to the cytoskeletal defects least 2 families with DCM, with or without skeletal muscle
9   Haskell et al   Nuclear Envelope Gene Mutations in Cardiac Disease



Figure 7.  Nuclear envelope (NE) genes

associated with familial cardiovascular
disease (CVD) are schematically depicted
within the inner nuclear membrane (INM),
INM outer nuclear membrane (ONM), or
nuclear pore complex. Established gene
disease associations are unbracketed;
candidate associations are shown in
brackets. DCM indicates dilated cardio-
lamin A DCM1A; EDMD 2,3 smad3 Loeys-Dietz type 3 myopathy; EDMD, Emery–Dreifuss mus-
cular dystrophy; and MVP, mitral valve
emerin EDMD1 nup37 {Afib; sudden death} prolapse.

tmem43 ARVD5; EDMD7 nup43 {MR; aneurysms}

nup155 Afib; sudden death
psen1 {DCM1U}
nup188 {MVP}
psen2 {DCM1V}
tmpo {DCM1T} nesprin-1

involvement.24,47 Physical disruption of normal LINC complex individuals with mutations in NE genes that could benefit
interactions is, therefore, a plausible biological mechanism from these approaches is, therefore, important. Future work
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underlying the cardiomyopathy in our patient and father. will further delineate the spectrum of phenotypes associated
The cardiovascular system, which undergoes constantly with mutations in NE genes and investigate the mechanism by
changing force and pressure, may be particularly vulnerable which NE genes, and nucleoporins specifically, contribute to
to alterations in NE components, including nuclear pores and CVD in humans.
LINC proteins.41–44 The phenotype of each patient in our cohort
carrying a candidate mutation in these NE genes is distinct, Acknowledgments
suggesting a spectrum of possible cardiovascular phenotypes We thank the family members who participated in this study.
dependent on the NE gene affected. Nevertheless, the WES
results suggest that human mutations in this gene class may be Sources of Funding
particularly important for CVD, a conclusion supported by our National Human Genome Research Institute award U01HG006487 to
statistical analysis in non-CVD NCGENES patients, expres- J.P. Evans, J.S. Berg, K.C. Wilhelmsen, K. Weck, and G.T. Haskell;
sion analysis in murine heart, and in vitro cell studies, as well NIH K08HL096836 and a grant from the UAI Research Foundation
as our zebrafish studies, where morphant animals developed to B. Jensen; UNC TraCS Institute UL1RR025747 and 550KR61305
to J.S. Berg.
cardiovascular phenotypes. Together, our results support the
idea that a healthy, intact NE is important for normal heart
function and expand the repertoire of genetic variants in NE Disclosures
genes that are associated with cardiogenetic disease. None.
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Although monogenic cases of various forms of cardiac disease have been suspected clinically for some time, the genes that
contribute to pathogenesis in those cases that are “negative” via traditional genetic testing have often eluded us. Although
one nucleoporin, NUP155, has been reported to cause familial atrial fibrillation, nucleoporins as a whole, are not well-
recognized as playing a substantial role in cardiovascular disease. We observed that truncating variants in nucleoporins
were enriched in patients with cardiovascular disease, compared with over 400 controls without cardiovascular disease, and
provide functional evidence in zebrafish that reduction of gene expression for 2 nucleoporins, NUP37 and NUP43, results in
a cardiac phenotype. We also provide functional evidence that SYNE1 splice variants can be associated with cardiovascular
disease in the absence of skeletal muscle disease, in both humans and zebrafish. Given the importance of LMNA in Men-
delian cases of cardiovascular disease, our results highlight the overall importance of nuclear envelope genes as an entire
physiological group, beyond just LMNA, that could be considered, along with other important gene groups, such as sarco-
mere proteins, or ion channels in relation to cardiovascular traits. The techniques used—whole exome sequencing followed
by a research analysis of negative individuals, along with functional follow-up—provides an additional framework for use
in cardiovascular genetics.
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